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Places + Faces

Q: How would you explain Places+Faces to someone from an older generation?

A: Places+Faces explained to the older generation, is telling them that we are documenting the culture that we are a part of. As the next generation, we are giving people an insight to what our generation was like and what inspired us, from music to fashion to memes to whatever.

Q: What made you decide to start photographing artists?

A: Well we started off as photographers, that’s the foundation of P+F. If we stopped everything we’re doing, from the merch, to parties and music, we would still be photographers. It gives us a reason to travel and see more of the world.

Q: Who was the first artist you ever shot?

A: A$AP Ferg was one of the first—if not the first—artists we shot.

Q: Last artist you shot?

A: Well, we are currently on tour with Playboi Carti for his Europe show run, so he’s probably the last artist we’ve shot.

Q: What’s gone well for you so far this year?

A: Our year is pretty much starting out. We’ve already been doing a lot, released the second Issue of our magazine, thrown a couple parties in like Toronto, Montreal, Bratislava, Berlin, etc. Been opening up as DJs on the Playboi Carti tour, and it’s only been three months.

Q: What was the last party you shot?

A: The last party we shot was probably our party in Montreal, which was pretty wild.

Q: What kind of projects do you have planned for this year?

A: We have a lot of projects we’re working on, like the third issue of our magazine, a photo book, more parties and pop-ups too.

Q: Which projects were the most challenging to get off the ground?

A: I mean, thinking of a new idea then working on it to bring it off the ground is a challenge of its own. When we started making the magazines, putting them together, and making sure it’s good content that everyone will like, that was a challenge in itself.

If we stopped everything we're doing, from the merch, to parties and music, we would still be photographers. It gives us a reason to travel and see more of the world."

Q: Do you plan to continue the print avenue for Places+Faces?

A: Yes, we’re making another magazine. We started off making mini-zines and then we wanted to expand and grow bigger, so we started working on proper magazines. Now we’re working on the third issue.

Q: Best party you’ve thrown so far?

A: Best party we’ve thrown probably has to be the one in Tokyo last year. It was around 1,500 people and we had Giggs and Kohh perform, which made the party even crazier.

Q: What are your thoughts on the modern entrepreneur?

A: I think modern entrepreneurship is cool, like you don’t have to go to school and get a degree to do what you want especially if it’s in the creative field. If you’re passionate about what you do and have a clear vision, anyone can make something happen, which puts everyone pretty much on an equal playing field.

Q: Did anyone ever realize you aren’t supposed to be backstage (in the early days)?

A: Yeah, people have realized we weren’t supposed to be back there but we’re pretty quick at thinking on our feet. However now it’s different, we don’t have to worry about that anymore.

Q: What’s a project that you wished turned out differently?

A: Everything we do is a learning experience and new to us—nothing at the moment I wish turned out differently, because there’s always lessons to be learned.

Q: You guys have been known to say you want to make a shift in the culture and leave an impact. What would this involve, in the next 5-10 years?

A: Ideally in the next 5-10 years, we’d like to see our work in galleries and museums, being studied on what culture was like.

Q: Who are the people making the biggest impacts on the culture now?

A: Too many to name but to name a few: Gunnerstahl, Samuel Ross and Ace Harper with A-COLD-WALL*, Tremaine and Acyde with No Vacancy Inn, Elie who’s a sick photographer from Toronto, Anwar Carrots, and Yoni from Marchenoir.

Q: Where do you see Places+Faces in the future?

There’s no limit for us right now, we feel like we’re in a position where we can go into different routes and it would fit within the brand. Like one day we could have an airline, and that would be fire and work for the brand. I guess what we’re saying is that there’s nothing offlimits for us. We’re just working on new and exciting ideas every day that would potentially help expand Places+Faces.