Kilobyte Magazine 1/2020

Page 62



oes Death Planet remind you of something? Just the name itself? Okay, maybe this does ring a bell: You fly with your spaceship through a tunnel towards the center of a giant space station (“That’s no moon!”) to destroy it. Still no idea? Well, me neither. I mean conceptwise, who could have thought of that before? It’s not like there are any shiny robots with trashbin-looking companions in there or people living so far in the futre that 70s

hairstyles are actually a thing again. Seriously, though: The story will not win any awards for its creativity. Which is fine, this is an action game after all. But why bother presenting us with a whole screen about a story of a galactic empire and a rebel alliance? The opening could just have been: “Death Planet. I know what you think of now, and it’s exactly right. So why not press any button and get on with it? Right! Still reading? Press a button NOW!”

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