Toolkit: Scaling Up HIV-Related Legal Services

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Toolkit: Scaling Up HIV-Related Legal Services

4 5 9. Costs of education on HIV and the law for communities and the legal sector

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10. Costs of advocacy, law and policy reform


Will the service provide legal education for communities? Will the service provide education on HIV and the law to lawyers, judges, paralegals and other legal sector workers? 3 If this is to be provided through workshops, how often will this occur, where and over how many days? 4 What is the average cost of venue hire, if required? 5 Who will conduct the workshops? 6 If they are not to be conducted by staff, what fees are involved? 7 What costs are involved in developing training materials and other educational resources for the workshops? 8 Who will prepare the materials and what printing costs will be involved? 9 What costs will be involved in supporting people living with HIV and other community members to be involved in planning and delivering workshops? 10 Will guest speakers such as HIV experts require a fee? 11 Will people attending the workshops require financial support for travel, meals and accommodation?

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11. Costs of technical assistance

Will outreach services be provided by staff lawyers and paralegals, volunteer lawyers or contractors? If they are contractors, what rates do they charge? Are there special costs associated with providing services at the outreach sites, for example transport, hire of a room?



Will the service be conducting public campaigns? If so, how many per year? Will campaign materials be produced, for example briefing papers, posters? Will the service be conducting research on law and policy? What costs are involved in publishing reports on law and policy reform and in printing briefing papers and posters? Will research and campaigns work be conducted by staff, volunteers or persons on short-term contracts? Will costs be involved in obtaining technical assistance for drafting proposed legislation? If contractors will be required, what rates are charged? How many reports will the service aim to produce per year? Are there special costs involved in campaigns, such as travel to the capital to meet officials and parliamentarians? Will the service require specialist technical assistance? If so, for how long? For example, will the service need to engage interpreters, a monitoring and evaluation adviser, a gender adviser or consultants to support capacity development? Will the service require technical support to establish and maintain computer networks and databases, a web site or other information technology? 49

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