2 minute read

Champions Make Second Half Adjustments

Expert Contribution by Matthew Riordan, Professional Physical Therapy & Training

It is certain to say that 2020 thus far has not gone according to plan for anyone. This was intended to be your big year. Your business was really going to take off. You planned to get married or finally make that family trip. You had worked so hard toward graduation and were looking forward to landing your first job. This was going to be the year when it all came together...and then the whole world stopped.

None of this was in your plan. So much change and stress has been thrust upon us causing us to feel uncertain and out of control. Over these past few months time has moved slowly with the agony of waiting for the return of normal life, yet time has also moved quickly as we try to keep up with the steep learning curve from all of these changes.

By the end of this month, half of 2020 will be over. You may look back in disbelief, upset with missed opportunities and lost time. But you don’t look back too long, as there is still another half to play. You have choices on how you will play out the rest of the year.

Have you ever wondered why Tom Brady and the Patriots always seem to pull it out in the second half? Did you ever wonder why Tiger Woods did not just fold after not winning a tournament in over 5 years? It is the mindset of a champion. During this pandemic, do you think doctors, nurses and other front line personnel wanted to give up? No, they have helped us come back. They are real champions!

How will you play your second half?

Everyone loves a great comeback story. Can you conceive a second half that can become a better year than you had planned for? If so, then you’re on your way to a comeback.

To succeed, first get your mind ready. Doubt is a comeback killer. You will need some team support, but don’t engage with doubters. Yes, there’s a global crisis, but what are the second order consequences you can control? You don’t make a comeback by planning on hitting a hole in one or scoring a 9 point touchdown. Start with something small and attainable. Win that and then build from there. Get creative. This is not shooting for getting back to the old routine, aim higher. Most of all, you can’t wait until the second half bell rings. You’ve got to start now.

Here at Professional Physical Therapy & Training, we help people make comebacks in their health, which can be one of the toughest, yet rewarding challenges and become the most valuable asset. If you’re ready to make a comeback, we are on your team. Visit www.FeelBetterWithPT.com.

We want to give a special thank you to all of those champions out there including nurses, doctors, hospital workers, first responders and teachers. You have been able to keep this community in the game and ready to win the second half.