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Eventually, Anne says that she is tired and needs to go to bed, because she has to work in the morning. He makes one last pass at sleeping over, but she is firm when she says no. He says okay, but that he still needs to come up to get his turntable, which he ordered to her apartment, because she has a doorman who can sign for the package, and he lives in a walk-­‐up in Brooklyn. -­‐I don’t think that’s a good idea. -­‐I’m just going to get my turntable and leave. -­‐Can’t you just do it another time?” -­‐I don’t think I want to see you another time. -­‐Oh. In the elevator, they keep kissing, but when the doors open on her floor, they look like they barely know each other. She leads him through the living room where he greets her roommates who pretend not to notice his puffy eyes. In her bedroom, he looks around. It feels wrong -­‐-­‐ he doesn’t belong here. 132

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