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Christine Wertheim Madonnas and Child

Genocide belongs to the category of natural, and not aberrant behavior. It follows that those who commit genocide are not bestial but human…[and that]….there must be a secular understanding of genocide.*

in the jungle in the darkness with |ts e|es there with |ts e|es there was a girl + she was pa ing she |’s pa ing they’re no more.




they’re in the jungle in the darkness there |’s a law there |’s a L rd who has no br th |t’s all been taken by a sp|r|t who’s been awed by what’s been stolen what’s been taken from his airs WHO has a v|s|on? + his v |ce |s + his s nd |s + his t ngues can barely pass ar nd the space where words are torn from out h|s m th + out h|s lungs by those WHO master + COMMAND h|m! as they’re prey|n’ on h|s v |ce if he can’t br the he cannot br the he can’t inhale he can’t respire if he cannot br the he cannot br the he can’t exhale he will expire.



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but this LORD he’S in RESISTANCE with an ARMY in the jungle where the sp|r|t “WHO Are YOU?” commands + masters all our fates where are the children who are stolen are the w pons are they prey|n’? to the sp|r|t “WHO Are YOU?” commands “|t’s never b n so bad.” he cannot br the he cannot br the he can’t inhale we will expire. he cannot br the he cannot br the he can’t make his m the to… MOVE!

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