1 minute read

New city-level data uncovers the toll of gun violence and offers solutions.

City-level data available on the City Health Dashboard, through a partnership with Everytown for Gun Safety, reveals the impact of gun violence in cities as well as factors leading to the rise of gun suicides and homicides, such as:

Cities in states with the strongest gun violence prevention laws have about half the rate of gun suicides as those in states with the weakest laws.


Cities with the most gun shops experience nearly four times higher gun suicide rates than those with the fewest Cities with the most parks or walkable neighborhoods have half the gun suicide rate of cities with the least.

▶ Make data-driven decisions to reduce gun violence and bolster community connection

▶ Explore the factors that shape health, and the drivers of health equity

▶ Use data to focus resources and enlist partners to allow all communities to thrive


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