KRASHCITY Magazine Issue 10

Page 20

KCM: What was it like growing up being Lauren Harris with your dad constantly on tour? Was he gone a lot or did you travel with him, kind of like being an Army Brat? Lauren: It was great, we got to travel loads as kids and whenever my dad had a day off he’d try and fly back to see us if we were in school so he was around as much or more than any other dad. We did travel a lot with him too and it was always fun traveling on the buses. KCM: What is your earliest memory of being backstage and looking out to see a packed stadium? Lauren: I can remember being carried out for Heaven Can wait when I was really young. I used to get carried out by Peter, one of the crew. KCM: When did you know that, ‘this is what I want to do, too’! Lauren: I was always really shy up until I was about 17 and started singing in pubs so I never really thought about it until then. KCM: With your dad’s social circle, who were you really impressed to meet? Any ‘WOW!’ memories? Lauren: I met Ronnie James Dio back in 2006, that was a wow moment. KCM: Were there always people in the house on ‘school nights’? Other kids had parents who were, say, an engineer or a franchise owner and your dad is a famous bassist in one of the bestknown metal bands in the world. Did people treat you differently? Lauren: No not really cos I have had a lot of the same friends since I was young and a lot of my friends aren’t into music.

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