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Summer Travels in Foreign Lands

There’s no other experience that will change your life and perspective like traveling to a new culture in a foreign land. But for many, you can’t just throw some clothes in a bag and head to the nearest airport. Traveling abroad can take a lot of planning, so here are some “Do’s and Don’ts” for your summer travels!


1. DON’T expect everyone to speak your language.

If you speak English, depending on where you go, there is a chance you can find someone who will speak English, but that does not mean everyone will. Be prepared to have to navigate using context clues or a translator app that can help you communicate where you need to go.

2. DO try to learn the native language of wherever you travel to.

If you have time before you depart for your trip, try to learn the basics of the native language of each country you plan to visit. Words such as yes and no, directions, phrases like, “Where is a restroom?” or other key terms will help you navigate the unknown. It also shows the natives that you are trying to respect their culture and can help build a relationship and communication.

3. DON’T over pack, but don’t under pack either.

This goes for clothes, shoes, and money. It can be expensive to have to buy a bunch of clothes upon arrival, and you want to be prepared for whatever situations may come up. If you go hiking, you don’t want to be stuck with only sandals, but also have a good pair of sneakers or boots. It’s also a good idea to pre-exchange your currency before you leave so that you have some cash in hand. Foreign exchange rates are typically higher once you get where you’re going. You want to have enough to keep you sustained, but don’t pull out so much that if something happens and you lose your wallet you don’t have anything else in the bank.

4. DO check the weather before you leave.

It may be 90 degrees Fahrenheit back home, but that does not mean the weather will be the same halfway around the world. Get a good understanding of what the temperature is on average where you are traveling and be prepared in case you run into some storms!

5. DON’T carry your wallet in your back pocket or sitting in your purse.

Believe it or not, pickpockets do exist. It might be an unsuspecting bump, they weren’t paying attention to where they were going, but it was also just long enough for you to get distracted and their friend snatch your valuables right there.

6. DO buy a travel pack to keep your valuables in.

If you can’t keep your money and passport in your pocket or purse, where can you put it to keep it safe? A great suggestion is to buy a travel pack that can be worn under your shirt, either around your neck or around your waist. This keeps your valuables tight to your body, all the while still keeping them accessible to you if you need to make a purchase.

7. DON’T be an obnoxious traveler.

Sure, this trip is about you and you’re spending the money to go travel, but that doesn’t mean you get to disrupt the lives of everyone who lives there. Be respectful of their culture and traditions. Traveling is about new experiences and embracing differences. Don’t let your expectations get in the way of experiencing something beautifully different.

8. DON’T worry about every little detail.

Not everything is going to go exactly according to your plan. Be flexible. You never know, missing that train across town might lead you to something unexpectedly great right around the corner.

9. DO experience adventure!

This is your chance to explore. Be bold! Don’t miss out on an opportunity of a lifetime!