American Terror

Page 41

that in your book, and that’s where you’re not willing to, to be consistent in carrying out this argument. You, you’re constantly talking about our satellizing of places like uh, uh Cuba, and the Dominican Republic and so on and so forth, and yet we never occupied Hmm. them Oh, yeh, we, in the sense in which you are talking about. well, well, we never occupied the Dominican Republic? No no, I’m talking about pre-, I’m talking about…

We sent twenty-five thousand troops there in nineteen sixty-five, in an occupation.

Well, well, alright, let me, look, I, I think you’re being evasive and I don’t think you want to be. Let me ask you this. Is it possible that, is it possible,

Well, the American marines were in there dozens of times.

Evasive? No, I, not at all.

I’m not being evasive at all. You know, we simply repeatedly sent troops to Nicaragua, to the Mediterranean, to Cuba, to the Dominican Republic, etcetera, etcetera.

is it possible to sattelize a nation without having an occupying army there?

Yes it is. Alright, then there goes your French, your tedious French explanation for… Yeh, yeh.

American Terror libretto © Jeffrey Lependorf 2008

Oh, not at all, because that doesn’t happen to be the, you see, we’re talking about a real situation… We could talk about some ideal situation, and, 41

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