inSpirit Magazine Winter 2013

Page 15

Natasha Heard once again works her special kind of magick as she lovingly reminds us of our wild woman, moontime ways…

We are but creatures of the Earth, daughters of the Moon. When we tune into our cycle, our bodies and the moon, our wild woman within is activated, our intuition is switched on, our gut feelings are our trusted oracle and our spirit glows with Luna light. If your moon cycle is out of balance you can heal yourself by spending more time out under the moonlight each night, a short walk at night under the stars shall tune your body into the cycles of the moon and in turn, to your own menstrual cycle. If your body is still out of balance then minimize the use of lights at night inside your home except for nights when the moon is full. If you experience painful cramps try resting for the first day of your moon time bleed, pamper yourself, treat yourself like the goddess you are and take

long warm baths, be indulgent in healthful ways and give yourself lots of love. This is a precious time when we women are closest to spirit and are often gifted with prophetic dreams. Our womanly bleeding is a sacrifice to spirit that is akin to praying so keep your thoughts positive and loving, being thankful for all you have and all that will come your way. So what options and products do we wise woman have? To be kind to ourselves, lovingly honour our cycles and Mother Earth? I am a modern wild woman and I use cloth pads, I purchased them online for my 30th Birthday and they have been the best gift ever! Three years on and I have never looked back. These pads are worn the same way as sanitary napkins but not thrown away polluting our Earth, instead soaked in cold water and washed in the washing machine, then hung on the clothes line to dry and the soaking water is great fertiliser for the garden! Being kind to ourselves and kind to the Earth is also kind to our purses, saving money every month. I would like to share with you all a very special time when my daughter at the age of 12 years old became a woman, when she began her moon cycles. My mother and I organised a special little ceremony; we had a triple goddess ~ coming of age celebration! The three of us went out into the night under the moon, next

to a beautiful body of water and from grandmother to mother to daughter, one at a time we each placed our hands on our own sacral chakra area on the lower tummy and said “My Blood - My Womb – My Daughter” and then to my daughter we both placed our hands on her tummy and said “Your Blood – Your Womb – We bless you under the silvery moon… Blessed Be”. Then we gifted her some womanly gifts such as cloth pads and jewellery and 15 shared sparkling grape juice, lots of love and laughter. I know that this ceremony will stay with us all for the rest of our lives. But more importantly will stay with my daughter and she will always know her moontime is sacred and she is a goddess. MAGIC

As woman, we are continuously dancing with the moon. If we tune into our bodies we will hear the moon’s sweet song calling us to follow her; look up and connect to her; honour her by honouring ourselves. Our divine feminine menstrual cycle is strongly connected to the magical Luna cycle, as we both share a 28 day cyclic journey, from the gloriously full moon, shining brightly upon the earth then slowly withdrawing into the darkness through to dark moon, mysteriously vanishing for a few nights, then gently reappearing ready to begin the beautiful cycle all over again.

I would like to encourage all the mothers out there to celebrate when their daughters begin to bleed for the first time. It could be as simple as gathering likeminded friends or family to share stories of their first moontime or follow the ceremony we used. You could write out positive wishes for her future that she can keep forever, there are many ways to make this a magical time. It is such a beautiful, positive way to introduce girls to womanhood.

“Look up to the sky my Earthly daughters, pure in mind and hearts ~ Spirits entwined we sway and dance in a cycle that never parts ~ Grandmother Moon”.

Natasha Heard is a creatress of all things magical! A natural witch ~ her magical life and connection to the Earth flow into all her creations. Specialising in Wands, Sceptres and Staves; and creating with her horticulturalist husband Michael, Blessed Rune sets and Tree of Life Bind Rune Talismans. Her innate connection with all aspects of the natural world and passion for magic is what makes her a true creatress of powerful, magical tools. Natasha can be contacted at: Email: or / Facebook: Blessed Branches…magical tools by Natasha Heard. Photo Credit: Argnesh Rose Visionary Digital Artist specialising in fantasy and totem portraiture –

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