4 minute read

What’s Stopping You From Getting What You Want?

by Ryan McDermott

What is it that you want in life? A successful career or business? Financial freedom? A house on the beach? A big, loving family? Leisure time to travel the world? What about a healthier work/ life balance? Are you striving for better mental health and physical fitness? The possibilities are endless. Life is, after all, what you make it.

Everyone has goals and aspirations, or at least they should. If you’re like me, you might desire all of the above. So, if you aren’t thinking about that next climb to something greater, why not? And if you want all those things — the job, the house and all the rest — why don’t you have them yet? What’s holding you back?

Typically, the most significant thing stopping us from achieving our goals is — wait for it — ourselves. Yes, that’s right, we can be our own worst enemy. It’s not that we don’t have enough time or because other people hold us back. We can’t always blame the economy, the pandemic, bad luck, or any other reason.

The fact of the matter is, we think, and therefore we are. Negative thoughts creep in and pin us down. Thoughts like these are what we call limiting beliefs; they’re beliefs that limit us from reaching our highest potential. Anything you tell yourself about why you can’t have something you desire is a limiting belief.

Limiting beliefs can begin forming in childhood and become stored in our subconscious minds. We can inherit them from our parents or others as we grow up, from our environment and life experiences. Our subconscious mind creates the world around us. If you have a recurring problem in your life, whether it be health, finances or relationships, it’s likely due to limiting beliefs buried in your subconscious mind.

We think of these limiting beliefs as facts. What’s crushing your potential are beliefs like “I have to work hard for many years to become wealthy,” or “I have to sacrifice my health or personal time to have a successful business,” or the classic “I don’t have enough time or resources.”

Beliefs become true in your life only if you believe them to be true. Just as you believe them to be true, you can believe them to be false and instead choose to believe in something that doesn’t limit you but empowers you to live an incredible life. As you begin to identify and change your limiting beliefs, you will notice these new beliefs become your reality.

Again, there is no reason you can’t have everything you desire in life, but solely wanting something isn’t enough. It comes down to the Law of Attraction. It’s not about simply attracting the things we want in life, but instead, we attract that which we are. We are our beliefs.

Fortunately, we can break the cycle by reprogramming our subconscious minds to hold beliefs that empower us and allow us to live extraordinary lives — without limitation. So, how can you do that? Start by identifying what thoughts and ideas are holding you back. Then, every day, imagine living the life of your dreams. Seriously! Relax your mind and body, and just imagine.

Then, assume that state of being as true and live from it. You can’t live in your old state and expect anything to change. Stay true to your desires by thinking, acting and feeling them as if they’re already yours. It is absolutely possible to get whatever you want in life! Remember, nothing is impossible unless you believe that it is impossible.

Ryan McDermott is a mindset and success coach who helps his clients achieve their goals by challenging the way they think and helping them to see their life from a different perspective. Originally from the U.S., Ryan currently lives in Australia, where he coaches clients online via Zoom. Download his free worksheet, “Identify and Transform Your Limiting Beliefs,” at www.snip feed.co/ryanmcdermott. Interested in working with Ryan? Learn more at www.ryan mcdermott.com.au and book a free consultation at www.calendly.com/ rmcoaching/1-1-discovery-session.

Ryan McDermott is a mindset and success coach who helps his clients achieve their goals by challenging the way they think and helping them to see their life from a different perspective. Originally from the U.S., Ryan currently lives in Australia, where he coaches clients online via Zoom. Download his free worksheet, “Identify and Transform Your Limiting Beliefs,” at www.snip feed.co/ryanmcdermott. Interested in working with Ryan? Learn more at www.ryan mcdermott.com.au and book a free consultation at www.calendly.com/ rmcoaching/1-1-discovery-session.