Lightworker Advocate April 2019 Edition

Page 13

HOW TO FEEL LESS ALONE AS A LIGHTWORKER WORDS BY TAHLEE ROUILLON PRINCIPLE - UNITY Growing up as a Highly Sensitive Empath was hard. As a child I was called melodramatic. As a teenager, I was told I needed to stop “flying off the handle”. My emotions were a rollercoaster, even as an adult. Similarly, the highs were just as potent. Music gave me goosebumps and often moved me to tears. I would get lost in long books and wild poetry. I felt feelings I couldn’t even name when a crisp autumn breeze caressed my face. Needless to say, I often felt very alone. Which was so frustrating because all I wanted was to be accepted, understood, and feel like I belonged. I craved union. Perhaps you can relate? Sensitive souls like empaths and lightworkers are often some of the most misunderstood people on the planet. We notice things and we ‘know’ things and it confuses and baffles people. Our experiences are dismissed and diluted. People often say ‘it can’t be that bad’, but it is. It really is!

"...We notice things and we 'know'things..." Disconnection kicks in and you start to believe that maybe no-one else feels the same way. Maybe you really are broken, malfunctioning and weird?! You hide your sensitivity, you shut down vulnerability and shame takes over. But here’s the thing. You’re not alone. Not even close. Highly sensitive people make up around 20% of the population, across all genders. It’s very likely that someone else you know is highly sensitive, an empath or a lightworker. Watch about Unity here

So, if you’re looking for unity and community, here are 3 ways to feel less alone as a lightworker: 1. Let go of shame When you’re judged by others for being “too sensitive” it’s easy to start judging yourself too. But the thing is, you can’t be judged for something you accept about yourself. You can never be rejected if you don't reject yourself. The instant you recognise, accept and love your sensitivity for the superpower it is - you instantly drop the need for anyone else's approval. And when that happens you step into your power, you know your worth and you claim your radiance. You unite with yourself. 2. Let go of specialness One of the tricks the ego plays on us is believing that no-one could possibly ever understand us because we’re so unique and one-of-a-kind. But the more you dissolve the idea of your specialness, you start to see our shared humanity. Connect with people from different walks of life and deepen intimacy with those you love with an open and curious mind. You’ll begin to see that we all share a yearning for belonging, love, peace and acceptance. 3. Let go of isolation Gone are the days of staying underground and working in isolation. The internet is a veritable playground of online communities! There are forums, magazines, blogs, Facebook groups, podcasts, even Instagram profiles filled with people just like you. Join memberships, comment on blogs and photos, research hashtags and reach out to others. You’ll be surprised and delighted by just how many people share your struggles and triumphs as a lightworker. - Tahlee Roullion

Tahlee Rouillon is a music composer & founder of Sonesence. She creates sonic sanctuaries for empaths & sensitive souls through her soothing meditones music. When heard with headphones, meditones create calm brain waves effortlessly; perfect for sensitive souls struggling in an overwhelming world. Tahlee also loves forests, friends, good food, Instagram, & laughing out loud. Real loud. When you hear it, you’ll know.


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