2 minute read


Tort Law; Arbitration; Corporate Law

Gastón Fernández is an International Consultant and Expert on Peruvian Law, issuing several national and international legal opinions and intervening as an expert in international arbitrations before the ICSID (International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes), ICC (International Chamber of Commerce), CAIP (Paris International Chamber of Arbitration), IACAC (Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission), CCL (Arbitration Center of the Lima Chamber of Commerce), among others; and judicial proceedings before international judicial courts.

He has been the last Chairman of the Reform Commission of the Peruvian Civil Code (2016-2019). He has participated as amicus curiae (“friend of the court”) in the VIII Pleno Casatorio Civil of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Republic of Peru (2015), invited as a legal expert to illustrate with his opinion the Supreme Court of the Republic of Peru.

Member of the lists of arbitrators of the Arbitration Center of the Lima Chamber of Commerce (CCL), the Arbitration Center of the American Chamber of Commerce of Peru (Amcham Peru), the Conflict Resolution and Analysis Center of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (CARC-PUCP), the Arbitration Center of the Supervisory Body of Private Investment in Telecommunications – OSIPTEL and the Arbitration Center of the Lambayeque Chamber of Commerce and Production.

Main Ordinary Professor at the Law School of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (from 1992 to date), being Full Professor of Torts and Law of Obligations courses; and Professor at the Graduate School of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú on the Master of Civil Law (from 2001 to 2007; 2018 to date), being also currently Director of that Graduate School of Civil Law (September 2017 – March 2024).

Professor Honoris Causa by Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa ; and Honorary Professor by Universidad de Huánuco and Universidad Privada de Tacna

Former Ordinary Professor at the Law School of the Universidad de Lima (1985-2006), and Former Visiting Professor at the Law School of the Università Degli Studi di Bologna, Italia (1999-2000).

He has been and is a national and international speaker, both within the Republic of Peru and abroad, having participated at important foreign universities such as the Università Degli Studi di Bologna; Università Degli Studi di Siena; Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano; the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa (Italy); and at the Universidad de Castilla - La Mancha (Spain).

He has been a member of the Reform Commission of the General Arbitration Act of Peru (2006), as long as the Special Commission for the Comprehensive Reform of the Judicial Administration –CERIAJUS (2006).

He has written numerous articles on various law magazines specialised in Peru and abroad. Author of the books “La Cláusula Penal: Tutela contra el Incumplimiento vs Tutela Resarcitoria”; “Introducción a la Responsabilidad Civil: Lecciones Universitarias”; “Limitación de Responsabilidad, Exoneración y Liberación del deudor”; “Escritos Reunidos de Derecho Civil Patrimonial”; “Una Relectura de la Responsabilidad Vicaria: Entre la Responsabilidad por hecho propio y la Responsabilidad por hecho ajeno”; y “El Daño No Patrimonial y el Daño Moral (Dos ensayos”. He has also been the subject of a Tribute Book entitled “Dogmática y Práctica del Derecho Privado Moderno: Escritos Jurídicos en Homenaje al Profesor Gastón Fernández Cruz”.