Imbo Magazine January 2013

Page 51

financial fundis

because it’s a new year, take it easy times are rough. Get a financial planner as your mentor very early in the year as possible. They should advice you on dire issues like contract phones, clothing accounts as well as opening credit cards. Try to keep going out to a minimum for the first few month of the year until you settle into a financial routine or better yet - a lifestyle. You can save a bundle on food by staying at home, cooking your own meals as opposed to eating out almost every night. Buy second hand study material or better yet find a graduate and negotiate buying all their materials from them as “bulk buying” is always cheaper. Also, associate yourself with final year students, particularly those whose studies are sponsored as they are not too concerned about selling study material to earn income. If all else fails the library is always a good place to find material.

Lastly, be on the lookout for second hand textbooks and student discounts. There will be adverts all throughout the campuses, so make deals to get the textbooks for close to nothing. Always jot down your budget on a piece of paper and keep it safe so you can use it to reconcile your budget to your actual spending after the first, second and third month. This will help you manage your finances and reduce excessive spending.

top 5 tips on surviving january * Fall in love with bargains * Trade what you do not want with others * Don’t be an impulsive buyer * Budget and review you spending frequently (the shorter the review intervals the better) * Read a book – it keeps you away from shopping, outings, etc.

IMBO/ ISSUE 9/ 2012 51

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