Inspired Ideas, The Christmas Issue

Page 139

Back of stocking Pin remaining cuff, toe and heel sections onto the back panel of the stocking. Pin hanging loop in place between top band and back panel. Attach top band, toe and heel to back panel by whipstitching along the edge with red sewing thread. Note do not stitch along edges of stocking panel.

Jenny has been drawing and making stuff since she was a wee thing. Whether she's illustrating children's books, designing patterns or stitching silly toys, Jenny thinks that a day spent in the studio is an absolutely super day. She lives and works in a rambling, creatively

Assemble stocking

decorated home in Dallas, Texas (which is

Pin front panel to back panel with wrong sides together, leaving top open. Using white pearl floss on the red portions, and red pearl floss on the white portions, whip stitch all around edge of stocking, leaving top open.

band). Christmas is hands down her

heroically tolerated by her architect husfavorite holiday, as anyone who has visited her blog Allsorts can attest. You can read about her crafty adventures there ( or chuckle at

With white pearl floss, whip stitch around top opening, catching hanging loop in stitches to secure. Hang your stocking and enjoy!

her random bursts of creative output in her etsy shop, Loopsies. christmas 2010


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