American Terror

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one can make that generality. I gather that you believe it. Go ahead. Yeh, sure.

Well, but… Yeh, I do. Well, that then does become a matter of fact which one can discuss, but I— as a matter of principle almost— uh, restrict myself to the discussion of American terror; Neither, not the terror carried out by the various sides in Vietnam, for many reasons. For one thing, because it’s just qualitatively different in scale, and for another thing because I, I feel that we have some responsibility for it.

Mm-hmmm, mm-hmmm.

See, I don’t, uh, in the same sense, you know, in the same sense, I don’t talk about, I’ve never written about the terror carried out by both sides in Nigeria, let’s say. Uh, uh, I don’t like it, obviously, but I don’t see any point in my giving them good or bad marks for it.


On the other hand, if we were carrying out the terror I would very definitely write about it.


So there’s no double standard as far as I can see, at least, let’s say I have a standard in mind one may or may not accept. [cough] We will explore that. [BELL]

American Terror libretto © Jeffrey Lependorf 2008


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