v9n09 - JFP Home Issue: The Art of Living at Home

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The Art of Vol. 9 | No. 9 //November 10-16, 2010



Living @

Home CIRCA 2010 LADD, P 17












November 10-16, 2010

No ve m be r 10-16, 2010



9 NO. 9


In With the Old The elections removed the Blue Dogs and installed Republicans and tea partiers. Now what?




Cover photograph of Jane Sanders Waugh’s home by Christina Cannon


THIS ISSUE: Making Homes .............. Editor’s Note


............................. Talk


...................... Editorial


........................ Stiggers


............................ Zuga


...................... Opinion


.................. Diversions


......................... 8 Days


.................. JFP Events


.......................... Music


........... Music Listings


.......................... Sports


............................ Astro


......................... Puzzles


............................ Food


................................ Fly

The first-ever JFP Home Issue provides resources to help your home tell the world about you.

dr. kimberly hilliard Dr. Kimberly Hilliard isn’t one to make small plans. As the director of Jackson State University’s Center for University-Based Development, Hilliard is on a mission to make west Jackson a more vibrant community by restoring homes and businesses. “When we think about community, it’s very personable. Each of the different neighborhoods has their own personality,” she says. “We like to work with the neighborhood associations and say: ‘What would you like to see as we develop a vision together?’” Hilliard works with urban planners and developers on projects such as One University Place, an $18 million mixed-used project with apartments and retail space across the street from the university. Hilliard also oversees the “WESToration Initiative,” a new program aimed at facilitating the purchase and refinancing of houses that need repairs or modernizing along Ellis Avenue and Gallatin Street, extending to Highway 80. Hilliard hopes that the initiative will bring new residents to the area. “One of the things that was so clear in west Jackson, was a pride of history and paying homage to the historic properties and trying to save those,” she says. “It’s very interesting to me that we are at that junction at Jackson State. … It’s all about rebuilding community and working together to get it done.” Hilliard, 47, is a native of Washington, D.C. She received her bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Tuskegee Universi-

ty. She worked in New Orleans as an aviation planner at GCR & Associates while she earned her master’s degree in urban and regional planning at the University of New Orleans. During a trip to Jackson to work on an airport contract in 2000, she met community activist and businessman Bill Cooley who encouraged her to stay in Jackson and help the growing city. In 2007, she earned her doctorate from JSU in urban and regional planning. “I’ve been having a blast ever since,” she says about her decision to move here. When Hilliard talks about the future, she envisions vacant houses transformed into dream homes, neighborhood gardens, and more connectivity between downtown and JSU. “We just have a diverse offering of houses,” she says. “That is what is so attractive about WESToration project. Many people are looking to create dream homes but don’t feel like they have the resources to do it. … We are giving people the opportunity to create their dream homes very affordably.” Hilliard likes to attend various community and neighborhood association meetings in Jackson. Over the past decade, she’s seen changes in the city’s landscape and attitudes. “I think people are more hopeful about Jackson,” she says. “… I think people are very prideful about Jackson and excited about the future and the possibilities. To me, the potential of Jackson is very palpable and real. I can see it, and I can taste it.” —Lacey McLaughlin

27 Telling Tales Diane Williams has perfected the storyteller’s art through oral, visual and written media.

42 Lounging Around Sometimes the best thing to do at home is to relax, kick back and pamper yourself.





Christina Cannon Christina Cannon is a Jackson native. Her studio, Photography by Christina, and gallery, One Blu Wall, are located in Fondren Corner. In her spare time she lingers downtown where she is a new resident. She photographed the cover.

Jesse Crow Editorial intern Jesse Crow, a Pensacola, Fla., native, is a sophomore at Millsaps College. She enjoys playing with puppies, summer camp and going on long drives in her station wagon named Herman. She wrote Home features and a Talk.

Charlotte Blom Charlotte Blom lives in Hattiesburg. With a bachelor’s degree in psychology, she performs a balancing act between introversion and extroversion. Her penchant for discovering beautiful, bizarre things sometimes overrides practicality. She wrote a Home feature.

Tom Ramsey Tom Ramsey is a lobbyist and former investment banker who teaches private cooking lessons, writes poetry and short fiction, and has been known to produce an album or two. He owns Ivy & Devine Culinary Group (www.ivyanddevine. com). He wrote a Home feature.

Valerie Wells Valerie Wells is a freelance writer who lives in Hattiesburg. She writes for regional publications. Follow her on Twitter at sehoy13. She wrote the Arts feature.

Natalie A. Collier Natalie A. Collier is originally from Starkville and a graduate of Millsaps. She lived in Chicago for a while, but is now back in Jackson. She’s not easy to impress. Try. She helped coordinate the Shopping page.

Lance Lomax Lance Lomax received a master’s degree in Mass Communication from the University of Southern Mississippi in 2007. He is as a manager and technical writer for a human-service transportation firm based in Ridgeland. He wrote a music feature.


Xavia K. McGrigg


Marketing intern Xavia K. McGrigg is a public relations and biology major at Hinds Community College. She loves horror films and looks forward to becoming the dictator of her own country.

by ShaWanda Jacome, Assistant to the Editor

Redefining Home


his is the first time I’ve talked about this. There have been many reasons I’ve kept my “secret” in the vault. There’s a stigma that comes with it. It’s one of those things that carries a lot of shame and guilt. But then a new friend and JFP freelancer Robin O’Bryant shared something on her blog that helped me to see things differently. She said: “On good days, I can see it with a clarity that borders on being hallucinogenic: My purpose (is) to serve God by serving His people. My purpose is to serve my family, my husband and children, and to share the details of my life for His glory.” During my adult life, I have always asked God to reveal my purpose to me, but I never thought that sharing the details of my life for His glory could be it. However, opening up and being vulnerable allows us to connect with those around us. And it could help someone else out there feel like they’re not alone—that someone else shares their struggle. When we lost our home in Sacramento to foreclosure, I was devastated. How had this happened to my family and me? I had done all the right things you are supposed to do in order to achieve that happy life at the end of the rainbow: I’d gotten good grades in high school; obeyed my parents; attended college; and joined the work force after graduation. I was a good citizen and ate my vegetables. So why was my family going through this? At the end of 2006, my husband, son and I had moved from a small town in southern California to Sacramento when I was offered a better-paying job. We settled in, started making friends, found a great church and really felt that was where we were going to build our lives long-term. My parents, who were here in Mississippi, had even talked about moving out. So we decided to take that next big grown-up step and upgrade from renting to homeownership. We searched and searched for the right house, and in the beginning nothing really spoke to us. That should have been our first red flag that the time wasn’t right, but I ignored it and forged ahead. We finally found a house on a quiet street with a treehouse in the backyard, a dog run for our puppy, Duchess, and a little garden area with a white picket fence. We fell in love. My husband, who had been somewhat tentative throughout the process, was actually excited. Even the neighbors were awesome. They came over and introduced themselves while we were checking out the place. They told us about all the kids that lived on the street and how the street held neighborhood block parties, barbecues and Christmas get-to-gethers during the year. This was everything we had hoped for and more. We put in an offer that night. Sadly, the bad news came the next morning: The owners had already accepted another offer—back to square one. We were heartbroken about losing the house. Yet, instead of taking time to re-evaluate, I forged ahead. Another red flag.

Eventually, we found a fixer-upper at a good price, and we jumped in. As we began to delve into home improvements, the tab grew bigger and bigger, and our patience grew smaller and smaller. A year later, we made the decision to move to Mississippi because of my mom’s cancer. We couldn’t sell our house, and it went into foreclosure—the other evil “f” word. I know we’re not alone in what we went through. Between 2007 and 2009, approximately 2 million American homeowners with subprime mortgages were expected to lose their homes, the Mississippi Economic Policy Center estimated in 2008. And over the last several years, Mississippi has had a greater percentage of mortgages in delinquency and foreclosure than the national average. Knowing that others were in the same boat didn’t change how I saw things, though. I felt like a failure. How could I be so smart, yet still make such a string of bad decisions? That’s when the dark times set in. There were days when I could barely breathe, much less get out of bed. Sadness became my constant companion. I recently read a study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania published in the October 2009 issue of the American Journal of Public Health America. It looked at the mental-health conditions of Philadelphia homeowners undergoing foreclosure. The researchers, Drs. Craig Evan Pollack and Julia Lynch, stated that, traditionally, homeowners tended to be healthier than renters, but that the financial and emotional stress of foreclosure had undermined that. Out of the 250 people facing foreclosure they queried, 47 percent reported depressive symptoms and 37 percent met criteria for major depres-

sion. Symptoms of major depression include trouble sleeping, feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness, irritability, trouble focusing, fatigue and thoughts of suicide. Although this study has its limitations, the heart of the matter is clear: Foreclosure is not just about financial and legal shenanigans; it affects your overall sense of well-being and forward mobility. It has been a long road to accept what happened and move past it—to be able to redefine home. I’ve come to realize that a home is more than just the bricks and mortar—more than kitchens and bathroom fixtures. Home is the place where you etch out your life, the place where memories are collected and life is shared. So whether my menfolk and I are playing games in the modest living room of our Ridgeland rental, or we are all sharing a bed during a rainstorm—I have found home again. Because home is wherever those who love me surround me. I still dream of one day having a place I can call “ours” that reflects our personality in its ascetics and chose of décor. But for now I’m becoming content with where we are. I can’t put living on pause just because our circumstances aren’t what I had hoped. I’ve learned that although “things” are nice to have, I don’t really need stuff to be happy. I may fall off the wagon find myself sitting cross-legged in the home section of the bookstore salivating over granite counter tops and a sparkling freshwater kidneyshaped pool complete with water slide—but I’ll snap out of it. And who knows: Maybe once I stop dwelling on what I don’t have, God will decide I am ready for an upgrade and bless me with something beyond my wildest dreams. But if not, that’s OK, too.

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Alexis Washington, Chanelle ReneĂŠ, Jane Waugh, Jesse Crow, JoAnne Prichard Morris, Sandy Middleton, Wendy Shenefelt, Valley Gordon, Adam Carson, Bryan Grove, David Waugh, Michael Lewis, Nikki Martin





Maison Weiss, High Cotton, Fleet Feet, Stella & Dot, Miss. Craft Center, Miss. Museum of Art, Indian Cycle, Christina Cannon Photography, Incense, Jackson Jewelers, Fondren Nails, Jenny Snow Photography, MS Fitness Pro, Material Girls, Haute Jewelry Designs, Fashion Post, Jill Conner Browne, circa., Migi’s, Barnette’s Salon, CoatTails, BOOM Jackson, N.U.T.S., High Voltage All About U, Bargain Boutique, Blithe&Vine, Charmz, circa., CoatTails, Fashion Post, Great Scott, Incense, Lipstick Lounge, Material Girls, Migi’s Boutique, Orange Peel, Pink Lamborghini, Posh Boutique, Red August, Repeat Street, Sami Lott Designs, Shoe Bar at Pieces, Tangle Hair, The Rogue, Treehouse, Wilai







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Two Years of Gridlock? THOMAS WELLS

by Adam Lynch

Rep.-elect Alan Nunnelee is among a new crowd of Republicans marching to Washington to roll back “Obamacare” next year.


epublicans, who opposed much of President Barack Obama’s agenda throughout the administration’s first year, took control of the U.S. House of Representatives Nov. 2 and appear to consider their success a referendum upon the president’s policies. Moving into position as the House’s dominant force, Republicans are already looking to roll back many of the administration’s accomplishments. “Obamacare,” a host of new legislation regulating health insurance and providing insurance coverage for millions of formerly uninsured Americans, is first on the chopping block, according to current House Minority Leader John Boehner. Boeh-

ner could become the new House speaker. “I believe that the health-care bill … will kill jobs in America, ruin the best health-care system in the world and bankrupt our country. That means we have to do everything we can to try to repeal this bill, and replace it with common-sense reforms to bring down the cost of health care,” He told FOX News. Sen. David Vitter, R-La., is also pushing for the repeal, as is new Mississippi Republican House member Steve Palazzo, who beat conservative Democratic incumbent Gene Taylor last week. Palazzo is a member of the Repeal Obamacare PAC, which only supports candidates who vow to repeal the health-care reforms Obama signed into law in March.

But Republicans don’t have a majority of Americans behind their plan, even in conservative Fox News polls, which show 48 percent of Americans want it gone, while 47 percent either wanted it expanded or left alone. Newly elected U.S. Rep. Alan Nunnelee, who will replace Blue Dog Democrat Travis Childers next year, said he also plans to repeal the plan, including its more popular elements such as the law preventing insurance companies from excluding coverage for preexisting conditions. He said the more appealing sections of the plan could find new life as Republican projects should his party successfully kill the legislation. Nunnelee argues that restricting patients from successfully suing doctors for malpractice will reduce medical costs, and claims that tort reform in Mississippi has successfully reduced medical bills, despite a steady rise in medical costs since Mississippi enacted harsh damage claims caps in 2002 and 2004. Republicans are unlikely to repeal health-care reform, according to information the White House sent TPMMuckraker this month pointing out that the president “will not accept attempts to repeal or weaken” his signature reform. Despite a Republican majority, Congress is unlikely to gather enough votes to trounce a presidential veto. Many Republicans, including Palazzo and Nunnelee, ran on a platform of reducing the federal deficit, but offer no real details on GRIDLOCK, see page 8

The Insolent Menu

Thursday, Nov. 4, 2010 After 69 days trapped underground, Chilean miner Edison Pena, 34, arrives in New York City to run the 26.2-mile New York marathon on Sunday. … China pressures European governments to boycott the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony awarding the prize Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo. Friday, Nov. 5, 2010 At least 64 people are killed in another eruption of Mount Merapi in Indonesia, bringing the death toll to 109. … New Jersey-based Louis Berger Group will pay $18.7 million in criminal penalties and $50.6 million in civil penalties for overbilling the United States Agency for International Development. … The city of Jackson demolishes the Ridgway Street house allegedly destroyed by former Mayor Frank Melton. Saturday, Nov. 6, 2010 President Barack Obama begins a 10-day tour of four Asian countries: India, Indonesia, South Korea and Japan. … Alabama State defeats Jackson State 32-30. Sunday, Nov. 7, 2010 Myanmar holds its first elections since 1990, but poll watchers expect the military-ruled government to emerge victorious despite widespread opposition to nearly 50 years under its authority. … New Orleans Saints trounce the Carolina Panthers, 34-3.


e recently came across a dish in a local café that gave our African American staffers heartburn. Not the dish itself, but the name: the Plantation Sandwich. In honor of that offensive moniker, we’ve come up with a few more offensive menu possibilities. The Trail of Tears Slushie Tutsi Rolls Ku Klux Crackers (say that three times fast) Gingerbread Gypsies Holocaust Hoagies FEMA Formaldehyde Fruit Cups Great Depression Steak Tartare Apartheid Apple-Pear Chicken Salad My Lai Spring Rolls Hiroshima Microwave Popcorn Dred Scott Truffles Mammy’s Matzo Balls Reservation Corn Chowder Internment Camp Roasted Pork Loin with Genocide Reduction

Wednesday, Nov. 3, 2010 Authorities in Greece suspend shipment of foreign-bound letters and small packages for 48 hours after letter bombs were sent to embassies in Athens and to the leaders of Italy and Germany. … Mississippi’s Blue Dog Democrats U.S. Reps. Travis Childers and Gene Taylor lose their seats to Republicans in mid-term elections. … Gov. Haley Barbour lifts a statewide burn ban.

gone fishin’ “I suddenly have a whole lot more time to go fishing.”—Mississippi Rep. Gene Taylor, a Blue Dog Democrat, speaking to The Sun Herald after his loss to Republican challenger Steven Palazzo.

Monday, Nov. 8, 2010 Health officials in Haiti examine at least 120 suspected cases of cholera in Portau-Prince. … The Jackson Zoo euthanizes the first chimpanzee born at the zoo in 1978. Jackson, named for the city, suffered from seizures and progressive paralysis. Tuesday, Nov. 9, 2010 The Council of Great City Schools reports that educational disparity between black and white boys is far greater than believed. Only 12 percent of fourth-grade African American males are proficient in reading, contrasted with 38 percent of whites.


news, culture & irreverence

In Mississippi, lenders will have foreclosed on nearly 41,000 homes between 2009 and 2012, representing $647.4 million lost in home-equity wealth. This year, 13,000 homes will be foreclosed. Across the U.S. lost home-equity wealth due to nearby foreclosures during the same period is about $1.9 trillion.

Public Health Committee Chairman Hob Bryan says Medicaid is booting needy kids. p 11



news, culture & irreverence

GRIDLOCK, from page 7

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Runoff, Special Elections Ahead and Adam Lynch

by Ward Schaefer


inds County voters’ work didn’t end with the Nov. 2 election. Residents of the county’s first judicial sub-district vote again Nov. 23 in the run-off between Special Circuit Court Judge Melvin Priester and attorney Brent Southern. Jackson also has 45 days from Nov. 2 to hold a special election to fill the Ward 1 City Council seat vacated by Jeff Weill as he won the election for Hinds County Circuit Court judge in sub-district 1. Southern, a native of Monroe, La., taught and coached high-school sports in Monroe and New Albany, Miss., before receiving his law degree from the University of Mississippi. He currently runs a solo practice in Ridgeland. Priester is a native of Boston, Mass., who worked as a psychiatric social worker before attending law school at the University of Texas at Austin. A former Jackson Municipal Court judge appointed by former Mayor Frank Melton, Priester currently serves as a specially appointed Hinds County Circuit Court judge for the Jackson Enforcement Team. District 2 County Court Judge Houston Patton beat out Jackson Municipal Court judges Bridgett Clayton and Henry Clay to retain his seat. Judge Bill Skinner, File Photo

Called to Teach?

targeted budget items. Nunnelee, for example, wants the deficit reduced, but no suggestions on which aspects of the federal budget he wants cut, including the bloated $500 billion U.S. defense budget. He could only offer the assurance that he had made “difficult decisions” with the state budget as a Mississippi senator that helped the state operate within its means. Palazzo and Nunnelee frequently target earmarks and pork spending, but these comprise only about 1 percent of the entire federal budget. Boehner told FOX News during a Nov. 4 interview that he would not support an outright ban on earmarks because “some things that people call earmarks here wouldn’t classify as an earmark to the American people,” signaling an end to even this paltry goal. Three local political pundits, who largely guessed correctly on the ousting of Blue Dog Democrats, agreed that the Republican House likely would accomplish little over the next two years, aside from alienating themselves from the president. Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal reporter Bobby Harrison said he expected the Republican Congress to ultimately help Obama’s re-election chances by overdoing their animosity toward him, similar to the aid Republicans gave former President Bill Clinton in his 1990s bid for re-election.

Harrison said the Republican Congress would pale in comparison to Democratic achievements these past two years: “Whether you like it or not, there were historic changes the Democrats made regarding college scholarships and health care, but there won’t be much done in the next two years if (Republican control) does happen,” Harrison said the day before the election. Mississippi State University Stennis Institute Director Marty Wiseman said Republicans were gearing up specifically for a strategy of obstructionism. “Several Republicans in the leadership are saying, ‘no compromise, no way, no how,’ while others have said ‘this is simply Step 1,’ that the next cycle is to finish the job and take Obama out with them. If that’s their policy, there will be some gridlock with pain on both sides,” Wiseman said. Wiseman added that he expects Republicans to use their majority in the House to issue some highly political votes, but warned that the tactic could backfire. “Republicans will take some symbolic votes, and use the House to do some adventurism,” he said. “They might vote to repeal ‘Obamacare,’ but before it goes to the Senate, they’ll have created a lot of opportunity for Democrats to put a little child on a television commercial showing her going though chemotherapy and having her health-care card swapped for a tax credit.” Comment at www.jfp.ms.

the county’s current youth court judge, also won reelection Tuesday, beating attorney Michael Williams for the District 3 seat. In the county’s other circuit court race, Special Circuit Court Judge Bill Gowan beat Malcolm Harrison, Gov. Haley Barbour’s interim appointee for the sub-district 4 seat formerly occupied by Bobby DeLaughter, now in federal prison. Lobbyist Quentin Whitwell confirmed to the Jackson Free Press that he would run for the Ward 1 City Council seat. Whitwell represents clients from United Healthcare to U.S. Smokeless Tobacco. Gov. Haley Barbour appointed Whitwell to serve as chairman of the Mississippi Tort Claims Board. Former Deputy City Attorney Reginald Harrion told the JFP that he is considering seeking the seat, but is still “exploring” the political environment. Harrion worked under Melton, where he occasionally found himself between a combative City Council and the Melton administration. He now works as a private attorney. Melton’s former Chief of Staff Marcus Ward might run for Weill’s spot as well, according to The Clarion-Ledger. Ward currently serves as Alcorn State University’s vice president for development and alumni relations.


by Ward Schaefer

Hot-Blooded Vote Counters Hinds County is one of five counties in Mississippi that does not use Premier Election Solution AccuVote-TSX machines, so veteran members of its election commission usually lead training on the county’s machines for newly elected commissioners, Gardner said. When she addressed the board Nov. 1, Cochran suggested that outsiders had misrepresented the dispute between Graves, who is black, and Avery, who is white, as a racial conflict. Cochran and Avery are both Republicans, however, with strong ties to the state GOP establishment. Cochran is sister-in-law to current U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran, while Avery is married to former Hinds County Republican Party Chairman Ken Avery. Graves, meanwhile, worked for the Democratic National Committee in Arkansas before moving to Hinds County. Gardner, a registered Republican, said that his organization opposes partisan affiliKRISTIN BRENEMEN

presence, and Avery used obscene language while demanding that she leave the commission’s warehouse, Graves alleged. District 4 Commissioner Connie Cochran told supervisors a different story. Graves had actually tried to do the testing herself, and Wilson stormed out of the commission’s warehouse out of frustration, Cochran maintained. Graves also complained to the board that Avery and Cochran, both of whom have served on the commission since 1992, have refused to train her and Clark in some of the commission’s functions. Newly elected election commissioners receive training from the Secretary of State’s office at the Election Commissioners Association of Mississippi’s annual conference, ECAM President Larry Gardner said. In addition to covering ethics and state law, the training includes sessions on the use of specific voting machines.


ations for election commissioners. “We’ve been trying to get that changed for a number of years,” Gardner said. “We should be nonpartisan. We should be no different than a judge, because we sit in judgment, and we certify elections. Commissioners must disavow any partisan bias upon taking office, so it makes little sense for them to run with an affiliation, Gardner argued. Commissioners’ party affiliations can arouse suspicion in close elections, he said. “Let’s say, for instance, you’ve got five Republican elections commissioners, and you’ve got a real close vote between a Democrat and a Republican,” Gardner said. “You would wonder about the fairness of it, would you not?” Since 2003, ECAM has opposed party affiliations for election-commission races, but legislation it has supported to do away with the party identification has failed thus far. ECAM Vice President for Legislation Gary Knight blames the failure on opposition from Rep. Tommy Reynolds, D-Charleston, who chairs the House Elections and Apportionment Committee. Reynolds did not return a call for comment by press time. Comment at www.jfp.com.


f you have ever visited the Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Museum over the past 14 years, then you – and your nose – have probably noticed an enticing aroma coming from the kitchen of George’s Museum Café. Located at 1150 Lakeland Drive in Jackson, George’s Museum Café is open Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Southern, home-styled cooking made the only way you know home-cooked to taste, you’ll find it here; George’s Museum Café and honestly, it’s probably the best bang for your buck when it comes to satisfying your comfort food craving in Jackson, Mississippi. Five to six entrées a day with a choice of eight to ten vegetables will make decision-making the hardest thing you have to do during your lunch hour. For the healthy customer, Tuesday and Thursday promise broiled tilapia, but if you like your fish fried, then Friday will gratify with fried catfish as the main entrée. Wednesday promises country-fried steak, and Tuesday claims fried and baked pork chops. “We prepare other entrées in house that our customers love, like our own spaghetti sauce, lasagna, beef stew, and desserts like the homemade bread pudding with rum sauce, strawberry shortcake, and banana pudding,” says owner Paul George. Whether you love home cooking with an endless appetite, or you’re a strict vegan watching your waistline, George’s Museum Café caters to any diner’s preference. Choose an entrée and three vegetables with bread and tea for $7.65, which includes tax; for four veggies, bread, and tea with tax equals $6.50. Bang for your buck and a good wholesome meal in Jackson? Yep, it’s true and available at George’s Museum Café. Healthy veggies include steamed broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, lima beans, cabbage, turnip greens, squash, and fresh green salad. Don’t forget your choice of pasta salad, deviled eggs, and fresh fruit. You can substitute a salad for veggies anytime. “The quality of food and reasonably priced menu sets us apart from other restaurants, not to mention plenty of front door parking and two serving lines, so it’s easy to get your meal and enjoy it – all within the typical one-hour lunch time,” says George. If you work downtown, near any of the area hospitals, or down Lakeland Drive or near I-55, George’s Museum Café is easy to drive to and well worth getting out of the office for lunch. Plus, if you are having a bad day, the customer service alone will turn your frown upside down. “When customers leave we say ‘thank you and please come back,’” says George. “Our customers will hear that two to three times before they get out the door. That’s just the way it is here; it’s very much a family-like atmosphere.” Visit George’s Museum Café at 1150 Lakeland Drive in Jackson or call 601-981-1465.



espite warnings that an intra-office feud could jeopardize its integrity, the Nov. 2 elections in Hinds County appeared to go off without a hitch. With its hands full handling postelection vote tallies and the like, the Hinds County Election Commission has been largely silent since last week, but the commission’s issues are not likely to go away. District 2 Commissioner Bobbie Graves told county supervisors at a Nov. 1 meeting that a conflict between her, District 1 Commissioner Marilyn Avery and a machine technician made it impossible for her to guarantee that the election would proceed fairly. “I wouldn’t sign it in blood,” Graves told the Jackson Free Press. Graves’ suggestion proved unfounded, District 3 Commissioner Jermal Clark told the Jackson Free Press Monday. “I don’t think that affected (the election)—in my opinion, none whatsoever,” Clark said. Graves, who did not return a request for comment, told supervisors that her immediate conflict with Avery and technician Pat Wilson stemmed from her desire to observe preliminary testing on voting machines several weeks before the election. Wilson refused to conduct testing in her



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of the problem,� Gilbert said later. The critique of teachers’ unions also has little relevance for Mississippi, as the state lacks the tenure protections of other states, Gilbert argued. Organizations like Gilbert’s have no collective bargaining status. The state Legislature sets the standard teacher’s contract. The state’s employment laws for teachers actually provide considerable protection, COURTESY PARAMOUNT PICTURES

n “Waiting for ‘Superman,’� the provocative new documentary on America’s education system, the trick is that the titular superhero doesn’t exist. It argues that no single force will rescue the children who public schools, in their current state, are largely failing. But the film offers a clear Lex Luthoresque villain in the form of teachers’ unions. Filmmaker Davis Guggenheim hones in on teacher tenure as a key impediment to improving teacher quality and thus education overall. Only one in every 2,500 teachers will ever lose their license, he notes; for lawyers, that figure is more like one out of every 50. He portrays unions as the intractable opponents of reformers like Michelle Rhee, the hardcharging former school superintendent in Washington, D.C. When Rhee first proposed a reformed teacher contract that gave teachers the potential for six-figure merit-based salaries in exchange for less job security, the union refused to bring the contract up for the vote. Instead of airing the union’s objections, Guggenheim narrates over a slow-motion shot of union president George Parker grimacing. While it ventures into the classrooms of successful charter schools, “Waiting� includes no interviews with actual teachers. American Federation of Teachers Randi Weingarten appears briefly, but only as a defender of the union establishment. The film’s treatment of teachers and unions drew some criticism at a screening and discussion of the movie sponsored by Parents for Public Schools Jackson last week at the Malco Grandview Theatre in Madison. With its anti-union, right-to-work status, Mississippi has no full-fledged teachers’ union. The state does have two “professional organizations,� Mississippi Professional Educators and the Mississippi Association of Educators, a chapter of the National Education Association—which organizes as a union in other states and is the largest labor union in the country. MAE President Kevin Gilbert took offense at the documentary’s portrayal of groups like his. “It was obvious that the movie’s statement was that teacher organizations are part

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by Ward Schaefer

“Waiting for ‘Superman’� suggests that teachers’ unions stand in the way of a good education for students like Anthony (right).

though. After working for a school district for two consecutive years, a teacher is protected by the state’s Education Employment Procedures Law. The law requires administrators planning not to renew a teacher’s contract at the end of the school year to notify them in writing by March 1. Administrators must also document their reasons for non-renewal. In practice, Gilbert says, this means that principals must observe the teacher and write out an improvement plan—which the teacher must fail to complete—before issuing the non-renewal notice. The teacher is then allowed to request a hearing with the school board. The EEPL does not list justifiable reasons for non-renewal, but a separate code section lists reasons for dismissal as “incompetence, neglect of duty, immoral conduct, intemperance, brutal treatment of a pupil, or other good cause.� For Rachel Hicks, the state’s protections for teachers amount to the equivalent of tenure, even if the statute doesn’t use that term. “Essentially, we have a system where if you breathe in a district for two consecutive years, you essentially cannot be fired unless

you do something really bad that jeopardizes the health and welfare of your students,� Hicks said. “Even though we say we don’t have tenure, we have a shadow system of tenure.� Hicks, executive director of Mississippi First, a public-policy nonprofit focusing on education, argues that state law needs to specifically allow principals to fire teachers for being ineffective. “Because ‘incompetence’ and ‘other good cause’ are so vague, school boards are not going to try to push that envelope because they know they’ll get sued,� Hicks said. Gilbert maintains that the current system is adequate for ushering out ineffective teachers within one school year. Firing under-performing teachers more quickly, in the middle of the school year, would be too disruptive for students anyway, he argues. The current employment procedures for teachers give them opportunities to improve. Given the state’s teacher shortage, “we should be looking at strengthening the teachers we have,� Gilbert argued. Despite its resistance to changing employment protections, MEA is receptive to another facet of the reforms highlighted in Guggenheim’s film: paying teachers based on their students’ performance. Typically called “merit pay� or “performance pay,� these reforms re-orient the pay scales for teachers. In Mississippi and most other states, teacher salaries are based on years of experience and advanced degrees. Under merit pay, teachers would receive more money (sometimes raising their salaries to six figures) for raising their students’ test scores or performing better on evaluations. “As an organization, we’re open to discussing any of those facets,� Gilbert said. In fact, the state has already embarked on a merit-pay experiment. In September, the Mississippi Department of Education received a $10.76 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education to start a pilot merit pay program. Called New Direction, the program will establish a model performance-pay system in 10 schools located in eight districts around the state. Comment at www.jfp.ms.


by Adam Lynch

Medicaid Boots Kids

for Supplemental Security Income. States handle the funds differently, but Bryan and Holland say the program is subject to the whim of administrators, and want more review of the process by which Medicaid officials remove formerly eligible children. The program currently serves about 1,200 children, but parents and Mississippi Coalition for Citizens with Disabilities Director Mary Troupe complain that the Mississippi Division of Medicaid is refusing service for many children who should rightfully qualify for aid under federal standards, and is abruptly cancelling service for people who have been in the program for years. Holland, after months of receiving complaints from newly booted parents, said that the Division of Medicaid had recently begun to “screw the lid down” on beneficiaries. Richard Robertson, legal counsel for the Division of Medicaid, said the state is follow-

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ing federal guidelines, which mandate that the beneficiary be eligible for Medicaid for institutional care, and who are receiving, while living at home, medical care that would be provided in a medical institution. “Most of the rub has been in that determination that the child needs an institutional level of care,” Robertson told committee members, explaining that Medicaidcontracted doctors are finding more cases where the children—many of them with Down syndrome—are not suffering serious enough disabilities to be eligible for institutional care. Rep. Cecil Brown, D-Jackson, asked if the Medicaid-contracted physicians recommending the removal of children had personally examined the children before removing them as beneficiaries. “Are they examining the child or basing their information upon records?” he asked. Robertson said the department usually conducts the appeal hearing by phone, and said no physician personally inspects the child: “Do we have a doctor examine the child? No, that’s not going on.” Holland argued that Medicaid was using the opinion of bureaucrats against the recommendations of family doctors. “You’ve got paper shufflers basically doing the appeals process where there should be a medical review,” Holland said. “We’re going to talk about your appeals process, believe you me, come Jan. 4.” Troupe attended the hearing, and demanded the Division of Medicaid provide parents and their doctors with a specific list of eligibility requirements, perhaps based upon the amount of care and health-care costs the child requires. She said the state needed to be clear about what kind of disability was eligible for institutional care. Medicaid Committee Chairman Kirk Dedeaux, D-Perkinston, said legislators would be looking to pass laws that would put the appeals process at Medicaid under an independent party, among other possibilities, to promote fairness during the appeal. Comment at www.jfp.ms.

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could not get government aid to finance therapy unless they were institutionalized. The Katie Beckett Medicaid program, handled through Mississippi’s Disabled Children Living at Home program, allows states to waive parents’ traditional Medicaid income requirements to qualify their children for government-assisted therapy. Most families must be at poverty level to qualify for government health care for their children, but the waivers extend to middle-income parents specifically for health-care costs related to a child’s disability. The program does not qualify the parents Kristin brenemen


eborah Edmonson, a parent attending a Nov. 4 legislative hearing on Medicaid, said the state rejected her Down syndrome daughter for aid, even though the U.S. Department of Disability Services guidelines say she qualifies. “Medicaid rejected us, saying (my daughter) Taylor requires no more work than a regular baby, but she requires physical therapy and speech therapy once a week. She has an endocrinologist, an ear doctor, an eye doctor and needs a cardiologist,” Edmonson said. “When she was born, they had to untwist her intestines and connect her divided pancreas. We owe $10,000 worth of doctor bills, even with insurance, and we have no idea how much longer the insurance company will stay with us. How can they say she doesn’t meet the eligibility requirement?” Legislators scheduled the hearing specifically to address what they considered Medicaid’s two-year uptick in dropping formerly Medicaid-eligible kids. Mississippi Senate Public Health Committee Chairman Hob Bryan, D-Amory, said the state Division of Medicaid is too focused on containing spending and is consequently booting Medicaid-eligible children from state and federal aid. “The goal of the ... administration is to contain spending,” Bryan told about 40 attendees of a legislative hearing investigating the Mississippi Division of Medicaid’s process for removing formerly Medicaid-eligible children. “To remove children needing treatment—this situation is described as a success by this administration.” Bryan joined House Public Health Committee Chairman Steve Holland, D-Plantersville, and other Public Health Committee members in grilling Medicaid officials. Former President Ronald Reagan created the Katie Beckett Medicaid program in 1981 to provide home services for disabled children in response to a lawsuit filed by Katie Beckett’s parents in Iowa. The parents sought government services to pay for home therapy rather than more expensive institutionalized health care. Prior to the 1980s, many handicapped children and children with Down syndrome

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by Jesse Crow

Gardens, By and For the People


November 10 - 16, 2010


throughout Jackson. Mayor Harvey Johnson Jr. announced the city’s Urban Garden Initiative in April and has planted gardens, so far, on Tougaloo Street and on the corner of Capitol and Adams streets. A garden at Westside Community Center is in the early plantings stages. The city hopes to have a garden in

cessful if support continues and people are still involved a year or two from now,” Hamilton said. Jackson Community Design Center Research Associate Whitney Grant, who is assisting with the city’s urban-garden program, said support structures are important for the garden’s success. WHITNEY GRANT

erenity Luckett, principal of Brown Elementary, looked down at the dirt of the soon-to-be-garden she was watering to see the water roll into pools on top of the soil. After a few minutes of watering and some tilling, most of the car-sized plot was ready for planting. Parents and older volunteers planted small, grassy shrubs around the border while School Resource Officer Diana Hollace showed students how to plant pansies: Squeeze the bottom of the plastic planter to loosen the plant, make sure the hole isn’t too deep and don’t worry about that spider, they protect the plants from pests, she said. On an early October morning, a small but dedicated, group of students, parents and school faculty gathered in front of Brown Elementary School to plant a community garden called the People’s Garden. People’s Gardens were also planted at Galloway and Rowan Elementary Schools. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, The People’s Garden Initiative is funded through an America’s Promise Alliance grant that Operation Shoestring is administering. The People’s Garden at Brown Elementary is comprised of two gardens—a pollination garden with flowers and shrubs, and a vegetable garden with broccoli, lettuce and red cabbage. Not only are the two gardens mutually beneficial, they also teach the students about pollination and how gardens grow. “The gardens teach parents and children a way of giving back to the community and helps them take ownership in their community,” Promies Zone Coordinator Rolanda Alexander of Operation Shoestring said. “They also teach kids how to plant and to help each other.” Alexander said the community has plans to plant a larger food garden in spring 2011, creating a sustainable food source for the community. The People’s Gardens are part of the growing trend of urban gardening

A community garden on Tougaloo Street is one of several urban gardens that have recently sprung up in the City of Jackson. More are on the way.

every ward by spring 2011. “The gardens are targeting younger people, although support of any ages is encouraged,” Jackson Policy Coordinator Beth Hamilton said. “Mississippi used to be a huge agricultural state, and now the average farmer is in his or her 50s. These gardens could open doors for kids they didn’t know existed.” Aside from teaching kids about gardening, the goals of the city’s Urban Garden Program are to create bonds between generations, to create access to fresh fruit and vegetables, to teach children about entrepreneurship and to create a sense of pride in communities. “We’ll know (the gardens) are suc-

“The idea is to build things to make people feel like they should be occupying the space and to help the people supporting the gardens,” she said. “So (they should include) locked storage, facilities for sinks, picnic tables and pavilions. If the idea is for these to truly be community gardens, they need to be built in a way that the community wants to be there and can comfortably work in a garden.” Grant added that garden volunteers currently have to load materials into their cars and take them offsite because there is no onsite storage, and this puts more responsibility on a few individuals. Denver Urban Gardens, based in Denver, Colo., is a successful urban garden

model. The nonprofit began in 1985 with three gardens within city limits and now oversees 100 gardens throughout the Denver metro area, 80 percent of which are in low- to moderate-income neighborhoods. The program has 15 more gardens planned for 2011. “I think one of the reasons that our model has been so successful is that we never go into a neighborhood and decide as an organization that it needs a community garden. We wait until the community comes to us and requests our assistance,” Communications Coordinator Abbie Harris said. DUG is involved with the process of creating the garden, and garden leaders, who are volunteers from the community, handle the day-to-day operations of the garden. The Colorado School of Public Health, in partnership with DUG, recently completed the Gardens for Growing Healthy Communities study, which began in 2004, on how urban gardens affect communities. “I think one of the really powerful things about gardens is that it’s not only a place where people can grow fresh, healthy food close to home, it’s also a gathering place… (and) a sanctuary in what’s often a harsh environment,” Harris said. “It’s a place for neighbors to connect with one another, to connect back with nature, to meet one another and to enjoy each others’ company.” Comment at www.jfp.ms.


f you have an idea for where an urban garden could grow or want to volunteer at one of the city’s existing gardens, call Beth Hamilton at 601-960-0462. To read more about the Gardens for Growing Healthy Communities study at the Denver Urban Gardens website, visit www. dug.org/gghc.

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jfp op/ed

opining, grousing & pontificating


It’s About Jobs, Not ‘Obamacare’


epublicans managed to snag a U.S. House of Representatives majority last week, and many consider this a “mandate” to repeal health-care reform meant to hold insurance companies accountable and provide more people with health-care options. Few people are completely happy with the reform President Barack Obama signed into law in March. It could have contained a public option that, in time, may have moved expensive middlemen out of the health-care picture. It could have done more to hold insurance companies accountable. The idea of paying for previously unaffordable health insurance seems daunting—at least before you consider the government subsidies that will help pay for it. But despite flaws, the public did not elect Republicans to repeal so-called “Obamacare.” FOX News exit polls show only half of Americans want healthcare reform repealed; the other half want it either left alone or strengthened. Polls show the public elected Republicans to create jobs faster than the last team. The November vote amounts to a vote against Democrats for not overcoming Republican blockades in the House and Senate and producing more opportunities for employment through a better stimulus program, a more intense re-education program or the opening of new industry in the nation’s energy infrastructure, among other things. And any politician with a brain knows that he or she is whistling through his own keyhole if he really thinks the president will allow his signature legislation to be repealed. Despite national frustration with Democratic accomplishments, the GOP only managed to nab one chamber this year. The second chamber, with its Democratically appointed committee heads, will probably not even allow a House repeal to get to the president’s desk for a veto. What voters want their lawmakers to do is create jobs. They want them now—and they’re pretty sure you can’t tax-cut your way into a better economy. Congress cut the hell out of taxes under President Bush, and voters don’t recall the flurry of new jobs that opened up under “W.” What they do recall, however, is the devastation of millions of jobs vanishing since December 2007. The Jackson Free Press has spoken with a host of Republicans (and tea partiers) to hear how they would create jobs, but we’ve yet to hear a reality-based answer. In fact, we’ve heard nothing beyond “repeal Obamacare” and extend tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans—because everybody knows rich people will hire people rather than plunk their untold millions into a bank account and their kids’ trust funds, right? Let’s be frank: Trickle-down economics don’t work. Rich people don’t power the nation’s work force and extending their tax cuts will add hundreds of billions to the deficit. Commit now to increasing jobs, but acknowledge the tragic failure of the national supply-side economics experiment under Republican regimes since Ronald Reagan. Then, and only then, will you manage to keep voters from tossing you back into a tar pit in 2012, just like they did in 2008.


Winter in America

November 10 - 16, 2010



ig Roscoe: “Welcome to the post-daylight-saving time edition of ‘Clubb Chicken Wing’s Def Poetry Jam with Hot Sauce.’ We have a virgin about to recite something to you. And he told me that he also brought a big ol’ hot pot of food for the soul in the back of the Clubb Chicken Wing kitchen. Coming to the microphone to share his soul with the people, welcome the Qweem-OWheat Man.” Qweem-O-Wheat Man: “I feel a chill in the air. Is it because of cold winds suffocating the warmth of hope? I clothe myself in layers, but parts of me remain exposed. The frostbite of the vengeful and apathetic souls—misled by cold accounts of corporate-sponsored mass-media news stories and entertainment-television shows—numbs my vulnerable skin, while the frigid air makes me shiver as I experience the attitudes of coldhearted people mocking my existence. “That’s OK; I’ll press on, encourage myself, stay warm and be inspired by the words of Gil Scott Herron, musician, poet and songwriter, who penned these lyrics in 1973: ‘Now it’s winter in America. And ain’t nobody fighting because nobody knows what to save.’ “So I say to you: ‘Save your own souls and warm up with a dee-wishious, hot, creamy bowl of Qweem-O-Wheat.’ I have plenty of it for you all to eat and enjoy, along with a Bubba Robinski Spicy Soy Protein Sausage Biscuit and a hot cup of coffee. “Thank you. I got a hot pot in the back.”


Take the ‘I’ Out of Team


’m not a Democrat or Republican. Nor am I liberal or conservative. I shun the two-party mindset, believing that there’s no either/or scenario when it comes to politics. I’m more moderate if I’m anything, a subscriber to a more common-sense approach when it comes to governing people. The loonies on the left scare me, and I’m equally frightened by the crazies on the right. For me, progress in this country will occur somewhere in the middle— where, in my opinion, most of us stand. Last Tuesday’s mid-term elections revealed some interesting things. For one, many Democrats got trounced. It was indeed a banner night for Republicans and their upstart offshoot, the tea party. But methinks those results were not so much an embrace of the right as it was a statement to the current administration and President Barack Obama. I’m equally hard on both sides, and what I saw the past two years was complacency within the Democratic Party. The country overwhelmingly voted for a new direction in ’08 and handed the keys to some new drivers. But just as it happened after the successes of the Clinton administration, the Dems snatched defeat from the jaws of victory by getting a bit cocky with their House majority. Wrestler Ric Flair always said it’s much harder to keep the title than it is to get it. Now that they’ve lost a little momentum, Dems have two years to get visible wins under their belts. Should Obama have pointed to jobs as his No. 1 agenda item instead of a new health-care bill? Who knows. But it’s hard to convince the laypeople that things are improving when they’re out of work right now. In the next two years someone on the right is going to have to define “Taking Back Our Country”

for me and a lot of other common-sense moderates. Who is “our”? Better yet, whom are we taking our country back from? Why are some folks “patriots” but others aren’t? Is the brush-back due to policy or President? Does loving your country mean you can’t criticize it? How can you try to stick so strongly to the Constitution but conveniently overlook the passages that call for men being created equally? Lawmakers: Partisan politics won’t get us anywhere. Neither will tit-for-tat actions. It seems the closer we get to leveling the playing field for everyone, the more of a schism we create. To the new Republican lawmakers, your challenges are clear. Sure we’d like for you to curb spending. And if you can help it, a few tax breaks would be in order. But from the common-sense end of things, how about fixing our system so that the disadvantaged can receive the same health care as the affluent? Help us ensure that poorest kids in Jackson can receive the same quality education as the kids at Jackson Academy. Acknowledge that not everyone has the same opportunities. Not everyone begins at the same starting point, but in reality, some begin several paces behind. Understand that we all love our country. It belongs to all of us, even though we may hate some of its policies. I believe that’s what Obama attempted to impart these two years, but he simply hasn’t gotten it done, yet. True, he had a tremendous hole to dig us out of. But now is the time to see if Dems and Repubs can take the “I” out of team and govern accordingly. We common-sense moderates will be watching. Remember, we vote again in two years. And that’s the truth ... sho-nuff.

E-mail letters to letters@jacksonfreepress.com, fax to 601-510-9019 or mail to P.O. Box 5067, Jackson, Miss., 39296. Include daytime phone number. Letters may be edited for length and clarity.

Casey Purvis

Making a Home, Building a Life EDITORIAL Managing Editor Ronni Mott News Editor Lacey McLaughlin Associate Editor Natalie A. Collier Senior Reporter Adam Lynch Reporter Ward Schaefer Events Editor Latasha Willis Music Listings Editor Natalie Long Assistant to the Editor ShaWanda Jacome Writers Quita Bride, Lisa Fontaine Bynum, David Dennis Jr., Scott Dennis, Bryan Flynn, Carl Gibson, Garrad Lee, Lance Lomax, Anita Modak-Truran, Larry Morrisey, Chris Nolen, Robin O’Bryant, Brandi Herrera, Casey Purvis, Tom Ramsey, Doctor S, Ken Stiggers, Jackie Warren Tatum, Valerie Wells, Byron Wilkes Editorial Interns Lauren Collins, Jesse Crow, Julia Hulitt, Holly Perkins Consulting Editor JoAnne Prichard Morris

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Jackson Free Press P.O. Box 5067, Jackson, Miss., 39296 Editorial (601) 362-6121 Sales (601) 362-6121 Fax (601) 510-9019 Daily updates at jacksonfreepress.com The Jackson Free Press is the city’s award-winning, locally owned newsweekly, with 17,000 copies distributed in and around the Jackson metropolitan area every Wednesday. The Jackson Free Press is free for pick-up by readers; one copy per person, please. First-class subscriptions are available for $100 per year for postage and handling. The Jackson Free Press welcomes thoughtful opinions. The views expressed in this newspaper are not necessarily those of the publisher or management of Jackson Free Press Inc. Š Copyright 2010 Jackson Free Press Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Association of Alternative Newsweeklies


y house on Chickasaw Avenue has been a work in progress since I bought it in 2008. In my mom’s opinion, it had three strikes against it: It was an older home; it needed work; and it was in Jackson. She was appalled. As a lifetime Rankin County resident, she envisioned her daughter ensconced in a newer home in Brandon, a short driving distance from her own house. I have nothing against Rankin County or Brandon, but I had my reasons for buying what I bought and where I bought. I wanted a short commute to work. When you work 12-hour shifts, commute time is a factor. My house is five minutes from my job. There’s a gas station right on the way home, too, for the rare occasions I need to put gas in my tank. If the car breaks down on the side of the road, I’m still walking distance from work or home. Commute notwithstanding, I had other reasons for choosing to live within the Jackson city limits. Before I moved to Jackson, I lived close to downtown Gulfport for four years. I liked being near downtown, and living in the Fondren area gives me that option. I can be at any restaurant in the metro area in 10 to 15 minutes. If I want to go out on the town and partake of alcoholic beverages, I can afford the cab ride home. And I am a sucker for an old house with unique character, situated in an old neighborhood dotted with established trees. In the past, I’ve invested in older properties to fix up and re-sell. I don’t see old houses as money pits. I see what they were and what they can be again, if only they get the time and attention they need to be restored to their former glory. I saw my own home in that light. I saw the photo of it before the Realtor showed it and experienced the dry charge of someone who has found exactly what she’s been looking for. The house was one of my real-estate agent’s listings, and the day he let me in through the kitchen door to see it, I knew it belonged to me. Its plaster walls and wood floors seemed to reach out invisible arms and pull me in. “This is your home,� the house seemed to whisper. I stood in the dining room, looking

out into the living room and adjoining sun room with its multitude of windows letting the sunlight pour in. I thought only a moment. Then I turned to my Realtor and said, “I want to make an offer.� Just like that, my decision was made, and I have never regretted it. A little over a month after I said those words, I became a Hinds County resident. I signed on the dotted lines. Yes, I agree to pay my house note every month. Yes, I agree to pay Hinds County taxes. Yes, I agree to live with neighborhood power outages when a limb from an old tree knocks down a power line. Yes, I agree to contend with the hiccups in the Jackson infrastructure, including the boil-water notices. Yes, I agree to smile and wave at my neighbors as we pass each other on the streets while we’re running or walking. Yes, I agree to bear witness to Jackson’s renaissance and help speed it along in whatever way I can. Yes, I agree to engage in this community, embrace its diversity and believe in its ability to thrive. Yes, I agree to vote in every local, state, and national election because this is my home, and I care about it. Yes. I would like to say all my renovations are complete, and I have restored my home to its former glory. Well, I’m still working on it; progress is slow. Restoration takes time, money, and an almost quixotic faith in something that can exist but does not, yet. I like to think of my Fondren house as a microcosm of Jackson’s own restoration. There’s still a lot of work to do, but I can see the progress. As for my renovations, I’m focusing on what I can do right now and trying not to lose sight of what I ultimately want my house to be. After all, where we make our home is where we build our lives. We should strive to improve both, when we can. Casey Purvis is a Fondrenite who loves planting flowers and watching the birds in her backyard. She is an avid “junker� who loves finding old furniture and giving it a new lease on life. She is owned by Phoebe, a 9-year-old Lhasa apso, and works as a nurse in a local hospital. Do you have something to say? Are you interested in writing a column for the Jackson Free Press? Send your column to editor@ jacksonfreepress.com.

I agree to engage in this community, embrace its diversity and believe in its ability to thrive.

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Editor in Chief Donna Ladd Publisher Todd Stauffer



es, Jackson, it is the eighth time we’ve asked you to select your Best of Jackson choices. Remember, these awards help our locally owned businesses and personalities promote their wares, and they tell residents of the city and beyond how great our city is. Please take time to vote for the best local choices. (Don’t write in big-box and national chains, please).

You can also go to BestofJackson.com to vote online.

November 10-16, 2010

Arts organization Project under construction Business owner Change to the city Community activist Community garden Curmudgeon High school band Jackson visual artist (living) Jackson writer (living) Jewelry Designer Local columnist (employed) Local cop Local filmmaker Local live theater Local musician Local professor Local TV preacher New slogan for jackson Non-profit organization Photographer/photo studio Place to book a party or shower Public figure Radio personality Radio station (call letters only) Real estate agent Rising entrepreneur Wedding venue Stage play TV news reporter Under-appreciated Jacksonian Veterinarian or vet clinic Visionary


Bar Bar where everyone knows your name Bartender Biker hangout Blues artist Club DJ College student hangout Country artist Cover band Dive bar GLBT hangout Gospel artist Hip-hop artist (that’s not Kamikaze) Hotel bar Jazz artist Jukebox Karaoke DJ Local singer Margarita Martini New bar Open-mic night Original band Place for after-work drink Place for cocktails Place for live music Place to chill Place to dance Place to drink cheap Place to shoot pool R&B artist

Rock artist Sexiest bartender (female) Sexiest bartender (male) Singer/songwriter Sports bar

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“I long, as does every human being, to be at home wherever I find myself.” -Maya Angelou by Donna Ladd


ichele Escude’s dream is coming true this month in Fondren. circa., the new retail venue that she and her husband, Craig, created, opened for its soft launch in early November and will enjoy its grand opening during Fondren Unwrapped on Nov. 18. Starting with its lime-green awning, it really is a different kind of home and fashion boutique for Jackson. The couple says it showcases “American ingenuity, returning to a simpler way of life, but with a refined flair and a splash of urban coolness.” Indeed, the shop features unique home and garden wares, crafted by artisans and curated and impeccably arranged by the creative Escudes. You can also purchase unique fashions and accessories and captivating scents and body products. Get a preview of the Escudes’ unique eye at the BOOM Fashion Show at Duling Hall on Friday, Nov. 12, where they will provide the table décor and other touches. Join Fondren’s newest entrepreneurs for their ribbon-cutting at 4 p.m. on Nov. 17 and, of course, join the world in Fondren the night of Thursday, Nov. 18, for the city’s best holiday-shopping night.

Michele Weigel Escude has brought her merchandising and curating skills from Louisiana to her new shop, circa., in Fondren. It opened this month.

by Lacey McLaughlin

De-cluttering is the first step to feng shui-ing your space.

• Make your bedroom your sanctuary. Your bedroom should be a place to retreat and recharge your batteries. Observe the viewpoint from your bed and make sure you have a serene and peaceful view instead of a messy closet or a distracting painting. For more feng shui tips, visit westernschooloffengshui.com. FILE PHOTO

• Get rid of clutter. The first step to balanced living is to get rid of the things you don’t use. “If you don’t do that first, none of the other stuff works well. It’s like trying to tone your biceps if you are really overweight,” Isbister says. • Everything has a place. Isbister uses the acronym SPACE, which stands for Sort Purge Assign Containerize Equalize. First, sort out what you don’t want to keep. Then put like items together. For example, keep all your books in same area. Make sure you get into the habit of going back once a week and putting all your belongings in their place. “Clutter in your mind is like clutter in your life,” she says. • Create storage space. Get creative with the space you have. Use space under your bed for storage or use existing shelves for maximum storage. • Arrange your furniture. Isbister says that your main piece of furniture, like a desk or a couch, should be located so that you have a view of all entrances when you are seated. When you can see everything that is coming your way, you have more security and harmony. • Safety proof your space. Sharp corners or fire hazards can add up and put more chaos in your life. • Assess Your Elements. In feng shui, wood, fire, earth,

metal and water are the basic building blocks of life. Your health and happiness correlates with how these elements are used in your living space. Assess one room in your house, and look for colors and materials that correlate to those elements. The wood element, for example, fosters creativity and growth, and is found in items such as wood furniture, blue and green tones, and plants.



mall living spaces can easily feel cramped, making the rules of feng shui—the ancient Chinese system of architecture and interior design that harmonize a space with the spiritual forces that inhabit it—even more important for a balanced and peaceful home. Belhaven resident and feng shui expert Laurel Isbister shared a few tips on how to make your small spaces feel more like home.


by Charlotte Blom Charlotte Blom

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cross from the University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg sits the retro-logoed Mythic Paint national headquarters and lab. A spattering of Mini Coopers is in the parking lot among the regular cars; one two-toned orange Cooper bears the signature Mythic Paint logo. The cars are driven in locations around the country to advertise the Green Wise certified non-toxic, low order and zero VOC paint, developed at USM’s School of Polymers and High Performance Materials after six years of research. Southern Diversified Products, under President and Chief Science Officer Rocky Prior, owns subsidiaries American Pride and Mythic Paint. The latex-based paint is ecofriendly and safe, not just because of its Volatile Organic Compounds-free bases, but it is wholly VOC-free, including the color tints. Other “eco-friendly” paints don’t come in as many colors. In a 2007 performance-based “scrub” test, Mythic Paint outshined its leading-brand competitors, traditional and eco-friendly, by one-and-a-half to eight times the durability. It is “green” seal paint, so safe that company is not even required to place warning labels on its containers, and is part of the LEED greenbuilding rating system. “Two brands started out of USM; Mythic is more targeted to a national audience. Only a certain audience would buy American paint,” Marketing/Graphic Design Manager Jonathan Cascio said. As for the ’50s retro look, the company “wanted something that makes it look like we’ve been there forever.” Since its inception, Mythic Paint has received a plethora of media attention and has advertisements in just about every nationally recognized popular magazines and newspapers. Its series of comedic Indiana Jones, explorer-themed commercials has lines like, “Mythic Paint, the legend goes on.” It also features safety-based lines: “If you knew what their paint was doing to you, it’d take your breath away. Literally.” Customers have used Mythic Paint in high-profile situations such as

in the Pentagon after the 9/11 attacks and in the New York City subway. Previously carried at another Hattiesburg paint retailer, Classic Concepts/Ace Home Center in the Oak Grove area of Hattiesburg is in the process of becoming the area’s distribution center for Mythic Paint. Classic Concepts’ manager Thomas Sellers demonstrated the paint’s odorless factor by opening a can of unmixed white and mixed green Mythic Paint. “This can says low odor, but it’s no odor. It smells like children’s finger paint,” Sellers said. Sellers painted the walls two shades of Mythic Paint—orange and green—during store hours, and his coworkers testified no one knew he was doing it. “You could sit there and drink it and not have a problem with it. It’s an incredible paint,” Sellers said. His hyperbole revealed a convert to Mythic Paint, which Sellers says dries within 25 to 30 minutes, is wipeable in 24 hours and washable in 30 days. Sellers says he will not go back to other paint. And for mothers-to-be who want to paint their own nests, Sellers says it’s safe for them, as well as hospitals, nurseries, veterinarians and museums. Southern Diversified Products has a history of charitable giving going back to at least 2005 after Hurricane Katrina, when it donated 5,000 gallons of American Pride to First Baptist Church homeowners in Biloxi. In addition, it has partnerships such as with children’s store, Land of Nod in Illinois, and HGTV decorating star David Bromstad, who uses the paint. A gallon of Mythic Paint can cost up to twice as much as regular competitors. But Mythic Paint has a financial rewards program for 5-gallon purchases, that is, if the paint’s environmental benefits and durability aren’t enough incentive to use this paint in the first place. Buy Mythic Paint at Classic Concepts/ Ace Home Center, 6610 U.S. Highway 98, Hattiesburg. Call 601-261-0912, or purchase the product online with free shipping at mythicpaint.com.

Hot Color Combos A quick peek at the über-hip apartmenttherapy.com yields ideas about hot colors for home decor in 2010-11. Try: Black, white & mustard; gray, black and pale pink; orange and teal; charcoal, yellow and light blue; hot pink, orange and brown; red, white and navy; olive and white; orange and gray. More ideas at jonathanadler.com.

by Casey Purvis

Bo Smith of Cornerstone Home Lending wants to help you rehab a Jackson home.

begin the day of closing. Homebuyers may choose their own contractors. An approved consultant will conduct a feasibility study to determine if improvements can be justified upon completion of renovations. The consultant then monitors the progress of the construction and performs a final inspection upon completion of the work. The presence of the consultant protects the buyer by ensuring transparency and providing oversight of the project. This type of loan has a $5,000 minimum requirement for eligible improvements on the property’s existing structures. The list of ineligible improvements is short and includes installation of saunas, exterior hot tubs, swimming pools and satellite dishes. The list of eligible items is considerably longer: structural repairs, such as the addition of another bathroom; kitchen and bath remodeling; new exterior siding; repair or replacement of plumbing, heating, cooling, and electrical; and addition of accessibility for a person with a disability. Loan applicants must have a credit score

by Jesse Crow

racticing sustainable habits, or going “green,” is something everyone can do to keep our planet a healthy place to live. Here are five ways to “green” your home. Remember, if we each do a little, the cumulative effects will be tremendous.


Buy used furniture: Opting to furnish your living space with secondhand furniture saves the energy and resources needed to make something new. Check out websites like craigslist.com or furniturefindex.com; local stores like N.U.T.S/, the Salvation Army, the Old House Depot, Repeat Street or the Orange Peel; or keep your eyes peeled for yard sales to find the perfect secondhand furniture.


of 640 or greater, but there is no income or asset requirement. The maximum loan amount is generous: $271,050. Commercial property can be converted to residential under a 203(k). It’s a versatile loan for revitalizing neighborhoods and repurposing vacant commercial buildings. Eligible properties are one- to fourfamily dwellings that have been completed for a minimum of one year. Even properties that have been demolished are 203(k) eligible, as long as a portion of the existing foundation remains. A home can be refinanced using a 203(k) loan as well. Smith is also a participant in the Jackson Homebuyer Assistance Program, which is available to those who meet certain income requirements. The program helps qualified borrowers get a home loan by providing up to $14,999 toward expenses such as a down payment and closing costs. The program comes with some stipulations. Applicants must finance a home within Jackson city limits, be a first-time homebuyer or not have owned a home in

the past three years. Their income cannot exceed a certain amount per family size, and they must occupy the property as their primary residence. Homebuyers must also complete an approved Home Ownership Training Program. The money can be used along with a 203(k) mortgage to renovate an older home. As an advocate of marketing sustainably, Smith combines the 203(k) he services with energy-efficient vendors. Smith has allied with Kimberly Hilliard, director of the Center for University Development, to revitalize neighborhoods in west Jackson off the JSU corridor. Smith cites properties that can be purchased for as little as $10,000 to $15,000 in this area—houses that range from 2,000 to 4,000 square feet. He refers to this area as “acres of diamonds.” If your interest is piqued, log on to Bo Smith’s website at BoKnowsMortgages.com for additional information. Extensive information regarding incentives for investing in up and coming neighborhoods can also be found at the City of Jackson’s website under Office of Housing and Community Development (jacksonms.gov/government/planning/ communityservices). The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development offers additional information on the 203(k) loan at hud.gov/offices/hsg/sfh/203k/203kabou.cfm. Attend an FHA 203(k) Loan Seminar Saturday, Nov. 13 at 9:30 a.m. at Koinonia Coffee House (136 Adams St.). Learn how an FHA 203(k) can help you rehabilitate a home or make it more energy efficient. The event includes a trolley ride through west Jackson. Attendees will be entered in a drawing for a chance to win dinner for two. Call 601-979-2255 for information.

Prevent phantom power: Phantom power refers to the electricity used by any electronic device that’s plugged into an outlet, even if it’s on or not. Phantom power not only wastes energy, but also raises the cost of your electricity bill. Unplugging devices you aren’t using, especially chargers, is one way to stop phantom power. An easy way to do this is to plug your devices into power strips and turn off the strip when devices aren’t in use.


Rethink your washing and drying habits: If you’re on the market for a new washing machine, consider getting a front-loading washer instead of a top-loading one to save water. Top-loading washers fill the washtub to the top, using 30-60 gallons of water per load. The washtub of front-loading washers is only partially filled, using 16-25 gallons of water per load. You can also save energy by washing your clothes in cold water instead of hot water and by only using your dryer when necessary. Drying racks and clotheslines can be found at most home-ware stores.


Use eco-friendly cleaning products: Chemicals in traditional cleaning products can pollute water, soil and surrounding ecosystems. There are a wide variety of natural cleaning products on the market, like Seventh Generation, Biokleen and Mrs. Meyer’s (try Rainbow Whole Foods), but you can also make your own from common household items. Fill a bottle with a 50/50 solution of white vinegar and water for an all-purpose cleaner. The acetic acid found in vinegar can kill 99 percent of bacteria. Avoid the use of vinegar on marble and granite, as it can scratch and damage the surface. To create a furniture polish, fill a bottle with a 50/50

solution of olive oil and vinegar or lemon juice. If you want to store your furniture polish for future use, use jojoba oil instead of vinegar or lemon juice so the solution won’t spoil.


Grow your own vegetables: Growing some of your own food reduces the amount of energy and fuel needed to transport your food from where it’s grown to your dinner table. Your plot should be in the sun and have good drainage. Good starter crops for Mississippi include tomatoes, cabbage, lima beans, eggplant and lettuce. You can find seeds and plants at most yard and garden or feed and supply stores. Using a natural pesticide reduces the amount of chemicals that pollute the ecosystem. To make your own, mix one teaspoon of dishwashing liquid, two tablespoons of hot red pepper sauce and one liter of water. Reapply after it rains and avoid using it while plants are flowering. WHERE2SHOP: N.U.T.S., 114 Millsaps Ave., 601-355-7458; The Salvation Army, 110 Presto Lane, 601-982-4881; Old House Depot, 639 Monroe St., 601-592-6200; Repeat Street, 626 Ridgewood Road, Ridgeland, 601-605-9393; Orange Peel, 3026 N. State St., 601-364-9977; Rainbow Whole Foods, 2807 Old Canton Road, 601-366-1602.





asmine Brooks, a special education major at Jackson State University, wants to buy a home in the west Jackson area. Her goal, she says, is to create a community of young professionals in west Jackson. The 23-year-old Illinois transplant believes west Jackson is a viable investment for her. Certainly, reasons to live in Jackson abound. It offers a short commute for people who work in the city (which means fewer trips to the gas station to fill up), a multitude of restaurants, convenient shopping and plenty of entertainment. And choosing to live inside the city limits brings needed tax base into the city. Now, Bo Smith of Cornerstone Home Lending Inc. is giving prospective home buyers two more reasons to make Jackson home, in the form of a FHA 203(k) Buy and Repair Mortgage and the Homebuyer’s Assistance Program—a loan option Brooks is looking into. Someone like Brooks who has dreamed of renovating an older home may find that his or her dream is within reach. The loan, which has been around since 1978, was designed to help people renovate existing homes regardless of distressed condition. Smith thinks the 203(k) loan is a great tool for revitalizing vacant homes in this area and attracting young professionals who will want to stay in Jackson. “We’re trying to create healthy neighborhoods,” he says. The loan is a mortgage that allows homebuyers to roll major repair and upgrade costs into the mortgage itself. Currently, the interest rate for a 203(k) is less than 5 percent; and 30year fixed-rate mortgages are available. Smith says this type of loan typically closes in about 45 days, and construction on the property can


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instance, an old silver vase you’ll never use can dress up your desk as a pen holder. On that note, rather than pointing in a particular direction, here are some suggestions—from an endless list of possibilities—for kitsch collections you can start. You can also use a little kitsch to add a zest to your place—just be careful about turning it into clutter.

“Domino: The Book of Decorating: A Room-by-Room Guide to Creating a Home That Makes You Happy” Deborah Needleman, Sara Ruffin Costello and Dara Caponigro (Simon & Schuster, 2008, $32) If you were a fan of the now-defunct Domino magazine, then you’ll love this book! In the signature style of the mag, the book offers tips on solving small-space dilemmas, how to mix and match styles and color, and layer patterns and textures. “Absolutely Organize Your Family: Simple Solutions to Control Clutter, Schedules & Spaces” Debbie Lillard (Betterway Home, 2010, $16.99) This book gives practical advice for tackling everyday clutter and inexpensive storage ideas. The author breaks everything down into problem, solution and the pros and cons.

“Crafting a Meaningful Home: 27 DIY Projects to Tell Stories, Hold Memories, and Celebrate Family Heritage” by Meg Mateo Ilasco (STC Craft/A Melanie Falick Book, 2010, $24.95) This book is filled with unique projects—dad’s patchwork quilt, love notes wall art and family crests—that allow you to prominently display intimate parts of your life in an artsy and deeply personal sort of way. Each chapter is dedicated to a single project and tells the story of the artist who created it.


“Vintage Vavoom: Romantic Decorating with One-of-aKind Finds,” Editors of Romantic Homes Magazine (Clarkson Potter, 2007, $35) The style, vintage vavoom, is defined as mixing the best decorative looks of the past with the sensibilities and passions of today. The authors show how to use kitsch and color and combine contrasting elements with one another, and how to shop for vintage items.


Clocks—You probably don’t want to have a whole room lined with clocks, but a vintage-style, or actual vintage clock in a home can really add some unique pizzazz to time-telling. Or, perhaps you could revive the cuckoo-clock craze. Action figures or old dolls—Ranging from Star Wars collections to Care Bears to vintage Howdy Doody dolls, these can add nostalgia to a place, whether you have children or not. Old games—Like dolls, they can really bring out the kid in anyone, whether they’re reproductions or the real deal. Snow globes—Travel the world and bring one back from every continent, every state. Best if they cost less than $5. Americana—Old washboards, sleds, instruments. Glass collection—Old lady or not, glass is pretty. And it can be valuable, too. Ceramics—Teapots, mugs … the list is endless. Salt and pepper shakers—You’ve probably seen these in a relative’s house or that quirky little eatery around the corner. Paperweights—From state-named to scorpion-embedded to blown glass, this kind of collection can get out of hand if you choose to go down this path. Clothes & Jewelry—Why not get into it with matching apparel? Your collection could be screenprinted shirts with your favorite ’80s cartoon stars, like Wonder Woman or the Hulk, or ’50s-style dresses or costume jewelry, like baublebeaded necklaces or anything with faux-crystal. Animals—You can find these in any variation or material. Be it “all hens, all the time,” or a smorgasbord of creatures, this theme could be great for a child’s room. Magical stuff—And on the theme of decorating for the young ones, perhaps it’s time to start that unicorn collection you always wanted.


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he definition of “kitsch” is sort of hard to pin down these days. Kitsch is often used by the “shabby chic” to adorn their abodes, but the word’s origin rambles around in elitist conversations about high or low art. It can be anything now—ranging from mass-produced Van Gogh mugs to figurine collections to “vintage” ’50s-inspired art reproductions. Once really into blue glass, I had a whole collection of it in the form of vases and candleholders next to a window. My friend called me an “old lady” because of my collection. In other words: gaudy. The confusion between kitschy, campy and “real” arts and antiques prevails. What I considered to be beautiful shades of cobalt blue, my friend considered tacky. And that’s the thing: Taste is subjective. Whether your treasures come from second-hand stores or from catalogues or boutiques, it doesn’t matter how educated you are or how much design experience you have—no one knows better than you what you like. So go on with your garden gnomes-ofthe-world collection. Whatever the case, kitsch hunting via the scouring of thrift or antique shops, garage sales or flea markets can provide hours of joy. You never know what you might come across or learn about pop culture. If you find something you like but it doesn’t seem useful, another idea is re-purposing objects to suit your needs. For


by Charlotte Blom


by Jesse Crow

Are there any specific blogs or magazines you would recommend? Probably for first-time buyers, I would recommend Mitchell Gold and Bob Williams’ blog (mgbwhome.com). We (SummerHouse) have a blog (summerhousestyle. com/blog), and we’re always posting about

How do you find pieces? Well, it depends on your budget. If you’re on a tight budget, then I would absolutely scout flea markets and scout garage sales. Honestly, flea markets to me have some of the best poster art and a lot of 1960s, 1970s pieces that can be reused by painting them a

by Lacey McLaughlin

Lisa Palmer of SummerHouse says paint is the quickest and cheapest way to change the look of your home.

bright color or putting a different lampshade on it. And there are some great online sites. There’s a really great one I found in California called Circa Who (circawho.com), and you can find great mid-century pieces there.

Repeat that turquoise again in the sofa. Repeat it again in a rug. Also, when you’re accessorizing, if you find a fabulous bottle that you love, have a collection of bottle on a table. And repeat that throughout the space.

How do you tie the parts of a room together? There are certain things that we learn when we’re in design school, like balance, rhythm, repetition and scale, that you need for a room to come together and feel right. Repetition of a color is always a great way. Say your color is turquoise and you have a drapery that’s graphic and turquoise and white.

Anything else you recommend? I’m going to say hire a professional. I think it’s the best money you’ll ever spend. Do your research and make sure that person is good at what they do and has your sense of style. And the reason why I say that is because that’s what we do every single day. We know the fabrics; we know what’s the most bang for your buck in upholstered pieces or case goods.


What are some suggestions you have for decorating on a budget? Research. I think it’s important that you get online, and you see what’s out there. Once you come up with a dollar figure of what your budget is, determine where you want to put the most of your budget. I think it should really be your seating; it’s got to be comfortable, and it’s got to be well made. A sofa can be recovered in 10 years, and then in 20 years. If it’s well made, it’s probably one of the best investments you’ll make. People that have their first home, they don’t even know the good furniture companies and furniture lines. So going on designer blogs and looking at designer magazines will get you familiar with what’s out there. Of course you can always talk with an interior designer. We’re used to working on a budget.

What are some simple ideas for decorating a space? Well the first thing you need to do is to try and unleash your own personal style by looking through magazines and online magazines. Your personal style is going to change as you age. You might not be so bold when you get older, so you might want more investment pieces that will last longer. I think a really great tip for changing a space is, number one, paint. Paint is about the least expensive thing you can do to a room. You may see a room that has a rich, dark charcoal wall paint, and that will change a space in a heartbeat. Number two is pillows. If you have a simple off-white sofa, and you have a traditional aesthetic, you might want a blue and white toile on that pillow. If you decide years down the road you want to go more modern, you pull those pillows off and put a fun, bright turquoise graphic on there. You’ve totally changed the personality of that sofa.

Charlotte Blom


new fabrics and items we’ve got. There’s an online magazine we love called Lonny Magazine (lonnymag.com/decorate). And Shoebox Décor (shoeboxdecor.blogspot.com) is a good one. She has good style and great budget tips.

isa Palmer, owner of the delightful interior showroom SummerHouse (1109 Highland Colony Parkway, Suite D, Ridgeland, 601-853-4445), has been in the interior design business since 1997 (and can sing like nobody’s business, but that’s another story). She offers her decorating suggestions and expertise to first time home or apartment owners.

by Terri Cowart

November 10-16, 2010

Christina Cannon - jaCkie ellens



hen Professional Staffing Group co-owner Jane Sanders Waugh isn’t running her Fondren business or acting in a local theater production, she likes to spend her free time perfecting her Jackson home (pictured on the cover of this issue). Over the years, Sanders Waugh has used artwork from local artists to decorate her space. She gives a few tips on how to decorate with art: • Make it personal. Select artwork from artists you know and want to support. If you have a connection with the artist, their work will have more meaning for you. Even if you don’t know the artist, you can still feel a personal connection from your emotional response to the artwork. • Select a variety of media An eclectic arrangement of artwork can break up a space, so think about decorating with less traditional media, such as photographs, pottery, bottles and seashells. • Connect art to your surroundings. Make sure the art fits in with your space. Look at colors, designs and content and select the place where it pleases you the most. Pay attention to the emotions the artwork invokes and coordinate with pillows or rugs. • Use the artwork to tell personal stories. Think outside the box. Sanders Waugh has wood installation in her living room that is designed out of natural elements. The installation appears as a supporting beam for her living-room ceiling. She also painted an empty wall with chalkboard paint and filled the space with notes of inspiration and poetry. Sanders Waugh calls the wall interactive art because her friends and family also write messages on the wall.


’m pretty sure I have permanent neck damage. It happened when I decided it was time to take down the wallpaper in my daughter’s bathroom. It wasn’t bothering my daughter, but the water spots, on what used to be a lovely patterned paper, were just more than I could stand. Removing wallpaper had never been a DIY job I really wanted to do. I had heard horror stories from friends. So before I committed to removal, I considered other options. Painting over the old paper sounded easier. However, before painting I would have to make sure all loose paper was glued back onto the wall. Somehow I just couldn’t see myself gluing the wallpaper back onto the wall that I wanted unglued. Another option I considered,

which by the way is my own original idea, was to saturate all the walls with water. My theory behind this brilliant plan was if all the wallpaper was stained, the old water spots wouldn’t stick out and be ugly. I decided this untested experiment was too risky. With no alternative plan, I decided to “woman up.” It was time to take down the wallpaper. I went to Home Depot and bought plastic drop cloths, wallpaper scrappers, a PaperTiger (this handy gadget puts little pin holes in the wallpaper) and a wallpaper removal product called DIF. Things started out fine. I used the tiger to puncture the paper, I sprayed the DIF remover on and waited the suggested 15 to 20 minutes and then started scrapping. It was actually kind of fun; I thought I should be able to have this project finished in no time. I was wrong. Once I had removed the wallpaper from all the easy-to-reach places, my fun project turned into an acrobatic act. I alternat-

ed between a step stool, a ladder and counter tops. I used my fingernails to scratch off the sticky gummy sections of paper that my scraper couldn’t get to. My arthritic fingers were even more immobile glued together. Removing the toilet tank was one of the highlights of my DIY project. I felt so “plumberish” when I figured out how to take the tank off the bowl to get to that wallpaper behind the commode. It was only after I put the toilet back together that I started to drown. I apparently had failed to use a washer with my screw, and when I turned the water to the tank back on it filled up and then flowed out onto the floor. I was screaming for help as I tried to catch the water with a small cup I had in the bathroom. It took about 20 towels to get it all mopped up, but the bathroom floor was squeaky clean. I finally finished and painted the walls a soft shade of white. It looks so much nicer I don’t even mind cleaning the toilet. OK, that’s a lie.

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Soak planks overnight in Budweiser Beer. Grill salmon on an open flame for about 2-4 minutes or until you have a nice grill mark on it. Place salmon, grilled side up, on one of the planks. Put plank on a baking tray, top each piece of salmon generously with the Budweiser Basting Sauce and finish in the oven, for about 10-12 minutes or until the fish is flaky.



by Brynn Rogel Brynn rogel


November 10-16, 2010



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hen one door closes … you build a headboard. Local musician Ben Lewis got the idea for turning a door into a headboard after he saw something similar in a bar at one of his shows. “It was a mantle made out of an old door, and I thought it was so unique,” Lewis said. “It’s always been in the back of my mind as something I wanted to do.” So when Lewis spotted an old door as he was driving through town one day, he knew immediately he wanted to build something with it. Lewis said the door was in pretty bad shape when he found it, but it just kick-started his creative urge to reincarnate the forgotten lumber. “I chose the side with the door knob to use as the top of the headboard which runs horizontally,” he said. “I didn’t want to hide the doorknob or remove it. I thought it added a lot of character.” Lewis’ first step was to measure the width of the bed and center the doorknob. Lewis used the side with the hinges for the bottom of the headboard, which also runs horizontally. “There was an empty space where a glass pane had been, so that made it a little more difficult,” Lewis said. “A door with some unique details or paneling is a great find. I’m a college student and a musician, so those are two indicators of the money I have to spend on a hobby. There are some great doors available at antique stores but they can be expensive.” To fill the space, Lewis used a 2-by-6 with hinges on it and cut it into four pieces with a circular saw to run vertically between the two pieces of the door.” “Some people screw the door directly into the wall, but I live in an apartment and would rather be sure I’ll be getting my security deposit back when I move out,” he said. “I also knew I wanted to do a footboard, too, so

I didn’t want to use that technique.” He chose 4-by-4 posts for the sides and screwed the whole thing together with timber screws. He then used the scrap pieces of lumber to build the footboard in virtually the same way. “Once it was done, I used some cheap 2by-4s and 1-by-6s for the side rails. To support the mattress I cut slats using two 1-by-8s,” Lewis explained. Lewis wanted to make sure the door still had an antique feel after the refinishing part of the project. “I sanded the entire thing with an orbital sander, wiped it down with a wet rag, and applied two coats of satin varnish to finish it,” he said. “The store only had shiny silver screws, so to keep the look consistent I painted and sanded those down, too. “It’s an interesting focal point in my room, and I couldn’t be happier with it. It’s an inexpensive way to do something unique and I’m glad I took the time to do it.”

For a step-by-step guide, e-mail Ben Lewis at benjaminlewismusic@gmail.com. Estimated cost: $120 (he already had the power tools) Estimated time: 13 hours of labor (including letting paint dry) Tools used for this project: 1. circular saw 2. cordless drill with a nut driver 3. orbital sander 4. tape measure and pencil 5. hammer 6. small square 7. level

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Jedi Clampett


Tom Ramsey

by Tom Ramsey


was enjoying my late morning leisure. The kids were in school, and Kitty was at her office. This was Tom Time. I was nestled into the sofa, Café Cubano in one hand and TV remote in the other, toggling back and forth between MSNBC and The Food Network. At first I didn’t notice the curious, loud, growling mechanical sound coming from the street, but as it grew louder it caught my ear. “I wonder what they’re working on?” I thought as I sipped the rocket-fuel elixir from my tiny demitasse. The sound was more curious than menacing and didn’t warrant further investigation that would disturb my bliss, or “harsh my mellow,” as my buddy Ben Brown might say. The next sound, however, caught me off guard—splashing. In a house with four kids, you get used to the sound of splashing. It can even be a comforting sound when accompanied by giggles during “bath time.” But splashing when you are alone in the house is a different story. The sound was coming from the addition on the north side of the house that contained an office, laundry room and what we called “Kitty’s bathroom.” I casually leaned back and peered over the back of the sofa and through the French doors, and my curiosity turned to sheer horror. Erupting from the washing machine, the toilet, the sink and the shower drain were something out of the movie “Poltergeist” or perhaps “The Exorcist.” A solid black col-

umn of grainy sludge was spraying up to the ceiling and cascading down the walls, and the smell was enough to choke a goat. The wheels in my head turned at breakneck speed and put the two sounds together—the splashing was a result of the growling machine. Still in my “Family Guy” pajamas and house shoes, I tore into the street where one city worker was managing to sleep while standing up, resting his chin on the handle of a shovel that was planted in my yard. “Stop, STOP, STOOOOPPPPPP!” I yelled at the dozing worker and the infernal machine down the street. “STOOOOOOPPPPP! You’re pumping $#!+ into my house! STOP!” The dozing shovel operator jerked awake and made a hand gesture to the machine operator down the street. “What?” the machine operator replied. “STOP!” I shouted. “What?” “STOP FOR GOD’S SAKE STOP!” The machine stopped. “What?” replied the poop-pumping machine operator. “You are pumping $#!+ into my house!” I screamed. “Hmm,” he responded calmly. “I’m gonna need to call my supervisor.” “Tell him to bring a mop!” The drowsy operator looked at me with pity and shook his head. “He’s bad about

November 10-16, 2010

74 9




9 9 2-


Mellow Mushroom pizza bakers

The city did a backward-renovation on Tom Ramsey’s bathroom.

that. He don’t smoke the lines. He don’t run the low-pressure tests. He just hooks it up and let’s the bitch go. Man, I hate it when he does that.” Man, I hated it, too. I walked back to the house to start the process of sorting out the mess. After I braved the smell long enough to get dressed and get the animals out, I called the insurance company (huzzah to Malcolm Houston and State Farm for being real heroes in this mess), the City of Jackson, my attorney and my wife, Kitty, who was on the Gulf Coast that day. Within an hour or so, guys in big yellow hazmat suits arrived and removed the toxic sludge. A big fan and a contraption that sprayed a cinnamon mist were left behind for a few days, making my house smell like I would imagine Christmas smells for a Porta-John. We were lucky ... in more ways than one. First, I was home. Had I not been there,

the machine may have run for hours, destroying the entire downstairs, not just part of an addition. And as my optimistic friend, Russell Bennett, put it: “It could have been worse. You could have been in the shower or on the toilet.” We had grand plans for the new bathroom, but after wrestling with the city for over a year, while they “investigated,” even claiming at one point that I had “requested the service” (like anyone would request a high pressure poo-delivery service), the bathroom remains in its demolished-to-the-studs stage. We have most of the materials we need, but as the economy dipped further and further, we just couldn’t afford the remaining stuff and the labor. But one day, my brothers and sisters, we will have the dream bathroom. We will have marble floors and maybe even a hot tub. And thanks to some professional plumbing, we’ll never have to go through this again.

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MUSIC p 33 | SPORTS p 36

Ray’s Wife Tells Tales by Valerie Wells


courtesy Diane Williams

Griot Diane Williams uses facial expressions, her body and even her own handmade art to weave her stories together.

she says. Saying “I fell, and it felt like a thousand bumble bees stung me” is the way Ray’s wife would describe it. Williams works with oral-history collections in rural communities and travels the state to talk at libraries about how to tell stories, how to collect folk memories and how a community can use storytelling to bond. The storyteller is currently planning an event at the Flowood Library as well as returning to the Art of Storytelling International Festival this spring in Miami, Fla. Ray’s wife also creates narrative quilts, fabric art that tells stories. One piece of tie-dyed fabric about the size of a large place mat has two female figures appliquéd onto it. The women hold hands, walking down a path to church. They

walk past pieces of pine straw sewn in to the piece and small stones from Africa also worked into the picture. Long colorful threads hang from the embroidered edges of the women’s dresses. Their striped dresses came from friends’ clothes. “My friends are embedded in my work,” she says. Her narrative quilts will be on exhibit this January at the Smith Robertson Museum and Cultural Center, 528 Bloom St. She is considering allowing visitors to touch the art. She wants blind people to feel textures of her art and read its raised silk-thread edges like Braille. It’s all about making connections. “I’d like to be a person who paves the path,” 27 Williams says. jacksonfreepress.com

storyteller came to Mississippi to weave her tales, only she didn’t know it at the time. Diane Williams, 57, moved here from New Jersey because of a Mississippi farm boy. “I’m known as Ray’s wife,” she says. She often wears her hair in a braid around her head like a crown. Ray’s wife was already a mother living in Madison when she became a storyteller. She heard about storytelling while visiting a church in Mendenhall. She went to a workshop, and then she went to a conference. She began telling stories. “Love is Like Cornbread,” “The Railroad Story” and “Annie Mae Jumps the Broom” are a few of those stories she tells with a comforting voice that rises and falls. Williams is an award-winning professional artist. She’s won the National Storytelling Network’s Oracle Award for Regional Leadership and Service, the National Association of Black Storyteller’s Zora Neale Hurston Award, the Mississippi Humanities Council’s Special Chair’s Award and has been nominated twice for the Governor’s Award for Excellence in the Arts in Mississippi. One of the biggest compliments she’s gotten is from artist Anthony DiFatta. He told Williams how much his little boy loves to listen to her CD compilation of stories. “The sound, the pattern, the meter—all those nuances—helped him go to sleep,” she says. “It made him not afraid.” When Williams walks into schools to perform, she knows children see her gray hair and are suspicious she might just sit there. She knows she can’t. “You better move around, you better boogie woogie, you better dance and sing,” she says. She sings ditties about wood carvers, writes poems and teaches teachers. A playwright is turning her children’s book, “Annie Mae Jumps the Broom,” into a play. Williams is also the arts industry director for the Mississippi Arts Commission. She’s been at this job for seven years. In her office on the 11th floor of the Woolfolk Building, she collaborates and coordinates, helping nonprofit organizations and individual artists position themselves to leverage their art. “Do you know any Indian dancers—from India?” she asks after getting a phone call. The Taste of India event needed dancers. Williams starts networking to find a connection. Storytelling can help nonprofits to “romance a funder, a sponsor, a donor,” Williams says. She promotes something she calls “applied storytelling.” “The Gulf Coast had an oil spill. BP became master storytellers,” she says. The television commercials profiling individuals who work for BP and who say “I live here, I’m from here” use storytelling techniques. She works with lawyers, coaching clients how to tell their story on the witness stand. She explains the importance of gestures, intonation, posture and choosing the right word or phrase. Saying “I ache” or “I hurt” doesn’t really say anything,

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BEST BETS November 10 - 17 by Latasha Willis events@jacksonfreepress.com Fax: 601-510-9019 Daily updates at jfpevents.com

Charles a. smith

The Harvest Festival at the Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Museum (1150 Lakeland Drive) kicks off at 9 a.m. and continues through Nov. 13. $5, $3 children ages 5-18; call 601-713-3365. … Beth Orlansky of the Mississippi Center for Justice talks about the perils of payday lending during the Jackson 2000 luncheon at the Arts Center of Mississippi (201 E. Pascagoula St.). $12; e-mail todd@jacksonfreepress. com to RSVP. … Sam Brookes talks about Native American mounds during “History is Lunch” at the Old Capitol Museum (100 S. State St.) at noon. Bring a lunch; call 601-5766998. … Former Mississippi first lady Elise Winter signs copies of “Dinner at the Mansion” at Lemuria Books (202 Banner Hall, 4465 Interstate 55 N.) at 5 p.m.; reading of the book at 5:30 p.m. $29.95 book; call 601-366-7619.

tive patron; visit mchscares.org. … The open-mic poetry and short-story reading at The Commons in the Tattered Pages Bookstore is at 6:30 p.m. Free; call 601-352-3399. … Evans Blue plays at Fire at 8 p.m.; for ages 18 and up. $12.50; visit ticketmaster.com.

Friday 11/12

MART exhibit artist talk at Millsaps College’s Lewis Art Gallery (1701 N. State St.) at 2 p.m. Free; call 601-974-1762. … The “See Yourself” BOOM Fashion Show at Duling Hall (622 Duling Ave.) includes a cocktail reception at 6:15 p.m., the runway show featuring local models wearing attire from Jackson shops at 7 p.m. and a VIP after-party with music by DJ Phingaprint at 8:15 p.m. Models include BOOM Jackson cover girl Chanelle Renee’, JFP consulting editor JoAnne Prichard Morris and David Waugh of the Fondren Association of Businesses. Celebrity servers include WAPT’s Megan West, restaurateur Jeff Good and attorney Richard Schwartz. Proceeds benefit Dress for Success Metro Jackson. $50; call 601-3626121, ext. 11; visit brownpapertickets.com/event/134685. See boomfashionshow.com for full details and ticket link.

saTurday 11/13

Veterans with ID get in free at the Jackson Zoo (2918 W. Capitol St.) during Veteran’s Appreciation Day. Call 601359-2580. … Photographer Ken Murphy signs copies of “Mississippi: State of Blues” at Lemuria Books (202 Banner Hall, 4465 Interstate 55 N.) at 4 p.m.; reading at 5:30 p.m.; $59.95 book; call 601-366-7619. … An opening reception for Lori Gordon’s “Six Degrees: West to East” exhibit at the Arts Center of Mississippi (201 E. Pascagoula St.) will be from 5-7 p.m. Free; call 601-960-1557. … “Zip39 Gives Back,” a charity showcase at The Parker House is at 5:30 p.m. $10; e-mail zip39@madisoncountychamber.com to RSVP. … ‘Twas a Night with Gail Pittman, a benefit for Mississippi Children’s Home Services at Gail Pittman Design (115 W. Jackson St., Suite 1F, Ridgeland) is at 6 p.m. $50, $75 couple, $200 adop-

Monday 11/15

Jay-Z will discuss his book “Decoded” via telecast at Lemuria Books (202 Banner Hall, 4465 Interstate 55 N.) at 6 p.m. $35 signed book; call 601-366-7619. … Soprano Cheryl Coker performs at the faculty recital at Millsaps College, Ford Academic Complex (1701 N. State St.) at 7:30 p.m. Free; 601-974-1422. … Oliver North signs “American Heroes in Special Operations” at Borders (100 Dogwood Place, Flowood), 8 p.m. Call 601-919-0462.

An opening reception for Bewey Bowden’s “Adventures in Color” exhibit at the Mississippi Library Commission (3881 Eastwood Drive) is from 5-7 p.m. Free; call 601-432-4056. … The musical “Oklahoma” at Thalia Mara Hall starts at 7:30 p.m. The Nov. 17 show is also at 7:30 p.m. $20-$62.50; call 800-745-3000.

Wednesday 11/17

Historian Rowena McClinton discusses the Native Americans of Mississippi during “History is Lunch” at the Old Capitol Museum (100 S. State St.) at noon. Bring a lunch; call 601-576-6998. … The Szlubowski Duo plays piano during Unburied Treasures at the Mississippi Museum of Art (380 S. Lamar St.) at 6 p.m. Free admission; call 601-960-1515. More events and details at jfpevents.com.

The Toronto band Evans Blue performs at Fire Nov. 11 at 8 p.m. Courtesy JessiCa Berek

Thursday 11/11

The Holiday Shopping Extravaganza at Beth Israel Congregation (5315 Old Canton Road) is at 11 a.m. Free admission; call 601-607-7725. … Help clean up Fondren 1-5 p.m. during Weedstock; meet in Rainbow parking lot; helpers get Rainbow deli $5 gift certificate. ...The Mostly Monthly Ceili at Fenian’s is at 2 p.m. Free; e-mail emeraldrose2@yahoo.com.

Tuesday 11/16

At Lemuria Books (202 Banner Hall, 4465 Interstate 55 N.), Allen Whitley signs “Where Southern Cross the Dog” ($24.95 book) at 11 a.m., and John Soward Bayne signs “Gravely Concerned: Southern Writers’ Graves” ($29.95 book) at 1 p.m. Call 601-366-7619. … The Jackson Choral Society’s anniversary concert at Northminster Baptist Church (3955 Ridgewood Road) is at 3 p.m. $10, $8 seniors 60 and older; call 601-927-9604. … The Mississippi Boychoir, the Mississippi Girlchoir and the Mississippi Chorus perform at Wesley Biblical Seminary (787 E. Northside Drive) at 7 p.m. $20; call 601-665-7374. … Enjoy indie film at the Planetarium with “The Girl Who Played With Fire” at 6 p.m., and the third in the trilogy, “The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest” at 8:15 p.m. ... (Hair Battle 2010 at Regency Hotel is at 7 p.m. $35, $25 students; call 601-497-7460; visit ticketmaster.com. BOOM Jackson cover girl Chanelle Renee’ is a model in the BOOM Jackson Fashion Show Nov. 12 at 7 p.m. in Duling Hall. Almost sold out: hurry!

sunday 11/14


Wednesday 11/10


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jfpevents JFP-SPonSored eventS Radio JFP on WLEZ ongoing, at WLEZ 100.1 FM and wlezfm.com. Join Donna Ladd and Todd Stauffer every Thursday from noon-1 p.m., where they discuss vital issues and play local music. This week’s guests are artists from the Millsaps/MART exbition and a member of the Freedom Riders. Listen to podcasts of all shows at jfpradio.com. Free; call 601-362-6121, ext. 17. “See Yourself� BOOM Fashion Show Nov. 12, 7 p.m., at Duling Hall (622 Duling Ave.). The first annual show, presented by BOOM Jackson, will feature models wearing attire from Jackson shops and boutiques, and a silent auction of fashionthemed items. Check-in and a cocktail reception will be held before the show at 6:15 p.m. in the courtyard, and a VIP after-party with music by DJ Phingaprint takes place after the event at 8:15 p.m. Proceeds benefit Dress for Success Metro Jackson. $50, tickets limited; visit boomfashionshow.com to buy or call 601-362-6121 ext. 11. For details or questions e-mail shannon@boomjackson.com. Mississippi Happening ongoing, at Mississippi Happening (www.mississippihappening.com). The live monthly broadcast is hosted by Guaqueta Productions and features a special musical guest. Download free podcasts on their Web site.

Holiday Veteran’s Appreciation Day Nov. 11, 9 a.m., at Jackson Zoo (2918 W. Capitol St.). Show your veteran ID and enjoy free admission. Call 601-352-2580. Holiday Saturday Shopping Day Nov. 13, 10 a.m-2 p.m., at The Mustard Seed Gift Shop (1085 Luckney Road, Brandon). Shop for special holiday gifts made by Mustard Seed residents. Call 601-992-3556. Holiday Shopping Extravaganza Nov. 14, 11 a.m., at Beth Israel Congregation (5315 Old Canton Road). Shop from a unique variety of vendors, participate in multiple raffles and purchase goods from the bake sale with some of the Sisterhood’s famous bazaar treats up for grabs. Free admission; call 601607-7725.

Community Events at Baptist Medical Center (1225 N. State St.). Call 601-948-6262 or 800-948-6262. • Gallbladder Issues: Is It Time for Surgery? Nov. 11, 11:45 a.m., at Baptist for Women. If you have ever experienced a gallbladder attack, find out from surgeon Dr. Lee Nicols when you should consider surgery and what to expect. Registration is required. $5 optional lunch.

Events at Jackson Zoo (2918 W. Capitol St.). $8, $5 children ages 2-12, $7.20 seniors; members/ babies free; call 601-352-2580. • International Red Panda Day Inauguration Nov. 13, 9 a.m. The focus is on introducing children to red pandas through fun activities and zoo keeper/docent chats. • Orangutan Awareness Day Nov. 13, 10 a.m. Learn more about the plight of the orangutan and how you can help save the animal from extinction. The day features chats with the orangutan keepers and information provided by the docents. Harvest Festival Nov. 10-13, at Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Museum (1150 Lakeland Drive). Observe the operation of the cotton gin, saw mill, cane mill and blacksmith shop. Hours are 9 a.m.2 p.m. Nov. 10-12 and 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Nov. 13. $5, $3 children ages 5-18; call 601-713-3365. Zip39 Gives Back Nov. 11, 5:30 p.m., at The Parker House (104 N.E. Madison Drive, Ridgeland). The charity showcase includes food, live entertainment, a cash bar and networking with other young professionals. Six charities will be highlighted; sign up to work with one or more of them. Please RSVP. $10; e-mail Zip39@madisoncountychamber.com. Habitat Metro Jackson Homeowner Application Meeting Nov. 11, 5:30 p.m., at Jackson Medical Mall (350 W. Woodrow Wilson Ave.), in the Community Meeting Room. The three-hour meeting will give potential homeowners with low incomes an opportunity to learn more about the Habitat for Humanity program. Free; call 601-353-6060. Precinct 2 COPS Meeting Nov. 11, 6 p.m., at Jackson Police Department - Precinct 2 (711 W. Capitol St.). These monthly meetings are forums designed to help resolve community issues or problems, from crime to potholes. Call 601-960-0002. New Vibrations Network Gathering Nov. 11, 6:308 p.m., at Unitarian Universalist Church (4866 N. State St.). The mixer is held every second Thursday. Bring business cards and brochures to share with others. E-mail newvibrations2003@hotmail.com. 2011 Small Business Week Awards Call for Nominations through Nov. 12, at St. Dominic Hospital (969 Lakeland Drive). The Small Business Administration Mississippi District Office is actively seeking nominations for the 2011 Small Business Week Awards. Nominations are being accepted for outstanding small business owners and advocates in a variety of categories. Nomination packets must be received by Nov. 12. Call 228-863-4449, ext. 223. Jackson Audubon Society Birding Field Trip Nov. 13, 9 a.m., at Yazoo National Wildlife Refuge (728 Yazoo Refuge Road, Hollandale). Participants will meet at the gas station and store in Anquilla on

November 10 - 16, 2010



he WESToration Initiative, a program designed to restore homes in west Jackson to their former glory, is underway and begins Saturday, Nov. 13, with a trolley-ride kick off at 9:30 a.m. and an informational session at Koinonia Coffee House (136 S. Adams St.) at 10:30 a.m. The WESToration Initiative meets Representatives from Cornerstone Home at Koinonia Coffee House on Lending, Jackson State’s Center for University- Saturday, Nov. 13. Based Development, Atmos Energy, Wright Concepts and Leah Cim Real Estate and Property Management will talk about the 203(k) mortgage loans administered by the Federal Housing Administration specifically targeted toward restoration of older homes—“gems in waiting,� says Kim Hilliard, director of JSU’s Center for University-Based Development. “We feel like this will not only save these historic structures but attract new homeowners into this area,� Hilliard said in a statement about the initiative to redevelop homes in neighborhoods like Pecan Park, Alta Visa and Washington Addition. RSVP for the tour and workshop by calling the Center for University-Based Development at 601-979-2255, or email curnis.upkins@jsums.edu or bosmith@houseloan.com.

courtesy Lee Harper

West Jackson Do-Over

Venture Incubator Open House and Seminar Nov. 13, 10 a.m., at Regions Plaza (210 E. Capitol St.). The informational seminar for business owners and entrepreneurs will provide information on how the Venture Incubator can help grow small businesses. A tour of the Venture Incubator offices will be done after the seminar. Please RSVP. Call 601-906-4868. Action Leadership Institute Seminar Nov. 13, 10 a.m., at Mississippi e-Center (1230 Raymond Road). The topic is “Funding Connections: Local, State, Federal and Foundation Funds.” $39; call 601-965-0372. Raw Food Potluck Social Nov. 13, 1 p.m., at Butterfly Yoga (3025 N. State St.). Please RSVP and notify the facilitator of what type of dish you are bringing. There will be a drawing for the book “The Raw Revolution Diet” by Cherie Soria. Free; call rawfoodms@yahoo.com. Magnolia Ballroom Dancers Association Dance Nov. 13, 8 p.m., at Madison Square Center for the Arts (2103 Main St.). A deejay will provide ballroom and Latin music for dancing, and mixers will be held. Water and soft drinks will be provided. The dress code is hard-soled shoes and no blue jeans. $10 members, $15 guests; call 601-506-4591. Mostly Monthly Ceili Nov. 14, 2 p.m., at Fenian’s Pub (901 E. Fortification St.). Participate in a family-friendly gathering of folks interested in Irish music and dance. No experience necessary. Food and drink available, especially Fenian’s Sunday brunch. Free; e-mail emeraldrose2@yahoo.com. Jackson Touchdown Club Meeting Nov. 15, 6 p.m., at River Hills Country Club (3600 Ridgewood Road). Members of the athletic organization meet weekly during the football season and have access to meals, fellowship and the chance to listen to speakers from around the country. This week’s speaker is former college football coach Ronnie Cottrell. $280 individual membership, $1200 corporate membership; call 601-955-5293 or 601506-3186. Monday Night Football Mixer Nov. 15, 7 p.m., at Dreamz Jxn (426 W. Capitol St.). Each week, come to watch football on the big-screen television and enjoy burgers, wings and drinks. Wrestling fans can watch WWE matches in the VIP Lounge. Free admission; call 601-979-3994. Arena Project Rollout and Fundraiser Nov. 16, 5 p.m., at Jackson Convention Complex (105 E. Pascagoula St.). The purpose of the event is to raise money for a feasibility study for a potential arena in downtown Jackson. Program begins at 5:45 p.m. Speakers include Russ Simons, senior project manager of Populous Sports, and Michael Marion, general manager of the Little Rock Arena. E-mail info@downtownjacksonarena.com for more.

Stage and Screen “Freedom Riders” Screening Nov. 11, 7 p.m., at Alamo Theatre (333 N. Farish St.). See excerpts from Stanley Nelson’s documentary that will air on PBS in May 2011 in celebration of the Freedom Riders’ 50th anniversary. The event also includes a panel discussion with some of the Freedom Riders. C. Liegh McInnis, a writer and member of the English department faculty at Jackson State University, will present a reading. Free; visit the website mississippifreedom50th.com. “Rat Wives” and “Chicks” Nov. 11-13, at Millsaps Christian Center Auditorium (1701 N. State St.), in room CC1. Presented by Millsaps’ Theatre Department, “Rat Wives” is directed by Elizabeth Gutherz, and “Chicks” is performed by Mandy Carlock and directed by Jeannie-Marie Brown. Show times are 7:30 p.m. nightly. For mature audiences only. $5; call 601-974-1422.

“One Woman, One Vote” Nov. 12, 5:30 p.m., at Mississippi Public Broadcasting (3825 Ridgewood Road), in the auditorium. The League of Women Voters will show the PBS-acclaimed documentary in celebration of the 90th anniversary of a woman’s right to vote. Enjoy refreshments at 5:30 p.m. and the film viewing at 6 p.m. Call 601-944-9822. “’Round the World and Back Again (A Brief and Inaccurate History of Everything)” Nov. 12, 6:30 p.m., at Power Academic and Performing Arts Complex (1120 Riverside Drive). Performed by the Elementary Theatre students, the play is a funny analysis of how the world began. Students will play planets, cavemen and dinosaurs. $5; call 601-960-5387. Fall Dance Ensemble Concert Nov. 12-20, at Belhaven University, Bitsy Irby Visual Arts and Dance Center (1500 Peachtree St.). See a showcase of choreography by dance faculty and guest artists, presented by the Belhaven University Dance Ensemble. Show times are 7:30 pm on Nov. 12, 13, 18 and 19, and 11 a.m. Nov. 20. Suggested donation $10, Seniors/Students $5. Complimentary admission for children, Belhaven faculty/staff/students. Call 601-965-1400.

Kirtan with Girish November 18th, 2010 7:00pm - 8:30pm

$15 in advance, $20 at door Spirit Voyage recording artist, Girish is an eclectic artist with roots in jazz, world, and sacred music. His musical talents find expression in a wide array of instruments including tablas, world percussion, guitar, harmonium, and voice.

“Christmas Belles” Nov. 12-14, at Black Rose Community Theatre (103 Black St., Brandon). It’s Christmas-time in the small town of Fayro, Texas, and the Futrelle Sisters attempt to put on a Christmas program in the midst of constant chaos. Directed by Lydie Vick. Show times are 7:30 p.m. Nov. 12-13 and 2 p.m. Nov. 14. $12, $10 students and seniors; call 601-825-1293. Southern Circuit Film Series: “Artois the Goat” Nov. 16, 7 p.m., at Millsaps College, Ford Academic Complex (1701 N. State St.), in room 215. Virgil Gurdies buys Artois, a scrawny young buck, putting his goat cheese operation in motion. Now all Virgil has to do is figure out how to tell his girlfriend that he spent the money he was saving for her engagement ring on a goat. Richard Reininger is the producer. Free; call 601-974-1384.



“Oklahoma!” Nov. 16-17, at Thalia Mara Hall (255 E. Pascagoula St.). In the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical, two suitors compete to win a farm girl’s heart. The show starts at 7:30 p.m. nightly. Tickets are available at ticketmaster.com. $20$62.50; call 800-745-3000.

MuSic Al Green Nov. 12, 8 p.m., at Silver Star Hotel and Casino (Highway 16 West, Choctaw), in the convention center. The Grammy Award-winning singer/songwriter will perform live. $35, $45; call 1-866-44-PEARL. “A Sterling Past, a Golden Future” Nov. 13, 3 p.m., at Northminster Baptist Church (3955 Ridgewood Road). The Jackson Choral Society will perform in celebration of the organization’s 50th anniversary. The centerpiece of the gala will be a commissioned work for chorus and chamber orchestra by Laurel native James Mulholland. $10, $8 seniors 60 and above; call 601-927-9604. “Celebrating the American Spirit: A Thanksgiving Concert” Nov. 13, 7 p.m., at Wesley Biblical Seminary (Wesley Chapel) (787 E. Northside Drive). The Mississippi Boychoir and the Mississippi Girlchoir will perform with the Mississippi Chorus. $20; call 601-665-7374.

Literary and SigningS Open-Mic Poetry and Short Story Reading Nov. 11, 6:30 p.m. Poets and writers will share their work in the Tattered Pages Bookstore at The Commons at Eudora Welty’s Birthplace (719 N. Congress St.). Free. Call 601-540-1267. Events at Borders (100 Dogwood Blvd., Flowood). Call 601-919-0462. “The Love Affair Continues: From Manhattan to Mississippi” Nov. 13, 1 p.m.


Highway 61 at 8 a.m. to carpool or at Holt Collier Trail at the refuge at 8:30 a.m. The expedition is open to the public. Free; call 601-956-7444.

More EVENTS, see page 32



from page 31

Daisy Karam-Read signs copies of her book. $14 book. “American Heroes in Special Operations� Nov. 15, 8 p.m., Oliver North signs copies of his book. $24.99 book. Events at Lemuria Books (202 Banner Hall, 4465 Interstate 55 North). Call 601-366-7619. “Mississippi: State of Blues� Nov 11, 4 p.m. Photographer Ken Murphy signs copies of his book; reading of the book at 5:30 p.m. $59.95 book. “Where Southern Cross the Dog� Nov 13, 11 a.m. Allen Whitley signs copies of his book. $24.95 book. “Gravely Concerned: Southern Writers’ Graves� Nov 13, 1 p.m. John Soward Bayne signs copies of his book. $29.95 book. “Decoded� Nov 15, 6 p.m. Jay-Z will discuss his book via telecast from the New York Public Library with Cornel West. Signed copies of the book will be for sale. $35 book. “Christmas Memories from Mississippi� Nov 16, 5 p.m. Editors Charline McCord and Judy Tucker sign copies of the book. $28 book. Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival Fiction Contest through Nov. 15, at Flowood Library (103 Winners Circle, Flowood). Submit one original short story, written in English, of up to 7,000 words to be judged by Pulitzer Prize winner Robert Olen Butler. The grand prize is $1,500, a VIP pass to the March 2011 festival (including airfare and hotel accommodations) and publication of the story in Bayou. See tennesseewilliams.net/contests for eligibility guidelines. Call 504-581-1144.

CREATIVE CLASSES Old School Dance Party Nov. 13, 3:30 p.m., at Courthouse Racquet and Fitness Club, Northeast (46 Northtown Drive). Learn the best old school, throwback funk/disco moves from innovative choreographer/dancer duo Roger and Tena Long. The event includes a costume contest, a Soul Train Line and more. Optional attire is 1970’s chic. Open to ages 15 and older. $10; call 601-853-7480.

EXHIBITS AND OPENINGS “Trees� Nov. 12, 6 p.m., at The Commons at Eudora Welty’s Birthplace (719 N. Congress St.). The solo exhibition by Emily Mathis includes acrylic paintings, handmade journals and miniature book necklaces. Free; call 601-540-1267. Opening Reception Nov. 13, 10 a.m., at Cups in Clinton (101 W. Main St.). See works by Jeanette Jarmon, who will sign prints during the event. Free admission; call 601-924-4952. Hair Battle 2010 Nov. 13, 7 p.m., at Regency Hotel (400 Greymont Ave.). Hairstylists showcase their creations for cash prizes. Tickets are available at BeBop, Ticketmaster and Pure Illusions Salon (4159 Northview Drive). $35, $25 students; call 601-497-7460.



November 10 - 16, 2010








Unburied Treasures Nov. 16, 5:30 p.m., at Mississippi Museum of Art (380 S. Lamar St.). In Trustmark Grand Hall. Hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar available at 5:30 p.m., and the program begins at 6 p.m. Randy Jolly speaks about artist Caroline Compton’s life and work. Dannie Weatherly, reads selections from Compton’s correspondence. Marta Szlubowska-Kirk discusses and performs musical compositions on violin, with The Szlubowski Duo performing on piano. Free; call 601-960-1515. Check jfpevents.com for updates and more listings. To add an event, e-mail all details (phone number, start/end date and time, street address, cost, URL, etc.) to events@jacksonfreepress.com or fax to 601510-9019. The deadline is noon the Thursday prior to the week of publication. Or add the event online yourself; check out jfpevents.com for instructions.

BE THE CHANGE Merry Martinis Fundraiser Nov. 11, 6 p.m., at The South (627 E. Silas Brown St.). The Mississippi Firefighters Memorial Burn Association will honor their Hearts for Heroes winners. The 2011 Mississippi Firefighters Calendar will also be sold throughout the state. Sponsorships are available. $40; call 601540-2995 or 601-938-5353. ‘Twas a Night with Gail Pittman Nov. 11, 6 p.m., at Gail Pittman Design (115 W. Jackson St., Suite 1F, Ridgeland). The Parker House will provide food, and Scott Jackson of Colony Wine Market will be pairing wines throughout the night. 10 percent of all Gail Pittman Design purchases made through Nov. 13 benefit Mississippi Children’s Home Services, and Gail Pittman will sign all purchases made during the event. Tickets include a 2010 collector’s edition Gail Pittman Christmas ornament. $50, $75 couples, $200 adoptive patrons; visit mchscares.org. Squat & Gobble Nov. 12, 7 p.m., at Reservoir Pointe (140 Madison Landing Circle, Ridgeland). Enjoy live entertainment, food, door prizes and a silent auction. Proceeds benefit domestic-violence shelters in the metro Jackson area. $35; call 601-955-1677 or 601720-3595. Hot Diggity Dog Walkathon Nov. 13, 10 a.m., at Mayes Lake at LeFleur’s Bluff (115 Lakeland Terrace). The walkathon benefits Gallant Hearts Guide Dog Center, an organization that trains guide dogs and gives them to the blind for free. Other activities include a blessing of the pets, a pet adoption booth, a pet parade and demonstrations. Visit gallanthearts.org for more details. Donations welcome; call 601-853-6996.

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by Lance Lomax

Intoxicating Blues

Edward “King Edward” Antoine has played the blues for decades and doesn’t intend to stop any time soon.


hrough decades of change and evolution in the Jackson music scene, Edward “King Edward” Antoine has held his ground. Planted firmly in his chair, King Edward picks his guitar and shares his music all over the country several nights a week, from Chicago to Louisiana to Texas and venues everywhere in between. A Louisiana native, King Edward grew up among 12 brothers and sisters, in a family full of talent. After teaching himself to play guitar, the musician moved to Chicago for 15 years, performing at the Regal Theater and touring with his brother Nolan Struck and musician McKinley Mitchell. The Mississippi Blues Trail has honored King Edward with three blues markers in Jackson: the Subway Lounge, the Queen of Hearts

and the Ace Records marker. He has played with blues legends including Muddy Waters, Howlin’ Wolf, Buddy Guy and Junior Wells and has opened for B.B. King. King Edward spoke to the Jackson Free Press by phone. You come from a family of musicians. Most of my kin folk were musicians. My cousin and all them were playing Zydeco. I played with Clifton Chenille when I was 17. When I was 18 or 19, I got my own band and played in Louisiana and Texas. It was hard back then in the ’50s; I started playing in ’58. I was in Chicago in the ’60s. I met all these guys up there. We toured with B.B. King for a little while doing some school things for the kids. I got to know B.B. and Bobby Bland really well.

Natalie’s Notes by Natalie Long


ackson is my boyfriend. I love this city. I’ve lived in Jackson for 11 years now and have met some of the finest people in the state. Among these mighty fine peeps, I especially enjoy the musicians. I’m so close with some, I’ve been their babysitter when a gig came up. But lately, I’ve noticed that some Jackson musicians are mudslinging at other musicians here in the city. And I thought the Tupac-Biggie Smalls rivalry was off the chain. I just don’t get it. There is no need for anyone to talk trash about anyone else, because we are all in the same business: We perform our songs and do what makes our souls shine, right? I don’t know if these mud-slingers are jealous of others’ successes, aggravated at themselves because their own musical career hasn’t gone in the direction they wanted to

go, or they just want to be the jackass in the pasture kicking up all the dirt. Let’s all help one another by putting our differences aside, instead of hurling negative, often misguided comments at fellow musicians by making snarky remarks on social-networking sites or via mass e-mail. Musicians who are serious about their craft always welcome constructive criticism when there is no malice behind it. Jackson can’t have a rich music scene if everyone’s fussing and cussing at each other. Let the haters and naysayers burn in their own frustrations. Because we’re in this together, let’s do this together. My boyfriend deserves it. On Nov. 10, catch one of my favorite singers/songwriters Larry Brewer at Fenian’s (request “Motor Car,” a superb original of his) at 9 p.m. Guitar hero Barry Leach performs at Hal & Mal’s. Nov. 11, Chris

When did you come to Mississippi? I moved back to Mississippi in ’75 and ran across Sam Miles. We started out on Farish Street at Richard’s Playhouse, and we played at the Queen of Hearts on Martin Luther King (Avenue). Finally, I went to play at the Subway. Jessie Robinson went in there, and then I took over. We did “The Last of the Mississippi Jukes” there. We did some work with Fingers Taylor. I’ve been in this business for so long I can’t tell you where I’ve been. I’ve been everywhere, but my best music was right here. Mississippi blues artists are moving back here because the blues is coming back. How has the blues culture developed and changed in Mississippi? This is the problem with the blues: When we were coming up in the ’60s and ’70s, we got a lot of radio airplay. Then the radios stopped playing the blues. … They went on to R&B and disco. The younger generation didn’t know what the blues was all about. A lot of these young folks come to me now, and I just tell ’em where it came from. A lot of them thought it was slavery music, and it wasn’t. Blues is just a problem people go through. The young folks are really getting into the blues. We have a blues society at Hal and Mal’s, and a lot of black and white folks are getting into it and getting along.

What about the old Subway days? I came down here in ’63 and did a show. Things were rough. Blacks and whites couldn’t get along, so I left. I came back in ’75, and the subway had a mixed crowd. We did everything there. I couldn’t believe how people were getting along. We’d start at 12 at night and play until 4 or 5 in the morning. It made me happy to see how people got back together. One crowd would come in around 12, and later another crowd would come in. Eddie Cotton played at the Subway with me for two or three years. I taught him how to play the blues. Eddie was the first person to play at 930 (Blues Café), then Jackie Bell, and then me. What it’s like being on stage? I feel like I’m supposed to satisfy the customer. A lot of people have to drink to play. I get the “feeling” when I play my first song. That’s what happens when you’ve been doing it as long as me. When I start playing all the music I grew up with, it all comes back. What about the business side of it? We didn’t know the business early on as far as contracts. The companies were taking advantage of that. We never got rich off it because we were giving away our talent. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? A lot of times I’m practicing. I think I’m going to record this new album in the Delta— up in Clarksdale. I’m going to redo a lot of these old blues songs people forgot about and put it on this new album. King Edward is at Underground 119 Saturday, Nov. 20, at 9 p.m. and at 930 Blues Café Nov. 26 and 27 at 10 p.m.

Fussing and Cussing Gill and D’Mar shake things up from 5:309:30 p.m. at Burgers and Blues, and country legend Charlie Louvin brings his “Tallahatchie Hayride” (the annual country music festival) to Delta State’s Bologna Performing Arts Center at 7 p.m. Call 662-846-4626 or 662-846-4792 for ticket information. I’m looking forward to singing with fellow band mates Clinton Kirby and Steve Deaton when their alt-country band Buffalo Nickel performs at Ole Tavern Nov. 12. These guys have done it all: opened for Wilco, Junior Brown, Shooter Jennings, played at SXSW. John Hawkins and Denny Burkes, from one of Jackson’s favorite bands Men of Leisure, join the boys on their honk-and-roll quest, so it’s a show you don’t want to miss. Check out Emma Wynters at Kathryn’s the same night, as well as Danny and Nick at the Irish Frog, and Kenny Hollywood at Queen of Hearts. Nov. 13, Martin’s welcomes Archnemesis Members of Telepath and MO

Mud slinging has never gotten musicians too far—even rappers.

Theor. If you’re an ’80s wild child like I am with an itching to perm your hair and jack it to the high heavens while rocking your stonewashed denim jacket, then head to Fire for the Motley Crue and Poison tribute bands Red, White, and Crue and Poison’d. You don’t need anything but a good time, a Bic lighter and an armband this weekend. If you see me out and about, walk on up and say “Hello!” E-mail Natalie at music@jacksonfree press.com.


courtesy edward antoine

I was already a good blues player, but I learned a lot when I went to Chicago. I worked in a recording studio. Tyrone Davis and all them were recording there. My brother and I did an album for Ace Records and called it “Brothers to Brothers.” I did “Mississippi Roots” with Ace Records.


livemusic Nov. 10 - WedNesday

ladies night

F. Jones Corner - Nathan (blues lunch) free Underground 119 - Eddie Cotton 7 p.m. $20 Shucker’s - DoubleShotz 7:3011:30 p.m. free Burgers and Blues - Jason Bailey 6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Hal and Mal’s - Barry Leach (rest) free; Girls in Trouble, Corrie Beth (brew pub) 9 p.m. $5 Fenian’s - Larry Brewer Regency Hotel - Snazz 8:30 p.m. facebook.com/snazzband2 Philip’s on the Rez - DJ Mike/ Karaoke Pop’s Saloon - Karaoke with Mike Mott

laDies Pay $5, DRinK FRee

Nov. 11 - Thursday

LIVE MUSIC CALENDAR aLL sHows 10pm unLess noted



with jason bailey



Archnemesis members of Telepath & MO Theory/ STS9 LABEL SATURDAY


Banner Fair withThe Start Up










November 10 - 16, 2010



F. Jones Corner - Charlie Bercier (blues lunch) free; Amazin Lazy Boi Band (blues) 11-4am free 930 Blues Cafe - Norman Clark & Smoke Stack Lightning 8 p.m. $5 C Notes Studio Bar and Grill, 6550 Old Canton Rd - Ladies Rock Night 601-899-8842 Fenian’s - Beth Patterson Fire - Evans Blue 8 p.m. $13 myspace.com/evansblue Regency Hotel - Karaoke 7 p.m. free Underground 119 - Jesse Robinson Georgia Blue - Hunter Gibson Hal and Mal’s - Booker Quintet McB’s - Karaoke 7 p.m. free Philip’s on the Rez - Bubba Wingfield Welty Commons - Open Mic Poetry & Short Story Reading 6:30 p.m. Burgers and Blues - Chris Gill and D’Mar 5:30-9:30 p.m. LemuriaDotCom Bldg. - Ben Wiley Payton (book signing by Ken Murphy and Scott Baretta’s Mississippi: State of Blues) 4 p.m. free

Nov. 12 - Friday Wired Espresso Cafe - David Hawkins noon Fenian’s - Jedi Clampett Underground 119 - Cyril Neville C Notes Studio Bar and Grill, 6550 Old Canton Rd - A2O (classic rock) 601-899-8842 Soulshine, Old Fannin - Scott Albert Johnson 7:00 p.m. Soulshine, The Township - Steve Chester 8:00 p.m. Ole Tavern - Buffalo Nickel w/ Natalie Long Martin’s - Archnemesis Members of Telepath and MO Theory/ STS9 Label


ladies night

with jason bailey

laDies Pay $5, DRinK FRee 214 S. State St. • 601.354.9712 downtown jackson www.martinSlounge.net

11/10 11/11 11/11 11/12 11/13 11/16

This page is dedicated to the memory of music listings editor Herman Snell who passed away Sept. 19, 2010. F Jones Corner - Jason Bailey (blues lunch) free; Amazin Lazy Boi feat. Rock 11:30-4am $5 till midnight, $10 after Queen of Hearts - Kenny Hollywood $5 Poet’s II - Fade 2 Blue (classic rock) Hal and Mal’s - Remynders Fire - Evelle 9 p.m. Dick & Jane’s - Show Night/DJ Allen 9 p.m. $6; 18+ $10 Reed Pierce’s - Back 40 9 p.m. free Pop’s Saloon - Hillbilly Deluxe Kathryn’s - Emma Wynters and Larry Addison 7-10 p.m. McB’s - The Rainmakers Phillip’s on the Rez - Ronnie Owens Burgers and Blues - Fingers Taylor and Mark Whittington 7 p.m. Irish Frog - Danny Arwine and Nick Blake 6-10 p.m Club 43, Canton - Snazz Silver Star, Choctaw - Al Green 8 p.m. $35-$45, 866.44PEARL

Nov. 13 - saTurday F. Jones Corner - Smoke Stack Lighting and Jackie Bell 11:30-4 a.m. $5 till midnight $10 after Underground 119 - Pryor and the Tombstones Fenian’s - Cooper Miles Ole Tavern - Demon Beat w/ The Diemakers Cultural Expressions - Gospoetry 8:30 p.m. Fire - Red, White, and Crue: (Motley Crue tribute band), Poison’d 9 p.m. $12 Fitzgerald’s - Chris Gill 8-12 a.m. AJ’s on the Lake - Hunter Gibson 6:30 p.m. C Notes Studio Bar and Grill, 6550 Old Canton Rd - Starving Artist (rock) 601-899-8842 Huntington’s - Ralph Miller 6-9 p.m. Tomara’s - Doug Frank 9:30 p.m. Pop’s Saloon - 51 South Dick & Jane’s - House Party/DJ Allen 9 p.m. $6; 18+ $10 Hal and Mal’s - Whit and Wynters with Fingers Taylor, AJC and the Envelope Pushers (Red Room) Northminster Baptist Church - Jackson Choral Society 50th Anniversary: A Sterling Past, A Golden Future 3 p.m. $8 for students, $10 for adults Reed Pierce’s - Back 40 9 p.m. free Burgers and Blues - Fulkerson/ Pace 7-11 p.m. Martin’s - Banner Fair (formerly Charmed I’m Sure), The Start Up 10 p.m. Phillip’s on the Rez - Natalie Long and Clinton Kirby

Nov. 14 - suNday King Edward Hotel - Howard Jones Jazz (brunch) 11-2 p.m. Fitzgerald’s - Andy Hardwick (brunch) 11-2 p.m. Fenian’s - Service Industry Night Sophia’s, Fairview Inn - Knight Bruce 11 a.m. (brunch) Burgers and Blues - Fides 11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. C Notes Studio Bar and Grill, 6550 Old Canton Rd - Sunday Football Cookout 11 a.m.-midnight, free 601-899-8842 Shucker’s - George Allen Memorial feat. Johnny Crocker, Jeff Reynolds, Joe Partridge, and Jerry Jemott

Nov. 15 - MoNday Hal & Mal’s Restaurant - Central Miss. Blues Society Jam 8-11 p.m. $5 F. Jones Corner - Stevie J (blues lunch) free Fitzgerald’s - Hunter Gibson & Rick Moreira 8-12 a.m. free Martin’s - Open Mic Free Jam 10 p.m. free Fenian’s - Karaoke 8-1 a.m.

Nov. 16 - Tuesday F. Jones Corner - Jesse “Guitar” Smith (blues lunch) free Hal & Mal’s Restaurant - Pub Quiz 8 p.m. Burgers and Blues - Jesse “Guitar”Smith 6:309:30 p.m. Fenian’s - Open Mic 9 p.m. Fitzgerald’s - Hunter Gibson and Rick Moreira Martin’s - Karaoke 10 p.m. free Shucker’s - The Xtremez 7:3011:30 p.m. free Time Out - Open Mic 8 p.m. McB’s - Karaoke 7 p.m. free

Nov. 17 - WedNesday F. Jones Corner - Sherman Lee Dillon (blues lunch) free Hal & Mal’s Restaurant - Singer/ Songwriter Night (Lazy Jane, Kellie Jones, Chris Eubanks, & Bryan Ledford) 7 p.m. free Shucker’s - DoubleShotz 7:3011:30 p.m. free Underground 119 - Eddie Cotton $20 Fire - Afroman 8 p.m. $12 myspace.com/afromanmusic Philip’s on the Rez - DJ Mike/ Karaoke Regency Hotel - Snazz 8:30 p.m. facebook.com/snazzband2 Burgers and Blues - Jesse “Guitar”Smith 6:30-9:30 p.m. Pop’s Saloon - Karaoke with Mike Mott

Levon Helm Band, Ray LaMontagne - The Orpheum, Memphis Robert Earl Keen - Lyric, Oxford Charlie Louvin - Bologna Performing Arts Center, DSU, Cleveland Blues Traveler - Beau Rivage, Biloxi Wolf Parade - Lyric, Oxford Social Distortion, Lucero - House of Blues, New Orleans

88 Keys 3645 Hwy. 80 W in Metrocenter, Jackson, 601-352-7342 930 Blues Cafe 930 N. Congress St., Jackson, 601-948-3344 Alamo Theatre 333 N. Farish St, Jackson, 601-352-3365 Alley Cats 165 W. Peace St., Canton, 601855-2225 Alumni House Sports Grill 574 Hwy. 50, Ridgeland, 601-855-2225 America Legion Post 1 3900 W. Northside Dr., Jackson, 601-605-9903 Ameristar Casino, Bottleneck Blues Bar 4146 Washington St., Vicksburg, 800700-7770 Beau Rivage Casino 875 Beach Blvd., Biloxi, 800-566-7469 Belhaven College Center for the Arts 835 Riverside Dr, Jackson, 601-968-5930 Bennie’s Boom Boom Room 142 Front St., Hattiesburg, 601-408-6040 Borrello’s 1306 Washington St., Vicksburg, 601-638-0169 Buffalo Wild Wings 808 Lake Harbour Dr., Ridgeland, 601-856-0789 Burgers and Blues 1060 E. County Line Rd., Ridgeland, 601-899-0038 Capri-Pix Theatre 3021 N. State St., Jackson, 601-981-9606 Central City Complex 609 Woodrow Wilson Dr., Jackson, 601-352-9075 Cerami’s 5417 Highway 25, Flowood, 601919-2829 Char Restaurant 4500 I-55, Highland Village, Jackson, 601-956-9562 Cherokee Inn 1410 Old Square Rd., Jackson, 601-362-6388 Club 43 Hwy 43, Canton, 601-654-3419, 601-859-0512 Club City Lights 200 N. Mill St., Jackson, 601-353-0059 Club O’Hara 364 Monticello St., Hazlehurst, 601-894-5674 Club Total 342 N. Gallatin St., Jackson, 601-714-5992 Congress Street Bar & Grill 120 N. Congress St., Jackson, 601-968-0857 The Commons Gallery 719 N. Congress St., 601-352-3399 Couples Entertainment Center 4511 Byrd Drive, Jackson, 601-923-9977 Crawdad Hole 1150 Lakeland Dr., Jackson, 601-982-9299 Crickett’s Lounge 4370 Hwy 80 West, Jackson, 601-922-0500 Crossroads Bar & Lounge 3040 Livingston Rd., Jackson, 601-984-3755 (blues) Cultural Expressions 147 Millsaps Ave., Jackson, 601-665-0815 (neo-soul/hiphop) Cups in Fondren 2757 Old Canton Road, Jackson, 601-362-7422 (acoustic/pop) Cups in the Quarter 1855 Lakeland Dr., Jackson, 601-981-9088 Davidson’s Corner Market 108 W. Center St., Canton, 601-855-2268 (pop/rock) Debo’s 180 Raymond Road, Jackson, 601346-8283 Diamond Jack’s Casino 3990 Washington Street, Vicksburg, 1-877-711-0677 Dick & Jane’s 206 Capitol St., Jackson, 601-944-0123 (dance/alternative) Dixie Diamond 1306 Washington Street, Vicksburg, 601-638-6297 Dollar Bills Dance Saloon 103 A Street, Meridian, 601-693-5300 Dreamz Jxn 426 West Capitol Street, Jackson, 601-979-3994 Edison Walthall Hotel 225 E. Capitol St., Jackson, 601-948-6161 Electric Cowboy 6107 Ridgewood Rd., Jackson, 601-899-5333 (country/rock/dance) Executive Place 2440 Bailey Ave., Jackson, 601-987-4014 F. Jones Corner 303 N. Farish St. 601983-1148 Fenian’s 901 E. Fortification Street, Jackson, 601-948-0055 (rock/Irish/folk) Fire 209 Commerce St., Jackson, 601-5921000 (rock/dance/dj) Final Destination 5428 Robinson Rd. Ext., Jackson, (pop/rock/blues) Fitzgerald’s Martini Bar 1001 E. County Line Road, Jackson, 601-957-2800 Flood’s Bar and Grill 2460 Bailey Ave., Jackson, 601-713-4094 Footloose Bar and Grill 4661 Hwy 80 West, Jackson, 601-922-9944

Have an upcoming performance? Send your music listings to Natalie Long at music@jacksonfreepress.com. Freelon’s Bar And Groove 440 N. Mill St., Jackson, 601-353-5357 (hip-hop) Fusion Coffeehouse Highland Colony Parkway, Ridgeland, 601-856-6001 Gold Strike Casino 1010 Casino Center Drive, Robinsonville, 888-245-7529 Grand Casino Biloxi 280 Beach Boulevard, Biloxi, 228-436-2946 Grand Casino Tunica 13615 Old Highway 61 North, Robinsonville, 800-39-GRAND The Green Room 444 Bounds St., Jackson, 601-713-3444 Ground Zero Blues Club 0 Blues Alley, Clarksdale, 662-621-9009 Grownfolks’s Lounge 4030 Medgar Evers Blvd, Jackson, 601-362-6008 Hal & Mal’s 200 S. Commerce St., Jackson, 601-948-0888 (pop/rock/blues) Hamp’s Place 3028 W. Northside Dr., Jackson, 601-981-4110 (dance/dj) Hard Rock Biloxi 777 Beach Blvd., Biloxi, 228-374-ROCK Hat & Cane 1115 E. McDowell Rd., Jackson, 601-352-0411 Hauté Pig 1856 Main St., Madison, 601853-8538 Here We Go Again 3002 Terry Road, Jackson, 601-373-1520 Horizon Casino Mulberry Lounge 1310 Mulberry St., Vicksburg, 800-843-2343 Horseshoe Bar 5049 Hwy 80 West, Jackson, 601-922-6191 Horseshoe Casino Tunica, 800-303-7463 The Hunt Club 1525 Ellis Ave., Jackson, 601-944-1150 Huntington Grille 1001 E. County Line Rd., Jackson, 601-957-1515 The Ice House 515 S. Railroad Blvd., McComb, 601-684-0285 (pop/rock) The Irish Frog 5o7 Springridge Rd., Clinton, 601-448-4185 JC’s 425 North Mart Plaza, Jackson, 601362-3108 Jackson Convention Complex 105 E. Pascagoula St.. Jackson, 601-960-2321 James Meredith Lounge 217 Griffith St. 601-969-3222 Julep Restaurant and Bar 105 Highland Village, Jackson, 601-362-1411 Kathryn’s Steaks and Seafood 6800 Old Canton Road, Ridgeland. 601-956-2803 King Edward Hotel 235 W. Capitol St., Jackson, 601-353-5464 Koinonia Coffee House 136 S. Adams St., Suite C, Jackson, 601-960-3008 Kristos 971 Madison Ave., Madison, 601605-2266 LaRae’s 210 Parcel Dr., Jackson, 601-944-0660 Last Call Sports Grill 1428 Old Square Road, Jackson, 601-713-2700 The Library Bar & Grill 120 S. 11th St., Oxford, 662-234-1411 The Loft 1306 A. Washington St., Vicksburg, 601-629-6188 The Lyric Oxford 1006 Van Buren Ave., Oxford. 662-234-5333 Main Event Sports Bar & Grill 4659 Hwy 80 West, Jackson, 601-922-9987 Manda’s Pub 614 Clay Street, Vicksburg, 601-638-6607 Martin’s Lounge 214 S. State St., Jackson, 601-354-9712 (rock/jam/blues) McB’s Restaurant 815 Lake Harbor Dr., Ridgeland, 601-956-8362 (pop/rock) Mellow Mushroom 275 Dogwood Blvd., Flowood, 601-992-7499 Mississippi Academy of Ancient Music 103 Magnolia, Edwards, 601-977-7736 Mississippi Coliseum 1207 Mississippi St., Jackson, 601-353-0603 Mississippi Opera P.O. Box 1551, Jackson, 877-MSOPERA, 601-960-2300 Mississippi Opry 2420 Old Brandon Rd., Brandon, 601-331-6672 Mississippi Symphony Orchestra 201 East Pascagoula St., Jackson, 800898-5050 Mississippi Veterans Memorial Stadium 2531 N. State St., Jackson, 601-354-6021 Monte’s Steak and Seafood 1855 Lakeland Dr., Jackson, 601-362-8182 Mugshots 1855 Lakeland Dr., Jackson, 601-713-0383 North Midtown Arts Center 121 Millsaps Ave., Jackson, 601-497-7454 Okasions 1766 Ellis Avenue, Jackson, 601373-4037

Old Venice Pizza Co. 1428 Old Square Rd., Jackson, 601-366-6872 Ole Tavern on George Street 416 George St., Jackson, 601-960-2700 Olga’s 4760 I-55 North, Jackson, 601-366-1366 (piano) One Blu Wall 2906 N State St., Jackson, 601-713-1224 The Parker House 104 S.E. Madison Drive, (Olde Towne) Ridgeland, 601-856-0043 Peaches Restaurant 327 N. Farish St., Jackson, 601-354-9267 Pelican Cove 3999A Harborwalk Dr., Ridgeland, 601-605-1865 Pig Ear Saloon 160 Weisenberger Rd., Gluckstadt, 601-898-8090 Pig Willies 1416 Washington St., Vicksburg, 601-634-6872 Poet’s II 1855 Lakeland Dr., 601- 364-9411 Pool Hall 3716 I-55 North Frontage Rd., Jackson, 601-713-2708 Pop’s Saloon 2636 Gallatin St., Jackson, 601-961-4747 (country) Proud Larry’s 211 S. Lamar Blvd., Oxford, 662-236-0050 The Pub Hwy. 51, Ridgeland, 601-898-2225 The Quarter Bistro & Piano Bar 1855 Lakeland Dr., Jackson, 601-362-4900 Que Sera Sera 2801 N. State St., Jackson, 601-981-2520 Queen of Hearts 2243 Martin Luther King Dr., Jackson, 601-454-9401 Red Room 200 S. Commerce St., Jackson (Hal & Mal’s), 601-948-0888 (rock/alt.) Reed Pierce’s 6791 Siwell Rd., Byram, 601376-0777, 601-376-4677 Regency Hotel Restaurant & Bar 420 Greymont Ave., Jackson, 601-969-2141 Rick’s Cafe 318 Hwy 82 East, #B, Starkville, 662-324-7425 RJ Barrel 111 N. Union 601-667-3518 Roberts Walthall Hotel 225 E. Capitol St., Jackson, 601-948-6161 Sal and Mookie’s 565 Taylor St. 601368-1919 Sam’s Lounge 5035 I-55 N. Frontage Rd., Jackson, 601-983-2526 Sam’s Town Casino 1477 Casino Strip Blvd., Robinsonville, 800-456-0711 Scrooge’s 5829 Ridgewood Rd., Jackson, 601-206-1211 Shuckers on the Reservoir 116 Conestoga Rd., Ridgeland, 601-853-0105 Silver Star Casino Hwy. 16 West, Choctaw, 800-557-0711 Soop’s The Ultimate 1205 Country Club Dr., Jackson, 601-922-1402 (blues) Soulshine Pizza 1139 Old Fannin Rd., Brandon, 601-919-2000 Soulshine Pizza 1111 Highland Colony Parkway, Ridgeland, 601-856-8646 Sportsman’s Lodge 1220 E. Northside Dr. at I-55, Jackson, 601-366-5441 Stone Pony Oyster Bar 116 Commercial Parkway, Canton, 601-859-0801 Super Chikan’s Place 235 Yazoo Ave., Clarksdale, 662-627-7008 Thalia Mara Hall 255 E. Pascagoula St., Jackson, 601-960-1535 Thirsty Hippo 211 Main St., Hattiesburg, 601-583-9188 Time Out Sports Bar 6270 Old Canton Rd., 601-978-1839 Tomara’s 9347 Hwy 18 West, Jackson, 601502-8588 (pop/rock) Top Notch Sports Bar 109 Culley Dr., Jackson, 601- 362-0706 Touch Night Club 105 E. Capitol St., Jackson, 601-969-1110 Two Rivers Restaurant 1537 W. Peace St., Canton, 601-859-9979 (blues) Two Sisters Kitchen 707 N. Congress St. 601-353-1180 Two Stick 1107 Jackson Ave., Oxford, 662236-6639 Under the Boardwalk 2560 Terry Rd., Jackson, 601-371-7332 Underground 119 119 S. President St. 601-352-2322 VFW Post 9832 4610 Sunray Drive, Jackson, 601-982-9925 Vicksburg Convention Center 1600 Mulberry Street, Vicksburg, 866-822-6338 Walker’s Drive-In 3016 N. State St., Jackson, 601-982-2633 (jazz/pop/folk) Wired Expresso Cafe 115 N. State St. 601500-7800

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Good, Bad, Bowls

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November 10 - 16, 2010





Good: Mississippi State Bulldogs If this were the movie, the Bulldogs would be Clint Eastwood. A quiet confidence surrounds this team, and they have no bad losses. Mississippi State won the games they should’ve won: Memphis, Alcorn State, Houston, UAB and Kentucky. They have also beaten teams that are down this season such as Georgia and Florida. Losses against Auburn and LSU are not terrible for a 7-2 State program that has been down for most of the last decade. The combined record of the Bulldogs opponents is 48-36, but the tough part of the MSU schedule is coming up. The final three opponents are a combined 18-9 with defending national champion Alabama in Starkville Nov. 13. There is also a trip to Oxford to close out the season. Mississippi State is already bowl eligible and now is playing to better its position. The SEC has nine bowl tie-ins. If two teams from the SEC are chosen for the BCS make that 10 bowl tie-ins. State has two weeks to get ready for Alabama, but a win here looks unlikely. The final two games feature a tossup game against Arkansas and a rivalry game against Ole Miss. State can beat the Razorbacks, and a win looks better if MSU can get pressure on quarterback Ryan Mallet of Arkansas. Best bet: Mississippi State goes 8-4 and goes to the Cotton Bowl. Bad: USM Golden Eagles The Golden Eagles have to be Lee Van Cleef, the bad in that classic movie. Southern Miss has plenty of reasons to be the “bad” on this list: Losing to East Carolina 44-43 after jumping out to a 17-0 first quarter lead; getting blown out by South Carolina 41-13 to start the season; the Eagles have feasted on bad teams, only beating one with a winning record, 5-4 Prairie View A&M. The combined record of USM opponents is 32-49, and the Eagles have lost against East Carolina and South Carolina, the only FBS teams with winning records


Team Loyalty Contests and Sports Trivia!

he college football season is surging toward its conclusion. Over the final three weeks of the season, everything will fall into place. We’ll discover if the SEC can go for a fifth title in five years. While no Mississippi team will be playing for all the marbles, all three FBS (formerly Division I) teams are still in the hunt to go bowling for a berth in one of the 35 bowl games played this season by 70 teams. To be eligible, a team must have at least six wins. There are other requirements, but none that will affect the bowl possibilities of Mississippi teams. Currently 47 teams are bowl-eligible. Here is a look at the three Mississippi FBS teams and their bowl hopes. It reminds me of the old spaghetti western, “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.”

Doctor S sez: Jackson State appeared ready to wrap up the SWAC East title. After losing to Alabama State, the Tigers have trouble with a capital T. THURSDAY, NOV. 11 NBA basketball, Boston at Miami (7 p.m., TNT): The Heat and the Big Three look for the Celtics and the original Big Three.

Jeremiah Masoli and the Ole Miss team are not likely bowl-bound this year.

they have played. Despite all this, the Eagles are 6-3 and are bowl eligible. They have three chances to get more than just six wins. The final three opponents have a combined 18-9 record. Southern Miss is not out of the C-USA Eastern Division title race but need help to win the division. Their biggest chance to get back in the race comes this weekend against UCF. Best bet: USM earns an 8-4 record and a trip to the Beef O’ Brady’s Bowl. Ugly: University of Mississippi Rebels Has anyone noticed that since Ole Miss selected a new mascot, the football team is 13? Is it karma, maybe? There is no question Ole Miss is the Ugly, as played by Eli Wallach, who can be seen with Michael Douglas in the “Wall Street” sequel. The Teddy Bears might look back at this season wondering what might have been—if they had not blown a half-time lead and lost to Jacksonville State, or failed to show up at home against SEC powerlesshouse Vanderbilt. Ole Miss went all out to get quarterback Jeremiah Masoli and so far have learned he can only give away things, not steal them like he did back in Oregon. Masoli has three fumbles lost and six interceptions in seven games. Their opponents are 50-32, and only Tulane and Vanderbilt have losing records. Jacksonville State has a near perfect 8-1 record, with its victory over this team in overtime. At 4-5 the Gummy Bears’ backs are against the wall, and things are not getting better in the final three games. Mississippi has a loss coming against LSU, and toss-up games against Tennessee and rival Mississippi State. The final three teams the Care Bears play are 18-9 and there is no margin for error if this team wants a bowl game. If the Panda Bears want to make a bowl game they will have to beat the Volunteers to get to five wins. Then the Koala Bears will have to find away to win against LSU and State to get to seven. Best bet: Ole Miss ends up a Bearskin rug and goes 4-8. Comment at www.jfp.ms.

FRIDAY, NOV. 12 High school football, MAIS AAA Division I championship, Jackson Academy vs. Madison-Ridgeland Academy (6:30 p.m., Jackson Prep, Flowood, 930 AM) … Class 6A playoffs, Tupelo at Madison Central (7 p.m., Madison, 105.9 FM): The Jaguars and Golden Wave meet in a first-round mismatch. SATURDAY, NOV. 13 College football, Ole Miss at Tennessee (11 a.m., Knoxville, Tenn., Ch. 12, 97.3 FM): Can the Rebels continue their late-season surge against a truly awful Vols team? It all depends on whether Jeremiah Masoli can play. … Jackson State at Arkansas-Pine Bluff (2:30 p.m., Pine Bluff, Ark., 95.5 FM): The Tigers have no margin for error if they want to keep their title hopes alive. … Mississippi State at Alabama (7:15 p.m., Tuscaloosa, Ala., ESPN, 105.9 FM) ... College basketball, Coaches vs. Cancer Classic, Tougaloo at Belhaven (women, 6 p.m.; men, 8 p.m., Jackson). SUNDAY, NOV. 14 NFL football, Seattle at New Orleans (3:15 p.m., Ch. 40, 620 AM): The Saints face the Seahawks, who will be in serious trouble if quarterback Matt Hasselbeck can’t play. … New England at Pittsburgh (7:20 p.m., Pittsburgh, Ch. 3, 930 AM): The Patriots, coming off a sting loss, try to get their mojo back against the Steelers. Good luck with that. MONDAY, NOV. 15 NFL football, Philadelphia at Washington (7:30 p.m., ESPN, 930 AM): When Donovan McNabb played for the Eagles there were quarterback problems. Now that he’s with the Redskins? Ditto. TUESDAY, NOV. 16 College basketball, Dillard at Millsaps (women, 5 p.m.; men, 7 p.m., Jackson): The Blue Devils, who usually play Belhaven when they’re in Jackson, face the Majors at The Hangar. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 17 NBA basketball, Phoenix at Miami (6 p.m., ESPN): The Heat on TV ... again. The Slate is compiled by Doctor S, who hasn’t been fined for helmet-to-helmet contact in several days. But JFP Sports lays down the law at www.jacksonfreepress.com.


SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

“I cannot seem to feel alive unless I am alert,” author Charles Bowden wrote, “and I cannot feel alert unless I push past the point where I have control.” Yikes! That’s a pretty extreme approach. But I suggest that you consider trying it out in the coming week. If you hope to seize even one of the multiple opportunities that are swirling in your vicinity, you will need both supreme focus and a loosey-goosey willingness to respond to novelty. So don’t tense up and blank out and try to wrestle the mysterious flows into submission. Use your sixth sense to find the groove, and relax into it.

“Democracy is the worst form of government except for all those others that have been tried,” Winston Churchill said. He was defending his favorite political system, asserting that its imperfections are superior to the flaws of monarchy, plutocracy, anarchy, theocracy and the rest. I invite you to use a similar gauge as you evaluate the belief system that’s at the center of your life. Does it sometimes lead you astray, cause you to see things that aren’t really there and fill you with confusion—but in ways that are more life enhancing than any other belief system you know of? Or is your belief system actually kind of toxic? Should you consider replacing it with another set of organizing principles? If it’s the latter, now would be a good time to begin making a change.

gists in Britain have a new theory: It added to their sexual allure. The head researcher at the University of Manchester speculated that “maybe they ran around with their arms outstretched to show off how pretty their feathers were.” Eventually those forearms became wings that came in handy for flying. In other words, the power of flight did not originate from the urge to fly but rather from the urge to be attractive. Oddly enough, Taurus, this approach to understanding evolution would be useful for you to meditate on in the coming weeks. According to my reading of the astrological omens, you could develop some interesting new capacities as you work to enhance your appeal to people who matter.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

Connie Post, my beloved former editor at the Dayton Daily News, sent me a haiku-like poem that I’d like you to ponder: “November trees / which are living? / which are dead?” I’m hoping this will put you in the mood to mull over an even bigger question, namely: What parts of your own life are withering and what parts are thriving? In my astrological opinion, it’s very important that you know the difference and act accordingly.

On the subject of being divided, novelist Iris Murdoch wrote the following: “He led a double life. Did that make him a liar? He did not feel a liar. He was a man of two truths.” Whether you deserve the generosity of that interpretation still remains to be seen, Gemini. It is possible that your version of doubleness will be rooted in deceit or delusion rather than sincere and honest duality. Of course I’m rooting for the latter. Please do all you can to ensure that you’re being authentic, not manipulative.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Numerologists say the number 10 signifies completion, wholeness, totality. It could rightly serve as your lucky number in the coming weeks—a symbol of your power to draw long-term processes to a climax on your own terms. But you might also want to consider using 11 as your emblem of good mojo. That number denotes the drive to surpass the success you’ve earned before—to transcend easy triumphs and conventional wisdom so as to reach for a more challenging conquest. Either way, Aquarius, I think you’ll be flying high for the foreseeable future, so there’s no need to worry about which way you should go. If you do choose 11, the risks will be somewhat greater and the rewards more interesting.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

In “Moby Dick,” Herman Melville suggested that ideally, a person should be a “patriot to heaven.” Poet Gary Snyder wrote, “I pledge allegiance to the soil / one ecosystem / in diversity / under the sun / with joyful interpenetration for all.” Seminal environmentalist Edward Abbey said, “My loyalties will not be bound by national borders … or limited in the spiritual dimension by one language or culture. I pledge my allegiance to the damned human race and my everlasting love to the green hills of Earth and my intimations of glory to the singing stars, to the very end of space and time.” I recommend you experiment with this perspective in the coming weeks, Pisces. You don’t have to tone down your love for your tribe or country. Just see if you can expand your sense of belonging … extend the borders of your comfort zone … and feel at home everywhere you go.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)

Where I live, 35 percent of all high school students confess (or brag) that they have engaged in binge drinking, which is defined as imbibing five or more alcoholic drinks in a two-hour period. According to my reading of the omens, your inner teenager may soon be longing to flirt with that kind of intense and total release. Can I talk him or her out of it? As much as I sympathize with the younger you’s need to escape the numbing effects of the daily grind, I’m asking the adult you to step in and assert your authority. Try to find a more constructive approach to liberation.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

Why did feathered dinosaurs evolve wings? Paleontolo-

My friend Ariel’s six-year-old daughter Juno doesn’t understand why anyone would build streets that run in a straight line. Isn’t it more fun if the highways and byways are crooked and curvy? Shouldn’t people want to get to where they’re going by veering this way and that, relishing the playful twists and turns? That’s where the best action is, Juno says, and I agree: in the tweak, in the twirl, in the winding way—not in the beeline route that leaves no room for improvisation. That’s especially true for you right now, my fellow Cancerian.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Would you be delighted if I arranged to get an offshore oil-drilling rig named after you? Probably not. Would you celebrate if you won a prestigious all-expensespaid vacation to the hottest war zones in Afghanistan? I doubt it. So don’t accept dubious honors and gifts like those, Leo. Be clear that you’re not interested in ego strokes that are irrelevant to your long-term dreams. If you hope to get the prize you’re aiming for, you will have to say a definitive no to supposedly good things that you don’t really want.

“It’s the Pits”--prove to me that you don’t stink at crosswords. Across

1 Degrees for CEOs 5 Smooth and superficial 9 Football commentator Rashad 14 All there 15 Horror actor Lugosi 16 ___ little backbone 17 Jazz singer Simone 18 Automatic alternative 20 Put up 22 George of “Star Trek” 23 One of the “Golden Girls” actresses 24 Totally understandable 27 One of the Ws in “www” 28 Prefix meaning “bone” 29 “Heroes” actress Larter 32 Middle of a “Flintstones” exclamation 35 Wyatt of the Old West 39 Featured player in a 1980s music show 43 Spoon 44 Feliciano and Carreras 45 Happy Meal prize 46 “Man ___ Mancha” 49 Wanted poster abbr. 51 Refrain from a 1941 Woody

Guthrie song 58 Brain scan, for short 59 Should, with “to” 60 Birthstone in a shell 61 Pain reliever option 64 Elite Eight gp. 65 007, e.g. 66 “Able was I ___ saw Elba” 67 Mob bosses 68 Actors Bruce and Laura 69 Really formal letter opening 70 Hissy fit


1 Five-letter news channel 2 Figure skater Oksana 3 Photographer Leibovitz 4 It covers maritime court cases 5 “Pygmalion” monogram 6 Native Latvians 7 Related to a pelvic bone 8 Scenic routes 9 Help out 10 VP under LBJ 11 “One Tree Hill” actress ___ Kelly 12 Horrific 13 See socially 19 Most important steps

For answers to this puzzle, call: 1-900-226-2800, 99 cents per minute. Must be 18+. Or to bill to your credit card, call: 1-800-655-6548. Reference puzzle #0486.

Last Week’s Answers


VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

The nature of the game is changing. Do you know which game I’m referring to? I mean the one that everyone’s playing but no one’s acknowledging they’re playing. The rules of the game had held steady for quite some time, but recently they began to shift. Now even the game’s rewards are in the process of metamorphosing. My advice? You don’t necessarily need to splash a big dose of raw candor all over the place, but I do recommend that you at least tell yourself the truth about what’s going on.

Last Week’s Answers

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

My Facebook friend Robert Goldberg has come up with terms for you Libras that puts a more positive spin on your reputation as a fence sitter. He suggests “fence dancer” or “fence warrior.” You don’t always deserve to be bestowed with those honorable titles, of course. Sometimes you really do molder there in your intermediate position, paralyzed by indecision and unable to do what’s in the best interests of anyone, including yourself. But on other occasions—like now—you have the power to use your in-between status dynamically, coordinating the opposing interests to work as a whole that’s greater than the sum of the parts.

What’s the best, most healing trouble you could whip up right now? Go to Freewillastrology.com and click “Email Rob.”


Each of the 26 letters of the alphabet is represented in this grid by a number between 1 and 26. Using letter frequency, word-pattern recognition, and the numbers as your guides, fill in the grid with well-known English words (HINT: since a Q is always followed by a U, try hunting down the Q first). Only lowercase, unhyphenated words are allowed in kaidoku, so you wonít see anything like STOCKHOLM or LONG-LOST in here (but you might see AFGHAN, since it has an uncapitalized meaning, too). w Now stop wasting my precious time and SOLVE!! psychosudoku@hotmail.com


SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

21 Judge played by Sylvester Stallone 25 Bed in ___ 26 “Aqua ___ Hunger Force” 29 “The Evil Dead” protagonist Williams 30 Restroom, to a Brit 31 Unable to work, perhaps 33 Dancer Bill Robinson’s nickname 34 Rain-___ (bubble gum brand) 36 Play the part 37 ___ Speedwagon 38 Be nosy 40 Randy Jackson’s show, casually 41 Cope (with) 42 Invite over, maybe 47 Walks on water? 48 ___-garou (werewolf) 50 They’re made when making up 51 Kelly Ripa co-host, to fans 52 Staring person 53 Pet name given by Pierre 54 Weasel relative 55 Food so good they wrap other food in it 56 Tabriz resident 57 As ___ resort 58 Posh word of surprise 62 Anderson Cooper’s employer 63 Bro’s relative ©2010 Jonesin’ Crosswords (editor@ jonesincrosswords.com)


by Amanda Kittrell




a sso C


i r e d






Cof fee!

Every Coffee Bean We Brew Supports Non-profits Worldwide.

never had a chance. My parents were addicted by the time I was born, and by the time I came of age, I was sitting next to them learning the ropes. I am, of course, talking about our love of Chinese food. Some of my earliest and fondest memories involved our family outings to one of the few Chinese restaurants dotted around the Jackson metro area more than 20 years ago. The name completely escapes me now, but the experience is one I will never forget. Bright red dragons with gaping smiles warmly met us at the door, and jadeadorned trinkets hung from the ceiling. While we waited for our food to arrive, we entertained ourselves with the Chinese Zodiac placemats and admired the rich décor. Wait staff soon brought large family-style serving platters, overflowing with steaming delicacies, to our table. We dove right in, not leaving much to take home, and finished it all with a little folded piece of Chinese wisdom baked into a cookie. Even though the restaurant is now long gone, I recreate the same feeling anytime I have my family over for supper. A short shopping list and less than an hour in the kitchen is all it takes to relive those great














U ’ VE G O


1 egg 1 carton reduced-sodium chicken broth (about 14 ounces) 2 green onions Sesame oil Salt or reduced-sodium soy sauce to taste

Empty the entire carton of chicken broth into a medium saucepan and start boiling over high heat. In a small cup, break the egg and lightly scramble. Thinly slice the green onion diagonally. When the broth starts to lightly boil, slowly drizzle-in the scrambled egg in thin ribbons with a stirring motion into the broth. Egg should curdle as soon as it hits the hot liquid. Remove from heat. Splash with sesame oil and salt or soy sauce. Garnish with green onions. Makes two to four servings.

Short Order Drive-thru


November 10 - 16, 2010





Tues. - Fri. 11am - 3pm, Closed Sat. 182 Raymond Rd. in Jackson, MS Telephone: 601-373-7707 E-mail: lumpkinsbbq@comcast.net


Chinese Memories


memories. But this time, the only dragons we have to worry about are my dogs waiting patiently under the table.


1 sirloin steak, not more than 1-inch thick 1 16-ounce package frozen broccoli florets 1/2 of one yellow onion, thinly sliced in wedges 2 tablespoons each canola oil and reduced-sodium soy sauce 1 tablespoon each sesame oil and stir-fry sauce 1 capful of rice vinegar 1/2 tablespoon minced garlic 1 teaspoon ground ginger or 1 inch of ginger root, peeled and chopped 2 teaspoons cornstarch Flour for dusting

Cook broccoli according to package directions and drain. Lay the steak on a cutting board. Taking a filet knife in one hand and pressing down on the steak with the other, cut through the width of the steak, running the knife parallel to the cutting board. Separate the pieces and trim any visible fat or sinew. Take a section of the meat and gently pound with a meat mallet until thin and slice into strips. Lightly toss with flour in a bowl and set aside. Combine soy sauce, stir-fry sauce, rice vinegar, cornstarch and sesame oil in bowl and set aside. Heat the canola oil over high heat in a wok or non-stick deep-set skillet until it simmers. Stir fry garlic and ginger in heated oil for about 30 seconds. Add meat to oil and stir-fry until browned, about five minutes. Add onion and stir-fry until just translucent, about four to five minutes. Add broccoli and stir together, cooking just long enough to re-heat the broccoli. Stir sauce again and pour over meat mixture. Stir-fry for another three or four minutes or until sauce thickens. Remove from heat. Serve immediately over rice. Serves two to four.

Monday – Saturday, 10 a.m. – 8 p.m.


5417 Lakeland Drive ~ Flowood, MS 39232

Cook rice according to package directions and drain. Lightly scramble the egg in a small bowl. Thinly slice green onion and set aside. Heat a non-stick wok or non-stick deep-set skillet over high heat. Pour the egg into the skillet, swirling the pan around to spread the egg mixture. With a spatula, start scraping the bottom of the skillet until the egg starts firming and flaking. When the egg is completely cooked, stir in rice and green onions. Starting with the soy sauce, splash over the top of the rice while continuously stirring until it turns golden brown, adding more or less to taste. Top off rice with splashes of sesame oil and stir one more time before serving. Makes two servings. *Note: If turning this into a dish of a meat plus fried rice (like chicken fried rice), pan-fry thin strips and/or small chunks of meat in the skillet before cooking the egg. Remove meat, wipe inside of skillet with paper towel, repeat steps four through seven, add meat again, then flavor with soy sauce and sesame oil.

FULL LUNCH Entree, 2 Sides, Bread & Beverage Down Home Cooking Downtown

A Metro-Area Tradition Since 1977



1 package frozen white rice with mixed vegetables (corn, peas and carrots) 1 egg 2 green onions Reduced-sodium soy sauce Sesame oil

$9.00 with tax

11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Lunch: Fri. & Sun. | 11am-2pm Dinner: Tues. -Sat. & Sun. | 5pm-9pm

A short shopping list and less than an hour in the kitchen is all it takes to create excellent Chinese food at home.



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%*/&+BDLTPO Paid listyour yourrestaurant.r restaurant.r Paid advertising advertising section. section. Call Call 601-362-6121 601-362-6121 x11 x1 totolist

Bars, puBs & Burgers

Cool Al’s (4654 McWillie, 601-713-3020) A standard in Best of Jackson, Al’s stacked, messy, decadent, creative burgers defy adjectives. Or try pineapple chicken, smoked sausage...or the nationally recognized veggie burger. Fenian’s Pub (901 E. Fortification St. 601-948-0055) Classic Irish pub featuring a menu of traditional food, pub sandwiches and beers such as Guinness and Harp on tap. Free live music most nights; Irish/Celtic bands on Thursdays. Stamps Superburgers (1801 Dalton Street 601-352-4555) Huge burgers will keep you full until the next day! The homestyle fries are always fresh, cut by hand using white potatoes with traditional, lemon pepper, seasoning salt or Cajun seasoning. Hal and Mal’s (200 S. Commerce St. 601-948-0888) Pub favorites meet Gulf Coast and Cajun specialties like red beans and rice, the Oyster Platter or each day’s blackboard special. Repeat winner of Best of Jackson’s “Best Place for Live Music.â€? Last Call (3716 I-55 N. Frontage Road 601-713-2700) Burgers, sandwiches and po-boys, plus sports-bar appetizers and specialities. Try chili cheese fries, chicken nachos or the shrimp & pork eggrolls. Pay-per-view sporting events, live bands. Martin’s Restaurant and Lounge (214 South State Street 601-354-9712) Lunch specials, pub appetizers (jalapeno poppers, cheezsticks, fried pickles) or order from the full menu of po-boys and entrees. Full bar, massive beer selection and live music most nights. Time Out Sports CafĂŠ (6720 Old Canton Road 601-978-1839) 14 TVs, 1 projector and two big-screens. Daily $9 lunch specials, pub-style appetizers, burgers, seafood and catfish po-boys, salads, and hot entrees including fish, steak and pasta. Ole Tavern on George Street (416 George St. 601-960-2700) Pub food with a southern flair: beer-battered onion rings, chicken & sausage gumbo, salads, sandwiches and weekly lunch specials. Plus, happy hour 4-7pm Monday through Friday. Poets Two (1855 Lakeland Drive, Suite H-10, 601-364-9411) Pub fare at its finest. Crabcake minis, fried dills, wings, poppers, ultimate fries, sandwiches, poboys, pasta entrees and steak. The signature burgers come in bison, kobe, beef or turkey! Sportsman’s Lodge (1120 E Northside Dr. in Maywood Mart) 601-366-5441 Voted Best Sports Bar in 2010, Sportman’s doesn’t disappoint with plenty of gut-pleasing sandwiches, and fried seafood baskets. Try the award-winning wings in Buffalo, Thai or Jerk sauces! Underground 119 (119 South President St. 601-352-2322) Jumbo lump crabcakes, crab quesadillas, beef tenderloin parfaits, orange-garlic shrimp, even “lollipopâ€? lamb chops. Add a full bar and mix in great music. Opens 4 p.m.-until, Wed-Sat. Wing Stop (952 North State Street, 601-969-6400) Saucing and tossing wings in a choice of nine flavors, Wingstop wings are made with care and served up piping hot. Every order is made fresh to order; check out the fresh cut seasoned fries!

ItalIan BRAVO! (4500 Interstate 55 N., Jackson, 601-982-8111) Wood-fired pizzas, vegetarian fare, plus creative pastas, beef, and seafood specials. Wonderful atmosphere and service. Bravo! walks away with tons of Best of Jackson awards every year. Cerami’s (5417 Lakeland Drive, Flowood, 601-919-28298) Southern-style Italian cuisine features their signature Shrimp Cerami (white wine sauce, capers artichokes) along with veal, tilapia, crawfish, chicken and pasta dishes. Now with liquor license! Fratesi’s (910 Lake Harbour, Ridgeland, 601-956-2929) “Authentic, homey, unpretentious� that’s how the regulars describe Fratesi’s, a staple in Jackson for years, offering great Italian favorites with loving care. The tiramisu is a must-have!

Bakery Beagle Bagel (4500 I-55 North, Suite 145, Highland Village 769-251-1892) Fresh bagels in tons of different styles available with a variety of toppings. Plus paninis, wraps, soup & salad, gourmet coffee, muffins, cakes, pies and much more! Broad Street Bakery (4465 Interstate 55 N. 601-362-2900) Hot breakfast,coffee espresso drinks, fresh breads and pastries, gourmet deli sandwiches, quiches, soups, pizzas, pastas and dessert. A “see and be seen� Jackson institution! Campbell’s Bakery (3013 N State Street 601-362-4628) Now serving lunch! Cookies, cakes and cupcakes are accompanied by good coffee and a fullcooked Southern breakfast on weekdays in this charming bakery in Fondren. For Heaven’s Cakes (4950 Old Canton Road 601-991-2253) Cakes and cupcakes for all occasions including weddings, parties, catered events. Owner Dani Mitchell Turk was features on the Food Network’s ultimate recipe showdown.

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Paid advertising section.


Primos Cafe (2323 Lakeland 601-936-3398/ 515 Lake Harbour 601-898-3400) A Jackson institution featuring a full breakfast (with grits and biscuits), blue-plate specials, catfish, burgers, prime rib, oysters, po-boys and wraps.

ASIAN & INDIAN STIX (109 Marketplace Lane off Lakeland Dr Flowood 601-420-4058) Enjoy the quick-handed, knife-wielding chefs at the flaming teppanyaki grill; artful presentations of sushi; the pungent seasonings and spicy flavors of regional Chinese cuisines. Nagoya (6351 I-55 North #131 @ Target Shopping Ctr. 601-977-8881) Nagoya gets high marks for its delicious-and-affordable sushi offerings, tasty lunch specials and high-flying hibachi room with satisfying flavors for the whole family. Ichiban (153 Ridge Drive, Ste 105F 601-919-0097 & 359 Ridgeway 601-919-8879) Voted “Best Chinese� in 2010, cuisine styles at Ichiban actually range from Chinese to Japanese, including hibachi, sushi made fresh with seafood, and a crowd-pleasing buffet. Pan Asia (720 Harbor Pines Dr, Ridgeland 601-956-2958) Beautiful ambiance in this popular Ridgeland eatery accompanies signature asian fusion dishes and build-your-own stir-frys using fresh ingredients and great sauces.

SoutherN cuISINe Mimi’s Family and Friends (3139 North State Street, Fondren) 601-366-6111 Funky local art decorates this new offering in Fondren, where the cheese grits, red beans & rice, pork tacos and pimento cheese are signature offerings. Breakfast and lunch, new days are Tuesday-Sunday. Sugar’s Place (168 W Griffith St 601-352-2364) Hot breakfast and week-day lunch: catfish, pantrout, fried chicken wings, blue plates, red beans & rice, pork chops, chicken & dumplings, burgers, po-boys...does your grandma cook like this? Located downtown near MC Law School. Zydeco Restaurant and Bar (6340 Ridgewood Rd. 601-977-9920) Louisiana favorites such as gumbo, oysters, fried green tomatoes, po-boys and muffalettas. Steaks, seafood and jambalaya for dinner. Beignets, omelets and seafood for Sunday brunch!

SteAk, SeAfooD & fINe DINING Eslava’s Grille (2481 Lakeland Drive, 601-932-4070) Danny Eslava’s namesake feature Latin-influenced dishes like ceviche in addition to pastas, steaks, salads and other signature seafood dishes. Rocky’s (1046 Warrington Road, Vicksburg 601-634-0100) Enjoy choice steaks, fresh seafood, great salads, hearty sandwiches and much more in the “polished casual� dining room. Open 24/7 in the Riverwalk Casino. Parker House (104 South East Madison Drive, Ridgeland 601-856-0043) European and Creole take on traditional Southern ingredients in Olde Town Ridgeland. Crawfish, oysters, crab and steaks dominate, with creative option like Crab Mac ‘n Cheese, Oysters Rockefeller and Duck Jezebel. Or enjoy lighter fare (and a plate lunch special) during lunch hours!


1][P]a "\g S\_ # '' % \g S\_ $ '' " \g S\_ % ''

7\QZcRSa Pc`US` T`WSa O PSdS`OUS 4654 McWillie Dr., Jackson|Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 10AM-9PM Friday & Saturday 10AM-12AM, Sunday 11AM-5PM

Eslava’s Grille Seafood, Steaks and Pasta


Full-Service Catering • Private Rooms Available • Reservations Suggested 107 Depot Drive, Madison | 601.856.3822 www.strawberrycafemadison.com Mon.-Thurs. 11am-9pm and Fri. & Sat. 11am-10pm

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FOOTBALL! no party too big or too small.

Spinach and artichoke dip, Fritters, Lasagna, & Much More

PIzzA Mellow Mushroom (275 Dogwood Blvd, Flowood, 601-992-7499) Pizzas of all kinds, munchies, calzones, grilled hoagies, salads and more make up the extensive and “eclectic� menu at Mellow Mushroom. Award-winning beer selection. Dine in or carry out. The Pizza Shack (1220 N State St. 601-352-2001) 2010’s winner of Best Pizza is perfect pizza-and-a-beer joint. Creative options abound (“Cajun Joe, anyone?�), along with sandwiches, wings, salads and BBQ. Great beer specials! Sal & Mookie’s (565 Taylor St. 601-368-1919) Pizzas of all kinds plus pasta, eggplant parmesan and the local favorite: fried ravioli. Voted Best Chef, Best Dessert, Best Kid’s Menu and Best Ice Cream in the 2010 Best of Jackson.

Danilo Eslava Caceres, Executive Chef/GM

2003-2010, Best of Jackson

707 N. Congress Street 910 Lake Harbour Dr. Ridgeland | 601-956-2929 Monday - Saturday | 5 - until

Downtown Jackson • (601) 353-1180 Open 11am-2pm, Sunday thru Friday

King Tortas International Deli (1290 E. County Line Rd, Ridgeland, 601-983-1253) Columbian and Mexican bakery and taqueria; try the fried plantains! Fuego Mexican Cantina (318 South State Street,601-592-1000) Next to Club Fire in downtown.Nachos, fajitas, tacos, enchiladas, chimichangas, combo plates—even veggie options—are offered right alongside the margarita pitchers you expect.

VeGetArIAN High Noon CafÊ (2807 Old Canton Road in Rainbow Plaza 601-366-1513) Fresh, gourmet, tasty and healthy defines the lunch options at Jackson’s own strict vegetarian (and very-vegan-friendly) restaurant. Daily lunch specials -- like Mexican day and the seaside cakes on Fridays -- push the envelope on creative and healthy; wonderful desserts!

a Th


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Laid Back Style


Do it in Style

by Shawanda Jacome and Natalie A. Collier

ate Berkus—you know Nate, the interior-design god of Oprah Winfrey fame—says, “Your home should rise up to greet you.” But sometimes after being greeted, you just want to lounge. You don’t want to entertain. You just want to sit in solitude and enjoy the lovely space you’ve created for yourself.



Grab a book for escape that takes you to a happy place. Light a candle and take a long, soothing bath. Slip into something that makes you feel your best and ... Let your home treat you with all the warmth it has to offer.


1. Lounging patterned robe, CoatTails, $57 2. Olive lavender soap, Treehouse, $7 3. “Getting to Happy” by Terry McMillan (Viking Adult), Lemuria, $27.95 4. Lace panties, Treehouse, $18 5. Lolia candle, CoatTails, $42-56


Where2Shop: CoatTails 111 W. Jackson St., Ridgeland, 601-853-1313 Lemuria Books Banner Hall, 4465 Interstate 55 N., Suite 202, 601-366-7619 Treehouse Boutique 3008 N. State St., 601-982-3433


SHOPPING SPECIALS Bear Creek Herbals (601-2386969, www.bearcreekherbals.com)

Chandelier (118 W. Jackson St., Ridgeland, 601-898-2007)

Check out the new bedding line from John Robshaw, influenced by the artistry of India and Thailand—a unique find in the Jackson area.

Ye Olde Lamp Designs & Shades (4505 Interstate 55 N. Frontage Road, 601-362-9311)

Find the perfect lamp to match your home interior. Or restore or repair a precious family heirloom.

Brown’s Fine Art and Framing (630 Fondren Place, 601-982-4844)

Starting Nov. 18 at Fondren Unwrapped through December, shop the Big Little Show for pieces 16 inches by 20 inches and smaller, priced for the holidays.

Monkey Charms (5417 Lakeland Drive, Flowood, 601-992-6565)

Now through Thanksgiving, bring in a canned food item during the “Gift, Shop & Save” sale to receive a special coupon to use in the store.

November 10 - 16, 2010

Try bath salts made with locally grown herbs in sample tubes for $2 each, in eight scents, including lavender, lemongrass and rose.

Send sale info to fly@jacksonfreepress.com.


Check out flyjfp.com for information about other sales around the city, trends and various things fly people should know.


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