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snail stacey teague

walking down queen street is like travelling through a sea looking at people through salt water eyes sea foam in my ears. the city is a good place to feel lonely but really anywhere is. there have been so many cities between me and my own and what i perceive as home has become less about geography and more about bodies, ideas, objects. i want to be able to carry my city around with me like a backpack. remember when i told you about wanting to be like a snail and you never said anything well i’m going to do that. you said you never liked this city but you’ve never taken it by the shoulders you’ve never held it to your ear you’ve never sat in a tree at 3am in myers park spilling wine onto the ground beneath you. after a while you said that my city felt like your city and when we sat within the walls of our apartment we imagined that the cars outside were like waves hurling themselves into the carpark below. everywhere here sounds like the ocean to me. on the other side of the world i am never far away.


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