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It was like watching the building implode in the film and feeling ecstatic and voluptuous oneself, wanting to press ‘rewind’ to watch the implosion over and over, its slide into voluptuousness, its fuck-you to the built. 45 It was like traveling to the model city and finding yourself in a museum looking at architectural models of the model city, moving from model to model lost in thought. * It was like moving from model to model of the model city inside the museum lost in thought while actually in the model city, and finding yourself lingering, reluctant to go back out into the real model city. * It was like shunning the real model city in favor of the idealized model city as offered to the visitor in a series of pristine still lifes of the model city set carefully atop pedestals in the museum. * It was like understanding the models of the model city as ecstatically static, and examining one’s own desire to be incorporated into the model, to formally reject the triumphs, and disappointments, of the real model city. 46 It was like watching swallows crisscross over the plazas of the Alhambra and thinking of the expression “bird’s-eye view,” and wondering aloud if birds take any enjoyment in the view. *

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