The Koronette - August 2015

Page 68

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

like to write quotes or scripture on them and give

My current season is a severe dichotomy between

them away to friends.

science and art. I live in downtown Dallas, where I’m finishing up my nursing degree with Baylor. I

I used to sell everything I made, but truthfully,

will be either an emergency or critical-care nurse.

it didn’t feel “right.” It’s as if I’m selling a

I first started watercoloring three years ago as a

part of me! My niche is custom pieces. I get

stress-reliever during finals week, but have always

to collaborate with customers and then take

been interested in creating art. It was then I

creative rein based on their idea. It’s my work, but

finally found a medium that suited me best.

it’s the customer’s idea and motivation from the beginning.

What is your creative/production process?

Something you’re still learning?

I always make sure that I have a giant mason jar

Practically, I’m learning how to use watercolor

of water. This prevents me from having to bother

for lettering. Being a lefty, it is frustrating as I

changing the water every few minutes. I also have

am constantly smudging my work. On a deeper

to have paper scraps nearby as I am constantly

level, I’m learning that it is important to paint

double-checking colors that I’ve mixed and

pieces for the walls of my own home and not just

seeing if I need more or less water on my brush.

for others. Last summer I realized that I had sold

These scraps end up a beautiful mess of colors. I

most of the pieces that meant the most to me.


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