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is it sidestepping or translation at play in the non verbal mediums expressing thought and emotion—like music, dance, painting etc? sort of presupposes that everything starts as language or impulse towards language. opposable thumb, bipedalism, language. these are the biggies which saddle us with wants like change or desire. i am wanting to, with this written language, express my excitement over these ideas—respond in careful kind and open yet other doors off these big doors but am preparing to leave town—to head to california where i will see you and talk via mouths and hand gestures—setting these clackings to rest for a short while. until i see you in a very short while i will say goodbye with this scantest of missives which says only “oh yes, i hear you and am excited and perplexed by these thoughts” love, stephanie


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succulents — a type of fractal — grow more exponentially in containment than in open space; there is a lesson in this, though the lesson may relate only to succulents. such succulence! and fibonacci over on the side looking like a cat’s paw blocking a sunset. accumulation or attrition? collecting or colliding? quantum leaps or quantum sleeps? a kind of holler that means hallelujah mixed with a deep and abiding shame. bodies are porous, as are days, utterances, sunsets and intentions; there is a lesson in this, though the lesson too may be porous. so many lessons and gap toothed caveats, porous in the extreme and the extreme is a melody, as are cats, whose softness and magnetic sleeps are a sort of porosity or propensity. propelling the paw lightning of horn sections into the occluded ballads of alleys and the tedious serengeti coexisting with unnamed militarized deserts we visit against our will, vast face pocked with misconstrued retribution. or unshaved debt collectors dressed like shirley temple, smiling and curtsying and kicking up their heels, all to no avail, lollypop juice stickum chins slowing their movements. yes, ghastly and unavailable. our landscape dotted with salesmen like correctly apportioned i’s, criss-crossed with mega-churches like t’s with their cross-beams hung out to dry.

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