American Terror

Page 6


I talked about the existence of the society as a social and cultural entity. I think that’s what’s at stake.

Oh, OK, but what if it’s the stake, uh, uh, mighten there be two points of view, about, uh, how to help it evolve into, uh, its natural forms, right? Oh, there are many different points of view, but I think there are very legitimate But now, now how could it… there are very legitimate argu-… See that, see that, there are very legitimate i-issues that can be argued as to how the United States ought to, most efficaciously, put an end to its destructive actions in Vietnam, there are many different alternatives that might be thought of as… Yeh, but, but what, but one way of course to put an end to America’s necessary intervention is to, uh, conclude the war successfully. That’s a way… Yeh, one possible way is by OK, destroying Vietnam, but you, but you… which I think is probably the most likely outcome. Yeh. Well, now, for instance, one way in which we put an end to the Nazi occupation of France was by destroying the Nazis in Germany, correct? And uh, uh, it seems to me that, uh, this was a position, which is a tenable position, and mutatis mutatis it’s a tenable position. But it changes why, it changes why, American Terror libretto © Jeffrey Lependorf 2008

That’s right, yeh.

No, because mutachanges everything.


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