inSpirit Magazine Winter 2013

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YEP TEA: Yarrow, Elderflower and Peppermint: This is an old herbal remedy to help with the symptoms of cold and flu. You can get this one through Highland Herbs Tasmania and it is also tasty! GARLIC: Garlic is like natures Sudafed. If you have a lot of sinus congestion from a cold, garlic is fantastic for this. Generally take fresh garlic - about half a clove every 2-3hrs with some water. If you can’t stomach fresh garlic, you can use garlic capsules which are just as effective and you won’t lose any friends over it!

FOODS It is also good to eat soups and fresh vegetable juices or smoothies where you can. These types of foods are nutrient dense, but also very easily digested, taking more pressure off your body. OATS: Oats are a nutritive to the body. They are great for the Nervous System and help keep your blood sugar levels stable. There are many places where you can buy herbs, like The Herb Wholesalers where they sell to the general public, Highland Herbs, Austral Herbs, however you do need to be cautious that you don’t ‘self

Dates to remember -


August 1 / 2 (Southern Hemisphere)

Time to celebrate CHANGE. Herbs / Plants associated with Imbolc are evergreens and Willow trees, Rosemary, Angelica, Basil, Benzoin, Dandelion, Myrrh, Clover and Dill. Head to our website for ritual information on Imbolc! prescribe’. Only try herbs that you know are safe like the ones mentioned in this article or in a general herb book sold in book stores. Herbs are very powerful and as with anything you need to use in moderation. You might prefer making your own soaps and moisturisers, but whatever you do, just have fun and let your intuition guide you!


ECHINACEA: This is a widely used herb. Echinacea is more of a preventative herb. Echinacea stimulates your Immune System. It takes seven days for your new white cells to increase once taking Echinacea, therefore if you start taking it only when you get a cold, you will need to wait the seven days for it to really take effect, thus why you need to be taking it prior to getting a cold.

Nicola is an Artist, Herbalist and Pagan. As she is learning to walk the Shamans Path she is ever learning and evolving, acquiring knowledge from many faiths and origins. She has a special affinity with Celtic lore and everything Faery. Her connection to Nature and Spirit is what drives her to grow and motivates her to teach. Please contact Nicola at: /



Greek/Roman Goddess of Good Health Hygeia is classically represented holding a large serpent in her arms and her name is the source of the word ‘hygiene’.

Hygeia beckons you in when you ask for her help. To meditate with her will give you answers and healing to help with your emotional, spiritual, mental and physical self. She reminds you that they are all connected and thus should be treated holistically. If you are experiencing pain from a relationship, your heart centre will be affected. If you are tired, look at where you may be hurting somewhere emotionally or physically. Have you brought in pain from another lifetime? Whatever your ailment, you can ask Hygeia for answers. She may show you the area you need to work on, she may help clear energy or cut chords that are stealing your energy, or may cleanse your aura. Hygeia is known also for her cleanliness. Her message is one of health, but also of prevention of dis-ease. She asks you to look around at your environment. Is your house or room cluttered or in dis-array? Energy gets stuck in your external environment as well as your internal environment if you have not cleansed. If

you feel stuck in your personal life, you may want to start with cleansing your external environment. Have you ever felt so much better after a spring clean or just smudging your house? Remember ‘as above, so below, as within, so without’. Your external environment is a reflection of your internal environment. If you don’t understand what you need to fix you inside, start by doing things you can change on the outside. Know that whatever healing occurs when in Hygeia’s presence, it is a gift to you that you then need to take action on. Your healing is part of your own journey and therefore sometimes only you can heal yourself. Hygeia can show you the way if you choose to follow. She reminds that healing and health can come in many forms and what you put out to the world is what you will get back. It is like a mirror. See the gift of what is around you. Feel how your spirits lift when your animal comes to greet you, feel how alive you are when the sun hits your face when you go outdoors. Feel how your melancholy lifts when you watch something funny. Find the things in your life that give you this joy and when you are feeling blue, use these as your medicine. Take ownership of your health, ask for help and take action. Photo credit for Hygeia - Flickr (Colros)


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