Local Buzz – Award Winning Lifestyle Magazine - July 20

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26 Summer Lovin'

Secret Garden or Cocktail Terrace

Thank you to all our readers and advertisers for making Local Buzz their number one community magazine.

5 Competitions

8 Your Local Community 10 Community Support & Update 12 Introducing IMO Q4 Pro 15 Beer Through the Year 17 Dr. Greger - How to treat Dry Eye with Diet 19 Seasonal Food 20 Sweet Chilli Coconut Skewers 22 Green Exercise this Summer 25 Outdoor Exercise and your Skin! 26 Summer Lovin'- Secret Garden or

Editor-in-Chief Jackie Osborne jackie@localbuzzmagazine.com Artwork studio@localbuzzmagazine.com Digital Media info@localbuzzmagazine.com

22 Green Exercise this Summer!

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Cocktail Terrace

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Contributors Dr Michael Greger, Vicky Tallon Interiors and Trevor Langley

Call us on 01635 200 006 www.localbuzzmagazine.com Your complimentary copy or where sold ÂŁ2. Thank you for the continued encouragement from our advertisers, supporters and the local community.


30 The Coast with the Most! 32 Help your Child Successfuly 42 Are you Unsigned and Talented? 51 Buzz Connect 54 Services

Columnist Abbie Cooper Davis abbie@localbuzzmagazine.com

30 The Coast with the most!

Proud winners Best community magazine Best magazine design Best website

www.localbuzzmagazine.com Berkshire and Hampshire's new station

Although every effort has been taken in compiling the contents, the publisher cannot be held responsible for errors, omissions or information supplied by the advertisers. @GLOWRADIO



Worth £50


Win two social media posts to promote your business.

Please note that all competitions will be running throughout the lockdown period however the winner will only be picked once all the businesses are up and running.

What size publication is Local Buzz? a. C3

b. B6

c. B5

Enter today to win fantastic prizes

www.localbuzzmagazine.com Win free access to Team MG Fitness, Quality Online Pilates Videos for 4 weeks plus interaction with Marie for advice.

Win Cutting Crew – ‘Ransomed Healed Restored Forgiven’ Limited Edition 3 x CD Box Set + signed postcard by Nick Van Eede and CD single

Other than Physical Health & Fitness what other benefit can exercise bring?

What do the latest brand new recordings uniquely feature?

a. Wifi Speed

a. The Piano

b. Mental Health

b. A Philharmonic Orchestra

c. Climate Change

c. A choir

Worth £40

Worth £45

Win the fantastic IMO Q4 Pro Win a bag of your choice from DAJ Collection What year was DAJ Collection established?

Win a free large milkshake from Mr Moo Juice

a. 2010

How many years has Mr Moo Juice been open?

c. 2015

b. 2005

Whats size is the IMO Q4 Pro HD screen? a . 4.45" b . 5.45" c . 6.45"

Worth £60

Worth £40

a. 6 Years b. 8 Years c. 10 Years

Win a free 50 minute bespoke aromatherapy facial with Yvette at Baytree Beauty Worth £40

Which plant is most commonly associated with relaxation and sleep? a. Lily

b. Bamboo

c. Lavender

Win a pet portrait! Three runners' up will receive 20%off from Naomi Lunn What is burning onto wood called? a. Calligraphy b. Electrography c. Pyrography

Advertise your competition here for FREE - contact studio@localbuzzmagazine.com

Worth £55 5


Digital Marketing

Strategies focused on increasing the reach and visibility of your business Be part of the BuzzOnlinre strategy and take advantage of: • Website design and development • Advertising • Search engine optimisation (SEO) • Content / email marketing • Social media marketing • Pay per Click (PPC) • Digital marketing strategy • Online community building • Ad-campaign


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To enquire

about the

Online Summer Summ er School Please contact Principal Debbi on newbury@razzamataz.co.uk or call 01635 905404 #Razzamatazonline #KeepRazzing

Razzamataz extends supports to families over the summer In usual times, during the long six-week summer holiday, finding things to keep children entertained day in and day out is not easy. During the pandemic, finding things to keep children active and also interactive with others has been even more challenging, which is why Razzamataz Newbury & Reading is delighted to announce its Online Summer School on Mon 27 to Fri 31 July. This year, students will take part in an exciting mix of classes, including Music Theatre (based on the hit musical ‘Grease’). We have a busy week planned with lots of fun sessions and then on the final day we will present our work to parents and friends as part of a film! “We have had so many testimonials from parents thanking us for continuing to provide classes, which has helped create a structure for family life,” says Debbi. “We have proved that through our small, interactive classes, we can keep the students having fun and

maintain a high standard of performing arts training.”

Hear from our families “What a great idea to run the Razz classes online during this turbulent time! My daughter loved every moment of the first class on Saturday and it was great to see her engaged and excited again. She has really missed attending Razz on a Saturday morning and the online class has really boosted her mood. She particularly loved the singing and sang around the house for the rest of the day! Thanks for bringing a little bit of sunshine into her life at this difficult time.” – Jo “Thanks so much for yesterday's class. Zara was full of smiles and full of energy after seeing her friends and taking part - just what she needed. She's really looking forward to next week.” – Sian

How it will work During the summer school, students between the ages of 4-18, will be split into small age appropriate groups to work on the musical to create a short film that is performed at the end of the course. With more and more casting agents looking for performers to create ‘self-tape auditions’ this is a great way of understanding and preparing for the changes in the industry. As well as the performance side, students will also get to participate in some of the backstage aspects of theatre and the arts. This will include prop making and set and costume design, all created with everyday objects that can be found in the home.

Get involved Razzamataz Newbury & Reading have continued to provide lots of free activities to engage children. These have included everything from monologue competitions and song compilations to quizzes and competitions. Lots more coming so please keep an eye on our social media channels.

15 7

Do you have any news or issues that you would like to share? We’d love to hear from you editor@localbuzzmagazine.com

Your Local Buzz

Own home dream to become a reality

The dream of owning your own home is set to become reality for a number of the borough’s residents thanks to Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council’s equity loan scheme. Earlier this year the borough council launched its landmark Own Home Loan scheme, enabling those on the housing register to make that next step and buy their own home.

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the next Issue from

st 1st of Augu

Using £580,000 of council money allocated to provide affordable housing, the loan scheme aims to support younger people living or working in the borough, with loans of up to £30,000 to reach the deposit required for a mortgage or to bridge the gap between their maximum mortgage offer and property purchase value.

Families Cllr Tristan Robinson said: “Home ownership is a dream and an aspiration for many young people across our borough who want to stay in the area where they grew up. For those working hard and struggling to save towards a deposit, the market can seem just that bit too far out of reach and yet they do not qualify for any support.

A total of 20 loans have now been offered unlocking the opportunity for those successful applicants to move forward and buy their own home.

“I know it’s been a testing time over the past three months for many whose plans to move may have been halted as a result of the pandemic. I’m delighted we are able to play an important role in helping our residents to secure their own homes by offering 20 separate loans during these challenging times.”

Those who were under 35 were given priority along with those who have been on the housing register for the longest period of time. It was available for single people, couples and those with children and can be used to purchase a new build or existing home. Cabinet Member for Homes and

For more information on Basingstoke and Deane Own Home Loan visit www. basingstoke.gov.uk/own-home-loan

The Summer Reading Challenge is now on West Berkshire Libraries are delighted to introduce this year's digital Summer Reading Challenge, Silly Squad; a celebration of funny books, happiness and laughter. The Summer Reading Challenge, which launched on 5 June and runs into September, is the biggest children's reading for pleasure programme in the UK. Last year over 700,000 children and their families took part. This year, while libraries across the country remain closed to the public in accordance with government guidelines, the Challenge has moved online and is launching earlier than usual. You can take part online a and unlock digital rewards, activities and video content as rewards for your reading - all for FREE. Children can set their own reading goal (we recommend at least 8

six books) and may read anything from library to school books, including e-books and e-audio. A certificate is available to download for free when the Challenge has been completed.

up the Challenge and this year, with so many children unable to go back to school, it is even more important to keep learning through the love of books."

Councillor Howard Woollaston, West Berkshire's Executive Member for Public Health & Community Wellbeing, Leisure and Culture said:

The website includes new Home and School Zones which encourages children to rate and review their books and work towards their reading goal. It also features video content, games, quizzes and digital and downloadable activities to incentivise and encourage children and their families to take part in the Challenge at home. Access www. summerreadingchallenge.org.uk

"This new digital Summer Reading Challenge is a really important step to ensure that we are offering a family friendly and accessible initiative to inspire children to read at home. In 2019, we had over 3,800 children taking



Kit Malthouse MP


Bringing county lines gangs to justice

New Coronavirus regional testing site in Newbury A drive-through coronavirus testing facility has opened at the Newbury Showground in Newbury, as part of the Government's UK-wide drive to increase testing. Anyone experiencing a new, continuous cough, a high temperature, or a loss of or change in their normal sense of smell or taste, should book a test at: nhs.uk/coronavirus or by calling 119 to find out if they currently have coronavirus. The site sits alongside the existing network of testing sites being set up around the UK. Testing at the new site has already begun. To increase testing for everyone with symptoms across the country, the Government has more than doubled the capacity of the NHS/PHE laboratory network, set up 64 regional test centres and 116 mobile testing units and introduced home testing kits.

Anyone testing positive for the virus will be contacted by NHS Test and Trace to help them track their contacts. This will help people to identify who they may have been in close contact with, protecting others from further transmission. The testing centre is being operated in partnership with Mitie and will offer assisted and self-administered tests. Those tested will receive their results within a few days. For more information access www.nhs.uk

Name that Bot! Since April, you may have noticed West Berkshire Council has had a 'newbie' working alongside their Customer Service team. An Advice Bot was put to work to help answer questions and signpost customers on our website to the latest information they need relating specifically to the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, and now, the council is looking to give it a name. The council worked with their partners, we Build Bots Ltd (WBB), to launch the Bot in response to the crisis. The longer term aim has been to develop a sophisticated machine learning Advice Bot to handle a number of the most popular council related requests, for example, on waste and highways queries. Joanne Stewart, West Berkshire's Executive Member for Internal Governance said:

"We are always looking to help our customers get the information they need as quickly and efficiently as possible. "The Advice Bot has been a planned project for some time; the importance and severity of the Covid-19 situation meant that we decided to bring forward the launch of the Advice Bot to help our customers get answers as quickly as possible during a challenging time. And so we developed a Covid-19 specific Advice Bot, our rationale being that although there are queries, often complex, that are best suited by talking to a human, for those simpler jobs let's use the Advice Bot." Behind the scenes, it has also been learning and developing so that it will be able to answer non Covid-19 related questions in the future.

Gangs using children and vulnerable people to transport drugs on train routes across the UK, known as ‘county lines’, is a huge problem for our communities, and I’m pleased to report that we are cracking down on the criminals. Thanks to the first round of funding from a £25 million government pot, the police have been carrying out operations daily and without warning. They’ve made 650 arrests, closed nearly 140 deal lines, seized cash and drugs worth something like £3 million - and safe guarded scores of vulnerable people. This is just the beginning – over the coming weeks and months I hope to see many more warrants, arrests and seizures. We will deliver the remainder of the £25 million funding this year and this money will help coordinate the policing response at a national level, invest in new technology such as automatic number plate recognition, specialist drug detection dogs and support services for victims. County lines drug gangs are causing devastation and misery, peddling drugs across the UK including to places like Basingstoke and Andover. As policing minister, I’m determined to dismantle their horrific operation for good and bring them to justice. Earlier this year, I witnessed firsthand an operation carried out at Andover train station with British Transport Police officers and Dudley, one of their new drugs dogs, which I commissioned. The officers made 9 busts in 90 minutes – impressive stuff but much more to be done.

Kit Malthouse MP and Minister for policing and crime. 9

Support Next phase of NHS coronavirus (COVID-19)

& updates

The government has announced the next phase of development in building an app that supports the end-to-end NHS Test and Trace service.

NHS Test and Trace is already working to stop the spread of coronavirus and save lives.

This next phase will bring together the work done so far on the NHS COVID-19 app and the new Google/Apple framework. Following rigorous field testing and a trial on the Isle of Wight, we have identified challenges with both our app and the Google/ Apple framework.

Building on our previous work, data published today (18 June) shows that tens of thousands more people who may have otherwise unwittingly spread the virus are now remaining safely at home.

This is a problem that many countries around the world, like Singapore, are facing and in many cases only discovering them after whole population roll-out. As a result of our work, we will now be taking forward a solution that brings together the work on our app and the Google/ Apple solution. This is an important step, allowing us to develop an app that will bring together the functionality required to carry out contact tracing, but also making it easy to order tests, and access proactive advice and guidance to aid self-isolation. 10

Joint statement from Baroness Dido Harding, Executive Chair of NHS Test and Trace and Matthew Gould, CEO, NHSX: 3 weeks ago we launched NHS Test and Trace as a brand new, end-to-end service, to help control the spread of COVID-19 and we are hugely grateful for the way the public have responded to protect those around them. Our ambition is to develop an app which will enable anyone with a smartphone to engage with every aspect of the NHS Test and Trace service, from ordering a test through

to accessing the right guidance and advice. This will support our vision of helping more people get back to the most normal life possible at the lowest risk. Our response to this virus has and will continue to be as part of an international effort. That is why as part of a collaborative approach we have agreed to share our own innovative work on estimating distance between app users with Google and Apple, work that we hope will benefit others, while using their solution to address some of the specific technical challenges identified through our rigorous testing. We will also draw on the invaluable insight from all of those who trialled the app on the Isle of Wight – and the brilliant teams who have worked on it to date – to build an app that can form part of the end-to-end NHS Test and Trace service, and this insight will be integral to the next phase of development.

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Crucially, NHS Test and Trace is already playing a vital role in helping us stop the spread of the virus. We will keep learning, improving and refining to build a high-quality service on which all of us can depend and to have the right technology in place. Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock said: Our approach to the virus, whether that’s on vaccines, testing, treatments or cures, has been that we are willing to back innovative solutions and to be ambitious. We knew from the start that we would need to test and learn as we developed this new technology. The NHS COVID-19 app has undergone some of the most rigorous testing in the world – utilising a real world trial on the Isle of Wight pilot and in a series of field tests – and I want to thank all of those involved. As we enter this next phase of research and development we remain determined to continue in our ambition to develop an app which meets the technical, security and user needs of the public and which can complement the NHS Test and Trace service. Countries across the globe have faced challenges in developing an app which gets all of these elements right, but through ongoing international collaboration we hope to learn, improve and find a solution which will strengthen our global response to this virus.


For more information please contact: info@localbuzzmagazine.com International evidence shows the importance of a comprehensive human contact tracing service underpinned with a huge, nationwide testing capacity which is now available through the NHS Test and Trace service. Any future app would complement this service. Alongside the launch of this end-to-end service, extensive testing of a new contact tracing app has been undertaken, building on the initial trial phase on the Isle of Wight with a series of field tests to develop a viable product which could be introduced nationally. Rigorous field testing is an integral part of any project of this scale and ambition and the focus has been on identifying solutions to the issues which have emerged. Through the systematic testing, a number of technical challenges were identified – including the reliability of detecting contacts on specific operating systems – which cannot be

resolved in isolation with the app in its current form. Google/Apple’s announcement that they would make their application programming interface (API) available, if a number of conditions were met, allowed exploration of how our technology could work alongside their solution to begin, while also closely following the latest international evidence.  While it does not yet present a viable solution, at this stage an app based on the Google/Apple API appears most likely to address some of the specific limitations identified through our field testing. However, there is still more work to do on the Google/Apple solution which does not currently estimate distance in the way required. Based on this, the focus of work will shift from the current app design and to work instead with Google and Apple to understand how using their solution can meet the specific needs of the public.

Local buzz Magazine is not responsible for any content provided by third parties - we believe the source of information to be true and reliable.

Introducing IMO IMO, the mobile phone company that’s built for today and tomorrow, have announced their IMO Q4 Pro. This new release continues their push to keep everybody connected at affordable prices and comes in a new sleek colour – ‘Midnight blue’. It is now available in the UK Market from Tesco Mobile. Having their customers’ needs at the forefront of their mind -IMO have created the amazing Q4 Pro. Its 5.45" HD screen and edge to edge display allows users to watch their favourite movies, play their favourite games and keep updated on all social media apps at all times. The face unlock recognition system ensures your phone is safe and secure. It comes with a front camera of 5MP and dual rear camera of 8MP + 0.3MP which will enhance your photo albums with crystal clear images. Its super wide-angle cameras can capture those precious moments in an instant. IMO Q4 Pro supports the Android 9 Go operating system for maximum


performance and speed. It has an internal memory of 16GB and an expandable memory of up to 64GB. It also supports connectivity to Wi-Fi, Blue tooth, FM radio and has an impressive 2500mAh battery for up to 12 hours talk time and up to 600 hours standby time. You’ll be sure not to miss a thing. With IMO Q4 Pro’s sleek design and it’s amazing features, customers are encouraged to keep a look out for this brand new release by visiting Tesco Mobile stores or online: www.tescomobile.com


Access Tesco Mobile stores or click the link below www.tescomobile.com


Product Specifications: IMO Q4 Pro Network: 4G OS: Android 9 Go Display: 5.45� HD Camera: 5MP front camera and dual rear camera of 8MP+0.3MP Security: IMO Face Unlock Chipset & CPU: SC9832E, Quadcore 1.4GHz Memory: 1GB RAM + 16GB ROM / MicroSD slot (up to 64GB) Wi-Fi: 802.11 b/g/n Battery: 2500 mAh Dimensions: 141.2*68.1*9.7mm Other features: Wi-Fi, MP3, Bluetooth, FM Radio


Black Insomnia first to launch 100% compostable coffee pods in the UK. Black Insomnia Coffee Company, the maker of the world's strongest medium roast coffee, has launched a revolutionary Nespresso©-compatible coffee pod which is 100% home compostable. The new pods, which are certified by TÜV Austria as ‘Ok Compost Home Compost', present a completely eco-friendly alternative to the standard aluminium and plastic capsule. This means they can be disposed of alongside home food waste and will compost in the garden within six weeks. According to research, 39,000 coffee capsules are produced every minute globally, of which 29,000 end up in landfill. Nespresso themselves concede that 71 per cent of their capsules are not currently being recycled. Even those capsules which are recycled require vast amounts of energy to do so, making compostable pods the most ecofriendly solution. Black Insomnia is the first coffee company to provide coffee in this new eco-friendly way in the UK. Black Insomnia CEO, Jim Walker, said: "The use of coffee pods has grown massively over recent years. The problem is that the traditionally manufactured versions can't be easily recycled, ending up in landfill and therefore significantly damaging the environment. "We wanted to find a way of making our smooth tasting coffee available in pods but we

had to ensure they would be eco-friendly at the same time. We've managed to go one step further than standard recyclable pods by providing 100% home compostable versions for ultimate convenience. "We are delighted to be launching our new coffee pods at this time, and we're now looking for other ways to help protect the environment, including rain forest protection and Fairtrade Foundation accreditation." Black Insomnia COO, Alexander Sacken, said: "After years of research and testing, together with world-renowned partners, we are proud to be the first in the UK to introduce a home compostable coffee pod that still keeps the coffee fresh for 15 months with no additional packaging this is revolutionary. "This is certified by a world-leading institute and so coffee-lovers can be sure that using Black Insomnia pods will not harm nature or the wider environment while enjoying an Espresso of the world's strongest coffee without feeling bad." The global coffee pod and capsule

blackinsomnia.co.uk 14 20

market is expected to reach $29.2 billion by 2025, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 8.5% during the forecast period from 2018-2025. This highlights that it is more important than ever to find sustainable solutions, allowing consumers to continue enjoying coffee without harming the environment. In terms of coffee quality, keeping it fresh is key, and Black Insomnia achieves this by using shells from sunflower seeds. These provide natural protection against light and oxygen - which are damaging to coffee - and are therefore ideal to protect the ground coffee in each pod, maintaining its delicious freshness.



Windsor & Eton Brewery was founded during 2010 and now proudly possesses a Royal Warrant. Producing great classic and new beer styles, a good number of which are bottle conditioned this brewery has a range of very impressive ales,thatincludes award winners and multi award winning productions.

KNIGHT of the GARTER Golden Ale (3.8% vol). Described, on the label, as ‘Sunshine in a glass’ (I agree), this golden ale is brewed with a blend of hops from the New World. A citrus aroma greets the nasal senses, which follows, admirably, to the mouthfeel.

this full-flavoured delight, which I found very refreshing.



(5.0% vol). Bringing together Cascade and Pacific Jade whole leaf hops, plus a blend of five speciality malts, this complex and noticeably rich IPA gained great interest from the outset. Superb, awesome and brilliant are some of the descriptions attributed to this beer.

(4.2% vol). Extremely popular, Guardsman is brewed utilising Fuggles and Goldings whole leaf hops to great advantage. This easy-drinking, smooth production, has wide appeal, with its copper colour and excellent taste. A favourite with numerous beer lovers.

WINDSOR KNOT Pale Ale (4.5% vol). Brewed originally to commemorate the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, this beer uses Sovereign and Nelson Sauvin hops and has many supporters amongst pale ale devotees.

WASTELAND Double IPA (10.0% vol). Belgian candi sugar is one of the ingredients for this Double IPA with ten different hops, that include some of the best of America and the New World. Another exceptional IPA, which certainly delivers on aroma, mouthfeel and the palate’s enjoyment, from the Windsor & Eton Brewery.

REPUBLIKA Craft Pilsner (4.8% vol). This splendid craft beer is one of several productions, from the Windsor & Eton Brewery, which have won awards. Combinations of Saaz hops, Czech yeast and Pilsner malt produce

Trevor Langley Wine Appreciator

Other popular productions include Capital Dry-Hopped Lager and Treason West Coast IPA. Ordering is easy and beers are delivered via courier to anywhere in the UK. Visitors to the brewery are made very welcome.



Purple Sweet Potato Fries

Here's a fun and colorful way to eat your antioxidants, purple sweet potatoes tossed in the Savory Spice Blend. A perfect side for the Black Bean Burgers from the How Not to Die Cookbook.

Servings: 4 Ingredients



• 2 large purple sweet potatoes • 2-3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar • 1-2 tablespoons Savory Spice Blend


Preheat the oven to 425F. Wash the sweet potatoes well. Carefully cut the potatoes into wedges.


Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone mat. Place the potato wedges on the sheet.


Drizzle the apple cider vinegar over the potatoes and sprinkle on the Savory Spice Blend. To find more recipes click the link below www.nutritionfacts.org/recipe/ savory-spice-blend/


Stir the potatoes around with a spatula until the all the potatoes are coated with the vinegar and spices.


Bake the sweet potatoes for about 20-25 minutes, turning them 1/2 way through.

For more, check NutritionFacts.org.

How to Treat Dry Eye Disease Naturally with diet

There are dietary approaches to prevention and treatment of dry eye disease, which can be caused by LASIK laser eye surgery One of the most common eye disorders, dry eye disease, causes irritation or discomfort and can decrease functional vision, sometimes causing a dramatic deterioration in quality of life. About five million Americans over age 50 suffer from moderate-to-severe dry eyes and tens of millions more have mild or episodic manifestations of the disease, at a cost of more than $50 billion. We spend hundreds of millions of dollars on things like artificial tears, but currently there is no therapy available to actually fix the problem. If drugs don’t work, doctors can try plugging up the outflow tear ducts, but that can cause complications.

Alternatively, surgeons can just cauterize or stitch up the ducts in the first place. What about prevention? Dry eyes can be caused by LASIK surgery, affecting about 20-40% of patients six months after the operation. There is also a long list of drugs that can cause it, including antihistamines, decongestants, nearly all the antidepressants, anticonvulsants, antipsychotics, anti-Parkinson’s drugs, beta-blockers, and hormone replacement therapy, as well as a few herbal preparations. A plant-based diet may actually be the best thing for patients with dry eye disease, those who wear contact lenses, and those who wish to maximize their tear secretions. People with dry eyes should be advised to lower protein, total fat and cholesterol intake, and do the following:

Local Buzz is delighted to welcome Dr. Michael Greger, a physician, author and professional speaker on public health issues to share his blogs in every issue.

Dr. Michael Greger M.D. FACLM

• increase complex carbohydrates; • increase vitamin A content (by eating red, orange, yellow and dark green leafy vegetables); • increase zinc and folate intake (by eating whole grains, beans and raw vegetables, especially spinach); • ensure sufficient vitamin B6 and potassium intake (by eating nuts, bananas and beans); • ensure sufficient vitamin C intake (by eating citrus); • eliminate alcohol and caffeine; • reduce sugar and salt intake and consume six to eight glasses of water per day. We also know from research that those suffering from dry eye are comparatively dehydrated, so tear secretion decreases with progressive dehydration. But one can reverse that with rehydration, raising the exciting prospect that improving whole-body hydration by getting people to drink more water might bring relief for those with dry eyes.

His latest books: How Not to Die, the How Not to Die Cookbook, and How Not to Diet all became instant New York Times Best Sellers. 100% of all proceeds he has ever received from his books, DVDs and speaking engagements have always and will always be donated to charity. 17 17


Tomatoes Technically a fruit, now’s the time to sink your teeth into all shapes and sizes of the best British tomatoes. Take your pick of chocolate purple-brown, sunshine yellow, pale lime or fire engine red colours for flavours that range from sweet and fragrant to fresh and umamipacked. From hearty beef to the naturally sweet little piccolo, Make like an Italian and enjoy them simply sliced into rounds, topped with fresh basil and drizzled with a little extra virgin olive oil. The Tomato Stall grow over 40 varieties of tomatoes on the Isle of Wight.


SFOOD easonal

Courgette or zucchini, there are plenty of ways to get the vegetable into your diet. Cooking courgettes is easy and there are so many ways to work with them whether you want to bake them with cheese, stuff them, or turn them into courgetti pasta. So as we approach summer time, there are many delicious and healthy ways to enjoy courgettes..

July brings with it a fresh crop of soft fruit and fresh salad vegetables to perfectly complement the season's best catch. Here's how to use July's bounty to create delicious recipes!

Globe Artichokes The bulbous and multi layered head of a globe artichoke look good enough to put in a vase (if you’re lucky enough to get a hold of one in flower it makes the perfect seasonal centrepiece), let alone eat. Underneath its outer layers sits a prized heart that’s perfect for preserving and slicing up to serve on bruschetta or pizza. Or enjoy simply with aioli after boiling them whole.

Raspberries Are like precious gems, where even washing them feels a sacrilegious to maintaining their beauty and aroma. Sweet, sour and a little floral (think violet), try not to pair with strawberries unless for decoration as their delicate perfume and sharp flavour can easily become lost when blended. iny sweetness for months to come.


A mix of sweet, sour, floral and spicy flavours, its stone has an almond flavour that becomes apparent when cooked with them in. Make the most of a glut by pairing with its best buds – almonds, chocolate or even a young, fresh goat’s cheese.

Rhubarb Field-grown rhubarb, also known as outdoor rhubarb, has a dark pink stalk that fades into green, as opposed to it’s bright pink forced sibling that’s grown indoors. Although not as delightful to look at and is less tender, outdoor rhubarb can be more flavoursome. It has notes of gooseberries and sour cooking apples with the aroma and fruitiness of strawberries. Its sharp flavour is tempered by a hit of sugar in desserts or try with lamb or oily fish. 19

Sweet Chilli

Coconut Ske

Serves: 4 Preparation time: 1 hour Cooking time: 20 minutes



• 165ml can coconut milk


Combine coconut milk, sugar, sweet chilli sauce, cinnamon, cardamom, garlic and fish sauce in a non-metallic bowl.

2. 3.

Add beef. Toss to make sure the beef is coated with the marinade.


To make the coconut chilli sauce combine the peanuts, coconut, coriander, chilli, sweet chilli sauce and 3 teaspoons cold water in a bowl.

• 1 tablespoon brown sugar • 1 tablespoon sweet chilli sauce • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon • 1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom • 2 garlic cloves, crushed • 1 teaspoon fish sauce • 800g / 1.5lbs beef rump steak,

trimmed, cut into 2cm cubes

Coconut chilli sauce • 1 tablespoon roughly chopped roasted unsalted peanuts • 1 tablespoon shredded


coconut, toasted • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh coriander leaves • 1 bird's eye chilli, deseeded, finely chopped (optional) • 2 tablespoons sweet chilli sauce

20 38


Cover and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes, longer if time permits.

Heat a greased barbecue plate or griddle on medium-high heat. Thread beef onto skewers. Season with salt and pepper. Cook for 3 to 5 minutes each side or until browned and cooked through. Drizzle with coconut chilli sauce. Serve with steamed rice, salad and lime.


37 21


Keep Moving & Make Outdoor Exercise Part of your Lifestyle! There’s more to outdoor exercise than fresh air, vitamin D and exhilaration. Working out in your local green space can offer many benefits, simply step out of your home and go! Exercise provides a multitude of benefits to your health and well-being and natural environments can provide many more. Going for a walk or bike ride for example, can mean that you exercise harder and for longer than if you were in the gym. Your body is encountering a constantly changing environment. You have to adapt to changes such as inclines, obstacles, terrain and weather, potentially providing a more challenging workout. Not only does exercise provide the feel-good factor and help to clear your mind but outdoor exercise works your mind too. Your mind has to focus differently than it would on a flat floor, watching out for all the changes around you and mapping of direction. Although gyms provide a social factor with being part of a club, green exercise can create a sense of belonging to your neighbourhood, getting to know your surrounding area and community. When enjoying the outside, we need to pay attention to the weather. Be visible and wear clothing that helps keep you cool in the summer months. Keep hydrated too, your body loses water, electrolytes and salt from sweating. 22 36

Sunscreen and Skin Care It’s important to protect and look after your skin. For great advice and guidance on sunscreen and pre/post workout skin care, see article by Yvette, Baytree Beauty. Membership to a gym provides the chance to exercise in a safe, cool and friendly environment. With many providing options of classes, expert guidance, swimming pools, saunas and steam rooms. Having a healthy lifestyle is the best habit of all. Green exercise provides the chance to enjoy being outside on your own or under socially distancing guidelines. Even better if you’re able to go to the countryside and enjoy nature whilst benefitting from exercise. Your options are limitless, most exercise can be performed and enjoyed outside. Enjoy Movement. Do as much as you wish, the more you do the more energy you’ll have and the more mobile you’ll be, whether your preference is inside or out in the fresh air.


Local Personal & Biomechanics Trainer, Pilates and Water Fitness Specialist; Marie at MG Fitness 23

The Diet Plate is perfect for lockdown ... ... it can be used in the privacy and safety of the person's home and is a great lifestyle tool, firstly because a person uses it to get to goal weight and then uses it to maintain their weight, I have had a lady use hers for 14 years and the most she ever gained after losing 4 stones was 5lbs back. This is because as soon as she feels like she might be putting weight back on then she pulls the plate out and begins to use it to re-educate herself to the correct portion sizes for the different food groups.

Sam Smith Lost over 12 KG / 2 Stone

James Dennis Lost over 105 KG / 17 Stone

The Diet Plate worked for me, I lost 2 stone and reduced from a size 16 to a size 12. It taught me all about food and nutrition and what a true portion looks like. I will never go back to living like I did. When you get to your goal weight nothing quite feels like the sense of success you get when you try on a dress 2 sizes smaller and it slips right over your body.

After an injury which left me unable to exercise anymore, I started to gain weight at an alarming rate. It did not take me too long to reach a whopping 36 and a half stone. I used The Diet Plate every night and followed the plan. I started to lose weight and quite rapidly began to look much better.

The product is for the whole family to use, we have a child's plate and a male version too.


Debbie Headen Lost over 24 KG / 4 Stone I followed the plan to the letter and was astonished at how quickly the weight was falling off and at how quickly my figure was coming back. I will never go back to the old Debbie, I love my life now. I love being slim and buying clothes that look just how the designer intended.

The Diet Plate can be found on the website thedietplate.com and it costs ÂŁ19.99 with bowl ÂŁ14.99 and postage.

Your Skin!

Outdoor Exercise Outdoor and With summer upon us, moving your exercise outdoors as suggested by MG Fitness is a great option. So, let’s take a look at your Pre & Post Workout Skincare!

Hello ...

I'm Yvette, Skin Health & Beauty Therapist at Baytree Beauty & a Tropic Skincare Ambassador. I'll be talking all things Skin Health & Beauty related. Questions or advice, please send an email to info@localbuzzmagazine.com

Pre Workout

Sun Protection

Ditch the make up. No need for glamour here. Your exercise will increase circulation which will bring more oxygen and nutrients to your skin cells giving you a radiant glow. Plus the sweat and make up combo equals clogged pores and possibly major breakouts. Before you set out cleanse and tone your skin, use a hydrating serum followed by SPF and you’re good to go.

Protecting your skin from the sun is an absolute must. Everybody should be wearing at least SPF30 on all exposed skin everyday. Use approximately 2 teaspoons to cover face, neck and arms. Even on a cloudy day 80 % of the sun’s UV rays can penetrate the clouds so you’re still at risk of sun damage. Don’t worry about not getting enough Vitamin D, sunscreen won’t affect this. Use a Broad Spectrum Sunscreen to block UVA rays that cause ageing and UVB rays that cause burning. Choose between a Chemical or Physical sunscreen dependant on your skin type. Briefly - Chemical sunscreens penetrate and are absorbed into the skin. The UV rays are absorbed, then converted to heat and released by the skin. These tend to be a lightweight, blendable formulation making them

ideal for all skin types especially congested, oily, acne prone skins. Apply at least 30 minutes prior to heading out. Mineral/physical sunscreens are heavier, they sit on the skin to create a barrier that reflects UV rays away before they reach the skins surface. Good for sensitive skin, not so good for oily, congested skin and works immediately upon application.

Post Workout Time for a good cleanse! Whilst a good sweat can help to rid the skin of toxins, it can cause damage if left on the skin. Your increased body heat will have caused pores to dilate and prompted your skin to produce extra oil. Gently cleanse to remove sweat, sebum and residue sunscreen. Finish with a hydrating serum and moisturiser and enjoy your natural post workout glow! 25

Garden Bar Photograph by Landform Consultants

Summer L

– secret garden garden or cocktai The garden used to be the domain for the green fingered – whether the amateur or experienced … and if you were neither you pretty much stayed away and stayed out of it. But if you have a garden, patio, terrace or balcony think of it now as an extension of your living space.

Garden Fireplace Photograph by WWOO at Garden House Design

Huge developments in products and furnishings for outside spaces makes it a space that we in the UK can start to enjoy more and more the whole year round. No longer is it only for the green fingered! For those not so skilled at looking after plants (myself included!) there are other ways to turn this space into an oasis or living space that you can enjoy throughout the seasons. Consider also, especially in the aftermath of corona virus, the evidence on the health benefits associated with use


of outdoor spaces. These are wideranging: including better general health, association with higher levels of physical activity and improved mental health and wellbeing. A little birdie (from the garden) has told me that the UK could be headed for a summer of glorious sunshine and temperatures ranging from warm to hot, hot, hot! With many of us unable to head off to the sun this year, the sunshine and warmth will bring us the much-needed tonic we all need – so what better opportunity to make the most of our outdoor spaces?


il terrace

So, let’s get do this and make the most of this opportunity! Just think, what we do now won’t just be a response to corona virus … but will leave a lasting positive impact on our lives and a homage to these unprecedented times … call it your #lockdownlair To achieve the best results here are some tips and ideas about how to tackle the project:

The 5th room

– defining the space In the design world, the outside space is referred to as the 5th room/living space – first is the kitchen, second is the dining area, third the living area, fourth a study/ library and therefore the fifth is our outdoor space. Just as we would plan out a kitchen or living room, to get the most from your outdoor space, consider what you want to use it for – here are some ideas to get you going: • Dining area • Lounge space • Bar • Chillout space/reading nook • Cooking area • Sunbathing • Gardening • Games/sports area • Pool/hot tub • Workshop/studio/office

Utility of the space Outdoor Kitchen Photograph by Barbara Samitier

Continue reading ...


Lounging Garden Photograph by Hay Joung Hwang

What are the useful or advantageous features of the space: • When and where does the sun hit the space? • Is exposure/wind a factor?

• Do you want cover from the rain and/ or shade from sun? • How close do you need to be to electricity, water, side gate etc? • Do you need to bring things from the house or shed? • How overlooked/private is the space? • Do you need a heat source for the chillier nights/cold days? • Are young children/animals going to use the space? Once you’ve pulled together all this


information, draw out (even roughly) the outdoor space and work out what activity you want to do where.

An investment or a make-over Consider what budget you want to spend … don’t underestimate the cost of landscaping … it can be as costly as building work and just like building work, a lot of the cost is hidden on the things you don’t actually see.

But again, just like building work, that cost can be the difference between creating a nice space and an amazing one. It’s the same advice I give to clients about interiors – you can achieve pretty much anything – it just depends on how much you’re able/prepared to spend to get that look. Here are some ideas to get your creative juices flowing:

Miniature meadow

Water feature – Amir Schlezinger


Miniature meadow


Wow-factor wall


Raised planters

4. 5. 6. 7.

Dream of grass and meadows but only have a balcony … look at the designs of Isabelle Palmer, @thebalconygardener who cuts circles of wildflower turf to fit compost filled pots

Also known as vertical gardens, a green wall can provide drama as well as provide a means to have a garden in a small space

As well as the practical element of not having to bend down to tend to the plants raised planters can break up the space and create zones

There is just so much choice these days to make that 5th room a fantastic space to enjoy year-round. Here are a few websites for furniture and accessory inspiration.

No maintenance

For the less green fingered use stand-out furnishings, patterned tiling, sensuous sculptures and artificial planting to create drama

Light, heat and shelter

Lighting at night to create focal points or set the mood: add in a heat source to warm your cockles as the sun goes down; shelter from the sun/rain with a covered veranda, gazebo or summer house

Colour crazy

Use the colours from indoors to flow into your outdoor space and make the transition between both spaces feel seamless

Sensory factor

Create different sensory responses from touch, to sight to smell. Let your outdoor space be a feast to your senses from fragrant, to visually exciting, to tactile planting, surfaces and accessories

Secret garden – Mark Gregory

8. 9. 10.

Comfy seating

Whether you’re dining, lounging or chilling have comfy seating … a hanging chair, hammock, slouchy sofa, and dining chairs with arms etc – you want to hang out there awhile so flash the cash to relax

Birds & the bees Want to hear the birds and hear the bees buzzing? – then make sure you welcome them to your space … fragrant flowers, bird bath, bird seed

Feature/focal point A piece of landscaping: water feature / outdoor kitchen / fireplace / a bar … maybe it’s colour, finishes, accessories … or technology with lighting, outdoor cinema, music system

Supporting local retailers, try some of these locations for inspiration: Hillier Garden Centre in Hermitage; Dobbies Garden Centre in Hungerford; Yew Tree Garden Centre in East Woodhay; Garden Art, Barrs Yard in Hungerford; Garden House Furniture Ltd in East End; Pine & Oak in Midgham; Metal in Bloom near Andover; Outdoor Fire in Silchester Otherwise, for online retailers here are some suggestions: www.coxandcox.co.uk www.gardentrading.co.uk www.outandout.com www.primrose.co.uk www.royalbotania.com www.oliveandsage.co.uk www.neptune.com www.laredoute.co.uk www.idyllhome.co.uk www.amara.com www.maisondumonde.com www.johnlewis.com

Now it’s over to you … are you going to have a secret garden with beautiful planting and relaxing spaces or perhaps the Ibiza cocktail bar vibe …? Create your perfect #lockdownlair Vicky Tallon of Tallon Perry Interiors transforms spaces into memorable places - if you’d like a guiding hand feel free to contact Vicky at vicky. tallon@tallonperryinteriors.com or 07990 978611. 29 47


Coast with the M

Want something to look forward to when the world returns to normal? Plan a fun trip to Poole, Bournemouth and their surrounding areas – there are places galore to explore… The Barn Café thebarncafedorset.co.uk Set in a charming courtyard at Bere Farm, homemade comfort food is the order of the day in this cosy eatery serving breakfast, lunch and tempting treats. Think bacon baguettes, hearty soups, cream teas and eat-me-now cakes.

The Jetty

thejetty.co.uk This award-winning restaurant perched on the water’s edge will be celebrating its 10-year anniversary in August. Not only is the food a delightful feast for your belly, the stunning harbour view also provides a beautiful feast for your eyes.

Bournemouth Vintage Emporium bournemouthvintageemporium.com/ tea-rooms 30

If kooky is your bag then this eccentric tea room – bedecked with retro furniture, ornate lamps and the odd stuffed deer head – is for you. Tuck into your homemade cake, cream tea or savoury snack, then browse the random treasures in the emporium next door.

Drgnfly drgnflygroup.co.uk


chococo.co.uk/our-chocolate-houses/ swanage Chocoholics rejoice! This enticing ‘chocolate house’ will get your sweet tooth a-tingling, with brownies, chocolate fondue, carrot cake, millionaire’s shortbread, flapjacks, gelato, biscuit cake, scones – and all manner of other tempting treats – just waiting to melt in your mouth.

Transport yourself – and your taste buds – to another world in this Pan-Asian restaurant and bar. Share small plates like gyoza and sushi with your table, or order a big plate like katsu curry or salmon teriyaki. Wash them down with a unique cocktail – hazelnut martini, anyone? The Courtyard Tea Rooms

The Courtyard Tea Rooms thecourtyardtearooms.co.uk

Boasting 24 flavours of tea on the menu, this charming tea room also serves up scones, cakes and comforting savoury bites such as ploughman’s, jacket potatoes, frittata and sandwiches named after local sights. Who’s for a Brownsea or a Pottery?

Photographs by Oliver Smith

Most Let's eat! Restaurants, cafes, bars & tea rooms


wings while overlooking the lush countryside and the iconic Corfe Castle.

www.karmapoole.com The food served in this Meditteranean grill and bistro will throw a party in your mouth! The dishes are delectable, with the likes of juicy lamb cutlets, vegetarian moussaka and prawn casserole all vying for your attention. And you must share a mezze platter.

The Custom House Cafe

The Custom House Cafe customhousecafe.co.uk

In a prime position on Poole Quay, with its breakfast, lunch and dinner menus, this cafe, bistro and bar will have you covered whatever time of day you’re looking to refuel. Or simply sip a tipple from the bar as you watch the boats glide by.

Tin of Sardines www.tinofsardinespoolequay. co.uk Calling all gin lovers! With a selection of more than 300 gins – everything from Bakewell Gin to Ginger Ninja to Masons Tea – it’s a good job this snug bar also offers cheese- and meat boards to soak up all the juniper juice.

Jerk Shak thescottarms.com/jerkshak Promising the taste of Jamaica in Dorset, the Jerk Shak is set in the beer garden of the quintessentially British pub The Scotts Arms. Tuck into jerk chicken, pork, prawns, lobster or Jerk Shak


Tin of Sardines 19 31


Coast with the M

The Earthouse

crickcrackclub.com/ earthousecranborne

This extraordinary theatre is carved out inside a hill (yes, really!) and is held up by 21 huge oak trees. Watch, transfixed, as a professional storyteller and a band of musicians entertain you with tall tales while the central fire crackles.

Photographs by Oliver Smith

Forget-Me-Not Walled Garden facebook.com/Forget-me-not-walledgarden-1848489751887110/ A delightful Victorian walled garden, your green fingers can pick up an array of plants, flowers, shrubs, small trees, herbs, hanging baskets and garden ornaments. You can also wander around the ‘showcase’ flowerbeds to find some gardening inspiration.

English Oak Vineyard Gulliver's Farm & Shop

Gulliver’s Farm & Shop gulliversfarmshop.co.uk

Once home to one of Poole’s most notorious smugglers, Isaac Gulliver, this artisan cafe, shop and deli are now totally legit. They’re big on being green, buying local and encouraging reusing and refilling both with their coffee and on-tap wine. 32


Barford Farmhouse Ice Cream

Barford Farmhouse Ice Cream barford-icecream.co.uk

No need to head to France. Be transported to cloud wine on a tour of this lovely vineyard specialising in fizz. It produces three white sparkling wines and one rosé, each named after a type of oak tree. Cheers!

Get the scoop with one of the 18 flavours served up, then enjoy your treat in the quaint ice cream garden. As well as the standard flavours, they offer the likes of pear sorbet, liquorice, and whisky and orange marmalade. Mmm! English Oak Vineyard

Tyneham Village


Let's explore! Head off the beaten track to discover these hidden gems

Tyneham Ghost Village visit-dorset.com/things-to-do/tynehamvillage-p136333 Explore ‘the village that died for D-Day’, which has been uninhabited since 1943, when all 225 residents were evacuated as the military needed the area for training. Peek inside their houses, the school and the church and discover the history of the place that time forgot.

Bermuda Triangle Secret Bar bermudatrianglepub.com

Find the hidden button on the faux bookcase inside the Bermuda Triangle Pub and it will magically open and lead you upstairs to a cool bar serving 20 different gins, 14 different whiskeys, 12 different rums and seven different tequilas.

Keyneston Mill

Lady Wimborne Bridge



Take a tour around this sweet-smelling ‘perfume farm’ to discover how it uses the flowers, herbs and other plants of the English countryside to produce its high-end Parterre Fragrances. Or join a hands-on workshop and concoct your own.

Named after local philanthropist Lady Wimborne, this magnificent 1853 bridge is tucked away in the woods. It’s well worth the effort to seek it out, if only to see some of the most ornate carvings of any railway bridge in the country.

'Bolderwood Deer Sanctuary'

Bolderwood Deer Sanctuary new-forest-national- park. com/bolderwood-deersanctuary Bermuda

Keyneston Mill

Stand on the viewing platform Triangle Bar here to see the beautiful fallow deer congregating in the large meadow. Several are white in colour, which is uncommon in this type of deer. They’re fed daily between April and September by a New Forest keeper. Don’t forget your camera. Lady Wimborne Bridge 33


Coast with the M New Park Manor

Hotel Celebrity

This family friendly spa hotel in the New Forest is the perfect spot to recharge your batteries. Kids – and parents – will love the complimentary crèche and den sessions, as well as the cinema room complete with table football, board games and books.

Have you always dreamed of sleeping with George Clooney, Jude Law or David Beckham? Now’s your chance! This quirky hotel has 59 celebritythemed bedrooms, with stars ranging from Bob the Builder to Batman, James Bond to Julia Roberts. Random but fun.



Knoll House Hotel

Urban Beach


Enid Blyton – author of the Famous Five and Noddy books – stayed here every year for several weeks throughout the ’50s and ’60s. She used the surrounding landscapes, buildings and locals of Purbeck as inspiration for her world-renowned tales. 34 28


Knoll House Hotel

An award-winning boutique hotel five minutes walk from Bournemouth beach. The owners’ ethos is ‘relaxed luxury’ and they go out of their way to offer exceptional service, a warm welcome and chilled vibes. Let your inner surfer-dude out.

Careys Manor Hotel

Careys Manor Hotel careysmanor.com

A luxe country retreat in the New Forest, this is the perfect getaway if you want to relax to the max. The Thai SenSpa will leave you utterly pampered and, when your tummy’s rumbling, you’ll be spoiled for choice with the three on-site restaurants. Bliss!

Photographs by Oliver Smith

The Chocolate Boutique Hotel


When a little chocolate on the pillow just won’t cut it, book yourself into one of the chocolatethemed rooms here. Indulge in chocolate wine, a chocolate fountain, chocolate hampers and their chocolate pancakes for breakfast. Willy Wonka, eat your heart out.


Let's sleep!

Balmer Lawn Hotel

Hotels, farms, lodges and pubs with rooms

The East End Arms

Hazelhurst Farm



Owned by the former bass guitarist of Dire Straits, John Illsley, this traditional country pub, restaurant and hotel is known for its delicious food, locally brewed ales and relaxed atmosphere. Which is music to our ears.

A recently converted dairy farm, the family-run Hazelhurst Farm not only caters for your comfort with its homefrom-home rooms, it also aims to keep you entertained, with wood-fired feasts, foraging expeditions, forest tours, horse-riding hacks, cookery lessons and bushcraft sessions.

Balmer Lawn Hotel

balmerlawnhotel.com Fancy a delicious meal? A relaxing spa day? A comfy bed for the night? The Balmer Lawn Hotel can offer all three! As well as a squash court, outdoor heated pool and the perfect base to explore the New Forest. Oh, and a whopping great lawn out front.

Loose Reins

loosereins.co.uk Leave the rat race behind as you cosy up in a cabin or lounge in a lodge at this luxury glamping spot with a frontier charm. Toast marshmallows on the fire, Loose Reins rock your troubles away on your porch and make friends with the horses. Yee-haw!

Halzelhurst Farm

Discover more hidden gems in 111 Places in Poole That You Shouldn’t Miss by Katherine Bebo. Available in bookshops and online. 2935


A Berkshire company has launched the UK’s first completely touch-free wireless hand sanitiser dispenser in response to the coronavirus crisis.The new Igieniko Hand Sanitiser Kiosk by chemical distribution company Chemtra Limited is ideal for entrances to shops, supermarkets, restaurants, pubs, offices, to help protect staff and customers as part of the ‘new normal’. The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends regular hand washing using soap or hand sanitiser to help combat the spread of Covid-19. The Igieniko dispenser is the first in the UK to include a touch-free, pedal-operated system and is the world’s first fire-proof wood sanitiser. The user simply places their hands under the dispenser, presses their foot down on the pedal and out squeezes the gel. With no hand contact, the safety and hygiene of users is ensured at all times and means organisations can actively contribute to reducing the spread of the coronavirus and other bacteria. Jesse Palle, managing director at Bracknell-based Chemtra Limited, said: “As lockdown restrictions are further eased in the UK and more non-essential shops and businesses start opening up again from today (June 15), the new Igieniko Hand Sanitiser Kiosk can help stop the spread of Covid-19 on the high street and in offices. hanks to the practical pedal-operated system, employees and customers are totally safe from touching a potentially contaminated hand sanitiser dispenser. “The Igieniko dispenser is first hand sanitizer kiosk in the UK to be able to offer this technology and we are very proud

36 34

to be playing a role in reducing the spread of the coronavirus in Bracknell, Wokingham and the surrounding areas across Berkshire and beyond. It is suitable for many types of environments and benefits larger areas where people congregate such as shopping centres, train stations and airports.” Made from fire-proof wood, the environmentally friendly freestanding Igieniko Hand Sanitiser Kiosk requires no cables, batteries or mains power and is completely wireless. The gel compartment holds up to five litres of sanitising gel – enough for around 5,000 pumps – and is available to buy online for £299 or can be rented from just £29 per month. Businesses can even customize the kiosk with their own corporate colours and logo, and it is compatible with any type of hand sanitising gel. Mr Palle said: “The Igieniko Hand Sanitiser Kiosk is light in weight, delivered fully assembled and ready for use. No technical support is required to set it up. Once the dispenser is removed from the box there are simple instructions and then it is ready to go. The dispenser can be positioned wherever you want it, and as it is cable free, it can also be moved when required. “Igieniko provides 5,000 pumps from a single cartridge, with a duration 10 times longer than the common dispenser available which typically offer around 500 deliveries. The gel compartment is compatible with any type of hand sanitiser and has a volume 10 times greater than similar dispensers on the market with a maximum capacity of 500ml.”

Free delivery

in and around Newbury for orders from the new on-line shop


Independent Optometrist offering emergency eye and vision support Valarie Jerome, who opened her independent optometrist service late last year, has responded to the current situation by offering video consultations for patients with emergency eye care concerns. At the same time, she has set up an on-line facility for ordering from a range over-the-counter eye and optical medication and is offering free delivery in and around the Newbury area. "I have been overwhelmed by the response I have had from the people of Newbury since opening my business last December. These are obviously difficult times for us all and I hope that these small measures may help alleviate some of my patients' concerns;" said Valarie. Anyone with an eye emergency or concerns about their vision can contact Valarie direct on 07771933898 or visit the company's Facebook page www. facebook.com/drvalariejerome/ toorder items


Originally from the USA, Dr Valarie Jerome has lived in Newbury for many years and has worked locally in the area 20 at various opticians as both a resident and locum optometrist. Earlier this year she was short listed for the Association of Optometrists Locum of the Year 2019. Dr Jerome has been practising as an optometrist since 2003. She received her BSc (Bachelor of Science) degree from Georgia Southern University in Georgia, USA and OD (Doctor of Optometry) degree from Nova Southeastern

University in Florida, USA. She worked in the USA for many years in primary eye care treating various eye conditions such as glaucoma, dry eye disease, iritis, blepharitis and conjunctivitis. She also spent time working in a low vision clinic offering custom vision plans for the partially sighted and alongside an eye consultant offering pre-operative and post-operative care of cataract surgery patients.

For optometry appointments please contact Valarie Jerome Tel: 01635 528844 Email: Valarie@DrValarieJerome.com 37

Successfu Help your Child

Finish the school year during lockdown.

Normally July brings end of year celebrations in school. Children perform shows, compete in sports days and say goodbye to their teachers. COVID-19 means finding new ways to celebrate the end of term. With some children returning back to school and others at home until Autumn, there’s no way for the usual festivities to happen. That brings opportunities to celebrate in a new way.

2. 3.

Here are some ideas you can use to help your child have a successful end to their school year:

1. 38

Find digital ways to say goodbye It’s simple to arrange free online video calls with platforms such as Zoom and Skype. Groups of friends or even a whole class can enjoy seeing familiar faces to say goodbye for the summer. Emails and video messages are great ways to send personal messages to teaching staff.


Celebrate the end of the year Don’t forget to mark the end of the school term, rather than letting it slide by unnoticed. Take photos of your children in their school uniform, have a special dinner and reminisce about your favourite moments from the year. Say thank you to teaching staff If your children are off school, you can’t easily send in a card or present. Instead have your child write and send a letter in the post to their teacher at the school address. If you want to send a present you could add a small gift voucher, bookmark or key chain – but remember a personal message means a lot more than any present. Make use of outdoor spaces Social meetups in gardens and parks give your children a way to see their friends whilst still following lockdown guidelines. Look ahead for a sunny day and arrange for a few of them to meet up with a picnic. Check latest government advice about how many friends can meet up and the distance they’ll need to keep.


Create a memory keepsake Many class photos got cancelled when schools went into lockdown. Your child could make a simple yearbook instead. Ask other parents to send you photos and the children can type an end of year message to include. There’s plenty of online photobook companies you could use or print off a copy at home to make a special memory book.

ully 6.

Make time to talk Some children will adapt to a different end of school without problems. For others it can cause worries. Let your child discuss how they’re feeling. Whilst you’ll want to talk positively, don’t ignore their anxieties. Seek support from your school or GP if you feel concerned about them.


Look forward to their next year It can be hard to say goodbye. For children changing school this September it’s particularly difficult. Encourage them to think about exciting new opportunities in the year ahead. Can they tell you what they loved most about this school year and what they’re looking forward to in September?

Helly Douglas - Writer Helly is a teacher and content writer, specialising in education and parenting.


When did Quintilis become July? As July arrives, along with warm evenings spent outdoors as lockdown restrictions begin to lift, one might wonder how, why, and who named this month, July.

In the Roman calendar, July was not the seventh month of the year as it is in the contemporary, Gregorian calendar, but the fifth month of the ten-month calendar.

The names of months are not simple, but full of history and honour and with the extra time we seem to have on our hands amidst lockdown, now is the best time to soak up non- essential knowledge.

January and February later moved to the beginning of the calendar and Quintilis no longer stood as the fifth month of the year. Prior to this time, March had been the start of the year.

When Julius Caesar became pontifex maximus, he reformed and rebuilt the

Roman calendar. The months were restructured and based upon Earth’s revolutions in relation to the sun. Before Julius’ death, July was named ‘Quintilis’, translating to the ‘fifth month’ in Latin, though in 44 B.C. Quintilis was renamed July to honour his birth by the Roman Senate. 40 40

January and February were considered times of peace, as little growth and significance occurred during these periods, hence December, or Decimus in Latin, which translates to the tenth month. March had been the earliest month of the year for temperate weather, whereby war could begin, in contrast January and February were futile periods of time. Once this consideration had reformed, January was named as, ‘the month of Janus’, the Roman God of Beginnings. The symbolic element of Janus is that it represents two differing faces, such symbolism served to illustrate the many opportunities inherent to a new year.

The name of the next month, February, (the month of cleansing) derives from ‘februa’ the name given to a Roman purification festival held on February 15th in the Roman period. As you can see, the months of the year and particularly their names are ridden with history and honour. Why not look up the histories of other months to impress your family and friends at your next lockdown quiz-night? Abbie Cooper Davis Columnist abbie@localbuzzmagazine.com


Are you unsigned and talented?

The Shed Session is an exciting new YouTube platform that was launched on the 5th January this year with the sole purpose of promoting unsigned and talented musicians nationally. www.theshedsession.com contact@theshedsession.com The Shed Session 42


Unsurprisingly The Shed is a (large) garden shed in Brentwood, Essex that has been converted into a recording studio and multimedia space. It boasts professional grade equipment to allow the recording and production of audio visual material.

music is not right for the channel.

As you might expect this happens via a live performance of original material where a band/artist get to strut their stuff in front of the camera and have it professionally recorded for YouTube.

From there it’s a matter of being selected based upon your diversity and talent which was mentioned earlier in the article. Once selected you’ll need to make the journey to Brentwood, Essex for your day in the studio.

Ralph Mullan, the founder of the Shed Session, owner of The Shed Studio and self-confessed music addict, has played and worked with unsigned bands for many years. He has wanted to turn a dream of owning a studio and his desire to help gigging unsigned talent to climb the super tough music ladder into a reality for many years. Ralph recognised the insatiable appetite of today’s social media platforms for content and saw The Shed Session going some way towards satisfying this must have for any aspiring talent. The Shed Session welcomes and encourages diversity and wants to showcase people from all walks of life, all ages and all styles. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to think that their

To get involved you’ll need to contact Ralph at The Shed via one of the platforms listed at the bottom of this article provide an appropriate link to your material and social media sites.

If selected it is worth noting that The Shed Session is free, YES FREE!! If you are not a performer or maybe you are not selected there is still some great music to be enjoyed on the channel so why not like and subscribe to the fortnightly releases?

Ralph Mullan, the founder of the Shed Session, owner of The Shed Studio


A path to success ...

Lara Norton, a film and art student, who has just completed her A-levels, shares with Local Buzz readers, one of her most significant interest .... music! Lara recently found The Shed, which has allowed her to develop her dream into reality. "I spend my time listening to as many genres as possible and hugely enjoy learning, researching and feeling inspired by my favourite bands and artists. I have always loved writing my own songs, as well as singing piano covers of many of my favourite artists, which has recently led me to begin looking for ways to start exploring

my passion for music, song writing and singing professionally. Hugely inspired by all types of music, specifically classic rock, blues, jazz and neo-soul, I was looking for somewhere to help me expand my knowledge and confidence in writing and performing, I was recommended going to The Shed Studio. My first performance at The Shed, was a fantastic experience, allowing me to experience performing while also encouraging me to continue practicing my skills and boosting my passion for music. It's a beautiful space with a friendly and welcoming environment. The studio owner, Ralph Mullan, has been helping me broaden my knowledge of music, as well as helping me build my technique, refining my abilities and helping me start my journey. Personally, I have found this to be the perfect place to learn and feel inspired, after only a short time of working with the studio. I highly recommended checking out The Shed Studio for a friendly and professional environment, whether you're just beginning, like me, or a professional, it is an excellent place for musicians of any ability."

Laura Norton

The Shed Session


The UK’s only live touring

event this summer



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The ultimate drive-in Entertainment experience

24th – 25th July 2020 Buckle up Newbury! Summer 2020 looks to have sadly been postponed until 2021 BUT the party goes on! Newbury Racecourse are delighted to present CAR PARK PARTY, the UK’s only LIVE touring event and first socially distanced and safe entertainment experience streamed straight into your cars, using the wonders of technology. CAR PARK PARTY is a ‘drive-in’ event bringing together world renowned brands in comedy, karaoke and theatre and is coming to Newbury Racecourse for multiple shows across 2 days from Friday 24th July to Saturday 25th July 2020. CAR PARK PARTY provides not just an evening, but a whole weekend to look forward to. Each day will hold a different fun-filled experience showcasing Car Park Comedy, Car Park Karaoke and Car Park Theatre, something for all of the family and friends to enjoy. On Friday evening the

entertainment begins with a spectacular sing-a-long concert from the Massaoke Band bringing two performances with ‘A Night At The Musicals’ and ‘Back To The Eighties’. Families are in for a treat during the daytime on Saturday when Horrible Histories: Barmy Britain brings live theatre to the racecourse whilst Saturday evening has the UK’s top comedic talent, supplied by the world-famous Comedy Store round off festivities – all to be enjoyed from the comfort and safety of your own car.

CAR PARK PARTY Full listings:

24th-25th July – Newbury Racecourse, Racecourse Rd, Newbury RG14 7NZ

Trafford Centre, Manchester

There will be limited tickets for each show priced at £35 per car for Comedy & Karaoke and Theatre (£2.50 booking fee applies). So, strap in and secure your space for the drive-in event of the summer!

For more information visit www.newburyracecourse.co.uk

3rd-4th July

Powderham Castle, Exeter

9th-11th July

Henley Festival, Henley

17th-18th July

Franklin’s Gardens, Northampton

24th-25th July

Newbury Racecourse, Newbury

25th-26th July

31st July-1st August

Chelmsford City Racecourse, Chelmsford

7th-8th August

Down Royal Racecourse, Belfast More to be added… Tickets & T&C’s are available at



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Business Support Get help and support for your business

You can also get help and support with Self Assessment.

Get help from family or friends

Your business can get advice and financial help from governmentbacked schemes. Enter your details and select the type of support you need.

Get help from HMRC

You can give permission to a friend or family member (a ‘trusted helper’) to deal with HMRC on your behalf for things like viewing your Income Tax estimate, talking to HMRC or helping you to fill in forms.

Get financial support if your business is affected by coronavirus (COVID-19). You can also get:

can’t pay your tax bill on time

disagree with a tax decision

have additional needs, for example a disability or you don’t speak English

help with tax

regional help with exporting

advice on writing a business plan

If you’re unemployed or on benefits you may be able to get extra help through your Jobcentre Plus work coach.

Get help with tax You can get help if you don’t understand something about your tax, for example tax returns, allowances and tax codes.


For simple queries, you can contact HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). You should also contact them in the first instance if you:

If you’re on a low income If HMRC can’t help and you’re on a low income (up to about £380 a week), you may be able to get free professional advice. This includes help with filling in forms and what to do if you owe money to HMRC. Contact:

Tax Help for Older People if you’re over 60 and need help with personal tax

TaxAid for help with business or personal tax

Hiring a professional An accountant or tax adviser may be able to help you with your tax. You’ll need to authorise an accountant or tax adviser to deal with HMRC for you. You can contact the government’s Business Support Helpline for free advice. You can also find free support, advice and sources of finance through your local ‘growth hub’. Business Support Helpline (England) enquiries@ businesssupporthelpline.org Telephone: 0800 998 1098 Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm

Local buzz Magazine is not responsible for any content provided by third parties - we believe the source of information to be true and reliable.

Monthly BuzzConnect Events . . .

FREE during lockdown! Our networking events have been postponed due to Corona virus, however, we are providing a FREE business promotion when you register for the networking events. Once registered, we will be sending a newsletter every week with updates on your business.

All the events are postponed until further notice.

Metro Bank Newbury 64 - 65 Northbrook St Newbury RG14 1AE

Every 1st Thursday of the month 8.30am - 10.00am

Metro Bank Basingstoke

Chiswick House, Unit 1 Festival Way Basingstoke RG21 7LD

Every 2nd Thursday of the month 8.30am - 10.00am







Effective networking If you have come along to one of our events, you will have noticed the warm and welcoming approach that we take. We encourage everyone to get involved and promote what they do. BuzzConnect was created to bring people together and we believe that there should be no exclusions, no long-term contracts and no “performance pressure” such as speaking to the room and giving a 2-minute introduction about your company. Our monthly networking at Metro Bank is hugely popular and will always be free.

However, our evening events have a small charge which covers our immediate costs with proceeds going towards our chosen charity. This year we have partnered with Living Paitings Charity. We look forward to welcoming you to our events this year, contact us if you have any questions. BuzzConnect Business networking is evolving and it will continue to grow for years to come. Make sure you join the BuzzConnect Networking Group on Facebook, so you can share your company information for free and be part of a thriving business community.



RAISE  your profile.




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business and leadership skills.


of a community that represents you.



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