KRASHCITY Magazine Issue 10

Page 32

Swan- You know, it’s really funny. It’s not really serious, I saw some people’s comments on YouTube and they think it’s real. People don’t know what’s true and what’s not. It’s just what Black Rain is all about; it’s a big party.

Swan- (laughing) cool! We actually thought that maybe it was a bit violent for a first song on an album because of the lyrics its quite violent and we didn’t know how it would work as the first song. And, it was good actually.

KCM- You can basically tell what the video is about. Of course naturally you guys robbing the hair salon is fake (laughing) you would have been arrested but, the parties you can tell are real. Swan(laughing) We are pretty lucky with this we have never been arrested (laughing)

KCMI think it’s a very good way to start an album because it is a very strong song and it keeps your interest especially the intro of that song the drums and the gun together it’s sick! SwanI really enjoy hearing how much you like the stuff (laughing)

KCM- Thank God (laughing)

KCM- Overloaded is another favorite song of mine off the album including the video.

Swan- Yeah really! (laughing) Comes with rock n roll I guess. KCM- I guess you guys are doing it the right way to not get arrested.

Swan- Overloaded is the first song I wrote for the album and it’s a really catchy one. And it’s also a pretty cool video. We are going to make another one for the next album and we already chose the song and I hope we are going to make it soon.

Swan- Yes we are. KCM- Going back to the songs that you have released I noticed that you speak about a girl named Rosie a lot, is she real? What’s the story on Rosie? Swan- She is a friend of ours and we haven’t seen her in a long time now. She is a very special person so we had very many things to tell about her. She deserves some songs. KCMAt least you really recognize the people around you who inspire you instead of always thinking and talking about yourselves. Swan- Well it’s good to talk about yourself sometimes because I guess it is the easiest way to find inspiration. It’s good to talk about everything and it’s very interesting actually to try and make a song for someone else like a friend or someone you really like or you love. It’s pretty cool. KCM- Speaking of that album, if you want you can explain a little about what the album is about because listening to the album there’s a lot of different feelings coming from that album and a lot of songs have different meanings

It’s really not all based on one feeling and it’s very interesting. Swan- I think it’s important to make different songs so the album is not boring. It mostly talks about girls and parties and our lives in general except for the song Get a Gunn which is not a Black Rain song. Do you know the original? KCM- No I didn’t even know it was a cover. Swan- You probably won’t recognize it because it sounds nothing like the original one but it’s interesting to hear. You gotta check that out, it’s from a French band called The “CNK”. You should really check it out so you can compare it with our version. KCMDefinitely, I will look that up. I actually love that song so it will be interesting. The first time I heard that song I went nuts! I just love the way the song starts and the attitude of the song.

KCM- That’s great! I can’t wait for the new album to come out, it sounds like it’s going to be great! SwanYea they’re really are great new songs and my voice is better than before so, if you liked it before you are really going to love it this time. KCM- Oh now I really can’t wait! Go back to the fans I see you have a fan club out called the Black Rain girls, did you guys start the group? What’s it all about? Swan- Actually, we didn’t create it. It’s some friends of us that started to send us some pictures of fans in Black Rain shirts. Most of the time the girls were really pretty and I felt like it was a waste for only us to see the pictures so a friend started to make a MySpace and we put all of the pictures of the girls. Now, it’s a good thing because it is on Facebook and a lot of girls are sending pictures in Black Rain shirts and

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