Kiddos Vol. 5 Issue 3 - Sparkling Memories

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kiddos | December 2017 • January 2018

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contents Vol. 5 issue 3 FEATURE 8 |

New Year’s Resolutions Worth Keeping

in every issue 12 WINTER Spread Joy with a Simple Home-Cooked Meal


7 Ways to Plan for Cold and Flu Season


New Year’s Resolution for Your Child’s Dental Health


Three Tips for Parents to Put Away Their Phones


Tools to Empower Your Kids to Manage Stress These Holidays & Be Happy in 2018

14 ACTIVITIES Brain: The Inside Story at Frost Science

15 DECOR Popping Up a Winter Wonderland

20 SNACKS Sweet Santa Hats & Kandy Kake Holiday Pops

22 PLACES Cirque du Soleil Volta

24 COOL STUFF Holiday Essentials


Pérez Art Museum Miami’s Brick x Brick

30 BOOK REVIEWS Suggestions For Your Kids To Read This Month

31 MOVIE REVIEWS What’s New In Theaters

on the cover


kiddos | December 2017 • January 2018

33 FAMILY EVENTS Where To Go With Our Kiddos

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credits’s just about kids

Kiddos Publisher’s Notes

Sparkling memories!




Camille Lucy Greater Good Science Center Assure A Smile - Dr. Ted Herrmann Rent My Wedding Care Resource Kids Love Yoga

Can you believe it’s that time of the year again? Time to decorate, bake cookies, buy gifts, and go to fairs and festivals! December is a time when many of us sit back and reflect on the year, lessons learned and what we can change or improve to make the best of the New Year. In our Holiday edition, Camille helps us to become healthier, happier and closer as a family with New Year’s Resolutions Worth Keeping! Read more on page 8. Parents, new research suggests your phone may undermine your parenting! Smartphones are re-shaping family relationships. Three tips for parents to put away their phones on page 18, will give you an overview of recent studies. Still looking for the perfect gift? Holiday essentials feature a variety of pretty cool stuff for the whole family, hurry order now! In every new issue of Kiddos Magazine, as part of our mission, we love encouraging and inspiring families to spend quality time together, cooking, reading, biking, playing and exploring the outdoors together, natural bonding and healthy habits are what keep us motivating parents and families. Grateful for another year of accomplishments and for our incredible supporters, excited for a positive 2018, filled with the same passion and delivering meaningful content for you, our readers!


Kiddos Creative Department Graceleen Garcia ADVERTISING SALES & MARKETING

Veronica Lepere PHOTOGRAPHY

Tulips Photography KIDDOS MAGAZINE P.O. Box 431492 Miami, Fl. 33243 786.260.8492 /KiddosMagazine @KiddosMagazine @KiddosMagazine Kiddos Magazine is produced by

V&L Design LLC © 2017 Kiddos Magazine

Happy Holidays to you and your kiddos!



kiddos | December 2017 • January 2018

Volume 5. Issue 3. Kiddos Magazine is published bi-monthly in the U.S.A. by V&L Design LLC. All content copyright © 2017 V&L Design LLC. All rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher is prohibited. Publisher is not responsible for claims and content of advertisements.


Wed - Sun | 5:30 PM - 10 PM ADULTS : $21 online | $25 at door Children : $12.50 online | $15 at door 800+ Handcrafted Lanterns Variety of Asian Cuisines mainland china folk artist

Shadow Puppetry Live Kung Fu Coaching & Performances Dinosaur Rides & More! it’s just about kids |


New Year’s

Resolutions Worth Keeping WRITTEN BY: Camille Lucy


e’ve all been there; a new year, a new chance to set some goals and make things happen! Or so we think for a few weeks…

What happens next is no surprise to us chronic Resolution-makers: “Failure.” Try again, next year! This constant weeble-wobble - up and down, feel good then feel bad, going from hopeful to helpless back to hopeful for another round - battle against ourselves can leave us feeling less than excited when New Years rolls around, again and someone asks us what our resolution is. But, often times, we make resolutions out of fear or lack, and our intentions to change, while we may think they’re strong or feasible, are less than sustainable because of this.


kiddos | December 2017 • January 2018

Change doesn’t happen overnight. And when we are trying to “lose weight,” for example, to look better on the outside, it may be a more realistic choice to “eat healthier” to become more vibrant, energetic and as a result, lose weight the right way, over a period of time. Gradual lifestyle changes stick; diets or fads don’t. When we truly love and honor ourselves, we stay committed for the long haul. And the results are undeniable: a radiant and able body, mind and soul, shining from the inside out, stronger and healthier relationships and a dramatically improved quality of life.

So, here is a list of 10 New Years Resolutions worth keeping, that you can work towards every day, that will help you to become healthier, happier and closer as a family - and they don’t have an expiration date! Kindness. Studies have found that practicing kindness acts like nourishment and improves creativity, growth and overall health. Start at home: be kind to yourself, and your family. Redirect your mind when you feel upset by something, or take a moment of “time out” before responding and reacting, and teach

CONTINUED ON PAGE 23 your children to do the same. A little kindness goes a long way. And it’s like any other “muscle;” the more you use it and stretch it, the easier it is to respond with kindness, even in unpleasant situations. Trust and Faith. There is something inherently scary about the “unknown.” We all flock towards safety and comfort. But the thing about life is that there is little certainty, and though we think we are in control, it’s really an illusion. Trust allows you to become comfortable with the unknown, and faith seals the deal by easing your mind, knowing that no matter what happens, it will all be okay. This is a priceless tool to teach your children that will stay with them for the long haul. Acceptance. There’s nothing more painful than arguing with reality. Suffering stems from the denial of “what is.” Resisting what is will not change it. In fact, it seems to bring us more of what we do not want. You may wish you were ten pounds lighter, or that your kids were not so messy, or that your spouse listened to you more. But when you stop focusing on what’s wrong and instead focus on what’s right, you may find that your kids will suddenly begin helping out and picking up after themselves, and your spouse begins to pay closer attention to what you say. Gratitude. Piggybacking on acceptance, once we learn to let go of how we “visualize” things “should” be, we can

redirect our focus onto appreciating what is. Sure, the house is messy and your kids don’t understand you are constantly picking up after them. But… you can switch your focus and perception to appreciate the fact that you all share a home that can be messy. You have shelter, food, clothing, and everything you need. You have each other. You have children that are able and well, well enough to leave a big old mess behind! This is great news! This is a blessing. Gratitude opens the door to see one another for the value and beauty inside of each and every one of you. Self-Love. Resolve to love yourself each and every day with all of your “flaws” and all of your beauty. Love your body regardless of the number that appears on the scale, but because of the amazing vehicle it is. It allows you to feel endless sensations, pleasures, and experiences during this lifetime. For one, you get to hug and kiss your loved ones! Learning to love ourselves for all that we are and all that we aren’t is a sure-fire way to improve the overall quality of life. And it’s the springboard from which we make healthy choices that honor our body, mind, and spirit. Honor Your Body, Mind & Spirit. You only get one body, mind and spirit in this lifetime. Love yourself enough to make choices that honor your value and worth and nourish your body and soul.

Choose foods that make you feel good, rather than how they make you “look.” Move your body with joy. Everything that goes into your mind and body is a choice. If you are what you “eat” (or do and practice), what do you wish to be? Clean, fresh and whole… or junk? Flexible, agile and playful… or sedentary and glum? Happy and upbeat... or stressed and sad? Choose wisely, choose with love. Listen to Your Heart. Your heart is your inner compass that knows when things feel bad or feel good. Give yourself some credit; you know a lot more than you think you do. And so do your children and family members. We don’t always know what is best for everyone else. We have to have faith and trust that they have a guiding light inside of them, too. Sometimes, we overthink and analyze and lose sight of how things feel. Check your intentions. Does this feel good, or does the choice stem fear? Quiet the mind, go deep within, and ask your heart for help with an answer. Forgiveness. As discussed in length in the October/November 2017 issue of Kiddos Magazine, forgiveness is an act of self-love that frees everyone from the bondage of negativity. We do not have to condone the actions or words that hurt us in order to forgive. Forgive often (yourself, the past, others); the benefits far exceed those of holding onto anger or upset (remember, in that case, you get to be right, but you don’t get to be happy). Make the space in your hearts,

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7 Ways to Plan for Cold and Flu Season SOURCE: Braun


r. Deborah Gilboa, a boardcertified family physician and Braun spokesperson, offers some simple suggestions to help your family plan for cold and flu season. Dispose of Expired Medicine Spend some time checking the medications you already have at home. Review the expiration dates and if any need to be thrown out, research how to properly dispose of them according to local government guidelines. Stock Up Before cold and flu season, make sure to stockpile must-haves like ginger ale, ice pops and recommended cough suppressants. Thinking ahead means you won’t have to rush out when you or a family member comes down with something. Practice Healthy Habits Encourage the entire family to maintain healthy habits such as regular hand washing, following a


kiddos | December 2017 • January 2018

Have Important Information on Hand To save time when your child is ill, keep a reference of your child’s allergies, prescribed medications, dosage amounts and current weight handy. Health care providers typically need this information to correctly prescribe and dose most medications. Other items to keep on-hand include school sick day policies, operating manuals for medical devices and a reference of temperature readings that classify a fever.

nutritious diet, drinking plenty of water, and coughing or sneezing into a tissue to help minimize the spread of cold and flu viruses.

Manage Humidity Levels Control your home’s humidity levels with a humidifier to help prevent the survival of flu viruses on surfaces and in the air.

Use a Reliable Thermometer Reading the temperature of a person who feels ill can help provide confidence and peace of mind. Make sure you have a reliable thermometer like the Braun ThermoScan 5 Ear thermometer, which takes professionally accurate temperature readings via the ear canal and, based on a survey, is the number 1 brand recommended by pediatricians.

Keep Contact Information Accessible Keep a list of important phone numbers and addresses inside your medicine cabinet door or on the fridge so they’re easily accessible to family members, babysitters and caretakers. Include your family doctor or local clinic, schools, pharmacists and anyone else you may need to reach in an emergency.

“It’s important to carefully monitor potential illnesses to make sure children get and stay well, and taking an accurate temperature reading is a necessary part of this process, which is why I trust my Braun thermometer,” Gilboa said. “As a doctor and a mom to four boys, it gives me the confidence to know that I’m accurately taking my child’s temperature before I take any next steps, like administering medication.”

If cold or flu reach your household this winter, it’s always important to consult a doctor if you have any questions regarding the health of your family members. k

For more information, visit

Photography: Getty Images

Declining temperatures can bring fun, cool-weather activities, but they also mean cold and flu season is lurking. While everyone hopes to stay healthy, it can be difficult to completely avoid viruses and bugs.



New Year’s Resolution for Your Child’s Dental Health Assure A Smile Holistic Dentistry ow is a great time to reflect upon the recent past and to plan for the coming year. As you think about your health goals, career plans, or personal growth, we encourage you to also consider your oral health. Here are few resolutions to help you and your family smile brighter in 2018. Remember that clean teeth are happy teeth. Depending on your child’s age, now may be a good time to talk with them about brushing and flossing. For babies, simply wipe their gums with a clean damp washcloth or gauze. As soon as your child has teeth, you should start brushing their teeth for them using a soft child-size tooth brush. When your child is old enough to brush on their own, teach them to brush twice per day, after breakfast and before bed. Daily gentle flossing for children is also recommended as soon

as they have teeth which touch each other. Teaching these habits now will encourage a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums. Schedule dental visits for your family. Make appointments now for everyone in your family to visit a dentist in 2018. Don’t wait for a problem or an emergency to arise. Preventive dental check-ups can help identify cavities or early signs of tooth decay before they become serious. A child’s first dental visit should occur by age 3, or earlier if you notice any problems with their teeth or gums. Your dentist will let you know when it’s time to start a professional dental cleaning for your child. Early dental visits can serve several purposes: to check for growth and development, and to identity any potential problems. But most importantly, it’s important to begin to teach children healthy dental habits, and to not be afraid of the dentist.

Ask Dr. Ted

Make healthy life choices. Having healthy teeth and gums is about more than just brushing, flossing and visiting the dentist. It is also about living healthfully. We recommend eating a balanced diet with plenty of whole foods, including fruits and vegetables. Choose healthier snacks and drink water. Avoid excess sugar, such as in sugary sodas. Avoid chemicals or overly processed foods which may be bad for you. Prepare healthy meals for your children, and educate them about making smart choices while at school or dining out. Start an exercise program or be active to the best of your abilities. Avoid stress or make time to de-stress through meditation or fun activities. We hope this advice will help you make the most out of 2018. We sincerely wish a happy and prosperous New Year for you and your family. Remember, beautiful, healthy smiles are a family affair. k

Dr. Ted Herrmann and Assure A Smile have served South Florida for over 25 years, helping to guide patients to better oral health for life. We are a family friendly dentist, offering a full range of quality dental care, such as routine cleanings, crowns, Invisalign clear braces and more. We encourage a unique holistic approach to healthy teeth and gums. We invite you to call us today and schedule an appointment. Assure A Smile is located at 9220 SW 72nd Street, Suite 205 Miami, FL 33173. For more information call 305.274.0047 or visit it’s just about kids |




Home-Cooked Meal

s the nights lengthen and temperatures drop, it’s a time to embrace all the simple and cozy pleasures the season has to offer: Tailgating parties, fuzzy socks, hanging strings of lights to bring ambiance to those early evenings. Of course, the season can also bring on some serious cravings for a warm and comforting fare, like warm drinks, stews and chilis and spiced baked apple desserts. In fact, now is the perfect time to increase your contentment and spread the joy by preparing and sharing some homemade food. With these tips, you’ll have the perfect recipe for making you and others around you glow with that particular inner warmth that only the season’s simple pleasures can bring. Fire up the oven: Staying in is always the perfect excuse to create a comforting meal from scratch,

especially when it fills your house with warmth and good scents. It could be a batch of almond scones, a chicken pot pie with extra rosemary or a homemade pizza with a robust basil garlic sauce. For the most delicious results, always start with high-quality, wholesome ingredients that make you feel good about what you’re making. For example, high-quality seasonings and extracts, such as those from the Simply Organic line, will infuse your dishes with pure and delicious flavors. Share the joy: Whatever you’re cooking, be sure and make extras, because connecting with others is especially important this time of year. Prepare a meal and invite some friends over for an evening of feasting and conversation, Or use your cooking to uplift someone who could really use a friendly gesture. Perhaps there’s an elderly neighbor who can’t get out much in the winter or a friend or colleague with a touch of

the blues. A shared homemade meal can be a source of comfort and bring contentment to a dark winter evening. All aglow: However you share the meal, be sure and go with warm, intimate lighting. Place lit candles around the room, hang a string of lights or do both. Either way, the soft glow will make everyone want to linger a little longer over the dinner table, savoring the warmth that comes from the cozy atmosphere, delicious food, and fellowship. Take time for reflection: In the end, your effort and the happiness it creates can make you feel a deeper appreciation for life’s simple pleasures. Think about how the time-honored practice of sharing your home, your time and a homemade meal transforms how you feel about the season. Then, inspire others with your stories and photos on social media with the hashtag #CookForAChange. k

For more information about the campaign, visit BPT 12

kiddos | December 2017 • January 2018

Explore how the most complex organ in the body has evolved, how it works and how it makes us human in this new special exhibition.

October 7, 2017–April 15, 2018 1101 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, FL 33132 I 305-434-9600

More at

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Brain: The Inside Story at Frost Science


he Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science welcomes Brain: The Inside Story, located in the Hsiao Family Special Exhibition Gallery. This traveling exhibition invites guests to explore how the human brain has evolved, how it works and how it makes us human. Drawing on 21st-century research and technology, Brain: The Inside Story offers guests a new perspective and keen insight into their own brains through imaginative art, vivid brainscan imaging and dynamic interactive exhibits for all ages. The exhibition engages guests with recent neuroscience research, highlighting the brain’s surprising ability to rewire itself in response to experience, disability, or trauma,

A letter


kiddos | December 2017 • January 2018

and showcases technologies that researchers use to study the brain and treat conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. How does your brain grow and change over time? How do we study the brain? How does it work?

Brain: The Inside Story is organized by the American Museum of Natural History, New York (, in collaboration with Codice. Idee per la Cultura, Torino, Italy in association with Comune di Milano – Assessorato Cultura, Italy; Guangdong Science Center, Guangzhou, China; and Parque de las Ciencias, Granada, Spain. Brain: The Inside Story will run until April 15 at Frost Science. Admission is complimentary with museum tickets. k

More information is available at



Popping Up a Winter Wonderland Edible, handmade holiday decor perfect for gifting


is the season to pop up some holiday fun by creating a scenic winter wonderland that tastes as great as it looks. Gather the kids and make a hands-on family holiday tradition out of crafting festive, edible decorations. Popcorn is the perfect choice to pop up and eat while trimming your popcorn tree and decking out your creations. Festive Popcorn Trees Yield: 10 trees Ingredients • 10 Cups air-popped popcorn • 1 Bag (10 ounces) miniature marshmallows • 2 Tablespoons butter • 1 Teaspoon vanilla extract • Nonstick cooking spray • Green decorating sugar • Blue decorating sugar • 1 Tube white frosting with decorating tip • Small, colorful candies (such as sprinkles and miniature silver dragees)

Directions • Place popcorn in large bowl. • Place marshmallows and butter in medium saucepan over medium-low heat. Stir until marshmallows are melted and mixture is smooth. • Remove from heat. • Stir in vanilla extract. • Pour mixture over popcorn in bowl. Toss well to coat popcorn evenly. • Line baking sheet with foil. • Spray hands with nonstick cooking spray then scoop up about 1 cup popcorn mixture. • Shape mixture into cone, keeping base flat to form tree. • Sprinkle tree with decorating sugars; place tree on baking sheet. • Make nine additional trees. • Pipe frosting on trees to make garland then decorate with sprinkles and silver dragees, as desired. Serving suggestion: Place each tree on sugar cookie and decorate serving tray with shredded coconut to resemble snow.



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Helping Your Child Find Joy During the Holidays


or families, divorce can present devastating challenges especially for the children involved. Unsurprisingly, divorce becomes no easier when it prefaces major holidays. Newly separated parents may feel great remorse when trying to pick up the pieces and resume a sense of normalcy in their homes for themselves, and for their children. Here is some important advice to keep peace and fun during the holidays. Focus on Your Relationship with Your Child Even for a parent, it may be hard to readjust the holiday script after a divorce. You may keep old expectations of how things were before the divorce. Here, it is important to remember that you are in uncharted territory, and having unrealistic expectations can get hopes up and crush spirits for both you and your child. You may expect your partner to


kiddos | December 2017 • January 2018

pull their weight and both parties work together to keep their children happy—but this too can lead to further disappointment and even conflict. From here on out, you need to base your actions on developing the relationship between your child and you. What many parents struggle with, is understanding that the old relationship you had with your child has been shattered, and once broken, you can’t really recreate what once was there. You need to focus on building your new relationship with your child. This new frame of mind will help you as you trudge forward through the holidays.

that your child is going through as much turmoil as you feel, if not even more so. The best remedy for your child, and even yourself will be to have fun during the holidays. Caroling, shopping sprees, spontaneous trips, playing in the snow—anything that allows both you and your child to move around and keep your mind and body as busy as possible. Now might be a good time to create new holiday traditions to share with your child. You might just be feeling around on solid ground now, but take note what activities resonate with you and your child, and you can continue that activity next year and so on.

Keep Busy and Create New Traditions Now that you understand the frame of mind needed to take on the holiday season, it’s time to start building that new relationship with your child. You need to understand

Check in on Yourself While you scramble to make the holiday season special for your child, you might forget about your own needs through this difficult time. It’s important to check in on yourself from time to time as you jump hoop


and hurdle for your child. Overexerting yourself to make too many events can increase your own stress and anxiety, which will likely be picked up by your child. Your exhaustive efforts to appease your child over the holidays could be wearing you down into an unintentional state of negativity. If you find yourself feeling angry or frustrated at any time, give yourself some space from your child and choose a healthy way to get yourself on track. Most of all, remember to never take out your frustration out on your child.


Find the 7 differences

The first holiday after the divorce is always the hardest. Whatever you do, do not give up on your child and the special relationship you share with them. Instead of looking at all that is wrong in life right now, make this a formative moment to help both you and your child to overcome past hurts and move on to a brighter future. k

The best remedy for

have fun during the

About Dadsolo Hi there! I’m Daniel. I’ve been a single dad to my daughter (9) and son (6) for three years now. I’ll admit I don’t always know what the heck I’m doing, but every day is definitely an adventure and a blessing. And for that, I’m truly grateful. I noticed that there aren’t a lot of resources out there for us single dads so I thought I’d share some of what’s worked for me.

For more tips and everyday adventures with dad visit it’s just about kids |



Three Tips for Parents to Put Away Their Phones WRITTEN BY: Maryam Abdullah

New research suggests your phone may undermine your parenting. Here’s how to limit your own screen time.


martphones are re-shaping family relationships. Right now, as I write in a coffee shop, I can see a mom and dad captivated by their phones while their baby babbles to try to get their attention. I’ve seen parents use their phones as babysitters—and I feel empathy for them.

Everyone needs a break, sometimes to connect with other adults or just to get some work done. But what happens to children when their parents’ attention is diverted away from them and is focused on their phones? Recent research validates what you might already be thinking! In one study, researchers found that toddlers’ ability to learn new words was derailed when their moms were briefly interrupted by a cell phone call. In another recent study, 170 couples with young children completed questionnaires about how much they perceived their


kiddos | December 2017 • January 2018

mobile phone use was a problem and how often their devices interrupted daily conversations or activities with their children. Parents also reported on their children’s problem behaviors, from sulking to temper tantrums. As expected, the researchers found that the more parents reported phonerelated interruptions, the more they reported their children displaying both types of negative behaviors. In a different study, Brandi Stupica examined the effects of parents’ mobile phone use on their children’s athletic performance. She asked

children to run around the bases of a softball diamond under two different circumstances. In one session, researchers told parents to pay attention and respond to their children as they would normally, and turn their bodies toward them. In the other session, they told parents to immerse themselves completely in their phones and ignore their children’s bids for their attention while keeping their bodies turned toward them. The researchers timed how long it took kids to run around the bases and they recorded how often kids tripped, fell, stumbled, or made a false start for each of the sessions. The finding?

Children ran faster and were more physically coordinated when their parents were available and responsive compared to when they were absorbed in using their mobile phones. Smartphones are now a part of our lives, and most of us won’t be giving them up anytime soon. However, this research suggests that we should exert some control over our phone use, to minimize the potential negative impact on our children. But how? Here are three tips that might help you out. 1. Put your phone in another room when you’re trying to help your child learn something new It’s hard to resist the temptation to check your phone when it’s right beside you and you hear the ping of an email notification—even during family time, even knowing that the phone might affect your child’s development and your own happiness. Kids learn best when responsive adults are teaching them because they can pay attention to the same thing at the same time together. Having a predictable rhythm during back-andforth contact helps kids focus on what’s important. The solution is simple: Put your phone in another room. Or, if that’s not possible, turn off your notifications.

2. Keep your phone in your back pocket when you’re at your kids’ games Athletics are an important part of child development and more than half of American kids are involved in sports. Kids not only notice when parents aren’t available to them, they falter more than when a sensitive parent is watching and cheering them on. When you’re on the sidelines of your children’s next soccer game, be available and responsive in a way that makes them understand they are in your spotlight. Stay positive, even about the opposing team, so that they feel that your encouragement of them is your primary focus. You might take out your phone to take pictures or text your spouse that the game’s almost over but then put it back in your pocket. You can post those pictures on Facebook after you get home. Watch your kiddo, not your screen. 3. Reflect on whether your phone use might be related to conflict you’re having with your kids Studies suggest parents who are engrossed in their phones tend to respond more harshly to their kids’ misbehavior. Children may be more inclined to engage in risky behaviors to get their parents’ attention, which

might be linked to increased injuries when their parents are on their cell phones. Is any of that happening in your house? Be honest. If it is, the solutions are self-awareness and intentionality. Instead of mindlessly checking your phone, you can do so only when you have a specific task to perform. Parents who aim to disconnect regularly from their cell phone and begin practicing mindful parenting may find that they have more positive interactions with their children as a result. I vacillate between appreciating my smartphone and wishing I could teleport back to a time before phones. I’m probably in good company. There is no doubt that smartphones create valuable opportunities for social connection. Sitting at this coffee shop, I’ve also noticed a mom and her son posing together for a selfie as they enjoy sweet drinks, which no doubt helps them to feel closer. The trick for parents is to use their phones around their kids intentionally as often as possible—and that’s undoubtedly tough for a lot of us to do! k

Abdullah, Ph.D., is the Parenting Program Director of the Greater Good Science Center. She is a developmental psychologist with expertise in parent-child relationships and children’s development of pro social behaviors.

“We should exert some control over our phone use, to minimize the potential negative impact on our children”

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Sweet Santa Hats & Kandy Kake

These festive holiday dessert recipes are the perfect addition to our Kiddos Holiday parties. These semi-homemade treats require minimal prep and are a great way to get the whole family involved in kitchen crafts. Sweet Santa Hats

Kandy Kake Holiday Pops



• 1 Family Pack box of Tastykake Mini

• 1 Family pack of Tastykake’s new

Swirly Cupcakes • Strawberries • White icing

• White and blue candy melts (or


• Cake pop sticks • Icing (color of your choice)

• Use the Tastykake Mini Swirly Cupcakes as the base of the hat.

• Add white icing around the top of the cupcake.

Mocha Kandy Kakes color of your choice)


• Insert cake pop stick into one end of the Mocha Kandy Kake.

• Place a strawberry on the cupcake.

• Melt your candy melts.

• Add a small ball of icing on top of

• Dip the Kandy Kake into the

the strawberry to complete Santa’s hat.

melted candy.

• Let the covered Kandy Kake cool. • Using icing to draw a stocking, For more fun recipes visit


kiddos | December 2017 • January 2018

snowflake or any holiday item of choice onto the Kandy Kake. k



Preferred Card FEATURING Alton Brown Anne Burrell


Giada De Laurentiis Guy Fieri


Bobby Flay Alex Guarnaschelli


Robert Irvine Trisha Yearwood


Geoffrey Zakarian Andrew Zimmern





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Cirque du Soleil Volta Cirque du Soleil is thrilled to announce a new production that will premiere in Miami this December: Cirque du Soleil

about-face, a change in emotion or idea often used in poetry. It also speaks to the jolt of energy delivered through the show. The show VOLTA tells a spellbinding story about the freedom to choose and the thrill of blazing your own trail. Inspired in part by the adventurous spirit that fuels the culture of action sports, the show weaves the adrenaline rush of acrobatics into a visually striking world driven by a stirring melodic score.


OLTATM, written and directed by Bastien Alexandre and with Jean Guibert as the director of creation. International electronic group M83, previously announced as composer and musical director, brings his spaceage future pop sound to the Cirque du Soleil stage for the first time ever. The show will be presented under the Big Top next to the Hard Rock Stadium in Miami starting December 15, 2017. The name VOLTA refers to a sudden


kiddos | December 2017 • January 2018

VOLTA is a story of transformation. It is about being true to oneself, fulfilling one’s true potential, and the power of the group to make that possible. It

celebrates freedom as a movement. WAZ, a popular gameshow host, has lost touch with his inner self in the pursuit of fame, pulling others in the trap of instant glory. But as doubt sets in, WAZ is enlightened by childhood memories as he encounters “free spirits” who open doors to his inner soul he has long kept shut. On his high-voltage search for meaning, will WAZ find the courage to relinquish his fame, reconnect with his true self, and shine bright? Cirque du Soleil VOLTA is Cirque du Soleil’s 41st original production since 1984, and its 18th show presented under the Big Top. The company has brought wonder and delight to more than 160 million spectators in more than 400 cities on six continents. Cirque du Soleil has close to 4,000 employees, including 1,300 performing artists from close to 50 different countries. k

Tickets are available for purchase to the general public by visiting volta or calling 1-877-924-778


Resolve to turn off all devices, and spend some one-on-

in your home, and allow forgiveness to be the glue that holds you all together in love, acceptance, and grace. Presence. No matter the question, presence is always the answer. Being mindful means being present at this very moment in time. A mindful practice of meditation, yoga or time in nature, filters stress out of the body. Studies show improvements in the mental, emotional, physical and social health and well-being of the children that practice it, as well as adults. If you’d like to learn more and snag some tips on bringing a mindful practice into your home, check out the June/July 2017 edition of Kiddos. Quality Time. Technology is a superb tool we have come to rely on. And with all its benefits, there are some drawbacks including a loss of personal and quality time together. Resolve to turn off all devices, and spend some one-on-one time with your family. Or even with yourself! No app can replace the memories made with each other, embracing, sharing eye contact, laughter and love. Show them that they’re worth it. And honor yourself enough to choose this priceless gift of uninterrupted togetherness.

Resolutions do not have to be quick fixes that get you from A to B in X amount of days. By gradually forming healthy habits, practicing self-love and self-care, your family will see dramatic shifts in joy, laughter, health, and overall well-being. Your connection will be strengthened, you will become more resilient individually and collectively, and you will be able to enjoy each other - and life - more and more each day. And, ironically, the less you fuss over your pant size, the quicker - with less stress and more fun - you will notice it drop (hint: when you feel good, you look good). Allow this New Year to be one that brings your family closer together, and brings each of you closer to your true nature - love, joy, ease, acceptance, gratitude and an abundance of blessings the whole year through. k

Camille Lucy is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, Reiki & Raindrop Technique Practitioner, Ordained Holistic Minister, Certified Meditation Teacher (in process) and a Mother of 3 girls. Camille is also author of, “The (Real) Love Experiment: Explore Love, Relationships & The Self.” Learn more about her and her adventure(s) at

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Celebrate Fine Jewelry

Mom's perfect necklaces


Celebrate a special mom! Celebrate Fine Jewelry sells stunning necklaces with pendants that represent a Mother's best gift, her children. All products are made in 14K gold to last forever, like mom's love. Exclusive designs. Get 15% off until January/2018, with code KIDDOS15OFF Available only at

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Easily clean, deodorize, and sanitize your home with nugeni STEAMPAC+ Handheld Steam Cleaner. The innovative cleaning system excels in eliminating dust mites, germs, bacteria, and unwanted viruses without the use of harsh chemicals. Available at


companion backpack (new edition)

Whether you’re driving or flying this holiday season, the Unite™2 line makes traveling with lots of luggage easy and stress free with its innovative Link2Go™ technology. Available at

ONE Brands

protein bars

Introducing our new diamond quilt Companion Backpack, made with soft and lightweight water resistant sporty nylon. Available at,


kiddos | December 2017 • January 2018

With too-good-to-be-true flavor, only ONE gram of sugar per serving, and 20 grams of protein per serving, ONE proves that taste and health don’t have to be mutually exclusive. Available at

Gears! Gears! Gears!® Robot Factory Building Set

Learning Resources

New Sprouts® Mix it!

Mix up learning and play with this imaginative role-play set. Perfectly sized for the littlest of hands, the Mix it! set is made from crush-resistant plastic that will last for years. It even comes with a beater that really spins!

Build and rebuild your own robot factory with this colorful set! Use the included stickers to bring the factory to life. Works with all Gears! Gears! Gears!® sets. Available at


Essential Oils for Babies, & Children

Bibi Shoes

at Cotton Candy Kids

Oilogic uses 26 different Essential Oils, sourced from over 13 countries where plants are indigenous. As a natural, non-invasive and non-toxic option for care, Oilogic makes it easy to apply, absorb and provide solutions to common troubles. Available at

Educational Insights

GeoSafari® Motorized Solar System

Watch the planets rotate just like they do in space with eight motorized planets and a glowing light-up sun. Turn off the lights and project a star show on the ceiling for the ultimate in-room space experience!

Lets kids be kids! Health for the little ones, peace of mind for parents. Non-toxic. Welcome winter! Clothing and shoes for happy kids. Available at

GeoSafari® Constellation and Solar System Explorer View 12 Zodiac constellations, the sun and moon, all eight planets, and The Big and Little Dippers from any room in the house with this amazing, handheld observatory! Available at

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Tools to Empower Your Kids to Manage Stress These Holidays & Be Happy in 2018


he rush of the Holidays is particularly stressful for adults, and kids are not immune to this. When we are stressed, we are usually “ill at ease” about a situation, a thought, or a person.

One solution to this holiday induced stress might be helping your kids practice mindfulness. What is Mindfulness? Carefully observing your thoughts and feelings without judging them good or bad. Mindfulness means living in the moment and awakening to your current experience, rather than dwelling on the past or anticipating the future. Why would we want kids to be mindful? Simply because it helps calm them down and makes them peaceful and happy.

Tips to Practice Mindfulness: 1. Meditation/Prayer: You can start slowly with a meditation practice or prayer by focusing on your breath and breathing in and out just five to 10 minutes a day. For young children, an instruction to simply “pay attention to the breath” can be hard to follow So try a “breathing buddy” exercise: Each student grabs a stuffed animal, and then lies down on their back with their buddy on their belly. They focus their attention on the rise and fall of the stuffed animal as they breathe in and out.

2. Yoga: is a reflection of life: with ups and downs, with moments of strength and relaxation as well as with instances of holding and letting go. It can be a precious tool in a child’s process of growing and becoming more self-dependent. It helps them with concentration, to expand their imagination, manage their anxiety and to learn about nutrition among many other things. Tools to Empower Kids: 3. Visualization: Visualization is a technique whereby kids imagine something they want, such as a

means living in the moment and awakening experience”


kiddos | December 2017 • January 2018

by practicing random acts of kindness and then point out the good things they receive back with gratitude. Kids Love Yoga is an on-demand yoga practice that offers private classes for children & adults; specialized classes and workshops for women & private classes for families as well as workshops for children and teenagers at their schools and homes. k puppy, by visualizing it, in vivid colors, pretending they already have it They can hear it, feel it. You can practice this with your kids by getting cardboards and magazines and cutting out things you both want from the magazines and practicing imagining you have these things by viewing them every day. 4. Cultivate Their Own Garden: Schools can be very competitive so be

sure to help your kids realize everyone has their own garden and is different. Do this by pointing out how different you, all your friends, and family members are. That way they learn to mind their own garden, accept differences and learn to accept themesleves the way they are. 5. Cause and Effect: Teach your kids that every action they take has a reaction in the world. Encourage them to learn this

Maria Rosa Collazo is a certified yoga teacher and founder of Kids Love Yoga. She has been teaching yoga since 2007. For more information visit Anabelle Alarcon is the author of The Day An Angel Ran Into My Room, a book that teaches kids key tools to manage their emotions, be mindful and empowers them to change their world through their thoughts and deeds.

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Pérez Art Museum Miami’s Brick x Brick Program Recognized by Federal Arts and Culture Agencies with Nation’s Top Honor


Cited as one of the best creative youth development programs in the country

tudent Balthazar Cordova, 17, of Miami, Florida was in the Nation’s capital today to receive an award from all three federal arts and culture agencies on behalf of Pérez Art Museum Miami’s (PAMM) Brick x Brick community outreach program. The program was recognized for its effectiveness in promoting learning and life skills in young people by engaging them through creative youth development programs. The after-school program received the 2017 National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Award, the nation’s highest honor for these programs.

awardees—chosen from a pool of 350 nominations and 50 finalists—were also recognized for improving literacy and language abilities, communication and performance skills, and cultural awareness.

The award recognizes the country’s best creative youth development programs for using engagement in the arts and the humanities to generate a wide range of positive outcomes, such as increases in academic achievement, graduation rates, and college enrollment. The

PAMM is the largest provider of art education outside of Miami-Dade County School District. Its Brick x Brick program was created to reach teens in underserved communities throughout Miami-Dade County and transform lives through art. Since its founding in 2007, the program has engaged

“I’m proud to represent my peers in accepting this award for PAMM,” said Brick x Brick student Balthazar Cordova. “A lot of people think that arts education just prepares you to become an artist, but it doesn’t. Arts education can be applied to all different kinds of disciplines – giving the tools to kids like me to change lives and communities.”

more than 600 students with art and design learning activities to discover the power of their creativity to change their circumstances and communities. In the program, students learn problemsolving skills, how to collaborate in a team, and critical thinking. The powerful impact of the program is illustrated by the many teens who find their voice, passions, and confidence through the program to change their lives and the world around them. “These 12 creative youth development programs represent the best of the best,” said Pam Breaux, president and chief executive officer of the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies. “They are living proof of the power of the arts and the humanities to build the skills young people need to succeed in school and in life.” The award was celebrated by longtime partners and supporters of PAMM,

“I’m proud to represent


kiddos | December 2017 • January 2018

including Michael Spring, director of Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs, National Endowment for the Arts, The Prentice Foundation, Nordstrom, Allied Universal Security Services, and Irene and Irv Barr. “By engaging and inspiring young people, Brick x Brick gives students not just the vision but the practical skills to apply lessons learned with arts-based learning, into their lives, families and communities,” said PAMM Director Franklin Sirmans. “Led by working artists, Brick x Brick illustrates

the transformative power of the arts by facilitating engagement with diverse projects tied to connecting people with their community. Hats off to Kerry Keeler for spearheading this program’s incredible growth and impact over the last decade.” k

For more information about Brick x Brick, please visit brickxbrick. For more information about the National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Awards, visit

About Pérez Art Museum Miami Pérez Art Museum Miami (PAMM) promotes artistic expression and the exchange of ideas, advancing public knowledge and appreciation of art, architecture and design, and reflecting the diverse community of its pivotal geographic location at the crossroads of the Americas. A nearly 35-year-old South Florida institution formerly known as Miami Art Museum (MAM), Pérez Art Museum Miami opened a new building, designed by world-renowned architects Herzog & de Meuron, in Downtown Miami’s Museum Park on December 4, 2013. The facility is a state-of-theart model for sustainable museum design and progressive programming and features 200,000 square feet of indoor and outdoor program space with flexible galleries; shaded outdoor verandas; a waterfront restaurant and bar; a museum shop; and an education center with a library, media lab and classroom spaces. For more information, please visit,

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book reviews Suggestions for your kids to read this month

1. God’s Great Love for You (MG) 3. Have You Heard?: A Child’s By Rick Warren Introduction to the Ten God’s Great Love for You, written Commandments (MG) by #1 New York Times bestselling author and respected pastor Rick Warren, takes children on a whimsical and heartfelt journey that lets them know God’s love is with them wherever they go. With breathtaking illustrations by Chris Saunders, the simple yet poignant text comes alive as a child journeys to places far and near and discovers God’s great love is perfect, and everywhere, and will never end. Illustrated by Chris Sanders.

2. The Day An Angel Ran Into My Room (MG) By Anabelle Alarcon One night Alessandra asks her mother if she can stay up for “only five more minutes.” Then she gets a wonderful surprise: Her guardian angel, Angelisse, comes for a visit. The angel looks so much like a child that it is easy for Alessandra to relate to her. The angel explains how very important every person is and teaches Alessandra many other magical things, such as the power of visualization. Illustrated by Sarah Lathan.


By Jeff Glickman The Ten Commandments speak to every part of our lives and hold important values for children. Rabbi Jeffrey Glickman frames this traditional text in a way a small child can understand. Translating the commandments from the original Hebrew, Rabbi Glickman teaches important life lessons: adultery is really about keeping promises; words are powerful, so use them carefully. Concepts including love, respect, and humility are tenderly presented. Illustrated by Eric Krakow.

4. The Prince and the Porker (PB) By Peter Bently Pignatius was passing the palace one day when he saw ten fresh buns left to cool on a tray... Sneaking into the palace, looking for more treats, Pignatius tries on a wig and some clothes and the servants mistake him for the real prince! Of course, the rein of this porky impostor can’t last long, but when the actual prince returns, he saves Pignatius’s bacon.

kiddos | December 2017 • January 2018

It turns out that he’s always wanted a double to deal with a particularly frightening dragon... his Aunt Alice! Illustrated by David Roberts.

5. The Bravest Adventure (PB) By Elizabeth A. Coons It’s time to go on an adventure and the choice is yours! From climbing mountain peaks to diving ocean depths, there is so much in life to explore. Standing in your strength and beauty and being true to you means no adventure is too big or too small. You hold the key to discovery! Adventure can be loud and proud, but can also be quiet, like writing a poem or painting a picture. To find true adventure, look deep into your heart because the bravest thing to do is just be you! Illustrated by Betony Coons.

6. Princess Snowbelle (PB) By Libby Frost Snowbelle spends her days practicing her singing in the grand halls of the Opaline Palace alongside her cat, Sparks, and pony, Icetail. But ever since her parents, the king, and queen, asked her to sing at the Snow Ball, she’s been nervous . . . She has never sung

in front of a big audience before! Frostovia’s glittering world is the perfect place to meet Princess Snowbelle and experience the magic of friendship. Illustrated by Lucy Fleming.

7. Thankful Jam-along (PB) By JamTree Studios In this sing-along book Ravhi Bear and Monkey J help their friends and family celebrate the many joys and blessings they share through the “Thankful” song. Filled with cute characters, poetry and fun activities to foster love and gratitude, this book is a perfect reminder of the “little things” in life that we all share like sunshine, rainbows, family and even smiles from your friends. Illustrated by JamTree Studios. k


movie reviews


FERDINAND tells the story of a giant bull with a big heart. After being mistaken for a dangerous beast, he is captured and torn from his home. Determined to return to his family, he rallies a misfit team on the ultimate adventure.


Rey took her first steps into a larger world in Star Wars: The Force Awakens and will continue her epic journey with Finn, Poe, and Luke Skywalker in the next chapter of the continuing Star Wars saga, Star Wars: Episode VIII.


Four high school kids discover an old video game console and are drawn into the game’s jungle setting, literally becoming the adult avatars they chose. What they

discover is that you don’t just play Jumanji - you must survive it. To beat the game and return to the real world, they’ll have to go on the most dangerous adventure of their lives, discover what Alan Parrish left 20 years ago.


Inspired by the imagination of P. T. Barnum, The Greatest Showman is an original musical that celebrates the birth of show business & tells of a visionary who rose from nothing to create a spectacle that became a worldwide sensation.


After the highs of winning the World Championships, the Bellas find themselves split apart and discovering there aren’t job prospects for making music with your mouth. But when they get the chance to reunite for an overseas USO tour, this group of awesome nerds will come together to make some music, and some questionable decisions.


When scientists discover how to shrink humans to five inches tall as a solution to overpopulation,

instead. However, Liam never got over Josie, his one true love, nor did he ever forget his Southern roots in the small community where he was born and raised. When he unexpectedly returns to his hometown for the funeral of his high school best friend, Liam is suddenly faced with the consequences of all that he left behind.

Paul (Matt Damon) and his wife Audrey (Kristen Wiig) decide to abandon their stressed lives in order to get small and move to a new downsized community a choice that triggers life changing adventures.





The story finds Paddington happily settled with the Brown family in Windsor Gardens, where he has become a popular member of the community, spreading joy and marmalade wherever he goes. While searching for the perfect present for his beloved Aunt Lucy’s hundredth birthday, Paddington spots a unique pop-up book in Mr. Gruber’s antique shop and embarks upon a series of odd jobs to buy it. But when the book is stolen, it’s up to Paddington and the Browns to unmask the thief…


Tells the story of country music super-star Liam Page (Alex Roe) who left his bride, Josie (Jessica Rothe), at the altar choosing fame and fortune

In the epic finale to the Maze Runner saga, Thomas leads his group of escaped Gladers on their final and most dangerous mission yet. To save their friends, they must break into the legendary Last City, a WCKD-controlled labyrinth that may turn out to be the deadliest maze of all. Anyone who makes it out alive will get answers to the questions the Gladers have been asking since they first arrived in the maze.


Arctic Justice tells the story of a rag-tag group of inexperienced heroes who come together to save the Arctic and foil the evil plans of a sinister Doc Walrus, who hatches a secret plot to accelerate global warming and melt the arctic circle. k

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party tips


Looking for ways to make your next party stand out? Whether it’s a Sweet 16, Quince, Birthday, or just because — here are some fun ideas that won’t break the bank!

1. Glow Party Black lights can instantly kick your party up a notch. A glow party is super easy to setup – just turn down the lights and plug in a black light! Hand out white t-shirts, and serve cake on neon plates. Anything white or neon will glow in the dark! Another fun option is face painting with glow in the dark paint. It usually takes just 1 black light to light up an entire room. As a benchmark, our black light rentals are $99 + free shipping both ways. For setup, just plug it in, set on the floor, and point towards the middle of the room.

2. Cake Pop Station Who doesn’t love cake pops? Set up stations so that party guests can add toppings, or ice designs onto the cake pop. Use an assortment of icing pouches in many colors and with different tip sizes. For toppings, some options are sprinkles, sugar, sugar diamonds, non-pareils, mini chocolate candies, and crumbled cookie crumbs! You can also make all the decorative pieces and icing match the party’s color scheme.

3. Animated Gif Booth Whether you are planning a simple backyard bash or a formal quinceañera, a photo booth is the perfect way to entertain and capture special moments! Looking for something different than the traditional photo strip? A GIF booth is a great option! A GIF is created by taking a series of photos and then looping them together into an animation. As a benchmark, our GIF booth rental is $299 including a 5-day rental.

4. Karaoke Party Kids of all ages love to be a rock star for a day. You can create a DIY karaoke setup using a microphone, speaker, and laptop. Connect the speaker and microphone to your laptop. Then download a karaoke app. Free apps such as Red Karaoke will let you select free songs or subscribe to a full library. This is a great way to ensure hours of fun at your party!

We hope you enjoyed these party ideas! For more planning tips, check out our free magazine at Happy party planning! k ABOUT RENT MY WEDDING RENT MY WEDDING is the nation’s largest online event rental company, and is headquartered in Miami. Rental items include event lighting, linens, pipe and drape, photobooths, and more. All products are designed for easy, do-it-yourself setup. Clients order online, rentals are delivered directly to their door, and afterwards clients send the items back in the same box. Shipping is free both ways. Local setup and tear down available in the metro-Miami area. For more information, visit or call 305-921-4099.


kiddos | December 2017 • January 2018



e id u G s ’ t n e v E y a id l o H

Where to go with our Kiddos



Family Friday’s at The Falls Play Area From 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Bring the family to The Falls for an afternoon of Holiday Fun. Kids can enjoy playing games, arts & craft, and special goodies from Disney Jr. Puppy Dogs Pals! Also enjoy Free Concert Series from 6:00 to 9:00 PM in Center Court during the month of December. For more information visit Free event



Orange Bowl Fan & Fest Hard Rock Stadium, 347 Don Shula Dr. Miami Gardens Free fan fest with purchase of the game ticket. Live music, food trucks, kids zone, giveaways, games, interactive exhibits & more For more information visit



Chinese Lantern Festival Central Broward Regional Park, Florida 3700 NW 11th Pl, Lauderhill, FL 33311 An unparalleled experience for the whole family, a modern take on the ancient art of lantern-making. This year’s theme of “The Wild” will feature amazing works of art in the form of different animals from lions to dinosaurs, giraffes to panda’s—even a herd of zebras will form dreamscapes of color and motion. For more information visit:



Ice Cream We Love Bal Harbour Shops 9700 Collins Ave, Bal Harbour, FL 33154 From 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. The first annual “Ice Cream We Love” celebration will feature 18 of the country’s best ice cream makers, scooping their flavors for the whole family to enjoy. To purchase tickets visit:



The Polar Express Train Ride Gold Coast Railroad Museum 12450 S.W. 152nd Street Miami, Florida 33177 (next to Zoo Miami) The magical story comes to life when the train departs for a 45 minute round-trip journey to the North Pole. Once onboard, hot chocolate and treats are served as passengers read along with the classic children’s book. For more information call 305.253.0063 or visit





George Balanchine’s The Nutcracker® Adrienne Arsht Center in Miami from December 15th-24th, Kravis Center in West Palm Beach from December 28th-30th Miami City Ballet presents an amazing new take on George Balanchine’s The Nutcracker®! The freshly updated production features all-new amazing sets and dazzling costumes as well as a live orchestra at every show! Get your tickets now at!



Santa’s Enchanted Forest

Winter Fairland

7900 Bird Road, Miami, Florida 33155 Santa’s Enchanted Forest is the world’s largest holiday-themed park that features over 100 rides, games, shows, and animated children displays. SAVE $10 on single day tickets with promo code KIDDOSSAVE For more information visit

Miami-Dade County Fair & Expo 10901 SW 24th St, Miami, FL 33165 A new indoor family-friendly holiday event where everyone can enjoy making it the perfect place to celebrate the holidays, while not having to worry about the weather For more information, visit Free admission



Winterland at the Farm Pinto Farm 14890 SW 216 Street, Miami, FL 33170 Holiday treats, hay rides, face painting, paddleboat rides, Santa, pony rides, and many more activities for kids! For more info visit



Art Deco Weekend Kid's Club Ocean Drice & 13th St., Miami Beach From 10:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m The Kids’ Club is the place to listen, dance, create and learn. All the fun will happen by the playground near 13th St. Activities are ongoing between 11am and 5pm on For more information visit Free event



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New Year! JANUARY calendar submissions Submit your event information for February-March calendar before January 10th to Include event name, location, address, date, time, cost, a brief description and contact. Events will be listed based on availability and it has to be family and kids related. it’s just about kids |




Enhancing Life and Excelling in


are Resource recognizes that women’s bodies differ from men’s in many subtle ways. We believe our patients have a right to high quality care that is comprehensive, compassionate and convenient. Our providers and staff are prepared to address your health needs – from adolescence to menopause and beyond. In recognition of the importance of women’s health, up until December 31st, new female patients without insurance or existing patients that have not received a Pap smear in twelve months may qualify to receive a FREE basic exam, lab work and a Pap smear. A Pap smear is used to screen for cervical cancer. If you have certain risk factors, your Care Resource Medical


kiddos | December 2017 • January 2018

clinician may recommend morefrequent Pap smears, regardless of your age. These risk factors include: A diagnosis of cervical cancer or a Pap smear that showed precancerous cells, Exposure to diethylstilbestrol (DES) before birth, HIV infection, a weakened immune system due to organ transplant, chemotherapy or chronic corticosteroid use.” – Sanique Olkuch, DNP, ARNP, Associate Medical Director Please call to make an appointment or for more information. To make an appointment, one must call 305-576-1234 EXT: 470 (English) and 471 (Spanish) and a preventive medical voucher number will be assigned k

Terms & Conditions Apply: Vouchers are ONLY valid for new medical patients without private or government insurance. Usage of this voucher is considered an acknowledgement by the patient that they are not insured. The promotion applies to appointments made up until December 30th, 2017. However, appointment dates may be scheduled outside this window period. Offer has no cash value and becomes void if appointment is cancelled. Limited quantity and on a first come, first served basis. Promotion is subject to change or termination at any time, without notice. Follow-up visit must be scheduled within six weeks of initial visit.

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