Christ Church Cookbook

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hrist Episcopal Church is blessed with many excellent cooks who give generously of their time and talents to provide delicious food for receptions, church night suppers, special events, Canterbury Club suppers, preschool, Sunday School and Vacation Bible School treats, and meals for members who are ill and unable to cook for themselves. For the past two years, a large group of people worked to collect favorite recipes to include in this cookbook. Many have adapted recipes from famous cooks, family members, and friends. Whenever possible, we have given credit to the sources if known. Because of the length of time and the number of people involved in the collection of recipes, some submitted recipes were inadvertently lost. We regret their omission from this collection, but look forward to discovering and adding them in a future edition. The editors want to thank all those who submitted recipes as well as those who proofread the final draft of the book. We would also like to thank our rector, Father Peter Ingeman, for encouraging us to complete this project. We especially want to thank those who came before us, who taught us to cook and to love the art of cooking. Edith Shepherd Julia Ariail Julius Ariail

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