v18n18 - JFP Interview with Dr. Thomas Dobbs

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Dear Moms, It’s OK to Pursue Your Passions by Alyssa Bass


April 29 - May 12, 2020 • jfp.ms



10th Annual ‘I Got Bank’ National Youth Essay & Art Contest April 29-May 13, all day, Online. OneUnited Bank sponsors the 10th annual financial literacy contest for youth ages 8-12. Participants either write and submit a 250word essay or create and submit an art project (PDF only) about what they learned from the book “I Got Bank!”—or from another financial literacy book available in their library or home— and how they can use what they learned in their lives or the lives of their families. Submission deadline is June 30. Winners receive a $1,000 savings account. This contest is completely accessible online, including free access to the financial literacy children’s book “I Got Bank: What My Granddad Taught Me About Money.” Free admission; email suzan@circleofonemarketing. com; oneunited.com. Reflections from Yates Chapel April 29, May 6, noon-12:30 p.m., on Facebook Live. Millsaps College hosts the Facebook Live event where Rev. Dr. Joey Shelton and his team offer a devotional from Yates Chapel in the Selby & Richard McRae Christian Center. Free admission; call 601-974-1000; email communications@millsaps.edu; find it on Facebook. The Black Lunch Break April 29-30, May 1, May 4-8, May 11-13, noon, on Facebook Live. Black With No Chaser hosts the talk show. Free admission; email info@blackwithnochaser.com; find it on Facebook.

courtesy Amanda Joullian Chappell


hree years ago, Amanda Joullian Chappell and her 5-year-old daughter did something different for Mother’s Day. Usually, the pair would celebrate at her mother’s house. But because her mother was out of town, Chappell celebrated her first Mother’s Day alone with her daughter. The then-single mother and her daughter went on a picnic, walked along the reservoir and fed ducks. Her daughter gave her a card and a few trinkets from her room. Chappell still carries one of those gifts, a rock shaped like a heart, in her purse every day. “The reason it was so special was because it was the epitome of me getting to be a mother and be with my child and be motherly,” she says. Since then, Chappell married her Travelin’ Jane Band & Duo bandmate, John Chappell, who had two daughters and one son from a previous marriage. Soon after their marriage, Chappell became pregnant with twins. She anticipates doing something sim-

Travelin’ Jane lead singer Amanda Chappell holds her twins, Clarke and Wyatt, after they were born last year.

ple at home this Mother’s Day. “I’ve been joking that I’ve been in quarantine since (the twins) were born because I haven’t been able to do much of anything because I’ve been taking care of them. I’ve been calling everyone else quarantine amateurs,” Chappell says, laughing.

KIDS ScoutStrong Award via Zoom, Cub Scouts April 29, May 1, 6-6:30 p.m., on Zoom. Mitch Chatman works with Cub Scouts through Zoom to help them earn the ScoutStrong Award. Each session lasts 15 minutes. Scouts engage in physical fitness activities together as required for the honor. Parents must be online with their Cub Scout during each session to follow BSA guidelines. Participating scouts are required to have water available throughout this activity to stay hydrated and meet the requirements. Participants must use their Zoom accounts to call the Zoom Meeting ID, which will be emailed prior to the class. Admissions TBA; call 601-948-6111; email meritbadges@ bsa-Jackson.org; find it on Facebook. Online Merit Badge Session-Geology May 1, 6-8 p.m., May 3, 2-3:30 p.m., on Zoom. The Andrew Jackson Council invited Dr. Charles Weiss to teach scouts about geology so that they may earn the geology merit badge to Scouts via Zoom. Zoom Meeting ID to be emailed before the class. Admissions TBA; call 601-948-6111; email meritbadges@bsa-Jackson.org, pbandnn@ yahoo.com; find it on Facebook.

SPORTS & WELLNESS Soul Synergy Virtual Yoga April 29-30, May 4-7, May 11-13, 10 a.m., Online. Soul Synergy offers a virtual yoga class. $7 individual class rate; call 601-992-7721; email soulsynergycenter@ gmail.com; soulsynergycenter.com.

Still, the stay-at-home mom misses publicly performing with Travelin’ Jane. The cover band, formed in 2007, performs music that ranges from the ’60s to the hits of today presented in “Jane style,” which Chappell describes as blue-eyed soul with country and rock ’n’ roll. Chappell says the band staying true to themselves has given them a diverse and loyal fanbase she calls Jane Friends, or the Travelers. Since the quarantine cancelled the band’s planned public performances, Chappell has stayed connected with the Travelers via text and one live-streamed show alongside her husband. She expects the band to do more online shows in May but misses the energy she gets from a live audience. “Motherhood and music: those are probably my two greatest passions in this world. I’m up there singing and pouring my passion out,” she says For years, people have told Chappell she shouldn’t perform because of her children. Chappell says the critics don’t understand that music is a part of her DNA. As she grew up, she graduated from

performing for her dolls to appearing with select ensembles. In her adulthood, she sang in a show in Missouri for years before returning to Mississippi. Chappell and her husband John formed the Travelin’ Jane Duo in 2014. Other band members include Richard Hall and Cliff Hellums. “I’m in T-shirts everyday, feeding and cleaning, and then I flip the switch and dress up and perform. I release. … (John is) the same way. He works all day, and then he gets to take his love and his passion and be on stage and release,” she says. Chappell encourages other mothers to pursue their passions as well. “I really hope that people can see it’s OK and say, ‘I’m not a bad mom because I’m also doing something that I’m passionate about. I’m not less of a mom because I’m doing something that I’m passionate about. I’m not letting my children down. If anything, I’m showing my children that self-love, self-worth, self-passion is important,’” she says. Follow Travelin’ Jane on Facebook.

Choreorobics Dance Off May 1, May 5, May 8, May 12, 5:30-6:30 p.m., on Zoom. Roger & Tena host Choreorobics Dance-Off hip-hop dance fitness classes via Zoom. Payments may be made through PayPal, Cash App and Venmo. A class invitation link will be sent via email/text to allow participants admittance to the class(es) after payment. $7 per class or $10 per week (2 classes); call 601-853-7480; email golongproductions@yahoo.com; choreorobics.com.

Amity Gaige Reads from “Sea Wife” May 4, 5:30 p.m., on Instagram Live. Amity Gaige reads from her book, “Sea Wife.” $26.95 pre-order; call 601-366-7619; email lemuria@lemuriabooks.com; lemuriabooks.com.

CONCERTS & FESTIVALS Fusion at 6 May 6, May 13, 7-8 p.m., on Facebook Live. The student ministry of First Baptist Church in Madison holds an online event people can access via LiveStream.com, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Free admission; call 601856-6177; email aloving@fbcmadison.org.

LITERARY Welty at Home | A Virtual Book Club April 29, May 6, May 13, noon-1 p.m., on Zoom. The Eudora Welty House & Garden and the Mississippi Department of Archives & History host the virtual book club to explore Eudora Welty’s novel “Losing Battles” over a period of 10 weeks, an average of 45 pages per week with live book club discussions on Zoom led by Welty’s friend and biographer Dr. Suzanne Marrs. Those unable to make the Zoom video call can follow along on Facebook and Instagram. Free admission; call 601-353-7762; email info@eudoraweltyhouse.com; find it on Facebook.

CREATIVE CLASSES New Stage Virtual Classroom: Voiceover 101 with Keri Horn May 12, 5-6:30 p.m., Online. New Stage Education hosts Virtual Voice Over Training Classroom. Registration required. 16+. $175; call 601-948-3533, ext. 236; email education@newstagetheatre.com; find it on Facebook.

ARTS & EXHIBITS Virtual smART Spaces Classes May 1, May 4, May 6, May 8, May 11, May 13, 9 a.m., on Facebook Live. Hattiesburg Parks & Recreation holds online creative classes. Free admission; call 601-545-6682; find it on Facebook.

PROFESSIONAL & BIZ CONNECT Online May 7, 4:30-6:30 p.m., on Zoom. Innovate Mississippi hosts a virtual event for entrepreneurs, mentors and innovation ecosystem leaders to network while staying within the CDC’s recommended guidelines for social distancing. Registration deadline May 6. Free admission; call 601-960-3610; email tbibb@ innovate.ms; Eventbrite. Send virtual events to events@jacksonfreepress.com.

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