LBWR Community Impact

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““ How has your LBWR experience helped your CAREER ADVANCEMENT or your organisation?

How has your LBWR experience helped your CAREER ADVANCEMENT or your organisation?

“Being a small business, it is always great to increase your profile amongst the Ballarat business community.“

“Confidence to challenge thinking, look for alternative solutions to problems and facilitate forums to drive organizational change“

“More confident about change and understanding of different personality types.“ “I am a stronger leader though at work everyday“

“It has not really helped however this has been more to do with changes within the industry that I work in.“

“Have more of a leadership role at work.“

“I have not advanced in a direct way, but I am perhaps more highly valued, respected and consulted than before. I know better how to contribute effectively.“

“Changed caeeer. Went from academic to Communications Manager for global IT company. May never have tried something different without LBWR.“

“It hasn’t really at this stage, but I only changed jobs 12 months ago.“ “I believe that my bid to secure my current management role at Golden Plains Shire (secured at the end of 2011) was greatly benefitted by my involvement in the program. I approached the interview process with greater confidence and the ability to more clearly articulate my strengths. New strengths resulting from my involvement in the program include the ability to comfortably facilitate difficult communications and greater emotional intelligence when addressing performance issues.“

“Provided me with greater networks which enables me to grow a more robust organisation.“ “I feel I am a better manager at work and am more diverse in my skill base.“

“So many ways! The personal development I achieved, the ways in which my eyes were opened to the community around me, and the people I met and shared experiences with... all these!“ “It has helped me to be a better thinker and leader. It has allowed me to take more risks and appreciate failures and successes more. It has helped me to be more balanced. So while my career may not be advancing in terms of promotion, my professional development is growing.“

“The LBWR program gave me the confidence that I can be a leader with my organisation and despite not being a manager I can make a valuable contribution to the team .“ “Creating networks and building confidence.“

“Connections - Knowledge and leadership skills - Connection to events and promotional channels”

“I participated in the program as a community leader and I can see a distinct impact on my capacity to support my community since completing LBWR. I have also changed career paths with an emphasis on community development.“ “I don’t believe it has. It isn’t well known of in smaller organisations/businesses“

“I successfully applied for a new role upon completion of LBWR. So far my learnings from LBWR have been invaluable although

“My improved confidence in myself, my leadership skills and my capacity to have a strong network - all help me and any organisation I am working with.“ “I am aware of what I want to achieve now.“



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