American Terror

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Th-, I said somewhere in the book that if there is any tone of self-righteousness or anything like that its unintended and certainly undeserved, and I mean that very much. See, I mean, after all, given feelings that I have, which I’ve just expressed, you know, in which you perceive, uh, uh, I should be doing really strong things, which I don’t think I am doing, so you see there’s no, there’s no sense of moral superiority, and I’m not interested in simply, you know, throwing blame around or giving people marks.



I think that the beginning of wisdom is, in this case, to recognize something about wh- what we stand for in the world; what we’re doing in the world, and I think when we do recognize that we will feel an enormous sense of guilt and I say somewhere in there that one should be very careful not to let confessions of guilt, uh, overcome the possibility of action. I say that confessions of guilt can be very good therapy, yes they can, as is well known.

Uh, they, they’re also very good preventatives to action and I think one should be very wary of the fact that, Um, I think that, I think we should. and I have some remarks that… I think that your, uh, formulation of it is, uh, uh, at least saintly. But, uh, uh, it still, uh, is, uh, uh, dislocating, at least

American Terror libretto © Jeffrey Lependorf 2008

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