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boherguy stud

Going it alone

Clare Manning is looking forward to the Orby Sale and Tattersalls with a first draft of yearlings selling from Boherguy Stud. Aisling Crowe meets the debutant consignor


TRIKING OUT. Making that decision to go out on your own and taking that first step by yourself; chasing the tomorrow you want to create for yourself. For Clare Manning, Boherguy Stud and the yearlings she will consign at Goffs and Tattersalls this autumn, are the physical embodiment of that act. After an education that encompassed three continents and an apprenticeship served with some of the best in the business, Manning took the bold decision to go out on her own and, less than a year since handing in her notice at Baroda Stud, is certain the decision was the right one. “I wanted something different,” she explains. “Baroda was great and I learned so much, especially behind the scenes and dealing with clients, but the job I wanted, the sales coordinator role, just didn’t exist in Ireland, and I didn’t know what to do. “I was winging it really and I got asked to take a couple of foals after Goffs and I had my own mare here and I thought I could do that and maybe take on something part-time in the afternoons, maybe a small farm that needed help in the office.


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