2 minute read

4 Clarity and Focus

The Corporate Angle

Ms Vinita Surana Executive Director, Surana Group of companies



So many decisions would be made differently if we kept our clarity continuous and coherent. What do I mean? Do you remember the time when you think at night that I am going to wake up early tomorrow? Or the time when you said you won’t touch sweets just to remember this resolution only after a dessert or chocolate bar is down your throat? Or you said I am going to end this toxic relationship and kept going to back to people with the same traits if not the same person?

This is because somewhere along the way we lose our intention Our focus Our clarity

The thing that we promised ourselves we would do for ourselves


So what is the contingency plan? How do you always remain clear and focused?

Accept that some days you are going to slip, you are going to forget and yes you are not going to be your ultimate best. It’s just not possible, take athletes for example even when they are playing the same opponent, they have different performances

Accepting makes you plan better and not get off guard


Silver lining:

When you are going down the negative spiral there will come a time after a few hours, few days or few weeks when you are not able to live like that anymore. This is called your threshold capacity

This is when you will seek help, do the research and put in all your efforts to change yourself and be obsessed with your goal. Or in other words be very clear of your ‘why’

Daily grind & consistency:

That’s one way to do it - you can call that the cure. Let’s try another one. Maybe precaution is better than cure one. Show up and remind yourself everyday what your intention is. When you have a brain fog, when you blank out, when you’re lazy, when you’re bored,

when you’re tired and most importantly when you doubt the goal (or yourself). Show up regardless. And do your craft.

Maybe it won’t be your best work but the showing up counts, not in the moment but in the collection of moments.

Stay consistent through rain, sunshine and snow.

Grounded and Humble:

And finally, don’t let the wins cloud your ego, or the losses bring in insecurity. Both are fatal. The only way to survive this is surrender. Surrender the wins and losses to something greater than yourself. In other words, have immense faith in something. That something will save you and keep you humble and consistent on your path. So, you don’t break the loop of coming back to clarity and focus no matter what.

About the Author:

Vinita Surana - Executive Director, Surana Group of companies

Vinita Surana is an MBA from Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA and MSc from Manchester Business School, UK. She is also the Executive Director, Surana Group of companies; managing the business development, expansion strategy and general management of companies in the energy, real estate and finance sector. Working in the group conglomerate in various functional verticals from HR, business development, marketing and finance. Founder of Vinvinsituation.com and an executive coach who conducts training sessions, motivational and leadership speaker sessions, corporate coaching and wellness blogging