Illinois Banker Magazine | September - October Issue

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Boost Your Recruiting Efforts with Inbound Marketing By Tom Blackwell, Angott Search Group


lthough we’re still in the midst of coping with the pandemic, we’re beginning to see glimmers of hope for recovery. It may not be business as usual, but for many companies, it will mean ramping up their workforce again. Unemployment rates have soared to new highs after a period of extremely low rates that led to stiff competition for top job candidates, and while it may be some time before they are substantially lower, forward-thinking companies will be looking to replace critical talent and gear up for pent-up demand for goods and services. So, this is a good time to consider how to attract the talent you need ahead of your competitors. Companies need to stop selling and start generating demand. Begin by creating and distributing quality content that gets the attention of your desired audience. To build trust among relevant individuals, provide information that enhances your reputation as a thought leader in your space. Illustrate your values and highlight your company culture to enhance your employer brand. “Inbound marketing is all about creating interest, warming up relationships, and getting people to come to you and your organization,” says Tom Blackwell, Director of Angott Search Group.

connections they’re looking for and solves problems they already have.” With this in mind, here’s how your organization can use inbound marketing to attract top talent. “First,” says Blackwell, “it’s essential that you have a well-defined idea of the type of person you aim to hire for your company so that you can market to them effectively.” To do this, the publication Social Media Today recommends that you create “candidate personas” to form a clear picture of the audience you want to target. “What education is needed, what essential skills are required, what other factors are pertinent to the specific position? Probe these areas with your team so you can target the people who fit your needs,” advises Blackwell.” This process helps you to refine your inbound marketing efforts and streamline your campaigns on social media platforms such as LinkedIn.” Second, you should think strategically about the content on your website. “Not every person that comes across your content or website is ready to apply for a position,” as noted by Social Media Today. “Some people are curious, passively seeing what opportunities are out there or simply

What exactly is inbound marketing?

According to Hubspot, a marketing software firm, “Inbound marketing is a business methodology that attracts customers by creating valuable content and experiences tailored to them. While outbound marketing interrupts your audience with content they don’t want, inbound marketing forms

September-October 2020 •

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