Imbo Magazine January 2013

Page 43


Celebrating Street Art Chido-Vanessa Dandajena

t Throughout time art has been one of the most relevan and controversial form s of expression whethe r it was used to unite, suppress or revolt. Historically, artists like Van Gough and Da Vinci were awed, revered and respected for their work in churches, town build ings and places of public gathering. Nowadays the depiction of stre et artists including dancers, photog d raphers and graffiti artists has somewhat depslete ith gang and w ed at ci so as en ev e m so to a tabo o, communities. y an m in ce en ol vi h ut yo the facilitation of hers and art p ra g to o h p f o ts h g u o The philosophical th as yester years and h uc m as r te af ht ug so ’t ists aren the expressive performances of dancers aren’t con sidered. However, there are exceptions to the rule, Freddy Sam and Trevor Stuurman.

IMBO/ ISSUE 9/ 2012 43

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