American Terror

Page 36

ACT FOUR I interrupted you, I’m sorry.

Yeh, well, first of all, the, uh, you’ve now mentioned Marshall aid for the first time, and Marshall Aid ha- — Marshall Plan Aid— has to be distinguished quite sharply from the Truman Doctrine.

Why? Why? Because the Truman Doctrine was a doctrine of military intervention and the Marshall Plan was our first But you do, you do understand that attempt at a major aid program. sometimes a, But just a, just a minute... a soldier can be as useful as a bushel of wheat, don’t you? Now, look.


Nevertheless, if we’re going to be at all clear about the American role, we’re certainly going to distinguish between military intervention and economic intervention. They’re very different in the way that they function. Now the fact of the matter is that neither was disinterested in your sense I don’t think, but they’re very different in the impact that they had.

But how do you, how do you explain the schizophrenia? How do you explain American Terror libretto © Jeffrey Lependorf 2008

Uh, the Truman Doctrine, I think, was a disastrous venture; I think the Marshall Plan, uh, w- was arguable. I mean, one understood what it was for and… Uh, I don’t agree with its consequen… 36

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