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10 Questions with Sam Feher

By Elizabeth Guckian

This month, our “10 Questions” feature is with Samantha Feher, the Editorial Assistant and Assistant to the Editor-in-Chief at Cosmopolitan Magazine. Samantha grew up in Chatham Township, where she lived with her family before recently moving to New York City. After graduating from Chatham High School in 2015, Samantha attended Elon University, where she graduated with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Multimedia Authoring. Samantha is also a social media influencer (@samanthafeher), using her creativity and passion for fashion to inspire and connect with larger audiences.

What does your job entail and what are your day-to-day responsibilities?

I’m definitely a Jack of All Trades at my job. As the editorial assistant AND assistant to the Editor-in-Chief at Cosmo, I assist not just Jess (our EIC) with her day-to-day tasks, but also the entire rest of the team. Plus, I get to write for the site and the magazine! There’s a lot that goes into it, but it’s super rewarding because I learn something new every day.

How did you end up in your current job?

I always knew I wanted to work at a magazine, and from the age of seven, I wanted to be the “Editor-in-Chief of Cosmo, specifically.” In college I studied Journalism and Multimedia Authoring, and I used internship/freelance experience on top of my formal education to prepare myself for the exact job I have today (I had really done my research). I graduated one semester early because I knew that if the spot opened up and I couldn’t apply, I’d regret it forever. As luck would have it, the position became available two weeks before my graduation date, and I applied right away. Here I am today!

What are the most challenging and the most rewarding parts of your job?

The most challenging part of my job is the inability to “turn it off.” I definitely have work on the brain 100% of the time. But the truth is, I don’t even mind it that much because every part is rewarding. When you work at a brand like Cosmo, it’s easy to remember why you worked so hard to get here in the first place. It’s just a special place to be.

Why did you choose this career?

I chose this career because I love to write, and because I love to connect with people. Cosmo offers me the unique ability to connect through writing with people I really relate to—young women—on a massive scale.

How did your Chatham education help you get to where you are today?

I had wonderful teachers at Chatham High. Deloatch, Meguerian, Gagliardi, Cordano and Henderson are standouts. These teachers didn’t necessarily worry about my performance on tests and quizzes—they just pushed me and challenged me in all the right ways. I think they seriously helped me create the person I am today.

You're a social media influencer. How did that happen, and what do you love most about it?

It was a total accident! A picture of mine was reposted on a popular account when I was 18, and from there, things kind of spiraled (upwards, I guess)! There are two things I love about being an influencer: having a large platform on which I can promote causes I believe in, and the ability to connect with people I’d otherwise never meet!

Who are your fashion role models/inspirations?

Bella Hadid, retro Elton John, Alexander Wang…I’m kind of all over the place. My wardrobe is very versatile and I draw inspiration from every part of the spectrum because I love to experiment. Constant transformation is essential to my look.

What’s your favorite app?

Insight Timer — it’s a meditation app. My brain has this wicked way of constantly moving at top speed, so simple meditations are a great way to stop… thinking.

What’s one item you can’t live without?

My mom’s high school class ring. It’s just super sentimental to me. My mom is my best friend in the world, and she gave this to me when I was in high school – I haven’t taken it off since!

What’s a perfect day in Chatham for you?

A backyard BBQ at my parents’ place. There’s nothing better than a warm, sunny afternoon at the Feher household. Dad’s on the grill, Mom’s on… everything else. Classic rock is on the Sonos and I’m surrounded by friends and family. There’s probably some kind of cornhole situation going on, and everyone is eating and drinking and laughing. It’s when I’m happiest to be alive.