Toolkit: Scaling Up HIV-Related Legal Services

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Toolkit: Scaling Up HIV-Related Legal Services

Photo credit: UNAIDS/G.Pirozzi

Key resources on HIV, the law and human rights The human-rights-based approach to responding to HIV is described in: Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, UNAIDS (2006). HIV/AIDS and human rights: international guidelines. Geneva, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. Available at issues/hiv/guidelines.htm. Further guidance and case studies of human-rights-based law reform are provided in the following: Inter-Parliamentary Union, United Nations Development Programme, UNAIDS (2007). Taking action against HIV and AIDS. Geneva, Inter-Parliamentary Union. Available at World Bank (2007). Legal aspects of HIV/AIDS: a guide for policy and law reform. Washington, DC, World Bank. Available at 375798-1103037153392/LegalAspectsOfHIVAIDS.pdf.

TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY Legal services will be transparent and accountable to the communities they serve. Communities affected by decisions on how legal services are provided will be able to contribute to discussions and decisions through appropriate consultation and representation on the governance bodies of services. Staff and communities affected by management decisions will be able to know who made the decisions and why they were made. Services will be systematically monitored and evaluated and the findings reported to staff, communities and funders. SUSTAINABILITY Planning for the scale-up of HIV legal services will take into account the capacity of communities, governments and the legal profession to sustain the services in the future.


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