ISPAHAN Magazine 5

Page 67

with the sensation that I participated in something beautiful.”, it is clear that you work with ambitious, sensitive and intelligent dancers. How do you attract and inspire this ‘type’ of dancers to take on this journey with you? I feel very blessed that wherever I have gone in the world, amazing students have found me and come to my classes. I find that my student body actually attracts more like minded people. And in this way we become a community, a sacred dance circle. For your Europe fans there will be an opportunity to study with you, in depth in a beautiful and relaxing spa setting in the countryside just outside of Rome. Can you give us the details? This coming Summer of 2013 (like all summers) I will have a Europe tour. My tour schedule can be found on my web site under the link Calendar. This Calendar will continue to update, but so far I will have workshops in Rome, and also Morlupa, Italy (at a beautiful countryside spa,) Madrid, Barcelona, and Israel. My retreat in Morlupa (just outside of Rome,) July 4-7th will be an especially great opportunity to study with me in depth in a beautiful, intimate, and healing setting. Spaces will fill up, so I encourage pre-registration soon. Also for a sneak preview of my class, Sacred Dance of the Silk Road go to this link: watch?v=INRA7uRQvXc

this interview, Miriam! Thank you very much for

*Web site *Miriam on Facebook peretz.3?ref=ts&fref=ts ISPAHAN 67

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