v12n09 - The 2013 Beauty & Style Issue

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November 6 - 12, 2013

Trip Burns



imple white thread is what makes Kirti Naran’s salon different from most in Jackson. Naran opened Incense Salon and Boutique a decade ago with her sister, Rina Patel, where they specialize in hair removal by threading, a practice originated in India. Although she is originally a native of Coventry, England, Naran lived in the U.S. most of her life. After living in Texas and Vicksburg, she came to Jackson with her husband, Pratik in 1992, and went to cosmetology school. In 2002, her sister moved to Jackson as well, and the two decided to go into business together, adding an element unavailable anywhere else in Jackson: threading. “I was just cutting hair at different shops at that point, and then we decided to start threading. We were used to getting it done in Dallas and Texas,” Naran says. “(Rina) has got an eye for accessories and clothing and whatnot, and I was the barber, so we figured we’d combine the two and open up a business. Of course, everything sounds good in theory.” At first they found themselves having to explain threading to a wary Jackson audience. “A lot of people used to come in here and be like, ‘Y’all use a thread and needle? Do you sew?’” Naran says with a laugh. But the sisters say their clientele responded well to the practice once they figured it out, and it gave them a niche in the city. Unlike waxing, during which hot wax sticks to the hair—and


sometimes skin—ripping it out with force, threading is a gentler technique that traps the hair in twisted thread (see page 17). The sisters have noticed an increased awareness about the benefits of threading as the practice grows more popular in other cities and people try it on travels. Word of mouth around the city also sends more clients their way. In 2010, the sisters expanded at their location, approximately doubling Incense’s square footage. At Incense, Naran heads up the salon, which offers haircuts and styling in addition to threading, while Patel manages the boutique, selling clothing, accessories, nail polish and jewelry. With Incense growing, Naran, 41, says she’s exactly where she wants to be. “I think we are at a place we envisioned,” she says, adding that she loves being a small business owner. “You work a lot, but you have the freedom to make changes; you have the freedom to do a lot of things you can’t otherwise. You’re your own boss.” Even beyond that freedom, Naran says the most meaningful part of her business is sharing it with her sister. “It’s really family-oriented here. All of our clients know that we’re sisters, and we’ve got clients whose sisters come in here, their mother comes in here, their children come in here,” she says. “That is exciting. It’s like a community, and it just makes you feel like you are a part of something.” —Kathleen M. Mitchell

Cover photo of Lindsey Dawson by Sharon Coker Photography Hair and makeup by Kate McNeely, floral crown by Molly Gee Designs

8 To the Core

“I spent 37 years in the classroom with teachers who were working hard, hard, hard—and the students were working. We felt like we were doing well, and then we’d get these scores, and it looked like we were not. What we discovered through Common Core, those of us who have been working with it for a while, is that these standards are telling us where our students should be, on the same standards as in California, in Oklahoma, in New Hampshire, in Connecticut—everywhere. So we’re seeing where, ‘Hey, our students can do that.’ It’s just going to take a while to get them there.” —Joyce Helmick

25 The Beer Guy

Fred Ezelle hasn’t been homebrewing long, but the hobby is in his blood—and he has two Jacktoberfest People’s Choice awards to prove it.

26 Fifth Time’s the Charm

Nick Judin delves deeper into the San Andreas world of “Grand Theft Auto” with his review of the game’s fifth installment.


4 ............................. EDITOR’S Note 6 ............................................ Talks 12 ................................. editorial 13 ..................................... opinion 14 ....... Best of Jackson Ballot 15 ............................. Cover Story 25 .......................................... Food 26............................................. geek 29 ........................................... arts 30 ........................................... film 31 ........................................ 8 Days 32 ................................ JFP Events 34 ........................................ music 36 ........................ music listings 37 ...................................... sports 39 ..................................... Puzzles 41 ........................................ astro

Rockstar Games ; Trip Burns; courtesy Joyce Helmick

November 6 - 12, 2013 | Vol. 12 No. 9


editor’s note

by Kathleen M. Mitchell Features Editor

Positive Beauty


year ago, in our first beauty issue, I wrote in my editor’s note about struggling with body image and about the dangerous impact media has on our women and men. I wrote about women judging each other. I wrote about my personal journey to find beauty in my own skin. All those things remain true and relevant. The media continue to present a more damaging and more warped vision of womanhood every day. But this year, I’m not going to write about my past or my present struggles with beauty. I realized something sometime in the past year. At first it was subconscious, but as I began to realize this truth, I started trying to make it a mindful part of my personality. Making other people feel beautiful makes me feel a little more beautiful, too. Making other people happy in any way makes me happy as well. It’s a simple concept, but it packs a punch. Over the last year and especially the last several months, I have very consciously worked to point out the beauty, intelligence, and other great qualities I see in my friends and the women (and men) I know. When someone looks amazing, I compliment them. When someone does something great, I praise them. Of course, it’s not like I never complimented my friends and loved ones in the past. I wouldn’t consider myself a mean person before this big epiphany of mine. But I can be petty. I can let my jealousy of women who seem to have it all—the looks, the style and the brains— keep me from getting close to them. What I decided, though, was to overcome that. To make anyone and everyone I could feel good about themselves.

To push jealousy aside and tell people about the beauty and the intelligence I see in them. It is funny to think this is a topic even worthy of writing about. Complimenting people isn’t anything new. It’s an innate act for most children. But it is an unfortunate part of our society that

Making other people feel beautiful makes me feel a little more beautiful, too. women are subconsciously trained to stop doing it. Movies and television are mostly filled with women who are catty and horrible to one another. They are petty, envious, backstabbing and more. They push the idea that women should only be focused on getting a man, and should knock down any other woman who might get in her way. We learn to mistrust other women in this way. We learn to see them as rivals, to be jealous rather than proud when they succeed.

Leave it to Amy Poehler to show us the way. Besides her real-life friendship with fellow funny woman Tina Fey, her sitcom “Parks and Recreation” offers a new way to approach female friendships. One of the most beloved and genuine relationships in the show is that between Poehler’s Leslie Knope and Rashida Jones’ Ann Perkins. Knope is not shy about her love for her best friend, and proclaims it as often as possible. Leslie addresses Ann with an endless supply of creative compliments—“Ann, you vivacious rainbow of joy,” or, “Ann, you beautiful tropical fish,” or, “Ann, you spectacular cloud of brilliance.” It’s entertaining as hell, heartwarming and, above all, a great reminder that we can do more—and we can be more— when we help each other. What it all comes down to is actively choosing to be happy, and to making others happy. It can be hard to choose to be happy. It’s actually much easier to choose the opposite—something I know all too well, and do all too often. But over the weekend, something very negative reminded me of the power of thinking positive. Somebody or bodies broke into our home while we were out and stole many of my husband’s and my most expensive possessions. Not only did we lose several things that we are in no financial position to replace, I felt great unease at the thought of a malevolent stranger going through our home and our things. This is the type of occurrence that could easily derail my happiness for weeks. But this weekend was also Millsaps College’s homecoming, and many of our beloved yet far-flung friends were in town for the occasion. We had no

time to dwell on our misfortune, no time to wallow over the lost money or blame ourselves for what we could have done better to prevent it. Rather, we were so busy visiting and reminiscing and laughing and loving that, once we came through the initial shock, anger and sadness, we barely thought about the break-in. In fact, it was one of the best weekends I’ve had in a long time. And while the week before homecoming, I was worried about my stress acne and wishing I had observed a more regular diet and exercise plan, once all my people were around me, I felt great. I felt beautiful. I chose to be happy, and to do my best to make those around me happy, creating the best kind of self-perpetuating circle. So I’m taking this idea to the next level, and I have a challenge for you. The holiday season is tailor-made for celebrating others, for lifting them up and sharing why you are thankful that they are in your life. So until the next year, I’m going to do just that. Since most of my people are spread across the country, I am aiming to write letters to 50 people in my life, to tell them how they have made an impact on my life and why I think they are amazing. They might be family members, childhood friends, my bridesmaid or college roommate—or they might just be people I don’t know that well but always thought were pretty great. I urge you to join me. It doesn’t have to be 50 people. It could be five, or 15. But sit down and make an effort to tell someone they are great. Tell them they are beautiful, and I’d be surprised if you don’t feel a little more beautiful yourself.

November 6 - 12, 2013



R.L. Nave

Amber Helsel

Briana Robinson

Tyler Cleveland

Mo Wilson

Nicole Wyatt

Justin Hosemann

Andrea Thomas

R.L. Nave, native Missourian and news editor, roots for St. Louis—and for Jackson. Send him news tips at rlnave@ jacksonfreepress.com.

Editorial Assistant Amber Helsel graduated from Ole Miss with a bachelor’s in journalism. She is short, always hungry and hoping to survive NaNoWriMo. She wrote for the cover package.

Music Editor Briana Robinson is trying to become an expert on all things music. Her other passions include dance and photography. Send her music scoop at briana@ jacksonfreepress.com. She wrote for the cover package.

City Reporter Tyler Cleveland majored in news/editorial journalism at the University of Southern Mississippi. He enjoys sports, southern cuisine and good music. He wrote for the talk section.

Editorial Intern Mo Wilson is a Millsaps College student. He enjoys pizza, the Internet, dancing alone in his bedroom, social justice, politics and giggling. He wrote for the cover package.

An eternal optimist, Fashion Stylist Nicole Wyatt believes art can change the world. She loves unicorns, has an extensive hat collection and you can usually find her thrifting, mustache coffee cup in hand. She wrote for the cover package.

Editorial Intern Justin Hosemann is a native of Vicksburg. He recently graduated from the University of Southern Mississippi. He wrote arts and food features.

Advertising Designer Andrea Thomas is a lover of all genres of music, fashion and good food. She spends her free time exploring everything Jackson has to offer. She designed many of the ads in this issue.

Ronnie Milsap

Stacked with ideas

(Christmas Show) Thursday, December 12, 2013, 7:30 p.m. Pre-Show 6 p.m. Blues, R&B, rock, and pop – none of these are beyond the range of Ronnie Milsap. But the North Carolina native, long before winning numerous Grammy Awards, always knew his roots were in country music. As a child, he gathered with his family around the radio to listen to the Grand Ole Opry, and now, in his 70s, he is said to visit quietly with legendary country DJ Eddie Stubbs while he’s on the air. Milsap’s most recent album title says a lot – “Country Againâ€? was SFMFBTFE JO 5IF NVTJD MFHFOE XJMM QFSGPSN B QMBZMJTU UIBU JT Ă´ MMFE with hits and Christmas favorites.

for winter celebrations

For Fans of: Eddie Rabbitt, Willie Nelson, Alabama

Peter Pan

Family Show Friday, January 31, 2014, 7 p.m. An enchanting notion that transcends time is that of the Ăľ ZJOH CPZ XIP OFWFS HSPXT VQ Whether on the pages of a children’s book or on the theater stage, the character of Peter Pan is almost irresistible to kids of all ages. In this Theatreworks USA production of J.M. Barrie’s classic, the use of ordinary props and clever puppets encourages everyone in the audience to let UIFJS JNBHJOBUJPOT UBLF Ăľ JHIU BT UIFZ GPMMPX UIF KPVSOFZ GSPN -POEPO UP Neverland and back again. For Fans of: Children’s books such as “Peter Pan,â€? “Mary Poppins,â€? and “Alice in Wonderlandâ€?

Friday, February 21, 2014, 7:30 p.m. Traditional Irish dancing and singing storm the stage in this energetic, full-stage concert production titled “Women of Ireland.â€? The country’s top female musical performers, along with a troupe of phenomenal dancers, share the purest qualities of Irish music in an exciting, contemporary setting. Many of these performers have recorded songs with the Dublin Philharmonic Orchestra and the Dublin Gospel Choir. For Fans of: Celtic Woman, Riverdance, Celtic Thunder 2200 5th Street • Meridian, Mississippi 601-696-2200 • www.msurileycenter.com


Westland Plaza, 2526 Robinson Rd.


Woodland Hills, Shopping Center Fondren


Belhaven English Village, 904 E. FortiďŹ cation St.


Yazoo City, 734 East 15th Street



Women of Ireland

Maywood Mart, 1220 E. Northside Dr.


“What Common Core does is level the playing field. This is not a curriculum; it’s standards.” Will the HenleyYoung Juvenile Justice Center be in compliance? p 10

—Joyce Helmick, president of the Mississippi Association of Educators, on Common Core standards, the national guidelines that outline what children K-12 should have learned by the end of each grade.

Thursday, Oct. 30 The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons announces that Syria has destroyed critical equipment for producing chemical weapons and poison gas munitions. Friday, Oct. 31 A temporary benefit from the 2009 economic stimulus that boosts food stamp dollars ceases to be available, reducing benefits for families by as much as $36 per month. … A man with a semiautomatic rifle opens fire at Los Angeles International Airport, killing a TSA employee and wounding two others. Saturday, Nov. 1 Federal prosecutors charge Paul Ciancia, the LAX shooter, with murder of a federal officer and committing violence at an international airport. Sunday, Nov. 2 The White House and congressional intelligence committee leaders reject a plea by Edward Snowden for clemency for charges of allegedly leaking classified information to the media.

November 6 - 12, 2013


Tuesday, Nov. 4 The Senate moves forward on the first major bill barring workplace discrimination against gays in nearly two decades. … Marilyn Tavenner, head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, tells a Senate committee that the government healthcare website is now able to process nearly 17,000 registrants per hours with almost no errors and continues to improve.

by Tyler Cleveland


ackson developer David Watkins is fighting his political foes on two fronts these days. On one front, he is trying to work through his differences with Jackson leadership in order to stay involved with the beleaguered Farish Street redevelopment project. On the other, he’s challenging allegations that he committed securities fraud, which are currently under investigation by the Mississippi secretary of state’s office, a story the Jackson Free Press broke online last week at jfp.ms. The Jackson Redevelopment Authority has not budged on its decision to terminate the lease Watkins held on the Farish Street development from late 2008 until Sept. 25, when it abruptly Jackson developer David Watkins is fighting to either be a part of the team that finishes cancelled the contract without renovations on Farish Street or recover the money he put into the project, while fighting notifying Watkins or asking him allegations from the secretary of state’s office that he committed securities fraud in 2011. any questions. Watkins’ attorney charged last week Attorney Lance Stevens also wrote lawyers who are set to represent JRA in that the New Orleans-based law firm that in the motion for an injunction last week the suit against Farish Street Group have represents JRA, Jones Walker, is helping that inter-tangled relationships between “unwaivable” conflicts of interest because clients “attempting to steal the Farish attorneys and principals involved in the they are simultaneously involved in lawStreet project from (Watkins)” with its various lawsuits create a situation that is suits involving the principal members of involvement with various lawsuits spin- “ripe for corruption and present an unac- the Farish Street Group, the firm that JRA ning around the Watkins and his various ceptable ethical scenario.” is suing, with millions of dollars hanging projects. Stevens’ motion seeks to prevent the in the balance. Hinds County Judge Patricia Wise New Orleans-based Jones Walker Law Jones Walker is currently representrecused herself Monday from ruling on Firm from representing the Jackson Rede- ing Retro Metro LLC, the group Watkins the case because of a potential conflict of velopment Authority in its lawsuit against originally formed to renovate the Belk interest, and Judge Denise Owens is now developer David Watkins and his firm, building in Metrocenter Mall, and its set to hold the first hearing regarding the Farish Street Group LLC. principals Socrates Garrett and LeRoy lawsuit on Nov. 22. The filing claims that Jones Walker Walker in four suits, including at

Tattoos and History


ith tattoos becoming more and more common, let’s take a closer look at some people you probably never suspected had tattoos. Thomas Edison had five dots tattooed on his left forearm in the position of playing dice. (source: Mental Floss)

Theodore Roosevelt had his family crest tattooed on his chest. (source: Mental Floss)

by Amber Helsel

Paparazzi often published photos of JFK Jr. sporting a shamrock on his ankle and a dagger on his arm.

himself had an anchor tattoo on his forearm.

Writer Dorothy Parker sported a small blue star near her elbow as a reminder of a drunken night she experienced in the 1930s.

George Orwell had each knuckle on one hand tattooed with blue spots. Some say it was a little bit of rebellion when Orwell was a policeman in Burma.

(source: Mental Floss)

(source: Mental Floss)

Winston Churchill’s mother Lady Randolph Churchill—she covered up the snake tattoos around her wrists with diamond bracelets. Churchill

(source: facts.randomhistory.com)

(Source: Mental Floss)

file photo

Monday, Nov. 3 Tens of thousands of demonstrators form the largest anti-American rally in years outside the former U.S. Embassy in Tehran, Iran. … The Human Rights Campaign launches a social-media campaign to support gays in Russia alarmed by a law banning pro-gay “propaganda.”

Watkins Fighting on Two Fronts trip burns

Wednesday, Oct. 29 Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius tells Congress that she’s responsible for the technical problems on the federal health insurance website. … The United Nations says it has received assurances from the U.S. government that U.N. communications networks “are not and will not be monitored” by American intelligence agencies.

“I’ve spent almost 40 years as a lawyer, and over half of those years in public finance and public bonding. Securities fraud is a career-ending disaster.”

“It’s really family-oriented here. All of our clients know that we’re sisters, and we’ve got clients whose sisters come in here, their mother comes in here, their children come in here.”

—Developer David Watkins, explaining why he has every reason to avoid breaking the law in his efforts to develop several projects at the same time.

—Kirti Naran on Incense Salon and Boutique, which she owns with her sister Rina Patel.

least one against Watkins. The firm is defending Retro Metro in three of those suits against contractors who say they have not been paid for performed work, and the fourth against Watkins and his firm Meridian Law Enforcement Center LLC. Neither Garrett or Walker have returned calls for comment. JRA attorney Zach Taylor said Tuesday that he wouldn’t comment on ongoing litigation, nor would he confirm that there are ongoing talks to resolve the matter amicably. “I know there are lawyers who feel like they need to be an advocate for their client in the media,” Taylor said. “I’m not one of those attorneys.” Owens will have to grant or deny Stevens’ motion to disqualify JRA’s legal defense prior to the first hearing. Watkins has placed a lien on the Farish Street property in an effort to recoup some or all of the $4.7 million of personal money he says he has sunk into the project. JRA is counter-suing in an attempt to

wrest the project away from Watkins while keeping the equity he’s put into, and built around, the project. But all that could be a moot point if Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann’s office determines that Watkins’ June 8, 2011, wire transfer of $587,084 from the bank account for Retro Metro LLC to a real-estate closing account in Meridian constitutes securities fraud. The Mississippi secretary of state last week opened an investigation involving Watkins and his company, Watkins Development, on allegations of securities fraud for misusing half a million dollars awarded for Metrocenter redevelopment to purchase a building in Meridian for a different project. Secretary of state attorneys issued a “notice of intent” July 30, 2013, to impose administrative penalties and demand restitution, in the form of revenue from the other project, from Watkins for the money transfer. In conjunction with the order, the

secretary of state held an administrative hearing that began last Tuesday and concluded Wednesday to allow Watkins to address the allegations that he misused part of a $5.2 million bond to help fund his Meridian Law Enforcement Center project. Mississippi Business Finance Corp. awarded the bond April 12, 2011, for the revitalization of the first floor of the old Belk building in Metrocenter. The secretary of state accuses Watkins of failing to disclose in the bond documents “the intent to use and or convert any portion of the proceeds to finance the activities of MLEC.” Because he did not disclose that intent, secretary of state attorneys say it is “material omission” under the “General Fraud” section of the Mississippi Code of 1972. As the second day of last week’s meetings wrapped up, Watkins flatly denied the charges against him and finished his testimony by answering his attorney Brad Pigott’s plainly stated query: Did he have any reason to conceal information from

investors, as the state has suggested? “Mr. Pigott, I have every reason to avoid any kind of concealment or any fraud,” said Watkins, who is also the new chairman of Downtown Jackson Partners. “I’ve spent almost 40 years as a lawyer, and over half of those years in public finance and public bonding. Securities fraud is a career-ending disaster.” The Secretary of State’s office claims that Watkins should have disclosed that he intended to use the proceeds of the bond money to purchase the building in Meridian, and that he did not disclose to bond buyers that Watkins Development had already agreed to be the developer for Metro Retro. Watkins said he’s never had to disclose that information in the past. If found guilty, Watkins faces a $25,000 fine and could be forced to forfeit proceeds from the deal in Meridian to Retro Metro. Watch jfp.ms for updates on the Watkins-JRA saga. Email Tyler Cleveland at tyler@jacksonfreepress.com.

Barbour. Lumumba. Tonkel. And you. The conversations we’re having among our like-minded friends and families aren’t enough. Join us for a frank, open talk about solutions for our metro area led by former Governor Haley Barbour, Jackson Mayor Chokwe Lumumba, and long-time central Jackson pastor Rev. Keith Tonkel.

Thursday, Nov. 14th 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Jackson Convention Complex Tickets $50 | operationshoestring.org


A Conversation About Community


DISH | education

Joyce Helmick: ‘Prove It’ by Ronni Mott


What Common Core does is level the playing field. This is not a curriculum; it’s standards. ... These standards are doable. It’s a process that we’re going to have to go through, to learn how to use the standards. Since it’s not a curriculum, it’s not dictated how we should do it. It’s just a standard. The ones of use who have been working with it do not see this as more work. We see it as different. It’s not piling on to what we’re already doing. It’s just changing the way we’ve been doing it.


oyce Helmick has taught Joyce Helmick, president of the Mississippi Association of school for more than 37 Educators, wants the state years. In July, she took the Legislature to stop giving lip leadership reins at the Mississervice to the future of the sippi Association of Educators, an orstate’s children. ganization that provides professional development for teachers, and represents their interests in the state Legity is, he’ll say education,” Helmick islature and throughout the publicsaid. “That’s a bunch of baloney. school system. Prove it.” Helmick comes from a workSome criticize Common Core ing-class family. She was her famStandards as being just like ily’s first woman to graduate from “No Child Left Behind,” only college, and she holds a bachelor’s on steroids; we’ve upped the and master’s degree from Missischallenge when the students sippi College. couldn’t meet the standards One of MAE’s goals this year is of NCLB. to secure raises for Mississippi’s teachers, whose average pay, $41,975, First of all, I’m thinking that is the second lowest in the nation. we’re meeting a lot of the standards Starting salaries are $31,187. It’s a goal Gov. The MAE president challenges the Leg- of “No Child Left Behind” pretty well. The Phil Bryant is adamantly opposed to. He and islature to do what’s necessary to give teachers scores are moving up. We do have some leading lawmakers also opposed fully funding the tools they need. That takes funding, she schools with problems, but we have a lot the Mississippi Adequate Education Program, said, and she’s weary of lawmakers’ excuses. more schools (that) are improving and dothe formula that determines state funds for “If you ask a legislator what his prior- ing better. public schools and provides additional, leveling funding for less prosperous districts. MAEP, which the lawmakers have only funded twice, has been on Helmick’s radar for by Amber Helsel years. MAEP funding, she stresses, is just adequate, not extravagant. Talking About Community art auction in by Jan. 11. Donors are invit“You get what you pay for. That’s just Operation Shoestring hosts its an- ed to attend a Donor Appreciation Party plain fact,” Helmick said. “Teachers, educanual luncheon at the Jackson Convention that same day at The Cedars in Fondren tors, are not asking for a lot. We’re not asking Complex Nov. 14 (105 E. Pascagoula St., (4145 Old Canton Road, 601-366-5552). for the Taj Mahal. We’re asking for what it 601-969-0114). Join former Gov. Haley The HeARTS benefit is Feb. 8. To find takes to educate our students. … The bottom Barbour, Mayor Chokwe Lumumba and donor and artist forms and more informaline is that they’re just trying to do away with Rev. Keith Tonkel in an open and honest tion, visit mississippihearts.org. public schools, and we know that. Everybody discussion about ways to better our comknows that.” munity. Tickets are $50. For more infor- Sharing the Warmth Helmick spoke with the Jackson Free mation, visit operationshoestring.org. Help families in need by donating Press in the midst of MAE’S professional to Atmos Energy’s Share the Warmth development conference, “Highly Engaging Mississippi HeARTS Against AIDS program, where your money helps supClassrooms,” held in Jackson Oct. 10 and 11. The Mississippi HeARTS Against port elderly, disabled and low-income The conference focused on training educators Aids organization asks that artists and do- families pay their utilities. Jackson Housto implement Common Core Standards. nors turn in all submissions for the silent ing Authority is the local energy assis-

Are professional learning communities (a strategy for creating collaborative learning among colleagues) part of Common Core?

Yes. It’s part of it. It’s what is suggested as how we get to those standards. … I spent 37 years in the classroom with teachers who were working hard, hard, hard—and the students were working. We felt like we were doing well, and then we’d get these scores, and it looked like we were not. What we discovered through Com-

November 6 - 12, 2013



Be The Change

Former Gov. Haley Barbor will speak at Operation Shoestring’s annual luncheon and fundraiser Nov. 14.

tance agency. Call 601-362-0886 or visit atmosenergy.com for more information.

brown sugar


Classic latte topped with brown sugar & cinnamon

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Did You Know?

So an English class may be reading about an artist, and then the art teacher can teach about the art.

back off because they don’t know. We know. That’s been part of the problem for years: that our hands are tied. … If they’re going to narrow down what we do and then tie our evaluations to a test score, that’s a dangerous place to go. Teachers are on board with good evaluations. We’re hungry for it, as a matter of fact. Teachers in our state have long been evaluated, a lot of times unfairly. … A lot of the administrators aren’t on professional learning teams, and they don’t know what we’re doing in the classroom. So when they come in to evaluate, it’s not a fair evaluation. Say more about that.

I taught the gifted, and most of those gifted kids maxed in the 8th grade on testing. They just blew the roof off. They were the top, top kids. … If they paid me just on my test scores then, yeah, I would be getting more than some other teacher, but that’s not fair. (Not) when the teacher across the hall from me has the low-level students, the ones that have discipline problems and (developmental) problems, and mine are all gifted, and their parents support them, and they can do what they’re supposed to do most of the time. It’s not fair to pay me more because my scores are higher than hers. It’s just not fair. It’s just not right.

Exactly! And then the art teacher can bring up this material, and then they can take it over to the math class, and then they can talk about it (there). The art teacher can teach the students how to figure out how it works. And what’s that used for? Let’s go down to the physics classroom and figure out this is Tell me how not provided full funding how you build things so they stand up cor- under MAEP affects teachers. rectly, to use perspective. It all goes together. [B]ecause of the way the gifted program was (structured) in our state, I could only You’re up against a Legislature that have 15 in my class. Now that changed rewants to put in place things like teacher cently, because they cut the funds. Now I can merit pay. have 30. We’re up against a lot. We’re up against negativity on Common Core, and we believe So you have less money and need to that that negativity is coming from the fact spread it over more students. that they don’t want to finance this. They Across the hall … 10th grade, students don’t want to fund what it takes to do some are mixed in with re-testers, which means they of the Common Core. did not pass their 10th grade test. There are … (Legislators) are not the experts. … 33 in that classroom. 33. And that’s because We’re the experts. We’re the ones who know we can’t afford to hire more teachers because how to teach. We’re the ones who know how (of lack of full) funding of the MAEP. That to do that. All they need to do is fund what teacher struggles and struggles and struggles. we’re trying to do. And then they need to What are her scores going to reflect? How can

she have great scores in a classroom and half of them re-testers. … We have teachers out there that are working and doing their jobs. They’re struggling. They’re spending their own money … in their classrooms. The legislators are saying they’re getting money. What are they talking about? They’re not fully funding MAEP. They’re not doing their job. What’s your take on zero-tolerance policies and the issue of students being shuffled through the cradle-to-prison pipeline?

We understand zero tolerance, and in a lot of situations, zero tolerance works. But in a lot of situations, zero tolerance is self-defeating. We don’t see it being effective in changing the behavior of the child or changing the behavior of the parent who is responsible for that child. How big a problem is discipline and the use of suspensions and expulsions to enforce discipline?

I do know that in some districts it’s more prevalent than in others. I am not familiar with any statistics about it, but I do know that (lack of) discipline is a deterrent to good classroom work. A lot of times, you will have three or four students in a classroom that are discipline problems, and there’s very little backup—it may be from the parent that there’s no backup. It may be from the administrator. But when you have even one child who disrupts the movement of the classroom and the work of the teacher, that is disruptive to the entire class. And then when you end up with 30 kids in a class, and then you have to deal with all of those 30, and then you have two or three or four who are constant discipline problems, and then the teacher has to deal with it by herself all the time, that causes the teacher to either get burned out or feel there’s nothing you can do. The teacher cannot be as effective in the classroom with that sort of thing going on. A transcript of the full interview, including more on school discipline, is at jfp.ms/helmick.

by Amber Helsel flickr/lorenkerns

mon Core, those of us who have been working with it for a while, is that these standards are telling us where our students should be, on the same standards as in California, in Oklahoma, in New Hampshire, in Connecticut—everywhere. So we’re seeing where, “Hey, our students can do that.” It’s just going to take a while to get them there. … A learning community in school might be the five language-arts teachers. It would expand to bringing in the math teachers, and then you’d have another learning community that would bring in the extra classes—art, French, music. Then you have these cells of learning communities where we’re looking at what we’re doing, and we’re sharing that with the history and the art teachers. We’re sharing about reading and about writing. In other words, we’re not in isolation. I’m doing my thing in my classroom, but how about we do this over in the art room? … We’re reaching for the same goals.


hat November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), No-Shave November and Movember. In NaNoWriMo, each participant has to write at least a 50,000-word rough draft over the course of 30 days, from Nov. 1 to Nov. 30. At the end of the month, the writer posts a novel on her NaNoWriMo profile for judging. The good folks who organize this event remind participants that this is not meant to be a perfect story, nor a complete one. Go to nanowrimo.org for more information or to find other participants in the Jackson area. No Shave November allows men and women to be lazy and unkempt all this month. On day one, you put away your razors and for the next 30 days, you let the hair on your legs (for women) and your face (for men) grow. Don’t confuse Noshember with Movember, which is its less intense but more socially aware brother. Men grow mustaches all month long to raise awareness for prostate cancer and other men’s health issues. Go to noshember.com or movember.com for more information. So for the month of November, go write that weird sci-fi novel you’ve been dying to start, and make sure to let your facial (and leg for ladies) hair have its freedom.

All are welcome! Sunday Services 10:30 am & 6:00pm 650 E.South Street • Jackson • 601.944.0415 Sunday Services: 10:30am & 6:00pm

St. Alexis

Episcopal Church


We look forward to meeting you.


TALK | justice

Henley-Young’s Breakfast Snub by R.L. Nave


Trip Burns

hey say breakfast is the most impor- mental-health evaluations, counseling, bet- just about every kid he talked to said meals tant meal of the day. ter rehabilitation options, input from family are often served cold, including the afore This is especially true for children, and advocates, and more time outside cells. mentioned oatmeal. whose bodies and minds need large The overseer has visited the center five Dixon’s latest court monitoring report quantities of healthy food to grow shows that Henley-Young still has strong. In that way, many of the prob“major developmental needs in many lems of the troubled Hinds County areas,” including keeping enough staff Henley-Young Juvenile Justice Center to serve the approximately 84 child start with the first meal of the day. residents as well as provide training for “I observed oatmeal that was the existing staff. Dixon added that he provided to the residents that was witnessed training not in alignment cold, hard and flat and had no liquidwith juvenile-justice standards. ity to it; if it were any harder it could “As I sat in on several parts of the be served as an oatmeal cookie,” wrote training, I found the majority of the juvenile-justice expert Leonard B. training was aligned with adult corDixon in a recent report. rections,” he wrote. “Although this Dixon, who is headquartered in training may be adequate for adult faWoodhaven, Mich., was appointed to The Henley-Young Juvenile Justice Center will likely cilities, in the juvenile system training oversee implementation of the legal not be in full compliance with a 2012 court order to is required so that staff will have the improve conditions at the facility by the time the order settlement between kids and Hinds expires in the spring. skills to effectively interact and manCounty. The Southern Poverty Law age residents.” Center and Disability Rights Mis Corrie Cockrell, a staff attorney sissippi filed a class-action lawsuit in 2011 times and issued five less-than-glowing re- with the Mississippi SPLC, said the U.S. that alleged Henley-Young’s staff members ports on the county’s compliance with the Constitution affords children rights that subjected the children to physical and ver- lawsuit. On a trip to the center from Aug. 18 adults do not receive and that juvenile fabal abuse. Under a March 2012 agreement, to Aug. 23, he noted complaints about the cilities require specialized training. “Training children entering the facility are to receive food quality at Henley-Young. Dixon said that officers receive to work with adults may


Pillowman By Martin McDonagh Directed By Richart Shug

7:30 PM

Newstage Theatre’s Warehouse theatre

November 6 - 12, 2013

1000 Monroe Street Jackson, MS


NOV 8 9 10

Tickets $7 cash or check sold at the door general admission

be fine, but if that same training is supposed to provide juvenile-detention officers what they need to work with juveniles then that just doesn’t get us there,” Cockrell said. The agreement with the plaintiffs ends in March, but Cockrell said attorneys could seek to extend its terms, either through the courts or negotiations with Hinds County. Dixon, in his report, also cited staffing issues and medical and mental health-care services as still needing improvement. “Even though the facility has hired new staff, the results of attrition still leave the County far short of the needed staff to properly run the facility,” Dixon wrote. This creates pressure for staff members to keep the peace at all costs, and they often “react to minor misbehaviors” by “locking down residents that present potential conduct issues.” In September, Henley-Young brought on a new director when Brenda Frelix took over for Dale Knight, who took the post in 2010. Frelix, who is married to Hinds County public-works director Carl Frelix, has not responded to interview requests. Comment at www.jfp.ms. Email R.L. Nave at rlnave@jacksonfreepress.com.


Jackson Public School District (District 2520) Dr. Cedrick Gray, Superintendent cegray@jackson.k12.ms.us 662 S. President Street Jackson, MS 39225


Student Data — Special Education

Student Data — Demographics Total Enrollment Free Lunch and Reduced Lunch Average Daily Attendance

This District Mississippi 490,619 29,898 71.40% 89.22 91.94% 93.90%

Student Data — Racial Makeup This District 0.08% 97.50% 0.97% 0.03% 1.41%

Race Asian Black Hispanic Native American White

Section Source:MDE/SY 2011-2012

Mississippi 0.98% 49.84% 2.68% 0.25% 46.26%

10.22% 3,056

IEP Students as a Percentage of All Students Actual Number of IEP Students * IEP = Individualized Education Program

School District Staff

This District Mississippi Number of Employees (FTE)¹ ² 4,500.51 68,237.48 Number of Teachers (FTE)¹ ² 1,905.49 32,980.72 2,424 114 National Board Certified Teachers 92.8% 95.26% Highly Qualified Teachers 0.16% Emergency/Provisional Teachers 0.4% 5026.10 245.02 Number of Special Education Teachers (FTE)¹ ² Highly Qualified Special Education Teachers 100.00 % 98.46 % 0.00 % 0.21 % Emergency Special Education Teachers ¹ FTE = Full Time Equivalent ² Data from SY 2012-2013

— ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT — 2013 State Accountability Label²

Graduation and Completion Data (First Time 9th Graders in 08-09)


Graduation Rate Completion Rate (w/ graduates) Dropout Rate Occupational Diplomas Certificates of Attendance

2013-2014 Accreditation Status²

—Probation— Number of Schools by Accountability Label A


All Students IEP Students Mississippi 64.1% 75.5% 8.2% 35.6% 82.3% 69.50 32.6% 23.00 13.9% 567 16.50 16.50 907 51.76 51.76

ACT Information (2011-2012)



Section Source: MDE

Graduates Taking ACT (estimated) Average ACT Score


* ACT = American College Test



This District Mississippi 83.84% 77.65% 18.5 16.8

Expulsions & Out of School Suspensions > 10 Days (2011-2012) 18



F 0




This District Mississippi 2.16% 1.54% 2.05% 1.20%

IEP Students All Non-IEP Students



* NR =Due to size cannot report data


State 44.56%

Section Source:MDE/SY 2011-2012

Millage and Assessed Valuation

Revenue Sources Federal 24.48%

This District Operational Millage Rate 62.66 Debt Service Millage Rate 12.33 Net Ad Valorem Requested $72,576,589 Assessed Valuation $1,204,278,734

² Data from SY 2012-2013

Actual Expenditures Mississippi 43.52 3.31

Local 30.97% Total Revenue: $289.96M

Local State Federal Intermediate³ Total

This District Mississippi $3,042 $2,804.65 $4,377 $4,497.22 $2,405 $1,628.54 $0.89 $0 $9,824 $8,931.30

Instructional Other Instructional General Administration School Administration Operations

67.88% 15.93% 3.40% 5.71% 7.09%

For more information on how to get involved in the Jackson Public School District, or to obtain a free hard copy of this report, please call (601) 960-8700 or visit any Jackson Public School District School or District Office. To view this report online, or to find out more, visit www.msreportcard.com. ³Intermediate funds are grants from an intermediate source which can be used for any legal purpose desired by the LEA.


Estimated Per Pupil Expenditures


Want to submit editorial cartoons to the JFP? Email editor@jacksonfreepress.com.

Squeaky Clean Chitterlings


his Chitterling Season, Pork-N-Piggly Supermarket will make the holiday season affordable and educational for financially challenged customers. Along with lower prices on your favorite holiday foods, Pork-N-Piggly Supermarket will offer free pre-holiday workshops in food preparation and home decoration. Look out for Chef Fat Meat’s “Squeaky Clean Chitterling Cleaning” workshop and “Make the Meat Last” carving seminar in Pork-NPiggly’s meat and produce section. Brother Hustle loves to sell his loyal customers plenty of ice-cold Juicy Juice. During the holiday season, he enjoys sharing his delicious holiday hot toddy and eggnog recipes in the beverage isle. Reverend Vegan of the Vegetarian Church International asked if he could show customers how TO prepare and cook healthy holiday foods in the veggies and fruit section. Clubb Chicken Wing’s Little Momma Roscoe will be in the poultry section ready to share her insights on making the perfect hotwing holiday party platter. In the hardware section, Lady “Fancy” McBride will show budget-conscious poor folk how to decorate their personal and family spaces for the holidays. Pork-N-Piggly Supermarket is here to make your holidays pleasant. Happy Chitterling Season!

Best of Jackson 2014: Go Vote!


obamaSCARE “Welcome back, we’re talking this morning about Obamacare, but since it’s Halloween, let’s call it ‘Obamascare.’”

November 6 - 12, 2013

— Fox News Channel morning show “Fox and Friends” host Steve Doocy, welcoming the audience back following a commercial break.


Why it stinks: By itself, Doocy’s silly comment wouldn’t be so bad. But the off-the-cuff comment was the most blatant of a series of attacks and false characterizations the national news network has rolled out against the Affordable Care Act, President Barack Obama’s signature legislation that, when fully implemented, should provide health insurance to million of previously uninsured Americans. As CNN pointed out this week: “Not surprisingly, such partisan back-and-forth has generated persistent myths about Obamacare that foment confusion, if not outright ignorance, about the reforms. In other cases, both sides try to quickly exploit newer issues.” Doocy has authored two books that appeared on The New York Times best-seller list, and doesn’t have to worry about affording health insurance, unlike the millions who will benefit once they are covered under the president’s new healthcare law.

ou may have noticed the Best of Jackson ballot in this issue (page 14) or the alert on the cover—it’s that time of year again! Best of Jackson voting is underway. This year, however, things are a little different, so we want to make sure our readers know how this works. For the first time, voting will take place in two phases for the Best of Jackson 2014 awards. Phase one is the “write-in” ballot you may be accustomed to. This year we’re calling it the Nominations ballot. The Nominations ballot is in the paper this week and available online at jfp.ms/ballot/ until Nov. 17, 2013, at 11:59 p.m. That will be the end of phase one. Using your write-in votes, we’ll determine the finalists in each category. On Nov. 27, 2013, we’ll open up a new Finalists ballot, which will be a multiple-choice ballot. From those finalists, you will select your winners in each category; from those votes, we’ll determine who won first, second and third place. That ballot will close on Dec. 15, 2013, at 11:59 p.m. As usual, the winners will be announced to the public in the Best of Jackson 2014 issue, scheduled for Jan. 22, 2014. The Best of Jackson party (get your invite by subscribing to JFP Daily at www.jfpdaily.

com) will take place on Jan. 26, 2014—the last Sunday in January as always. Why the change in the ballots? We’re hoping that the second-level of balloting will allow more of our voters to reflect on the finalists and determine who they think in the best in that category—and not just the first (or only) name that comes to mind, as can often happen with the write-in ballot. With the two-level balloting, both “popular” and “great” have an opportunity to compete for first place in Best of Jackson. We hope the new two-tier ballot will help make sure the “best” bubbles up to the top every year. (It also makes it a little easier on us in the final count, because some of y’all really have a lot of trouble spelling your favorite people and places!) There is one downside—to get it all done, we’ve got a compressed schedule, especially for potential nominees, so we encourage you to GO VOTE immediately. Visit page 14 to vote by hand, or jfp.ms/ballot to vote online with a desktop, tablet or mobile device. This year you can also vote via the Jackson Free Press Facebook page if you’re using a desktop or most tablets. Good luck to the Jackson area’s best people, places, businesses and organizations!

Email letters to letters@jacksonfreepress.com, fax to 601-510-9019 or mail to P.O. Box 5067, Jackson, MS 39296. Include daytime phone number. Letters may be edited for length and clarity. Or write a 300-600-word “Your Turn” and send it by email, fax or mail above with a daytime phone number. All submissions are subject to fact checks.

FunMi “Queen” Franklin

Beautiful People Thanksgiving by Steve’s

EDITORIAL News Editor R.L. Nave Features Editor Kathleen Morrison Mitchell City Reporter Tyler Cleveland Music Editor Briana Robinson JFP Daily Editor Dustin Cardon Editorial Assistant Amber Helsel Events Editor Latasha Willis Music Listings Editor Tommy Burton Fashion Stylist Nicole Wyatt Writers Torsheta Bowen, Ross Cabell Marika Cackett, Richard Coupe, Bryan Flynn, Genevieve Legacy, Anita Modak-Truran, Larry Morrisey, Eddie Outlaw, Julie Skipper, Kelly Bryan Smith, Micah Smith Bloggers Dominic DeLeo, Jesse Houston Editorial Interns Justin Hosemann, Mo Wilson Consulting Editor JoAnne Prichard Morris ART AND PHOTOGRAPHY Art Director Kristin Brenemen Advertising Designer Andrea Thomas Staff Photographer/Videographer Trip Burns Editorial Cartoonist Mike Day Photographer Tate K. Nations ADVERTISING SALES Advertising Director Kimberly Griffin Account Managers Gina Haug, David Rahaim BUSINESS AND OPERATIONS Director of Operations David Joseph Bookkeeper Aprile Smith Distribution Manager Richard Laswell Distribution Raymond Carmeans, John Cooper Jordan Cooper, Clint Dear, Ruby Parks ONLINE Web Editor Dustin Cardon Web Designer Montroe Headd Multimedia Editor Trip Burns CONTACT US: Letters letters@jacksonfreepress.com Editorial editor@jacksonfreepress.com Queries submissions@jacksonfreepress.com Listings events@jacksonfreepress.com Advertising ads@jacksonfreepress.com Publisher todd@jacksonfreepress.com News tips news@jacksonfreepress.com Fashion style@jacksonfreepress.com Jackson Free Press P.O. Box 5067, Jackson, Miss., 39296 Editorial (601) 362-6121 Sales (601) 362-6121 Fax (601) 510-9019 Daily updates at jacksonfreepress.com The Jackson Free Press is the city’s award-winning, locally owned newsweekly, with 17,000 copies distributed in and around the Jackson metropolitan area every Wednesday. The Jackson Free Press is free for pick-up by readers; one copy per person, please. First-class subscriptions are available for $100 per year for postage and handling. The Jackson Free Press welcomes thoughtful opinions. The views expressed in this newspaper are not necessarily those of the publisher or management of Jackson Free Press Inc. © Copyright 2013 Jackson Free Press Inc. All Rights Reserved

Association of Alternative Newsweeklies

“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.” — Elizabeth Kübler-Ross


he couldn’t afford the red bottom shoes or the Brazilian weave. In fact, she didn’t really even have gas to make it to her appointments, but she wanted to model. She tried out for several casting calls only to hear each time that she was too big, too short, and once she was even told that she needed to polish her look. She wondered what that meant since she took hours doing what she thought was polishing before she got there. She couldn’t understand, so she just assumed that she just wasn’t pretty enough. After a few weeks, a friend walked up to her and handed her a flyer for a new group, TAPS, which celebrated full-size women. Her friend told her that she should try out. She was reluctant because she just couldn’t be rejected again. She didn’t know if she would recover from being told she was not beautiful yet again. She had to pray. The day of the model call, she got dressed and undressed three different times. She finally settled on a blazer she had purchased from a thrift shop and a jumper that she had for three years but never had the courage to wear because it made her breasts look big. But today, she thought she’d just give it a try. Leaving her studio apartment, she noticed she had a flat tire. She turned to go back to the apartment, feeling defeated, when she noticed that she didn’t have her keys. She’d left them inside and locked the front door. She fell to her knees in the middle of the parking lot and cried. Soon, she heard the voice of her friend (the one who gave her the information about TAPS) saying to her, “Come on. I’ll take you.” When her number was called, she nearly lost it. But she gathered herself and started her strut. She walked as fiercely as she knew how. She smiled, and she gave “face.” She put on the most confident demeanor she could muster. When I heard this story after she had been selected, I knew that there is

more to life than what we think. There is order in all things; there is purpose in all things. Since I founded TAPS—Thick And Proud Sisters—I have had the pleasure of learning the truth that lives in the words by Elizabeth Kübler-Ross. Before TAPS, I think I was like most people in that I characterized beauty as something physical. It was easy to identify beauty as having something to do with appearance. Now, I know that it is not a thing or even a description, it’s an emotional characteristic. It can’t be learned or prepped. Beauty is born and lives in our soul. It doesn’t just happen. This young lady has turned out to be one of TAPS’ biggest supporters, and she is one of the most beautiful women I have ever met in my life. To me, it’s not her hourglass figure or her evenly toned skin that makes her beautiful. It’s not her hairstyle or her tall, solid strides. It’s the courage in her heart and the purity in her spirit. I know that she could have easily given up that day. I know what it’s like to feel like every turn is pushing you away from positivity. I’ve lived that. But this young lady was a true example of willing something into reality. She found herself that day, and so did I. Please, do not cheapen beauty by thinking it so hollow as to only be about a person’s physical features. Beauty is a tag of victory and completion. One must earn the right to be beautiful, and it can’t be accomplished by a long weave and pointy finger nails. It can’t be met by butt injections or Botox. Beauty only lends itself to those who have gone through the fire to get it. It doesn’t matter what your style is or how you carry yourself, when your heart and soul is good, pure, and loving, you will radiate in beauty. You don’t have to sell people on it, either. Beauty is something easily recognized when it belongs to you. We can see it! Queen is a word lover, a poet, and an advocate for women and sisterhood. She struggles with an addiction to reality television. To find out more about TAPS, email hathor601@ aol.com or find Thick And Proud Sisters on Facebook. TAPS hosts a Fashion And Full Frames Model Showcase at 7 p.m. Nov. 7 at the Arts Center of Mississippi (201 E. Pascagoula St., Suite 102, 601-960-1500).

Beauty is a tag of victory and completion.

Making Last Year’s Turkey Jealous Choice of: All-Natural Oven Roasted Turkey Breast Applewood-Smoked Ham Garlic Herb & Olive Oil Roasted Chicken Breast Seitan Turkey with Focaccia & Cornbread Dressing with Gravy Pan Roasted Brussels Sprouts Yeast Rolls $18 per/person Bread Pudding with Praline Bourbon Sauce for 18 - $30 Pecan Pie Tart for 8 - $25 Sweet Potato Pecan Cookies Double Chocolate Espresso Cookies $12 per dozen Thanksgiving order deadline: Friday November 22

2 Locations 125 S. Congress St. 601.969.1119 200 S. Lamar Ave. 601.714.5683


Editor-in-Chief Donna Ladd Publisher Todd Stauffer


The 12th Annual


HINGS HAVE CHANGED THIS YEAR! For the first time, Best of Jackson will be held in two stages —a nominations ballot and a final ballot! We must receive your nominations ballot postmarked by Nov. 15, 2013, or submitted online by midnight Nov. 17, 2013. If you opt for the paper ballot, it must be ripped from your JFP (no photocopies allowed). We will announce the finalists on Nov 27, 2013, and then you can vote on the final ballot until midnight on Dec. 15, 2013. Remember that Best of Jackson honors our locally owned businesses and personalities who live and work in the Jackson metro currently. Please vote only for the best local, authentic choices. Do not write in big-box and national chains, please.

Nominations Ballot READ FIRST: Due to the exploding popularity of Best of Jackson, the rules are updated this year. Please read before completing your ballot, as violations will disqualify your entire ballot and possibly your chance to win: 1. You must nominate in at least 20 categories for your ballot to count. We will discard ballots that repeat the same vote in non-relevant categories.

2. No photocopied ballots will be accepted. Your ballot must be this newsprint version or cast online at jfp. ms/ballot. 3. Your ballot must include your real first and last name with local phone number and email address for verification (if needed). Do not ask friends and family from outside Jackson metro to nominate your or your business.


In this category, vote for one local person; first and last name; spell correctly. Barista Business owner Campaigner for Best of Jackson Award Chef Craig Noone “Rock It Out” Award for Best New Chef Jackson visual artist (living) Facialist/esthetician Fitness Trainer Filmmaker Hair stylist Massage therapist Most soulful dancer Professor Public figure Rising entrepreneur Server/waitperson Sexiest bartender (female) Sexiest bartender (male) TV personality Urban warrior Visionary

COMMUNITY & CULTURE Arts organization Community garden/nature attraction Local live theater/theatrical group Non-profit organization Radio personality or team Radio station (call letters only) Stage play

November 6 - 12, 2013



Club DJ Gospel artist Musician Singer Singer/songwriter Bar Bartender Blues artist College student hangout Country artist Cover band Dive bar LGBT hangout Happy hour Hip-hop artist Jazz artist Jukebox

You can also go to BestofJackson.com to vote online. 4. Each voter must choose every nomination cast on his/her ballot; similar and identical ballots will be investigated and discarded. 5. You are welcome to campaign by asking people to nominate you, but you must not offer financial incentives or discounts, set up computers or scripts with any votes pre-chosen, or ask to see someone’s ballot.

6. It is important to spell names correctly for nominations to count; take time to look them up or ask, please. 7. Fraudulent ballots (using other people’s names and contact information) will be discarded. Do not fill out a ballot for anyone else or suggest a slate of nominations. 8. No employees, full- or part-time, of Jackson Free Press Inc. are qualified

Karaoke DJ Live music venue Margarita New bar Open-mic night Original band Place for cocktails Place to dance Place to drink cheap Place to watch the game Place to play pool R&B artist Rock artist


Note: In food categories, list locally owned restaurant names, not individual dishes. Asian Restaurant Bakery Barbecue Beer selection Breakfast Brunch Doughnuts Ethnic restaurant Greek restaurant Gumbo Hangover food Innovative menu Italian Kids’ menu Local burger Local French fries Local fried chicken Lunch buffet Meal under $10 Mediterranean/Middle Eastern Mexican/Latin New restaurant Outdoor dining Pizza Place for dessert Place for ribs Place for healthy food Place to eat when someone else pays Place to get coffee Plate lunch Restaurant Sandwich place Seafood Soul food Steak Sushi/Japanese Take-out

to win Best of Jackson categories, and must not campaign on anyone’s behalf. 9. Violation of any of these rules causes immediate disqualification from being nominated or winning Best of Jackson awards. VOTE ONLINE and see more rule explanations at bestofjackson.com.

Vegetarian options Veggie burger Wine list/wine selection Wings


Annual event Music festival Art gallery Barbershop Beauty shop or salon Boutique Bridal/formalwear store Category we left off Caterer Dance studio Day spa Fitness center/gym Flower shop Garden supply/nursery Kids event Liquor/wine store Locally owned business Mechanic Men’s clothes Museum Place for a first date Place to buy antiques Place to buy books Place to buy kid’s clothes/toys Place to book a party or shower Place to get married Place for Unique Gifts Reason to live in Jackson Tailor Tattoo/piercing parlor Thrift/consignment shop Tourist attraction Veterinarian or vet clinic Women’s shoes Yoga studio

You must include your name and a valid phone number with area code for your ballot to count. Caution: We call many voters to check ballot authenticity. No fake phone numbers!

Name Phone E-Mail Return ballot to the address below by Dec. 11, 2012: Jackson Free Press P.O. Box 5067 Jackson, MS 39296

“Best of Jackson” is a registered service mark in the state of Mississippi.

Trip Burns


After renovations, Social Agenda in Fondren became Trim Salon.

Got the Look? As fashion weeks rolled across the globe last month, from New York to Paris to Tokyo, a few beauty trends popped up on multiple runways. Try one or more of these quick changes to freshen up your look this winter: • • • • • •

Bold brows Wine lipstain Metallic eyeliner Smoky eyes Loose, messy bangs Updated cat-eye

Trip Burns

alk into Trim Salon off Mitchell Avenue in Fondren on a random afternoon, and you’re just as likely to see an old-school southern Junior Leaguer from northeast Jackson as you are a creative covered in tattoos from the neck down. You might even see them sitting next to one another, chatting as they wait for their stylists. That’s exactly how Kate McNeely likes it. McNeely, who owns Trim with her partner (in life and in business) Christie O’Bryant, was born in Jackson, but moved with her parents to Montana when she was in elementary school. They moved back to Mississippi during McNeely’s junior year of high school. She says hair and makeup has been her passion for as long as she can remember. “I’ve always been into it, since the very early age of 4 or 5,” she says. “My mom wore Beauty Control, and I would always play in her makeup. Then around 12 or 13, she allowed me to start coloring and cutting her hair, because I thought I could do it. I would watch ‘A Makeover Story’ on TLC and be like, ‘I could foil her hair.’ What took someone like an hour would take me four hours. My mom’s hair would be blonde in the front and orange in the back—but I learned

shoots and magazines (including the JFP’s sister publication, BOOM Jackson). She says it breaks up the monotony of salon life and gives her a chance to experiment. “You can get out and go to different venues, meet different people,” she says. It’s totally what you want to do. I get to experiment a lot. The people I usually work with have a lot of faith in me, so they don’t give me strict guidelines.” While Social Agenda has focused on nails in addition to hair, Trim will be solely a hair salon by the first of the year. More renovations are underway to transform the manicure and pedicure room to accommodate a few more stylists. While McNeely and another stylist are comfortable working on all hair types, including natural hair, the salon is looking to bring in a stylist who specializes in African American hair, braids and more. “Being in the area that we’re in, we have all types of clients, and we want to be able to work with all of them,” McNeely says. “We just want it to be a fun, funky place to get your hair done.” Call 601-982-5575 for an appointment at Trim Salon (419 Mitchell Ave.).


Kate McNeely (seated) and Christie O’Bryant want to make Trim an open environment for all types of clients.

how to fix that, which is huge.” As a teen, McNeely started doing hair and makeup more frequently, for anyone who would let her—aunts, her parents’ coworkers, friends. She did her own makeup and everyone else’s for homecomings and proms. After school, McNeely enrolled in cosmetology school, putting in hours in both Mississippi and Nashville, Tenn. Her life took a big turn in the middle of her studies when she got pregnant with her son, Finley. “I was completely freaked out (about motherhood),” McNeely, 31, says. “Then I had Finley, and it drastically changed my whole life, for the better. It probably saved my life. I was on a pretty disastrous path.” Although the birth of her son grounded her preferred nomadic lifestyle, it also gave her focus. She graduated from school and got a job at Trio in Flowood, where she eventually became manager, in addition to styling full time. McNeely was at Trio nearly five years when the salon closed abruptly, and she made her way to Social Agenda. She worked there two years before she and O’Bryant bought Social Agenda and renovated the salon, rebranding it Trim. McNeely says her goal for Trim is somewhat based on a salon she worked at while studying in Nashville. “This woman who owned it lived in New York,” she says. “She had a manager, and it ran like clockwork. There were like 15 people working there, and it ran like a well-oiled machine. And it was the place to go. So I’ve always kind of held that as the standard.” O’Bryant handles the majority of the business side of the salon, while McNeely does hair and makeup, and works with clients. She also often styles for fashion shows, high-concept photo



e’ve all heard of “street style,” but you shouldn’t have to hunt it down. Jackson is the next upand-coming metropolis, but we have to believe that, and contribute accordingly to make this belief a reality. We have the resources all around us from young fashion designers, models, agents, buyers, bloggers, to stylists, artists and opportunists. Supporting local business and artists is so important in development of a creative community. Our metro area has so many great options for all budgets, and it seems like more stores pop up every month. (Welcome to the neighborhood, Blush + Bashful in downtown Vicksburg, the soon-to-open Mulberry Dreams in Fondren and Style Revel, an online shopping/fashion blog with offices in Starkville.) Elevated Errands What you wear proclaims who you are before you ever say a word. It is, in short, visible communication. What do you want your message to be?

We’re all busy. It seems like everybody is on the fast track somewhere; always trying to stay connected, not miss out, and somehow we lose style to stress. So what if you’re just running errands? Why not dress up to make the day less hectic? Go out and find that awesome can’t-live-without pair of combat boots, and then pair them with an unexpected sock. You’re wearing a t-shirt? Make it yours. The basic white tee and a good pair of jeans is just the classic wardrobe staple. You can dress it up with pearls and a gingham blazer—vintage, of course—or take it more casual with a sneaker wedge, moto jacket and pattern scarf. Whatever you choose, you can still look stylish running to the store or dropping the kids off at practice. Take a little time and think about what you want to say through your outfit today. Let’s show people that, yes, Mississippians do wear shoes, and sometimes, they’re pretty cute. So think twice before grabbing those Styrofoam slippers before running out the door.

A beard is always in fashion. Even guys can step up a casual look by adding flannel or a classic athletic shoe.

November 6 - 12, 2013

Holly proves the controversial black/ brown combo is a faux-pas no more.


Adding a funky boot and cute scarf can dress up a classic combo. April nails it with this trendsetting style for fall.

You can still be stylish on the go. Check out Daniel looking dapper as he multi-tasks.

Erin, Amelia and Ellie take street style to another level.

Make an A in style this semester like friends Justin, Kalyn and Chevan, pictured here taking a study break at Cups in Fondren.

Trip Burns


ondrenites may have noticed a new addition to the neighborhood: a small spinning pole with red and blue stripes. Is it a bird, a plane? No, it’s the barber pole for Eddie Outlaw and Justin McPherson’s new business venture Fondren Barbershop. This idea has been brewing in the couple’s heads for a long time. When they first opened William Wallace Salon seven years ago, they planned to expand their business to include a barbershop as well, but the economic crash put those plans on hold. Fast-forward five years to the departure of Au Courant Floral, which is consolidating into the M. Nicholas Collection space. That move left an opening two doors down from the couple’s salon and re-ignited the idea in their minds. After jokingly bringing up the idea with friends, the response galvanized them into action. “They loved it. They said we would be fools not to,” says Outlaw, who writes columns occasionally for the JFP. If the enthusiasm of their friends wasn’t enough, the landlord approached Outlaw and McPherson about taking over the space. “He had other people inquire about the space, but he wanted us to open a barber shop,” McPherson adds. The barbershop will offer the classic straight-razor shave with a hot towel. Outlaw plans to bring his modern training to this classic technique. He’s nixing the mounds of hot whipped cream for a gel-based version, as well as incorporating some new products to soften beard hair before the shave. Outlaw will also include a men-specific line of facial products from salon tycoon Paul Mitchell. “We will introduce the guys to these things (such as skin products), slowly, and for free at first,” Outlaw says. The barbers have other tricks up their sleeves as well, such as basic massage training to make shampooing a more relaxing experience. This relaxed and comfortable atmosphere is central to

tion, the kind of community where Junior goes and gets his first haircut, where he learns how to shave, and ultimately feels comfortable asking questions such as, “What do I do about this nose hair?” Prices for cuts will range from $20 to $45 with a senior stylist, which might encourage men from all walks of Jackson life to stop in. Beyond the barber poll, though, the space won’t look like the barbershops of old. “A lot of things that are done in retro fashion, they tend to go out of style after a certain point,” Outlaw says. To avoid this, the barbershop will echo the decor in William Wallace Salon with neutral colors and a clean, modern feel. The touches are more masculine: think black leather and chrome. They also have commissioned Jackson artist William Goodman to create pieces for the salon that take vintage black and white photographs of barbershops and recreate them on canvases. Fondren Barbershop (2943 Old Canton Road, 601- 826-0707) opens Nov. 12. Keep up with the shop on its Facebook page, and celebrate the grand opening during Fondren Unwrapped on Nov. 21.

Tip to Toe Opening a barbershop is something Eddie Outlaw (pictured) and his partner, Justin McPherson, have wanted to do for years.

Outlaw and McPherson’s vision of what the salon will be. They hope to create a safe space where men feel more comfortable talking about appearances, and they believe the masculine environment will be key. “A guy is less likely to sit in a salon full of women and have his ears waxed,” Outlaw says. He hopes the barbershop will become a Jackson institu-

While last year the accent nail (usually the fourth finger) was huge in nail polish, this year nail art is taking off. Sometimes called “Pinterest nails” because of their prevalence on the site, these nail designs range from simple polka dots or stripes to full-on tiny painted scenes.

Sharply pointed “stiletto nails” are also popular right now. The colors and trends that are big for fall and winter 2013 include: • • • • • •

Oxblood Amethyst Midnight blue Chartreuse Metallic finish Neon accents

Trip Burns

Smooth as String


lucking, shaving, waxing, lasering, burning, chemical-ing, tweezing. Getting rid of excess hair is an ongoing beauty issue for nearly everyone, from the hairiest of men to the most well-coiffed of women. Many of the procedures are time-consuming and painful, but we do them anyway. Threading is an ancient hair removal method in India and other eastern countries, but it’s gaining popularity in the western world. Locally, Incense Salon and Boutique (2475 Lakeland Drive, Flowood, 601-933-0074) was the first to offer threading. When sisters Kirti Naran and Rina Patel opened Incense a decade ago, they knew they wanted threading to be the salon’s specialty. A woman from India trained the two, and they got

certified in New York to thread. The process can be difficult to imagine, but it’s simple and quick to watch. The stylist twists simple thread, holding one end in his or her mouth. They pull the thread, moving the twist along. The thread captures hairs in small, straight lines and pulls them out. It’s like tweezing multiples hairs at once. Many people find that threading is as painful as plucking, but the process is over more quickly. Threading also tends to produce more crisp, clean results, since the hair comes out in lines. Naran says threading is better than other methods for several reasons. “A lot of people tend to break out with the wax or have an allergic reaction with the wax. (This is) just thread, so there’s no

When it comes to hair removal, threading is less damaging to skin than procedures such as waxing.

chemical reactions, not a lot of pulling on your skin. It’s not going to drag your eyebrows down (to where you) need to lift afterwards. There just aren’t not that many after-effects, except having beautiful

brows,” Naran says. “Plus, we do everything on the face, so a lot of people don’t want to wax their lip or wax their entire face. That’s traumatizing. So it’s just a really good alternative.”


by Kathleen M. Mitchell


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Who Gets Free TV: Listed below are the Jackson area zip codes that can get Free over the air TV channels. If you find the first two digits of your zip code immediately call: 1-888-752-7147 bills,” Miller said. “That’s why Clear-Cast is such a great alternative for everyone who is sick and tired of paying expensive cable and satellite bills every month,” he said. “People who get Clear-Cast will say it feels like getting an extra paycheck every month. You see, with Clear-Cast you’ll receive free over-the-air broadcast channels with crystal clear digital picture, not the cable or satellite only channels. So being able to eliminate those channels puts all the money you were spending back in your pocket every month,” Miller said. And here’s the best part. The sleek micro antenna device called Clear-Cast is so technically advanced it pulls in even more of the channels being broadcast in your area for Free with no monthly bills. That way you can channel surf through the favorite TV shows. The number of shows and channels you’ll get depends on where you live. People living in large metropolitan areas may get up to 53 static-free channels, while people in outlying areas will get less. That means even if you’re in a rural area that just pulls in NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX and PBS broadcasts there’s hundreds of shows each year to watch for free. Consumers report that the crystal clear picture quality with Clear-Cast is the best they’ve ever seen. That’s because you get virtually all pure

N NEVER PAY A BILL AGAIN: Mississippians will be on the lookout for their postal carrier because thousands of Clear-Casts will soon be delivered to lucky Jackson area residents who beat the 48-hour order deadline and live in any of the zip code areas listed below. Everyone is getting Clear-Cast because it pulls in nothing but Free TV channels with no cable, satellite or internet connection and no monthly bills.

uncompressed signals direct from the broadcasters for free. Clear-Cast was engineered to link up directly like a huge outdoor directional antenna but in a lightweight, slim-line package. Its sturdy copper alloy and polymer construction will most likely far outlast your TV. It just couldn’t be any easier to get Free over-the-air digital TV shows with Clear-Cast. Simply plug it into your TV, place Clear-Cast on a window pane and run autoscan. It works on virtually any model TV and is easily hidden out of sight behind a curtain or window

treatment. Thousands of Jackson area residents are expected to call to get ClearCast because it just doesn’t make any sense to keep paying for TV when you can get hundreds of shows absolutely free. So, Jackson area residents lucky enough to find their zip code listed in today’s publication need to immediately call the Free TV Hotline before the 48-hour deadline to get Clear-Cast that pulls in Free TV with crystal clear digital picture. If lines are busy keep trying, all calls will be answered. N

How to get Free TV: Listed below are the Jackson area zip codes that can get Free TV channels with no monthly bills. If you find the first two digits of your zip code immediately call 1-888-752-7147 beginning at precisely 8:30am this morning. Today’s announcement photo above shows just a handful of the major over-the-air broadcast networks you can receive with Clear-Cast for free. It saves a ton of money by not picking up expensive cable only channels like ESPN so there’s never a monthly bill. This is all possible because a U.S. Federal Law makes TV broadcasters transmit their signals in digital format, which allows everyone to use Clear-Cast to pull in Free TV channels with no monthly bills. CompTek is giving every U.S. household a 50% off discount to help cover the cost of ClearCast. Clear-Cast, the sleek micro antenna device is a one-time purchase that plugs in to your TV to pull in Free TV channels in crystal clear digital picture with no monthly bills. Each Clear-Cast normally costs $98, but U.S. households who beat the 48-hour deadline are authorized to get a 50% off discount for each Clear-Cast and cover just $ 49 and shipping as long as they call the Free TV Hotline at 1-888-752-7147 before the deadline ends or online at www.clear-cast.com. Trademarks and programs are the property of their respective owners and are not affiliated with or endorsing Clear-Cast. SXS1498 Alabama 35, 36 Alaska 99 Arizona 85, 86 Arkansas 71, 72 California N/A

Colorado 80, 81 Connecticut 06 Delaware 19 Florida 32, 33, 34 Georgia 30, 31, 39 Hawaii 96

Idaho 83 Illinois 60, 61, 62 Indiana 46, 47 Iowa 50, 51, 52 Kansas 66, 67

Kentucky 40, 41, 42 Louisiana 70, 71 Maine 03, 04 Maryland 20, 21 Massachusetts 01, 02, 05

Michigan 48, 49 Minnesota 55, 56 Mississippi 38, 39 Missouri 63, 64, 65 Montana 59

Nebraska New York Oregon 68, 69 00, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 97 Nevada North Carolina Pennsylvania 88, 89 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 27, 28 New Hampshire North Dakota Rhode Island 03 02 58 New Jersey South Carolina Ohio 07, 08 29 41, 43, 44, 45 New Mexico South Dakota Oklahoma 87, 88 57 73, 74

How It Works: Just plug it in to your TV and pull in Free TV channels in crystal clear digital picture with no cable, satellite or internet connection and no monthly bills P6500A OF17641R-1


Tennessee 37, 38 Texas 75, 76, 77 78, 79, 88 Utah 84 Vermont 05 Virginia 20, 22, 23, 24

Washington 98, 99 West Virginia 24, 25, 26 Wisconsin 53, 54 Wyoming 82, 83 Washington DC 20


MISSISSIPPI - Today’s announcement by CompTek has the Free TV Hotlines ringing off the hook. That’s because Jackson area residents who find their zip code listed in today’s publication are getting Free TV channels thanks to an amazing razorthin invention called Clear-Cast®. Jackson area residents who call the Toll Free Hotlines before the 48-hour order deadline to get Clear-Cast can pull in Free TV channels with crystal clear digital picture and no monthly bills . This announcement is being so widely advertised because a U.S. Federal law makes TV broadcasters transmit their signals in digital format, which allows everyone to receive these over-the-air digital signals for free with no monthly bills. Here’s how it works. Clear-Cast, the sleek micro antenna device with advanced technology links up directly to pull in the Free TV signals being broadcast in your area with crystal clear digital picture and no monthly bills. Clear-Cast was invented by a renowned NASA Space Technology Hall of Fame scientist who currently holds 23 U.S. Gov’t issued patents. For the past 20 years, he has specialized in developing antenna systems for NASA, Motorola, XM Satellite Radio and companies around the world. His latest patent-pending invention, Clear-Cast, is a sleek micro antenna device engineered to pull in the Free TV signals through advanced technology with no cable, satellite or internet connection and no monthly bills. “Clear-Cast is being released to the general public because we just don’t think people should keep paying for TV when they can get it for free,” said Conrad Miller, Manager of Operations at CompTek. “There’s never a monthly bill to pay and all the channels you get with ClearCast are absolutely free. So you see, Clear-Cast is not like cable or satellite. It was engineered to access solely the over-the-air signals that include all the top rated national and regional networks, like ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, PBS, CW and about 90% of the most watched TV shows like America’s Got Talent, NCIS, 60 Minutes, American Idol, The Big Bang Theory, The Bachelorette, Person of Interest, CSI, The Mentalist, Two and a Half Men, Sunday Night Football plus news, weather and more all for free with no monthly


Trip Burns


Consulting with an esthetician such as Diane Henson of Skin by MD is important to ensuring the success of a skin-care regimen.

f you laid an average human’s skin out on the floor, it would span about 20 square feet. Three Michael Jordans could Normal: no or few imperfections, no severe senfit on it and still have a little room sitivity, barely visible pores, radiant complexion. to spare. Your skin is the largest Combination: overly dilated pores, blackheads, organ in your body and also the shiny skin most important because it keeps Dry: dull, rough complexion, almost invisyour insides protected. ible pores, red patches, less elasticity, more Human skin is composed of visible lines three layers: the epidermis, the Oily skin: large pores; dull, shiny, or thick dermis and the hypodermis. The complexion; blackheads; pimples; and other epidermis is the outermost layer, blemishes (source: webmd.com) providing a waterproof barrier The most common skin type is combination and our skin tone. The dermis because skin changes on a daily basis, based on contains tough connective tissue, factors such as environment and hormone levels. hair follicles, and sweat glands, You may have oily skin in Mississippi but it could and the hypodermis is composed dry out if you go to a drier place such as Arizona. of fat and connective tissue. Even though it’s our most vital organ, we often treat our skin terribly. We pick scabs, we wear makeup, we tan, we don’t worry about the effects of UVA and UVB rays. Then age starts to set in, and suddenly, our skin isn’t the same. “The older you get, the more the skin tends to hang on to dead cells,” says Diane Henson, an esthetician and a partner at Skin by MD in Highland Village. “If you see these young girls, say, 15 to 25, and they have plump, dewy (skin) that always looks

Skin Types:

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rosy—past 25 that starts to slow down. By the time you hit 40, it’s really slow, and when you hit 50, someone slammed on the brakes.” We’re all privy to this inevitable process. Men and women alike begin to complain about skin aging more and more as they near (and then surpass) 30. Even though you can’t truly reverse the aging process, you can take measures throughout your life to keep your skin lively and healthy. The first step to taking care of your skin is knowing what type you have. It’s best to get a consultation with an esthetician or a dermatologist before starting a skin-care regimen. For example, Henson says some sensitive-skinned people may not actually have sensitive skin. They may just be using the wrong products. Henson has been a licensed esthetician for 20 years. She got her license from Shirley Little Academy and did an apprenticeship with Suja Sing at Wavelengths. Sing left Wavelengths to open Pretty Woman. Henson bought her out and created Skin by Diane Henson in 1991. In 2009, she partnered with Dr. Mitsy Ferguson to create Skin by MD (4500 N. Interstate 55, Suite 215, 601-212-0955).

Skincare Jibber Jabber Microdermabrasion: A machine uses fine pressurized crystals that break lose the dead skin cells and then vacuums them out. Glycolic acid: A fruit acid that dissolves the “glue” that keeps dead skin cells attached to the skin Vitamin C: This vitamin contains anti-oxidants that fight free radicals (unstable molecules that damage collagen and dry out your skin). Polypeptides: Communicates to skin cells to produce more collagen (source: examiner.com)

Common Skin Diseases and What Aggravates Them • • •

Rosacea: hot, spicy foods, alcohol and stress Acne: rich, fatty foods and soft drinks Hyperpigmentation (areas of darkened skin): sun exposure and certain medications and illnesses

Out of the three, only hyperpigmentation can be cured. Acne and rosacea remain forever, but you can keep it under control if you go to an esthetician regularly and have a good skin program.

Retin A: a form of retinol (vitamin a) most commonly used to treat acne but also helps with stretch marks and helps the skin produce more collagen. (source:wikipedia)

Collagen: Part of our connective tissue that helps the keep the skin firm and supple and also aids in the renewal of skin cells. (source: news-medical.net)

UVB rays: The sun rays that burn the outer layer of skin. UVA rays: The sun rays that penetrate the skin and do damage.

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Diane’s Recommended Skin Regimen

• •

A good cleanser For exfoliation, alternate Retin A (tretinoin) with Vitamin C. Don’t use Retin A every day because it does damage over a period of time. It makes skin vulnerable, but can be offset with Vitamin C. Keep in mind that not all Vitamin C products are equal. Diane says it depends on how the product was formulated. It has to be formulated with molecules small enough to penetrate the skin and the product has to be stabilized to keep the vitamin from oxidizing. Diane’s favorite skin hydration method is using Vitamin B with polypeptides. Wear at least 20 SPF sunscreen daily, even on cloudy days, on your neck and décolletage (your upper chest and shoulders). Those are the most vulnerable areas. It’s not important to buy makeup with SPF, as it’s normally 15 or lower. In picking sunscreen, make sure it has at least 70 percent zinc oxide to combat against UVA rays. For sensitive skin, a higher SPF isn’t necessary unless you’re going to spend all day on the beach.




Diane’s Healthy Skin Tips • • • • •

Use sunscreen every day. Eat a healthy diet. Exercise. Drink plenty of water. Hydrate your skin. The water we drink hydrates our body, but it doesn’t do much for our skin. Wash your face every morning and every night.

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Chop it Off In recent years, long hair ruled on and off the runway and big screen. It seems like everyone wanted long, luxurious length, and many turned to extensions to achieve it. Over the past year, though, celebrities and laymen alike are chopping off their long locks to bobs and pixie cuts. Looks like 2014 might see a resurgence in wash-and-wear easy style.

Trip Burns


inding or keeping clients can sometimes be difficult for a beautician after moving to a new salon, but this wasn’t the case for Lakisha Thomas. When she worked at Regis Hair Salon in Northpark Mall, she recognized how lucrative the cosmetology field could be. Now, Thomas is the owner of A Touch of Elegance, a full-service hair salon and barbershop in Ridgeland. “I’m just thankful,� she says about opening her own shop. Almost all her clients from Regis still come to Thomas for their hair-care needs at A Touch of Elegance, she says. Thomas, a 31-year-old Vicksburg native, started styling hair professionally in 2006 at Prevision Haircare Salon in Jackson after graduating from Traxler School of Hair. At those two schools, she learned how to style and cut hair for both men and women. “I wanted to be versatile,� Thomas says about the decision to learn to cut men’s hair. While working at Regis from 2008 until 2012, Thomas came to a realization. “If I can pay Regis’ bills, then I can pay my bills,� she thought. She started making plans. Thomas first opened A Touch of Elegance in April 2012 inside Northpark Mall, but she then moved to a new location outside

A Touch of Elegance boasts five stylists: (from left) Nneka Ayozie, Lakisha Thomas, Latarsha Sterling and Melissa Simmons (not pictured: Regina Dixon), but hopes to bring in a few more soon.

the mall in May 2013. Opening her own business wasn’t as hard as Thomas expected, but it is still very time-consuming. “When I was working at Regis, when I was done with my clients, it was time to go,� she says. “Now I have to make sure everything is taken care of before I can leave.� A Touch of Elegance has five stylists right now: Thomas, Regina Dixon, Tarsha Sterling, Melissa Simmons, who left Regis to work with Thomas, and Nneka Ayozie. “She’s (Melissa) been there longest,� Thomas says. “She helped get things together so we can move, and the moving process.� Thomas is, however, looking to hire at least two more diverse and talented stylists who can work with different ethnicities of hair. Thomas would also like to expand A

Touch of Elegance to cater to more clients’ hair needs and desires. The salon currently specializes in caring for healthy and natural hair, but the stylists also are skilled in working with chemically treated hair. Along with color treatments and various types of styling, the salon also offers facial waxes. Soon, Thomas hopes to start selling hair-care products and hair extensions. The biggest problem that Thomas encounters with her clients’ hair is poor athome maintenance. She emphasizes that people should trim their hair every six to eight weeks, especially if they have relaxed or chemically damaged hair. Damaged hair would also benefit from weekly conditioning and protein treatments, she says. To set up an appointment at A Touch of Elegance (201 Ring Road), call 601977-9799.

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Geek p 26

The People’s Brasseur


homebrews until two years ago when his brother-inlaw, Charles McEuen, encouraged him to try his hand at it. After making a batch or two with his brotherin-law, Ezelle decided to strike out on his own to make original concoctions from his own imagination. “I’m one of these kind of people that once I start doing something, I just jump in and do it,” Ezelle says. “I’ve learned a lot just by trying stuff on my own.” Ezelle had only been brewing for a year when he won the People’s Choice Award at the 2012 Jacktoberfest using an ale that he’s since named “Belgian Symphony.” There’s no artful title yet for the 2013 winner, “Experiment #8,” but this honey-wheat ale still captured the crowd’s attention this year at Jacktoberfest. “I was very humbled and very proud to have won the People’s Choice for the second year,” Ezelle says. “To me, that’s probably the most important award that you can get. You know you must be doing something right.” So where do these beer recipes come from? “I don’t know how they come to me,” Ezelle says. “They just do. Sometimes in the middle of the night.” Call it a brewer’s intuition. It also takes a lot of hard work and diligent attentiveness to brewing temperature, environment and measurements—all the things that his great-grandfather was doing a century ago in Belgium. “I think what you get with homebrewers are beers that you’ll never taste anywhere else,” Ezelle says. “I think you might have to be a little crazy to be a homebrewer.” Crazy or not, Ezelle is in the process of making his next beer for the Homebrewer’s Association of Mid-Mississippi, or HBAMM, competition, another “experiment” ale that he’s looking forward to. Whether or not he wins is unimportant to Ezelle—he just enjoys the brewing process and the connection it draws to his ancestral past. When he’s at a competition or brewing from the warehouse, he always keeps a photo of his great-grandfather nearby. “I always brew with his picture nearby for sentimental value,” Ezelle says. And maybe a little brewing magic as well. Trip Burns

s he is giving me a tour of his warehouse, Fred around the cart stand Ezelle’s grinning ancestors surrounded Ezelle comes to a rather honest reckoning. by barrels of Belgian ale—product of the family business. “I’m going to need some more refrigerators,” In the forefront is Arthur Falise, Ezelle’s great-grandfather he says. and owner of A. Falise Brasserie in Houdeng-Goegnies, Agreed. Ezelle’s warehouse, formerly his father’s mat- Belgium—a brewery that he operated from the late 19th tress factory, doubles as his place of business and his make- century until World War I. He sports a thick continental shift laboratory for crafting homemade beer. He has refrig- mustache that was popular in Europe during the turn of the erators spread across the entire complex, filled with liquid century and wears a well-worn “brasseur’s” apron. yeast, extracts and already-completed brews that are stored “This is kind of in my blood,” Ezelle says. “It means a in larger containers before being bottled. lot to me and I enjoy doing it. My In one corner of the warehouse, Ezelle opens up a large, family really loves the beer I white cooler and shows me a graveyard of green beer bottles, make, and that’s what mateach one devoid of its contents, but still giving off a sweet ters to me.” wheat scent. Ezelle is an ac “Those are from Jacktoberfest,” Ezelle says. countant/business There are 96 empty 16-ounce bottles in the cooler to consultant by trade be exact, but that’s to be expected from the two-time People’s (who helps out the Choice Winner at Jacktoberfest. “We went through them in JFP with financial an hour and a half,” he adds. guidance), and al Ezelle, 63, has been a Jackson resident for nearly all his though he knew life. After graduating from Murrah High School, he skipped about his brewing heridown the block to attend Millsaps College. He says he has tage, Ezelle didn’t get lived in the Belhaven neighborhood for all except two years. started making his own Things could’ve been different for Fred Ezelle took home his second People’s Ezelle. He might be living in HoudengChoice Award at this year’s Jacktoberfest Goegnies, Belgium, and speaking for his homebrewed beer. French right now if it wasn’t for a chance encounter between an American major in the army and young Belgian girl during World War II. Robert and Christine, Ezelle’s parents, married in 1946, and Christine left home to move to the states. “She’s an amazing lady,” Ezelle says of his mother. “When you pick up and leave your home country, going someplace where you have no idea what it’s going to be like, that’s a tough thing.” His mother, who still lives in Jackson (though his father passed away in 1979), found ways to adapt to American life and hang on to her roots through teaching (she taught French at Millsaps and Belhaven), photography and becoming a kind of family historian—an interest Ezelle definitely inherited. The second floor of Ezelle’s warehouse takes you back in time to early 20th-century Belgium. Some of the furniture and antiques belong to Belgique, Inc., an antique business that he and his wife, Virginia, own, but a good amount of it belongs to Ezelle and his family as sentimental reminders of their Belgian heritage. In particular, Ezelle pulls out a black-and-white photo from an envelope. In the center is a horse-drawn cart, and


by Justin Hosemann




REAL GREEK is the Best


Nominate Us for Best of Jackson 2014 Best Greek Best Seafood


Return to San Andreas A Review of ‘GrandTheft Auto V’ Grand Theft Auto V

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a sweet spot of semi-realistic weight and drag that retains enough of an arcade-like feel to make car chases exciting and believable. One of the finest new features to grace the series is the character-switching system. Rather than settle for a single criminal sociopath, GTAV offers you three: the exasperated, unretired bank robber Michael De Santa, his bitter would-be protege Franklin Clinton and the insane, gas-huffing CEO/ meth kingpin Trevor Phillips. GTAV’s cen-

remember my first experience with “Grand Theft Auto.” I couldn’t have been more than 11, dragged along to some dinner party with the promise that someone my age would be around to play with. Not the case. Instead, there was an empty bedroom with a PS2 and a copy of “Grand Theft Auto.” I distinctly remember not having a clue what to do with the game when I picked it up. Not wanting to affect the unknown gameowner’s progress, I had to content myself with aimless wandering. I ran over pedestrians. I fled from cops. Reader, I made “Grand Theft Auto V” is a triumphant return after a few it with a digital hooker. missteps in the series’ fourth installment. And that was all it took. I was engrossed by the firm reality of Liberty City, the city that sprawled tral characters are eminently likable even in and breathed, and invited you to break both the depths of their complete disregard for its laws and the bones of its inhabitants. human decency (and in Trevor’s case, pants), Years passed, and this liberating sand- and the seamless switching allows them time box mentality grew into something that was to move around the map organically, meanalmost expected of most games, finding its ing you’re constantly jumping into what feels way into so many otherwise sufficient titles like a real day in the life of a criminal. that it actually began to exhaust the industry. Gameplay-wise, this makes bank heists Chasing the high of that first expedition into and shoot-outs three times as intense, and the grim parody of America that Rockstar plays perfectly into the smash-cut editing provided was, in many ways, the central cur- of the crime films GTA has always taken its rent of gaming in the last decade—but never thematic cues from. was it more fully realized than in the work of If there’s a but to be found in this enthe masters themselves. tire review, it would have to relate to the “Vice City” brought nuance and char- game’s absence of interesting female characterization to what had previously been acters. Much ink has already been spilled a thin narrative. “San Andreas” blew the over the subject, so I’ll be clear. I have zero whole thing wide open, freeing the player to interest in “Grand Theft Auto”—or really, explore a world of liberty, not just a single any other game—bending over backward city. And “Grand Theft Auto IV,” arguably to present some hackneyed “strong female the only misstep, brought the series into character.” The complaint I have in playstunning, next-generation reality at the cost ing this game is not that I disapprove of of much of its freedom and charm. It’s fitting the women presented any more than I that a return to San Andreas would herald disapprove of the amoral, murdering men. the return the undisputed title to the “Grand It’s that the women are fundamentally unTheft Auto” series, marrying the vast techni- interesting. They’re facile, and aside from cal strides of the fourth installment with the Michael’s domestic woes, they’re entirely classic formula that electrified gamers every- disposable. “Grand Theft Auto III” and where to begin with. “San Andreas,” at least, had the outra The world of “Grand Theft Auto” has geous, psychopathic Catalina—a perfectly never been larger. Focusing the action singu- valid addition to the cast. The absence of larly on the city of Los Santos and the sur- any compelling female presence is probrounding Blaine County, GTAV accomplish- ably the weakest point of the title. es a sense of height and scale that really sets it And it’s possibly the only weak point apart from its predecessors and competitors. at all. At its core, GTAV is the game we’ve More polished are the vehicle physics, which all been waiting for. It is complex, exciting, through years of tweaking have finally found endlessly replayable and worth your money.

Rockstar Games ‑

Please Nominate Us in Best of Jackson 2014


by Nick Judin

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FILM p 30 | 8 DAYS p 31 | MUSIC pp 34-35 | SPORTS p 37

Filling the Space T


he HeARTalot pop-up studio is, for the most part, a bare-bones storefront. Brightly patterned photo backdrops hang in one area, a smattering of mismatched tables and chairs occupy random groupings around the space, and art supplies are tucked into nooks. It’s only when people fill the space, for body-painting workshops, Photoshop classes or just a good old-fashioned party, that the space comes to life. Artists Josh Hailey and Brittany Schall are transforming this space into a place to “activate, educate and communicate through art”—in other words, a flexible venue to share their creative energies with other artists, students, teachers and community members alike. The studio is at 3009 N. State St., a previously empty building with asbestos-covered floors, and is now a place for classes, workshops and teaching opportunities for artists. “It’s a thing I’ve been passionate about for some time,” says Hailey, 32, of “pop-up art,” or temporary rental spaces for artists to use. “I don’t think Jackson knows much about the pop-up mentality. It’s basically just renting a space temporarily. Most of the people making local art or anything like that don’t have the investment to put into a building.” Huge down payments and yearlong leases are unmanageable for the average artist. The answer for Hailey, Schall and many other artists in urban areas is quite simple—rent a space for a short period of time, offer free classes, shows and events, and trigger the community’s interest in the potential for the arts and the spaces that surround them. “It’s really stupid to have vacant space in a city,” Schall says. “It’s a money-hole in anyone’s pocket if the space isn’t being utilized.” Schall, 27, says re-invigorating a vacant site can help both the space and the artist. “It’s good for the space because it shows what you can do there and gives you, as an artist, a sense of credibility,” she says. “You look like an actual businessperson.” As opposed to having a storefront and selling a product, Hailey and Schall hold classes at their location on State Street, as well as a weekly “Art Church” event on Sunday afternoons, which allows members of the community to visit the studio and make suggestions about how the space could be used. By letting locals contribute to the planning, the duo entered into a symbiotic relationship with the community they serve, offering their artistic insight and their venue to those who can help support it financially and voluntarily. “This whole thing and everything I want to do is letting the community steer the course,” Hailey says. “I try to let everyone put in their two cents.”

Trip Burns

November 6 - 12, 2013

by Justin Hosemann

Artist Josh Hailey and local photographer William Patrick Butler are two of the instructors at the new HeARTalot popup art studio on North State Street in Fondren.

This isn’t Hailey’s first go at community-oriented projects. He spent the last two years on the road, traveling 160,000 miles to do a photo documentary called “Photamerica.” Photamerica was part of Hailey’s Story Projectors nonprofit organization. He spent time in each state taking photos, shooting footage and interviewing Americans in the hope of shaping a narrative around their perceptions of community. He met Schall in New York during his travels, and they quickly realized that they shared similar artistic interests. Now, under the nonprofit HeARTalot, which includes Story Projectors and the website Where’s North Arts, Hailey temporarily takes the wheels off the van. You could consider this an active reprieve for the photographer, a way to give back to his native city in hopes of furthering art education and community outreach. “There’s a lot of talent here,” Hailey says, as well as “a lot of support and respect.” Though Hailey grew up in Jackson and credits his highschool years at St. Andrew’s Episcopal School for shaping his interest in art, Schall has only gotten to know Jackson in the last month or so. She comes to the south from New York, where she moved shortly after earning a fine arts degree from Colorado State University. In New York, she held a variety of jobs in the art world, including working as a studio assistant at an “art factory”—a place where artists work hourly to produce art for already established artists.

“I was a little disenchanted by how art was handled,” Schall says. “There was no way for me to work on my own because I was constantly producing someone else’s work.” This disillusionment motivated Schall to start Where’s North Arts, a project that helps artists create online and in-person collectives where they can network, create and receive advice from other artists, all things that are difficult to do without a community of supporters. She and Hailey’s newest venture on State Street will reflect some of the things WNA tries to accomplish. “Realistically, anyone can afford real, original art work,” Schall says. “The idea that art is only for a special few is the worst thing ever. Art is for everyone.” Hailey and Schall plan workshops on photography, line drawing, watercolors and more, depending on who wants to volunteer their time to teach at the location. Similar to how Hailey funded Photomerica through crowdsourcing, Hailey and Schall are fundraising and looking for donors to cover the basic expenses of the building. Visit heartalot.com to learn more about their projects and goals, donate, and keep up with events or classes place at the new studio through January. The couple hosted a fundraising party on Halloween night, and plan a Photamerica release party Dec. 23. For more information, email Hailey and Schall through heartalot.com. For a gallery of photos, visit jfp.ms/HeARTalot.


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Loyalty and Love in ‘Last Vegas’ by Anita Modak-Truran

Kline play the Flatbush Four. In their youth, they owned the Brooklyn streets. In their retirement 58 years later, the boys have grown up. Each character has his own unique story to tell. Sam (Kline) lives in Naples, Fla., with hordes of other senior citizens. He participates in retirement center-sponsored water aerobics sponsored led by an aging matriarch who should not be grinding her hips in public. He dines with friends at 4:30 in the afternoon and raids the medicine cabinet. He feels old and worn. After suffering a stroke, Archie (Freeman) is under lockdown in his son Ezra’s home. Ezra (Michael Ealy) means well, but his good intentions are sucking the joy out of Archie’s life. Archie feels useless. Paddy (Robert DeNiro), a grouchy curmudgeon, stews and broods in his easy chair, surrounded by photographs of his dead wife Sophie. Except for the pesky neighbor girl who brings him homemade soup, Paddy has built a wall between himself and the dead. Courtesy CBS Films


recently celebrated another birthday—not a milestone, but another year toward reaping full benefits of an AARP membership. With my mind focused on lost youth and faded glory, I set out to see Jon Turteltaub’s “Last Vegas.â€? The theater was packed. The mood, light. The overall experience was much better than the film itself, because it was a shared experience among a self-selecting crowd who understood the disconnect between an active mind and an aging body. Where does youth and invincibility go? It’s here today and Industry giants Morgan Freeman, Michael Douglas, gone tomorrow. While nothing in Robert DeNiro and Kevin Kline unite in “Last Vegas.â€? â€?Last Vegasâ€? breaks new ground, it reminds us that old dogs can have just as much going on as young pups. In fact, weekend in fun city. It’s a mellowed “Hangit demonstrates Dan Buettner’s “Blue Zoneâ€? over,â€? without gross and grosser. What happrinciple that people live longer, happier lives pens in Vegas naps in Vegas and then gets in the company of their family and friends. forgotten, but I still laughed because there’s In “Last Vegas,â€? written by Dan Fogel- nothing funny about getting old except revman, four old fellas break out of a geriatric eling in the absurdity of it all. conundrum of medications, overbearing Screen legends Morgan Freeman, Robkids and feeling useless for an unforgettable ert DeNiro, Michael Douglas and Kevin

He’s depressed and lonely. Then there’s Billy (Douglas), who refuses to age without a fight; he’s a huckster trying to cheat death. Billy maintains the façade of youth with hair implants, spray-on tan and a girlfriend (Bre Blair) who could be easily mistaken for his daughter. (This is where life and art meld together). But something’s gnawing at him. At a funeral, Billy blurts out a proposal to his baby-girlfriend and then calls the guys to invite them for a Viva Las Vegas wedding. The Vegas playground, a character in its own right, allows the four friends to laugh, joke, insult each other and resolve old hurts. A gorgeous beauty with sultry singing and a badda-bing, badda-boom mouth spewing one liners (Mary Steenburgen) keeps the guys grounded in reality. Female impersonators, Cirque du Soleil performers and brides on bachelorette weekends showcase Vegas and keep the story lively and entertaining. “Last Vegasâ€? is unabashedly commercial, almost suffocating with brand placements, lusciously funny at time and leaves you with a warm DorisDayland feeling. The message is simple, old fashioned, but updated for the times.

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MONDAY 11/11


WJMI DJ Maranda J hosts Synergy Night at Mediterranean Fish and Grill.

Opening reception for the Scottsboro Boys Photograph Exhibit is at Jackson State.

Editors read from “New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture Set” at Lemuria.

BEST BETS Nov. 6 - 13 2013

Osirus Photography


“Chicago: The Musical” is at 7:30 p.m. at Thalia Mara Hall (255 E. Pascagoula St.). $20-$62.50; call 601-9811847 or 800-745-3000; kesslerbroadway.com. … Coheed and Cambria perform at 7 p.m. at Hal & Mal’s (200 S. Commerce St.). Balance and Composure, and I the Mighty also perform. $25 in advance, $30 at the door. Call 601-2927121; ardenland.net.


Mistletoe Marketplace starts today at 11 a.m. at Mississippi Trade Mart (1200 Mississippi St.). $10, $20 threeday pass, $5 children ages 6-12 and seniors; call 601-9482357 or 800-380-2870; mistletoemarketplace.com. … TAPS Model Showcase is at 7 p.m. at Arts Center of Mississippi (201 E. Pascagoula St.). The Curves & Cocktails VIP Lounge is at 6 p.m. $10 in advance, $15 at the door, $25 Lounge; call 960-1500; email hathor601@aol.com.

The TAPS Model Showcase on Nov. 7 at the Arts Center of Mississippi features plussized models and a trunk show.

$10; call 863-6378. … AJC & the E-Pushers perform at 8 p.m. at Underground 119 (119 S. President St.). Free; call 601-352-2322; underground119.com.

courtesy AJC


Fall Dance Concert is at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. at Belhaven University, Bitsy Irby Visual Arts and Dance Center (1500 Peachtree St.) in the Studio Theatre. $10, $5 seniors and students, free for Belhaven students and employees; call 601-974-6494; belhaven.edu. … “My Natural Hair Rocks” Natural Hair Meet-Up is from 5-8 p.m. at Wasabi Sushi & Bar (100 E. Capitol St., Suite 105). $10 in advance, by BRIANA ROBINSON $15 at the door; call 948-8808; naturalusalon.com. … Myla jacksonfreepress.com Smith performs at 7 p.m. at Cups: An Espresso Café (2757 Fax: 601-510-9019 Old Canton Road). Free; call Daily updates at 601-362-7422; mylasmith.com. jfpevents.com … Synergy Night is at 9 p.m. at Mediterranean Fish and Grill (6550 Old Canton Road, Ridgeland). $10, $5 open-mic participants; follow @synergynights on Instagram.

freewebs.com/metropolitanchamberorchestra. … “The Pillowman” is at 7:30 p.m. at Warehouse Theatre (1000 Monroe St.). $7 at the door; call 601-948-3533, ext. 224; newstagetheatre.com.

MONDAY 11/11

Scottsboro Boys Photograph Exhibit Opening Reception is from 6-8 p.m. at Jackson State University (1400 John R. Lynch St.) in Johnson Hall Art Gallery. Free; call 979-2121. … “Ruined” is at 7:30 p.m. at Jackson State University (1400 John R. Lynch St.) in the McCoy Auditorium. Free; call 601-979-7036.

events@ TUESDAY 11/12


Elvis Tribute Concert is from 7-11 p.m. at Candlelight Inn & Suites (1525 Ellis Ave.). $12, $20 VIP; call 985474-1161; davidleerocks.com. … NEWJACKMEMPHIS: New Orleans x Memphis x Jackson featuring The Jackson Jackals is at 8 p.m. at Soul Wired Cafe (111 Millsaps Ave.).

SUNDAY 11/10

Stop Hunger Now Pack-A-Thon is from 1:30 p.m.6:30 p.m. at Millsaps College (1701 N. State St.) in the Hall Activities Center. Free; call 974-1000; email mcasteel@ stophungernow.org; tinuyurl.com/SHNjackson. … Metropolitan Chamber Orchestra performs works from Suppe, Satieand Beethoven at 3 p.m. at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Cathedral (305 E. Capitol St.). Free; call 601-622-7978;


The Metropolitan Opera’s “Tosca” is at 6:30 p.m. at Tinseltown (411 Riverwind Drive, Pearl). $20, $18 seniors, $14 children; call 601-936-5856; cinemark.com. … Editors Jimmy Thomas and Ann Abadie sign copies of “New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture Set” at 5 p.m. at Lemuria Books (4465 Interstate 55 N., Suite 202). Reading at 5:30 p.m. $600 set. Call 601-366-7619; email info@ lemuriabooks.com; lemuriabooks.com.


AJC & the E-Pushers put on a free concert Nov. 7 at Underground 119 to celebrate a successful Kickstarter campaign.

Color Explosion Art Exhibit open reception is from 5-7 p.m. at Mississippi Library Commission (Education and Research Center, 3881 Eastwood Drive). Free; call 601432-4056; email gloriajw@mlc.lib.ms.us; mlc.lib.ms.us. … Student Composers Concert XI is at 7:30 p.m. at Belhaven University Center for the Arts (835 Riverside Drive) in the recital room. Free; call 601-974-6494; belhaven.edu.


JFP-Sponsored Events

ArdenLand Presents:

Thief at the Crossroads: The Blues as Black Technology through Jan. 4, at Gallery1 (1100 John R. Lynch St., Suite 4). See John Jennings’ comic art that showcases African American expressions. Jennings is a Mississippi native currently living and working in Buffalo, N.Y. Free; call 601960-9250; jsums.edu/gallery1.

cocktails 6:00pm. show 7:00pm advance tickets: $25 | $30 at door 18+



Coheed and Cambria THURSdAY 11/7:

Grant Terry (Restaurant) FRIdAY 11/8:

Swing de Paris (Restaurant) ArdenLand Presents:

Rosco Bandana

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Let’s Keep It Up Nominate Us Best of Jackson http://jfp.ms/ballot

cocktails 8:00pm. show 9:00pm advance tickets: $8 | $10 at door 18+

MOndAY 11/11:

Central MS Blues Society presents Blue Monday (Restaurant)

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November 6 - 12, 2013



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TUESdAY 11/12:

Community Events at Jackson Convention Complex (105 E. Pascagoula St.). • Women of Royalty and Destiny Women’s Conference Nov. 8-9. Guests include recording artists Vicki Yohe, Jekalyn Carr and Benjamin Cone II, Bishop Adrian Ware of The Church Triumphant Global, Ballet Magnificat and more. $25 early bird, $35 general; call 601-6228157 or 601-750-2367; email eastershannon@ yahoo.com; womenofroyaltyanddestiny.com. • Mississippi Black Leadership Summit Nov. 6-8, 8 a.m. Includes workshops, networking and discussions on social issues. Registration

Harvest Festival Nov. 5-9, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., at Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Museum (1150 Lakeland Drive). Experience small-town Mississippi through demonstrations, train and wagon rides, music, animal exhibits and food. See antique vehicles, tractors and quilts. Groups must RSVP. $5, $4 seniors, $3 ages 5-18, $1 ages 3-4, children under 3 free; call 601-432-4500; msagmuseum.org. History Is Lunch Nov. 6, noon, at William F. Winter Archives and History Building (200 North St.). Methodist minister Rayford Woodrick presents “Methodism in Mississippi.” Free; call 601-576-6998. Holiday Cheer: A-Family-A-Fair Nov. 7, 5-7 p.m., at Hinds Behavioral Health Services (3450 Highway 80 W.), at the Conference Center. Includes health screenings, safety, craft and food demonstrations, games, door prizes and children’s activities. Meet Hello Kitty and ScoobyDoo. Free; call 601-321-2400. Old-fashioned Flea Market Nov. 9, 7 a.m.-noon, at Cade Chapel M.B. Church (1000 W. Ridgeway St.). Proceeds benefit the Cade Chapel-Nate Ruffin Scholarship Fund. Free admission; $25 vendor tables; call 601-366-5463 or 601-8506781. Livingston Harvest Celebration Nov. 9, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., at Chestnut Hill Property (Highway 463, Madison) . Includes a tour of the property, farmers market vendors, live music, a wine tasting, food and children’s activities. Free; call 601-954-9395 or 601-898-0212.

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Going to Market


he Olde Towne Market in Clinton offers an array of crafts and products from local farmers and artists. With a focus on the handmade, the market is a great place to support local artisans and small businesses. Some of the crafts available include Micheal Shoffner’s woodwork, pottery from Linda Bailey of Harry the Potter, and Just Mud’s jewelry, pottery and wind chimes. You will also find Dad’s Disappearing Salsa, John and Joyce Hackney’s bee products, and Bright Arrow Farms bouquet of lotion, soaps and scrubs. The Olde Towne Market grew out of a farmers market called Second Saturdays, which started in 2000 and then morphed into a craft market. Main Street Clinton now puts on five markets a year, each tied to a season. “It’s a market that has something for everyone,” says Anna Boyd of Main Street Clinton. “There are crafts of all kinds, from woodworking to metal working. There are also different specialty foods. It’s

courtesy anna boyd

Nominate Us! Best of Jackson!

Olde Towne Holiday Market Nov. 9, 9 a.m.2 p.m., at Jefferson Street, Clinton, in front of City Hall. Shop at the open-air market in Olde Towne Clinton. Free; call 601-924-5472; email mainstreet@clintonms.org; clintonms.org.

SATURdAY 11/9:

Elegant Trainwreck/ Homework Town Records One Year Anniversary Show - 7pm (Big) The Gaunga Dyns (Red)

707 N Congress St., Jackson | 601-353-1180 Mon thru Fri: 11am-2pm • Sun: 11am - 3pm

Mistletoe Marketplace Nov. 7-8, 11 a.m.-9 p.m., and Nov. 9, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., at Mississippi Trade Mart (1200 Mississippi St.). More than 100 vendors sell their wares at the annual holiday shopping event. Proceeds benefit the Junior League of Jackson. $10, $20 three-day pass, $5 children ages 6-12 and seniors; call 601-948-2357 or 800-3802870; mistletoemarketplace.com.

required. Free; call 601-960-9594; uniteonevoice.org/MBLS. • Mississippi NAACP State Convention Nov. 7-9. Includes panel discussions, guest speakers and special events. The keynote speaker is outgoing national NAACP president Benjamin Jealous. Registration required. Free, $50 banquet; call 601-353-8452; naacpms.org.

John and Joyce Hackney’s bee products are some of the handmade items available at Clinton’s Olde Town Market Nov. 9.

a fun family-friendly atmosphere. It’s really a good time.” The Nov. 9 market has a holiday theme, with crafts and gifts for the holiday season. Shop the Olde Town Market from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in downtown Clinton (202A W. Leake St., Clinton). To see more information about the market, find Main Street Clinton on Facebook. —Alexis Moody

It Pays to Be BIlIngual! Jackson Touchdown Club Meeting Nov. 11, 6 p.m., at River Hills Club (3600 Ridgewood Road). Club members with an interest in football meet on most Mondays through Dec. 2. Arkansas Razorbacks head football coach Brett Bielema is the speaker. Call for information on membership dues. $30 non-members; call 601-506-3186; jacksontouchdownclub.com.

Elvis Tribute Concert Nov. 8, 7-11 p.m., at Candlelight Inn & Suites (1525 Ellis Ave.). Performers include David Lee, Jason Baglio and Jamie Isonhood. $12, $20 VIP, hotel rooms start at $49.99 plus tax; call 985-4741161 for tickets or 601-940-4247 for hotel rooms; davidleerocks.com.

Family and Friends of LGBTQI Persons Support Group (second Mondays). The group offers a safe place for people to share their feelings and experiences. Professional counselors lead the sessions. Free; call 601-842-7599; email supportforfamandfriends@ outlook.com.

Literary and Signings

Events at Mississippi Children’s Museum (2145 Highland Drive). $8, children 12 months and under free; call 601-981-5469; mschildrensmuseum.com. • Question It? Discover It! Saturday Nov. 9, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Learn about different body systems, and get to touch a real heart and lung. • Shake Out the Sillies 11 a.m.-noon. Toddlers and preschoolers participate in fitness and health enrichment activities. Adults must accompany children. Alzheimer’s Association Caregivers Conference Nov. 8, 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m., at Mississippi College (200 S. Capitol St., Clinton), in Anderson Hall. The keynote speaker is Dr. Dean M. Hartley of the Alzheimer’s Association national office. Registration required. Free for caregivers, $50 for social workers and nursing home administrators (includes CEU credits); call 601-987-0020; email smurphy2@alz.org; tinyurl.com/jacksonconf2.

Stage and Screen Todd Barry Nov. 12, 8-10 p.m., at Brewsky’s (3818 W. 4th St., Hattiesburg). The New York City-based comedian and actor does stand-up. For ages 18 and up. $15; call 866-777-8932; toddbarry.com. “The Old Maid and the Thief” Nov. 5 and Nov. 7, 7:30 p.m., at Duling Hall (622 Duling Ave.). The Mississippi Opera presents Gian Carlo Menotti’s comic one-act opera in a radio-broadcast style. $30; call 601-960-2300; msopera.org. Crossroads Film Festival Call for Film Submissions. Filmmakers may submit films through Nov. 30 for the annual festival, which takes place April 12-14, 2013. Discounts apply for entries submitted by Nov. 15. Special pricing for students and youth. Fees vary, free music video submissions; withoutabox.com.

Music Events at Jackson State University (1400 John R. Lynch St.), at F.D. Hall Music Center in the recital hall. Free; call 601-979-7036. • Faculty Recital Nov. 7, 7 p.m. Pianist Harlan Zackery Jr. performs. • JSU Jazz Ensemble II Concert Nov. 12, 7 p.m. Rodney D. Chism is the conductor. Open Blues Jam by Lintbelly Nov. 6, 8 p.m., at Main Event Sports Bar & Grill (4659 Highway 80 W.). Bring your favorite axe or other instruments. Drums provided. Free; call 922-9987. Mississippi Academy of Ancient Music’s Early Music Concert Series Nov. 7, 7:30 p.m., at St. Philip’s Episcopal Church (5400 Old Canton Road). $25, $5 students, $125 season tickets; call 601-594-5584; email info@ancientmusic.org; ancientmusic.org.

Learn Spanish or English Private Tutoring or Group Classes Native and Fun Instructors Spanish for Medical, Financial and Customer Service Fields Register NOW for classes starting in January. neW lOCatiOn! 6712 Old CantOn Rd suite 10 Ridgeland | 601.500.7700 | lingOfest.COm

MPB Reading on the Road Storytime Nov. 13, 9:30-10:30 a.m., at Canton Public Library (102 Priestley St., Canton). Mississippi Public Broadcasting hosts the event for children ages 3-7. Free; call 601-859-3202.

Creative Classes “A Piece of Security” and “Sew ‘N’ So” Quilting Project Wednesdays, 9:30 a.m. through May 28, at Pearl Street AME Church (2519 Robinson St.). The goal is to renew interest, bring awareness and continue the Mississippi tradition of quilt making. Free; call 601-355-0001; email debgiles@ comcast.net.

Exhibits and Openings Redeemed: The Work of Sheila Malone through Nov. 30, at Arts Center of Mississippi (201 E. Pascagoula St.). See the artist’s works profiling women of the Bible in the lower atrium. Free; call 601-960-1557, ext. 224.

Be the Change Magnolia State Showcase Nov. 9, 5 p.m., at New Horizon Church International (1770 Ellis Ave.). Maggie Wade of WLBT and Joy Redmond of WDBD are the emcees of the gospel choir and praise team competition. Proceeds benefit Blair E. Batson Hospital for Children. $150 entry fee, free for spectators; call 601-948-3333; wmib.org. Purple Tie Dinner Nov. 9, 5-8 p.m., at Four Peas in a Pot (3823 Highway 80 E., Pearl). The fundraising event includes a silent auction, a southern-style dinner and testimonials from domestic violence survivors. Attire is semi-formal. $15-$15; call 601-497-8098. Mississippi Immigrants Rights Alliance Advocacy Meeting Nov. 11, 6 p.m., at Mississippi Immigrants Rights Alliance (612 N. State St., Suite B). MIRA discusses current issues and upcoming campaigns at the meeting held on second Mondays. Open to the public. Light dinner included. Free; call 601-968-5182; yourmira.org.


Xfflmz!Tdifevmf Npoebz


12 noon: Yoga Glo

12 noon: Level 1

5:30 pm: Level 2

6 pm: Mixed Level Vinyasa



noon: Level 1

12 noon: Tabatas

5:15 pm: Tabatas 6 pm: Level 1



10:30 am: Yoga Over 50

12 noon: Restorative Yoga Check jfpevents.com for updates and more listings. To add an event, email all details (phone number, start and end date, time, street address, cost, URL, etc.) to events@jacksonfreepress.com or fax to 601-510-9019. The deadline is noon the Thursday prior to the week of publication. Or add the event online yourself; check out jfpevents.com for instructions.

6 pm: Yoga from the Core

9 am: Level 1

Tvoebz 5:30 pm: Bellydancing




Events at Lemuria Books (4465 Interstate 55 N., Suite 202). Call 601-366-7619; email info@ lemuriabooks.com; lemuriabooks.com. • “Sailing to Alluvium” Nov. 7, 5 p.m. John Pritchard signs books. Reading at 5:30 p.m. $27.95 book. • Lemuria Story Time Saturdays, 11 a.m. Children enjoy a story and make a related craft. Call for the book title. Free.

On average bilingual employees make 5%-20% more.



Expanding Jackson Music, Together by Briana Robinson


cody cox


Why did you start Homework Town?

GL: I’ve always wanted to put music out because I don’t have musical talent of my own. … The whole idea behind Homework Town is that it’s intimately connected to Elegant Trainwreck but, at the same time, it’s kind of its own thing. ... We find a lot of the same things interesting, but I can expand Elegant Trainwreck by adding hip-hop artists. When (Cox) started Elegant Trainwreck in 2005, he never thought that he would be putting out rap albums and split 7-inch (records) with rappers. That’s why I say it’s beneficial for both of us: It expands his roster, and it also expands the reach of what I can do. I didn’t have to start out on my own. CC: There’s definitely a mutual appreciation. … It’s like mutual exposure. There’s a whole bunch of hip-hop in the city that I’ve just fallen in love with that I didn’t even know existed for years. Now I can meet those people and see how creative these artists are. GL: We’ve seen this happen over the past year or year and a half where the different sides are coming together. We had the idea for Liver Mousse and 5th Child. Then there’s 5th Wolf—5th Child and Spacewolf—which neither of us had anything to do with. It makes me immensely happy because that’s the vision we e

November 6 - 12, 2013

impression—no matter how faulty it might be—that it’s beneficial to everyone. It’s beneficial to the whole city, which is more important. We don’t make any money off of this.

le rad gar


Cody Cox: I had been basically funding records of my own before, just with the band saving up money, or me saving my work money and then putting a record out. So, essentially, it was giving it a name instead of just saying the band did it. I was like, ‘If I’m going to do this, I may as well give it a name’—almost like having a storefront. Even if it was just one person, at least I was working underneath an umbrella. It was a nickname a friend of mine gave me, and I was like, ‘Sure, Why not?’ Now it’s taken a life of its own; it’s got legs now so to speak. At the time, it was just like a name to use so it wasn’t just like, ‘Hey, here’s a record,’ (with) no one being able to find it other than seeing us live. That’s where it started, and then I was like, ‘Well, if I’m going to do this, I may as well help all these other bands who don’t have anyone to put out their records and don’t know how to do it.’ I spent years making terrible and poor decisions. At least I could cut some of the dead time of people making those mistakes and figuring out how to do it; I could help them financially and also with advice.

CC: At some point, I have to come to terms with the fact that I’m going to be too old to hang out in smoky bars or play loud music all the time. I can’t physically keep doing it. But what I can do is help out someone younger than me who has the same drive I had 15 years ago and help them figure out a way to get their music out, and get an audience and get on shows or festivals. That way, the scene

y rtes

You wanted to legitimize putting out records on your own?

Why did you want to help?


hen musician Cody Cox sought to release Goodman County’s last album in 2005, he wanted it to be legitimate. A friend had given him the nickname of Elegant Trainwreck, and Cox used the name as somewhat of a label or brand for the work he was producing. Within the past four years, however, Elegant Trainwreck expanded to release Jackson-area music other than what Cox created. Last summer, Cox and concert organizer and artist promoter Garrad Lee teamed up to create another outlet for Jackson musical artists. Lee, a hip-hop enthusiast, decided to start Homework Town to release hip-hop albums. With its parent label, Elegant Trainwreck, Homework Town released a split 7-inch record from 5th Child and Liver Mousse in November 2012. Since the union, Elegant Trainwreck and Homework Town have released five records, including Furrows’ “Small Talk” and James Crow’s “Religion Guns Money.” This Saturday, the two labels celebrate their one-year anniversary with a concert at Hal & Mal’s.

Cody Cox (left) and Garrad Lee (right) celebrate a year of collaboration this week.

keeps going. … If someone isn’t helping, it’s either going to thrive on its own or its going to die. There’s no middle ground. I like to be in the middle where I can at least help and, maybe, for a little while, keep a scene going. A band can put out one record with me and say, ‘Oh, I’ve got this figured out now, I can do this on my own,’ and want to do it on their own—that’s fine. There’s no contractual obligation. It’s more like, ‘I like this record, I like this band, and I want you to continue making music. Maybe I can help by putting up the money and booking shows. Then when I’m 50, I can be like, ‘Look at all these bands that are playing in my home city.’ If I want to, I can go see them and, if not, they’re there for everybody who does. It’s a good thing. Garrad Lee: Ultimately, we just feel that whatever we do is good for the city as a whole. People complain that there’s not much to do or there’s not much music, but there is. There just hasn’t been an umbrella for a lot of it to operate underneath. That’s the reason I started what I did—just to put out my friends’ albums. Now, you look back and, for (several) years ... we’ve put out a lot of our friends’ music. And we’re under the

had. But now that we’ve mixed it up, people are making it happen. That’s why it’s important to a music scene, not just a hip-hop scene or an indie-rock scene. People used to say that there’s no good hip-hop in the city. We didn’t make it happen, but we’ve helped facilitate that by introducing people to each other (through) the Blender (series) and the co-releases. Now, you might look around at a That Scoundrel show, and 5th Child and James Crow will be there. DJ Young Venom is at Spacewolf shows. ... The music scene has been here; we just try to do something about building bridges and connecting it all together. What challenges do you face?

GL: Most of what I do is put on shows and events, so just dealing with the stress of that. But it’s cool, because in the city there are tons of people who are willing to help out. There’s people who donate lights, there’s people to do visuals (and) sound. You really find yourself middle-manning a lot of that kind of stuff. Challenge-wise, after financial, it’s figuring out what you want to do and bearing down and doing it. You know, we work fulltime, and there’s that aspect to it. What type of growth have y’all seen?

CC: It’s probably more of an intangible growth than anything else. Garrad mentioned giving it a name or branding it, and that’s essentially it. ... More recognition— like seeing Homework Town or Elegant Trainwreck on the bottom of a poster, even if it only means an extra 25 people are going to show up to the event. GL: The logo for Homework Town is my face. So I’ll see T-shirts and stickers, and that trips me out. ... Seeing somebody at a random show wearing a shirt with my face on it, that’s kind of funny. When you’re creating something, if people know what you’re doing ... and recognize you for it, that’s awesome. More music coverage at jfp.ms/music.

Elegant Trainwreck/Homework Town One-Year Anniversary is Nov. 9 at Hal & Mal’s (200 S. Commerce St., 601-948-0888). Admission is $5, and merch will be available for $5.

Line-up: DJ Sandpaper 7:30-8:00 Swamp Babies 8:00-8:20 Spirituals 8:20-8:50 Marlowe & the Sea 8:50-9:10 Video #1 9:10-9:15 James Crow 9:15-9:35 The Leave Me Be’s 9:35-10:00 Video #2 10:00-10:05

DJ Sandpaper 10:05-10:25 Passing Parade 10:25-10:50 Liver Mousse 10:50-11:00 Video # 3 11:00-11:05 DJ Young Venom 11:05-11:15 5th Child 11:15-11:40 The Weekend Kids 11:45-12:15 Furrows 12:15-1:00

in the mix

by Tommy Burton

Passing the Test of Time Flickr / Nico7Martin

The Jackson Free Press is looking for freelance writers interested in covering the city’s music scene.

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e have an ongoing argument in my house concerning whether music can be both artistic and commercial. In my opinion, the two qualities are in a fine balance, but occasionally a song or work will have both at once. For example, The Beatles are regarded as one of the most influential bands of all time. Plus, those four moptopped Brits sold gobs of records. A good friend of mine bought the Milli Vanilli CD when it came out in 1989. He genuinely liked the music. For those who don’t know, the guys who were part of Milli Vanilli did not sing the songs. They merely lip-synced and danced during performances. When the public found out, it created a huge brouhaha, and fans felt genuinely duped. The record label offered a rebate to people who bought the album, and the members of Milli Vanilli returned their Grammy for Best New Artist. I understand returning the award, but I’m not quite sold on getting a refund for the record. Did people buy it because they actually liked the music or because they liked the way the guys looked and danced on the stage and in videos? Should the answer even matter? People usually like music because it pleases them in some basic way. You don’t necessarily have to see Robert Johnson play the guitar to get a sense of the emotion or technical brilliance he pours into the performance in order to appreciate it. (My friend did not request a refund.) Occasionally, an artist will come along who blows the roof off preconceived music standards. Lady Gaga presents a total package of visual and musical. While she may not be breaking new ground musically, you could argue that her videos and performances—and, really, her whole life—border on performance art. It also doesn’t hurt that she produces hit songs. Madonna did something similar in the ’80s and ’90s. Peo-

ple still talk about Madonna and generally regard her as a trailblazer for women in music. Will people still talk about Lady Gaga in 50 years? Another interesting case I often discuss with other music enthusiasts is that of The Monkees. For every person who dismisses the band as a made-for-TV phenomenon, two more people will argue for the band’s innovative qualities and impressive music catalog. Because the band was on a weekly television show, and outside producers and writers largely controlled its early recordings, some people say The Monkees doesn’t really deserve a spot in rock’s history. The guys wrested control away from those powersthat-be and began writing, playing and producing their own material. Sadly, record sales plummeted, and the show got canceled. Now, almost 50 years later, Monkees recordings have endured, and even the most ardent music fans usually celebrate them. The songs were clearly quality, and the band rose above much of the other music released during its heyday. Another interesting case: In the band’s career, Pink Floyd released only one single that topped the charts, “Another Brick In The Wall (Part 2).â€? But read any book or article on rock music’s history, and it doesn’t take long to realize Pink Floyd is one of the most touted and important groups of all time. Not bad for a one-hit-wonder, huh? Only history can truly judge art. Something must stand the test of time and continue to demonstrate its value. In the short history of rock, some bands no one knew about during their prime are now held in the highest regard. For a perfect example of this, read about the brief life of the Memphis band Big Star. ­­­ Find me in 50 years, and let’s talk about the music we’re hearing on the radio. I can’t wait to see which of today’s hits survive the test of time.




The Monkees still spark arguments among die-hard music fans all over.


Music listings are due noon Monday to be included in print and online listings: music@jacksonfreepress.com.

Nov. 6 - Wednesday


Weekly Lunch Specials

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Burgers & Blues - Jesse “Guitar” Smith 5:30 p.m. Duling Hall - xxyyxx w/Shlohmo 8 p.m. Hal & Mal’s -Coheed & Cambia w/Balance & Composure & I The Mighty 7 p.m. $25 advance $30 door ardenland.net Huntington’s - Johnny Barranco 6:30 p.m. Kathryn’s - Hunter Gibson w/Larry Brewer 7 p.m. M Bar - 50 Cent Wednesdays w/ DJ Durdy Costello 7 p.m. free Main Event Sports Bar & Grill - Open Blues Jam by Lintbelly 6 p.m. free Martin’s - Ladies Night w/DJ Young Venom McB’s - Ladies’ Night w/Aaron Coker 8 p.m. Olga’s - The Sofa Kings 6:30 p.m. Time Out - Blues Wednesday w/ Kern Pratt & The Accused 7 p.m. Underground 119 - Zach Lovett 8 p.m.

Nov. 7 - Thursday Burgers & Blues - Dane Edwards 5:30 p.m. Cherokee Inn - D’lo Trio Duling Hall - MS Opera Presents The Old Maid & The Thief 7:30 p.m. msopera.org F. Jones Corner - The Amazin’ Lazy Boi Band midnight Fenian’s - Emerald Accent Georgia Blue, Flowood - Richard McCain Georgia Blue, Madison - Doug Frank Hal & Mal’s - Grant Terry (rest) Huntington’s - Johnny Barranco 6:30 p.m. ISH - Live Jazz 5 p.m. $10 after 7 p.m. M Bar - Sippin & Trippin Comedy Show w/DJ Shanomak 8 p.m. free Morning Bell Records - Week of Wonders w/Overnight Lows 8 p.m. $5 all ages Olga’s - Hunter Gibson 7 p.m. One Jackson Place, Downtown - Larry Brewer 11 a.m. Pop’s Saloon - Aaron Coker Shucker’s - Acoustic Crossroads 7:30 p.m. free St. Philip’s Episcopal Church - Fretwork Soul Wired Cafe - International Music 6 p.m. Underground 119 - Adam Collier 8 p.m. free

Nov. 8 – Friday Ameristar Bottleneck Blues Bar, Vicksburg - King Edward 9 p.m. free Bottoms Up - DJ Dancing w/ Special Events 9 p.m. 18+ $5 cover Burgers & Blues - Acoustic Crossroads 12 noon, Luckenbach 6 p.m. Club Magoo’s - Brena F Jones Corner - The 2Extreme Band 12 midnight $10 Fenian’s - Lintbelly 9 p.m. Georgia Blue, Flowood - Kenny Davis Georgia Blue, Madison - Shaun Patterson Hal & Mal’s - Swing de Paris (rest), Roscoe Bandana w/ Buddy & The Squids 9 p.m. $8 advance $10 door ardenland. net 18+

Huntington’s - Johnny Barranco 6:30 p.m. Jackson Convention Center Women of Royalty & Destiny Women’s Conference feat. Jekalyn Carr, Benjamin Cone III, etc M Bar - Flirt Fridays w/DJ 901 free Martin’s - Unknown Hinson McB’s - Kenny Davis 5 p.m. Ole Tavern - The Breton Sound w/Filter The Noise Olga’s - John Powell w/Roberto Moreira 8 p.m. Pelican Cove - Hunter Gibson w/Rick Moreira 7 p.m. Shucker’s - Jenny Jenny 8 p.m. $5, Sid Thompson & DoubleShotz (deck) 10 p.m. free Soulshine, Ridgeland - Filter The Noise 8 p.m. courtesy Swing de paris

MUSIC | live

Nov. 10 - Sunday Burgers & Blues - Cassie & Stacie 5 p.m. Char - Big Easy Three 11 a.m. Fitzgerald’s - Andy Hardwick 11 a.m. Hazel Coffee - Filter The Noise 7 p.m. Hot Shots, Byram - Mike and Marty’s Jam Session The Main Event - Open Mic Jam w/Tom 2 p.m. Shucker’s - Deeb’s Blues 3:30 p.m. free Sombra Mexican Kitchen - John Mora 11 a.m. Sophia’s, Fairview Inn - Knight Bruce 11 a.m. Soul Wired Cafe – Jackie Jackie Table 100 - Raphael Semmes 11:30 a.m.

Nov. 11 - Monday

Swing de Paris

Soul Wired Cafe – NewJackMempis w/Skip Koon/Pynfamous 8 p.m. Underground 119 - Barry Leach 9 p.m. $10 The Yellow Scarf -Dara Tucker 9 p .m. $15 advance $20 door yellowscarf.ojahmediagroup.com

Nov. 9 - Saturday Ameristar Bottleneck Blues Bar, Vicksburg - King Edward 9 p.m. free Bottoms Up – DJ Dancing & Show 9 p.m. 21+ $10 cover Burgers & Blues - Scott Turner 6 p.m. Club 43, Canton - Jason Miller Club Magoo’s - Brena Cups, Fondren - Myla Smith F Jones Corner - Dexter Allen 12 midnight $10 Fenian’s - Dane Edwards 9 p.m. Georgia Blue, Flowood - Shaun Patterson Georgia Blue, Madison - Brian Jones Hal & Mal’s - Elegant Trainwreck/ Homework Town Records One Year Anniversary Show 7 p.m. Jackson Convention Center Women of Royalty & Destiny Women’s Conference feat. Jekalyn Carr, Benjamin Cone III, etc M Bar - Saturday Night Live w/DJ Shanomak free Martin’s - Parallax Ole Tavern - Little Big League w/John Causey Olga’s - Joseph LaSalla 8 p.m. Reed Pierce’s, Byram - Sid Thompson & DoubleShotz 9 p.m. free Sam’s Lounge - Filter The Noise Shucker’s - Barry Leach (deck) 3 p.m. free, Jenny Jenny 8 p.m. $5, Mike & Marty (deck) 10 p.m. Free Soul Wired Cafe – Reggae vs HipHop w/DJ Clecta 9 p.m. Underground 119 - Big Al & The Heavyweights 9 p.m. $10 The Yellow Scarf - Dara Tucker 9 p .m. $15 advance $20 door yellowscarf.ojahmediagroup.com

Hal and Mal’s - Central MS Blues Society (rest) 7 p.m. Kemistry - Salsa Mondays 8 p.m. Last Call Sports Grill - I Love Mondays w/DJ Spoon $3 after 9:30 p.m. Martin’s - Open Mic Free Jam

Nov. 12 - Tuesday Burgers & Blues - Jesse “Guitar” Smith 5:30 p.m. Fenian’s - Open Mic Margarita’s - John Mora 6 p.m. Ole Tavern - Open Mic Sal & Mookie’s - Filter The Noise Shucker’s - The Barry Leach Group 7:30 p.m. Time Out - Open Mic Night Underground 119 - Baby Jan & All That Chazz 6:30 p.m. free Wasabi Sushi & Bar - Filter The Noise 12 noon

Nov. 13 - Wednesday Burgers & Blues - Jesse “Guitar” Smith 5:30 p.m. Hal & Mal’s -New Bourbon St. Jazz Band (rest) Huntington’s - Johnny Barranco 6:30 p.m. M Bar - 50 Cent Wednesdays w/ DJ Durdy Costello 7 p.m. free Main Event Sports Bar & Grill - Open Blues Jam by Lintbelly 8 p.m. free Olga’s - Joseph LaSalla 6:30 p.m. Time Out - Blues Wednesday w/ Kern Pratt & The Accused 7 p.m. Underground 119 - Swing de Paris 8 p.m. free

Get regional picks, new releases and other music news every week at The Music Blog at jfp.ms/musicblog. Contact info at jfp.ms/musicvenues.

DIVERSIONS | jfp sports the best in sports over the next seven days


by Bryan Flynn

THURSDAY, NOV. 7 College football (8-11 p.m., ESPN): Stanford hopes to upset Oregon and ruin the Ducks’ national title hopes. FRIDAY, NOV. 8 College football (7:30-11 p.m., ESPN2): Still-winless Connecticut faces the Louisville Cardinals. SATURDAY, NOV. 9 College football (11 a.m.-2:30 p.m., CBS): The Ole Miss Rebels can become bowl eligible with a win over the Arkansas Razorbacks. … College football (2:30-6 p.m., CBS): Mississippi State looks to upset Texas A&M on the road. … College football (6-9 p.m., CBS Sports Network): Southern Miss hopes to win for the first time in nearly two years against Louisiana Tech. SUNDAY, NOV. 10 NFL (7:30-11 p.m., NBC): The New Orleans Saints hope to get back to winning at home against the Dallas Cowboys in primetime Sunday night. MONDAY, NOV. 11 NFL (7:30-11 p.m., ESPN): It is an all-Florida battle on Monday Night Football as the Tampa Bay Buccaneers host the Miami Dolphins. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 13 College football (7-10 p.m., ESPN2 & ESPNU): Get a double dose of MACtion by flipping back and forth between Northern Illinois vs. Ball State and Miami (OH) vs. Kent State. David Ortiz recently hit a home run in a playoff game, and Tom Brady threw a touchdown pass on the same day. The last two times that happened, the Red Sox won the World Series, and the Patriots won the Super Bowl. Follow Bryan Flynn at jfpsports.com, @jfpsports and at facebook.com/jfpsports.


rant Worsley, general manager and owner of the Jackson Showboats, swaggered into our meeting with a wide smile on his face. You would be happy, too, if you had just finished a successful first year with an overwhelmingly winning record in the national men’s semiprofessional league American Basketball Association, or ABA. “Last year—our first year—was good. We finished with a 12-4 record and made the playoffs,” Worsley says. “Those were some good young men, but this year we hope to do even better.” Worsley has even more reason to smile with this year’s team. He assembled some Mississippi talent that could lead the Jackson Showboats to an ABA title in year two. The team will include 2008 Mississippi Player of the Year Rashanti Harris of New Hope High School at center and Jonathan Phelps of Vicksburg High School at guard. Harris led New Hope to a 4A title his senior season, and Scout.com named him the No. 2 center in the country for the class of 2008. Eventually, Harris played for the Halifax Rainmen of the Premier Basketball League in 2011. Phelps started his college career at Kilgore College, a junior college in East Texas. He went on to play at Missouri Western State University out of Division II. Joining Harris and Phelps is Louisiana native and former LSU star guard Terry Martin who started out at Texas Tech. Former Jones County Junior College and Port Gibson High School star Kadeem Fleming will be in the front court. Fleming was a standout forward at Port Gibson. Two more Vicksburg stars will also play for the Showboats: forward Chris Miller and guard Maurice Williams. Both played at Copiah-Lincoln Junior College. Those familiar with Tougaloo College will recognize former All-American and Natchez native Jamal Bouldin when he takes the floor for the Showboats. Rounding out the roster is Darian Donald, who played at Caledonia High School and East Mississippi Community College. Donald went on to sign with Mississip-

guys who can play in the NBA D-League or the NBA.” This season, which starts Nov. 8, the Jackson Showboats will play 11 home games at Kurts Gymnasium (125 Gymnasium Drive, 601-960-1883). All games begin at 7 p.m., except Sunday games, which start at 3 p.m.. Admission is $5, and security will be provided. For more information, find Jackson Showboats on Facebook and Twitter at @jxnshowboats,.

The Jackson Showboats are looking to win an ABA title in their second year.

Home Schedule Nov. 8: Gulfport, Dec. 1: Mobile, Dec. 5: Shreveport, Dec. 14: Memphis, Dec. 15: Jacksonville, Dec. 22: Birmingham, Jan. 5: New Orleans, Feb. 9: Mobile, Feb. 15: Shreveport, March 1: Hattiesburg, March 8: Shreveport

pi Valley State and helped the Delta Devils reach the NCAA Tournament. “We have a group of leaders who are young and hungry this season,” Worsley says. “There is talent all over the floor and

bryan’s rant

Saving Henderson


le Miss guard Marshall Henderson is the Johnny Manziel of SEC basketball—but unlike Manziel’s harmless offseason headlines, Henderson’s were more of the troubling variety. Officials suspended Henderson from the program this offseason for his behavior in the SEC and NCAA Tournaments, along with getting stopped by Oxford police in July. Despite being caught with small amounts of marijuana and cocaine, police only cited the Ole Miss star for lack of proof of insurance. The authorities decided that there wasn’t enough marijuana or cocaine to prosecute Henderson. Ole Miss announced last week that Henderson is back on the team, but will be suspended for three regular games this season. Henderson missed an exhibition game against South Carolina-Akien this past Saturday night. He will miss the regular season opener against Troy (Nov.

8), as well as the first two SEC games of the season against Auburn (Jan. 9) and Mississippi State (Jan. 11). Troy isn’t a basketball power, and Auburn and Mississippi State were the two worst basketball programs in the SEC last season. I honestly hope that Ole Miss is doing its best to keep Henderson on the straight and narrow, rather than simply giving him a slap on the wrist because he is a star player. As he is a senior, this is Henderson’s last year at Ole Miss, but he has the rest of his life to live. If the Rebels are truly getting him help, I commend them. But Ole Miss shouldn’t just use Henderson to win basketball games, make the NCAA Tournament, and then dump him after they have used him for his athletic ability. Hopefully, Ole Miss is trying prepare Henderson for the real world and to handle his demons. If not, be prepared to see Henderson’s name in the crime blotter at some point after the season ends.

JFP Top 25: Week 10

nother undefeated team went down this week as Miami lost to Florida State. Without question, Alabama, Oregon, Ohio State and Florida State are the top four teams in the country. Baylor hopes top teams slip, allowing them to crash the championship party. Fresno State and Northern Illinois hope to become BCS Busters by finishing undefeated. All the one-loss teams need multiple upsets as the college football season comes to a close in November and December. Stanford and Oklahoma can help open the door for themselves with wins over undefeated Oregon and Baylor this week.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



Alabama Crimson Tide Ohio State Buckeyes Oregon Ducks Florida State Seminoles Baylor Bears Fresno State Bulldogs Clemson Tigers Stanford Cardinal

Previous Rank

8-0 9-0 8-0 8-0 7-0 8-0 8-1 7-1

1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Northern Illinois Missouri Tigers Oklahoma Sooners LSU Tigers Texas A&M Aggies Miami Hurricanes Oklahoma State Cowboys South Carolina Gamecocks Auburn Tigers

9-0 8-1 7-1 7-2 7-2 7-1 7-1 7-2 8-1

10 11 12 13 14 5 19 16 17

18 Louisville Cardinals 19 Central Florida Knights 20 Michigan State Spartans 21 Texas Tech Red Raiders 22 UCLA Bruins 23 Notre Dame Fighting Irish 24 Duke Blue Devils 25 Michigan Wolverines Dropped out: None

7-1 6-1 8-1 7-2 6-2 7-2 6-2 6-2

18 20 23 15 21 24 25 22



by Bryan Flynn


Could the Super Bowl winner already be decided? The Boston Red Sox’s World Series win might have locked up this year’s Super Bowl victor.

Jackson Showboats: High Hopes for Year Two


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45 Manager’s lists 47 Obama’s mother ___ Dunham 48 Breakfast drinks, briefly 51 Like grapefruit juice 52 Award bestowed by Queen Eliz. 53 Thought 54 Norm on a golf course 56 What haters of Miley’s August spectacle wanted from the media? 59 Compadre 60 Arctic dweller 61 Remains neutral? 62 1980s “truly outrageous” cartoon 63 “Melrose Place” actor Rob 64 Shannon formerly of “SNL”

35 “___ It Up” (Bob Marley) 36 Very, melodramatically 40 TV host Graham and boxer Ken, for two 41 Bay Area football player, for short 46 “Journey to ___” (“Sesame Street” feature) 47 Aids a criminal 48 “Island of the Blue Dolphins” author Scott 49 Singer whose surname is Kilcher

50 Unwilling to be talked down to 52 Boo-boo 53 ___-European languages 54 Brown bag staple, informally 55 “Chances ___” 57 Boy king of Egypt 58 Sister of Khloe and Kourtney ©2013 Jonesin’ Crosswords (editor@jonesincrosswords.com)

Last Week’s Answers

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1 Super guy? 6 Nigeria’s capital since 1991 11 On the double 14 Adjust to fit 15 “What’s Happening!!” role 16 Galena, for one 17 Following the “Whip It” band closely? 19 Put down the first card 20 Bar selections 21 Bumped into 22 Game played “with my little eye” 24 Fellas 25 Blogger Wheaton of interest to

geeks everywhere 26 Where cats get chased 29 Film studio site 30 Fidel cohort 31 This, in Tijuana 32 Punk gymnast popular in the 1980s? 35 Telenovelas, in English 37 Joint owners’ pronoun 38 Slot machine spinners 39 Hero with a black mask and a big chin? 42 Fisher of “Arrested Development” 43 Choose 44 Creator of M and Q


Last Week’s Answers

“Sum Sudoku”

Put one digit from 1-9 in each square of this Sudoku so that the following three conditions are met: 1) each row, column, and 3x3 box (as marked off by heavy lines in the grid) contains the digits 1-9 exactly one time; 2) no digit is repeated within any of the areas marked off by dotted lines; and 3) the sums of the numbers in each area marked off by dotted lines total the little number given in each of those areas. For example, the digits in the upper-leftmost square in the grid and the two squares directly below it will add up to 18. Now do what I tell you—solve!! psychosudoku@hotmail.com


“O-E-O” —changing of the guard.

1 Bordello big shot 2 “21” singer 3 Baltimore player 4 Wall St. events 5 Mel with 1,860 RBI 6 “The Little Mermaid” role 7 Orion feature 8 Mentalist Geller 9 Gin flavoring 10 Nervous state 11 Tennis racket string material 12 “Forgot About ___” (2000 single featuring Eminem) 13 End-of-proof abbr. 18 “Jaws” resort 23 11- or 12-year-old 25 What things could always be 26 Spock crewmate 27 Alex who starred in 2007’s “The Water Horse” (anagram of LEET) 28 Opposite of “avec” 29 Rio de ___ (Buenos Aires’ river) 30 Word after food or kangaroo 32 Powerful whirlpool 33 Plays over and over 34 Keyboard instrument


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SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):

“Not for all the whiskey in heaven,” begins a poem by Charles Bernstein. “Not for all the flies in Vermont. Not for all the tears in the basement. Not for a million trips to Mars. Not for all the fire in hell. Not for all the blue in the sky.” Can you guess what he’s driving at? Those are the things he will gladly do without in order to serve his passion. “No, never, I’ll never stop loving you,” he concludes. According to my understanding of your astrological cycle, Scorpio, now is a good time for you to make a comparable pledge. What is the one passion you promise to devote yourself to above all others? And what are you willing to live without in order to focus on that passion? Be extravagant, pure, wild and explicit.

Dmitri Razumikhin is a character in Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment.” His surname is derived from the Russian word for “reason.” At one point he makes a drunken speech that includes these observations: “It’s by talking nonsense that one gets to the truth! Not one single truth has ever been arrived at without people first having talked a dozen reams of nonsense, even ten dozen reams of it.” Let’s make this a centerpiece of your current strategy, Sagittarius. Just assume that in order to ferret out the core insights that will fuel your next transformations, you may need to speak and hear a lot of babble.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):

At the 2013 Grammy Awards, actor Neil Patrick Harris introduced the band Fun this way: “As legendary gangster rap icon Katharine Hepburn once said, if you follow all the rules, you miss all the fun.” Everything about that vignette is a template for the approach you can use now with great success. You should gravitate toward festive events and convivial gatherings. Whenever possible, you should sponsor, activate and pave the way for fun. Toward that end, it’s totally permissible for you to tell amusing stories that aren’t exactly factual and that bend the rules not quite to the breaking point.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):

Some spiritual traditions regard the ego as a bad thing. They imply it’s the source of suffering—a chronically infected pustule that must be regularly lanced and drained. I understand this argument. The ego has probably been the single most destructive force in the history of civilization. But I also think it’s our sacred duty to redeem and rehabilitate it. After all, we often need our egos in order to get important things done. Our egos give us the confidence to push through difficulties. They motivate us to work hard to achieve our dreams. Your assignment, Aquarius, is to beautify your ego as you strengthen it. Build your self-esteem without stirring up arrogance. Love yourself brilliantly, not neurotically. Express your talents in ways that stimulate others to express their talents.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20):

Dr. Seuss wrote his children’s books in English, but he liked to stretch the limits of his native tongue. “You’ll be surprised what there is to be found once you go beyond ‘Z’ and start poking around,” he said. One of the extra letters he found out there was “yuzz,” which he used to spell the made-up word “yuzz-a-ma-tuzz.” I recommend that you take after Seuss—not only in the way you speak, but also in the ways you work, play, love, dream and seek adventure. It’s time to explore the territory beyond your comfort zone.

ARIES (March 21-April 19):

I’m not a big fan of fear. It gets far more attention than it deserves. The media and entertainment industries practically worship it, and many of us allow ourselves to be riddled with toxic amounts of the stuff. Having said that, though, I do want to put in a good word for fear. Now and then, it keeps us from doing stupid things. It prods us to be wiser and act with more integrity. It forces us to see the truth when we might prefer to wallow in delusion. Now is one of those times for you, Aries. Thank your fear for helping to wake you up.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20):

“Poetry might be defined as the clear expression of mixed feelings,” wrote W.H. Auden. If that’s true, then your job is to be a poet right now. You seem to be awash in a hubbub of paradoxical inclinations, complete with conflicting desires and mismatched truths. There’s no shame or

blame in that. But you do have a responsibility to communicate your complexity with honesty and precision. If you can manage that, people will treat you with affection and give you extra slack. They might even thank you.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20):

What can you do to improve your flow? Are there obstructions in your environment that keep you from having a more fluidic rhythm? Do you harbor negative beliefs that make it harder for life to bestow its natural blessings on you? Now is the time to take care of glitches like these, Gemini. You have more power than usual to eliminate constrictions and dissolve fixations. Your intuition will be strong when you use it to drum up graceful luck for your personal use. Be aggressive. Be bold. Be lyrical. It’s high time for you to slip into a smooth groove.

CANCER (June 21-July 22):

In the beginning of his novel “The White Castle,” Orhan Pamuk offers this meditation: “To imagine that a person who intrigues us has access to a way of life unknown and all the more attractive for its mystery, to believe that we will begin to live only through the love of that person—what else is this but the birth of great passion?” How do you respond to this provocative statement, Cancerian? Here are my thoughts: On the one hand, maybe it’s not healthy for you to fantasize that a special someone can give you what you can’t give yourself. On the other hand, believing this is true may inspire you to take an intriguing risk that would catalyze invigorating transformations. Which is it? Now is a good time to ruminate on these matters.

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LEO (July 23-Aug. 22):

Canadians Tommy Larkin and Stephen Goosney are biological brothers, but they were adopted by different families when they were young. They lost touch for almost 30 years. Once they began looking for each other, it didn’t take long to be reunited. Nor did they have to travel far to celebrate. It turns out that they were living across the street from each other in the same small town in Newfoundland. I foresee a metaphorically similar experience in your future, Leo. When you get reconnected to your past, you will find that it has been closer than you realized.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):

This will be an excellent week for you to talk with yourself—or rather, with yourselves. I’m envisioning in-depth conversations between your inner saint and your inner evil twin … between the hard worker and the lover of creature comforts … between the eager-toplease servant of the greater good and the self-sufficient smartie who’s dedicated to personal success. I think that in at least some of these confabs, you should speak every word out loud. You should gesture with your hands and express colorful body language. It’s prime time for your different sub-personalities to get to know each other better.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22):

In the coming week you will probably have more luck than usual if you play keno, craps, blackjack, bingo or roulette. People who owe you money will be inclined to pay you back, so you might want to give them a nudge. I won’t be surprised if you find a $20 bill lying on the sidewalk or if a store cashier accidentally gives you way too much change. In the wake of these tendencies, your main assignment is to be alert for opportunities to increase your cash flow. For example, if you wake up in the middle of the night with an idea for boosting your financial fortunes, I hope you will have a pen and notebook by the bed to write it down.

Homework: Make two fresh promises to yourself: one that’s easy to keep and one that’s at the edge of your capacity to live up to. Testify at Freewillastrology.com.


SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):

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