2022-23 HFCC Library Newsletter Issue 3

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Table of Contents

Editors’ words p.3

Introduction to Hyread p.4 to p.8

Introduction to Wheelers p. 9 to 16

Introduction to Scienceflix p.17

Teacher’s comments on E-platforms p.18

Book sharing by teachers p.19 to 20

RAS Winning Entries p.21 to 22

Book sharing by Library Prefect p.23

Trip to the Commercial Press p.24-27

Teachers’ Childhood Photos p.28

Have you ever felt reluctant to go out while wanting to fetch a new book to read? E-book platforms are at your service! We, the editors of the Library Newsletter, would like to introduce to you the two ebook platforms available to all of you–Hyread and Wheelers eplatform. With these platforms, you can enjoy a wide range of book choices at any time, anywhere, and on any device.

Due to the rapid development of technology, not only can we access various ebook platforms, but we can also obtain advanced knowledge via E-learning platforms. It is a good idea to utilise these resources to assist our learning journey. In this issue, we are also going to present to you an E-learning platform – Scienceflix. Instead of watching Netflix in our spare time like a couch potato, why don’t we leverage the time to be a smart potato by browsing Scienceflix?

Speaking of reading, did you join the series of the 423 World Book Day activities organised by the School Library? Apart from that, the Library also held many other riveting activities this year. Let's recap some of the euphoric moments in the following pages together to savour the sweet memories!!!

Reading 'til here, you must be curious about the results of teachers’-childhood-matching game from the last issue. You will be able to find the long-awaited release of answers at the last page!



Shared by Mr Nick Chan Mr Steven Cheung Ms Jessica Yuen

Book: The Joy Luck Club

Author: Amy Tan

Shared by Ms Christine Leung

書名: 點與線

作者: 松本清張

Shared by Ms Kenny Chan

Title: Atomic Habits

This book is called Atomic Habits. It introduces an easy way to build good habits and break away from bad ones. It first starts with an injury the author had encountered and it led to the reason why he learned about habits. Then he talks about the fundamentals of habits and why tiny changes can make a big difference. After that, he introduces four laws to behaviour change. I have always wanted to break away from my bad habits and change them into good ones. However, after I set my goals, it will be fine in the first few days but I will eventually continue with my bad ones unconsciously. When I saw one of my teachers reading it, I immediately became interested in this book. I bought it at the school’s book exhibition and began reading it.

I love one specific tip in the book. Getting 1 percent better every day counts a lot in the long run. If you want to succeed in a goal, most people will think that the results will gradually make them satisfactory. However, in reality, things don’t really go like this. People will feel disappointed after some time after putting in weeks or months of hard work without experiencing any results. They will eventually give up. You need to learn that the effort you put in is not wasted. Habits often make no difference until you cross a threshold and then the results will be seen. There will be a “valley of disappointment" before the expected results and you should not give up at this stage.

I really appreciate that the author uses loads of examples in explaining each tip he mentions. It makes the things he talks about a lot easier to understand. I would like to recommend this book to people who are struggling but would really want to help themselves to break their bad habits and form good ones.

2D Charisse Lam

Title: Twilight

Publisher: Little, Brown and Company

This book is about a love story between Bella and Edward, who is a mysterious vampire thirsting for blood . Bella managed to reveal Edward’s identity as a vampire and gradually transpire other deepest, concealed secrets of Edward Cullen and his family. Prior to the unexpected hurdles and adventures that Bella and Edward repeatedly ran into, they were both indifferent towards each other. While overcoming the epic journey in Folks and truly getting to know each other, they gradually fell in love in a profound way.

The book grasped my attention with its unusual cover which is a photo of a pair of human hands in black and white colors as well as a scarlet apple. The sharp contrast between the hands and the apple came as a shocking visual image to me. Hooked by the cover image, I was immediately drawn to the story.

I am left absolutely speechless by the ending. It is such a relief to see Bella and Edward clearing all the doubts and misunderstandings between them and fervently acknowledging their feelings towards each other after all these gripping and enticing moments.

The details of the plots in this book really deserve appreciation. I was mesmerised over and over by every adventure encountered by Bella, Edward and their friends. The descriptions are so vivid that I could truly visualise the whole scenario in my mind. The plot is fast-paced, while the details are thought-provoking; it successfully draws the readers in its presentation of the theme that love can surpass everything.

3A Angel Woo

書名: 魔笛童話推理事件簿

作者: 陳浩基

相信大家對《傑克與魔豆》和《哈姆林的吹笛人》這兩個童話故事都不陌 生。傑克沿著神奇魔豆長出來的莖,爬到巨人家中;神秘的吹笛人用笛 聲清除鼠患,最後因為得不到應有的報酬,一氣之下吹奏笛子帶走城中 所有的小孩。接下來我想和大家推介的這本書---《魔笛童話推理事件 簿》就是將這些童話故事改編而成的。

在小說中讀者可以跟隨主角萊爾,一個熱衷於探索和考證各地傳說故 事的小說家的步伐,一步一步的拆解謎團。傳說中的魔豆真的能在一夜

之間長到高聳入雲,讓小傑克爬上巨人的家嗎?吹笛人的笛聲真的擁 有控制人和動物的魔法嗎?這一切究竟是謠言、人為的假象還是真有 其事呢?





行為反映社會現實中的深刻道理。在書中幾乎人人都對奇幻又荒謬的 事情深信不疑,但是真正求證過的又有多少? 罪行真的能用虛假的故

事完全掩飾嗎?總有正直的人會找到蛛絲馬跡揭發真相。小孩子都懂 得知恩圖報,為甚麼大人卻恩將仇報、忘恩負義,還用不同的藉口和謊 言推卸責任呢? 如此新穎有趣又發人深省的小說實在不能錯過!

5B Rachel Lam

Let’s recap the enthralling activities held in the library during the 50th Anniversary Open Day!

Here’s the long-awaited answers to teachers’ childhood photos in our last issue! Did you get the correct answers?

Ms Tracy Mak Ms Kary Chan Ms Crystal Choi Ms Deborah Lun Mr Ken Wong Ms Gloria Ng Ms Candice Ng Ms Sujata Khemlani

5A Zidana Cheung

4A Kloey Lu

5B Bianca Li

4B Jessica Chu

3A Amorette Chung

5B Angie Shing

3A Angel Woo

5A Amber Chung

Teacher Advisor: Ms Candice Ng


Jockey Club Joy of E-reading Scheme

Ms Cara Cheng (Principal)

Ms Christine Leung

Ms Jessica Yuen

Mr Nick Chan

Mr Steven Cheung

Ms Kenny Chan

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