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confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar... It’s a forty-­‐dollar cab ride and they stop at a McDonalds and eat ham and egg McMuffins. They haven’t spoken since she entered the trailer. The girl’s makeup runs down her face and she realizes as she’s sucking her orange juice that she’s crying. She spits a mouthful of juice onto her tray. There are children here now, watching her and mothers and fathers and grandparents begin to gasp and complain as she lets forth a wailing. Yosh walks from the table afraid of the attention. She begins to sob into napkins and McMuffin wrappers. A woman wearing a visor and headset comes to speak to her, to calm her down, but the girl is in hysterics. She can’t fathom for what she cries, she can only witness herself emptying, draining like some bucket. Sunday, she walks home, the first day of winter. She crosses the MacKay bridge, its mighty tendons arch into the city. In the distance she saw a storm far off and silent. The ocean groans beneath her. Black clouds came this way again, to meet the breathing harbour. She wipes a stream of steady snot from her nostrils, half blood and phlegm. The traffic thickens on the MacKay, the city is wide awake.


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