Spring 18 302 conference

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A Word from the Conference Chair Congratulations on being participants at the annual Anthropology of Religion virtual conference. Thank you for your many wonderful presentations and for providing all of us the opportunity to learn a little about your fascinating work on a vast range of religious beliefs and practices and the complicated ways that religious ideas shape our varied realities.. As scholars in an Anthropology of Religion course (a GE course with majors from all disciplines) we have been able to undertake individual research, explore our interests and grapple with the issues involved in ethnographic representation. Each scholar has been forced to confront how to present a critical glimpse of an aspect of a religious belief system, embedded in a particular culture, and raise questions about the relationship between the two. Please enjoy this opportunity for intellectual engagement and thoughtful reflection on the cultures and religions here represented in the work of your colleagues.

TABLE OF CONTENTS ANTHROPOLOGY OF RELIGION...........................................................................................1 VIRTUAL CONFERENCE.............................................................................................................1 Spring 2018....................................................................................................................................1 A Word from the Conference Chair..............................................................................................2 EUROPE AND EGYPT..................................................................................................................5 A Deeper Look Into Catholocism.................................................................................................5 The Old Gods and Equality: AN Examination of THe Issue of Race in Modern Asatru.............5 The Ancient Book of the Dead.....................................................................................................5 Hellenism and ANcient Greece....................................................................................................5 ASIAN.............................................................................................................................................6 Shintoism: An Ancient Religion...................................................................................................6 Zen Practices.................................................................................................................................6 Daoism and the ENvironmemt.....................................................................................................6 BUDDHISM....................................................................................................................................7 Buddhism: THe Awakened One....................................................................................................7 Buddhism: THe Misunderstood Religion.....................................................................................7 Buddhist Beliefs............................................................................................................................7 Religion of the Soul......................................................................................................................7 Caretaking of THe Dead...............................................................................................................7 Zen Buddhism Among THe Shaolin Warrior Monks...................................................................8 PAGANISM & WICCA..................................................................................................................8 Wicca: The Misunderstood Religion............................................................................................8 Modern Day Witchcraft................................................................................................................8 Alixandrea Flint............................................................................................................................8 Finnish Paganism: An Identity Crisis or Declaration of Independence........................................9 The Origins of Witchcraft.............................................................................................................9 Wicca In America.........................................................................................................................9 HINDUISM.....................................................................................................................................9 Diferent Dimensional Aspects of Hinduism...............................................................................10 Hinduism: Beyond The Western Mind.......................................................................................10 Hinduism: What is God?.............................................................................................................10 ISLAM...........................................................................................................................................11 Women And the Expectations of Gender in Islam......................................................................11 Does ISIS Have Anything To Do With Islam?...........................................................................11 Sunni and Shia: Religious Culture and Conflict.........................................................................11 NORTH AMERICAN....................................................................................................................12 People of THe Place Where the Trails Return: Ruituals and Beliefs That Endure.....................12 Protestant: A Branch of Christianity...........................................................................................12 The Holey Father and THe Hole MOther: An ANthropological Study of the Typical Morman Family.........................................................................................................................................12 Mormonism: Exploring THe Growth Of a New Relgion...........................................................13 Curandismo: How Mexican AMerican Folk Medicine is Important for Modern Health Care. .13 SCientology................................................................................................................................13 OTHER..........................................................................................................................................13

Satanism: SHaped By Society....................................................................................................13 TO Hell With It: An Examination of Eschatological Development in Zoroastrianism..............14 The History of Witchcraft and the Psychic Phenomena.............................................................14 Jainism: THe Religion and Asceticism Defined.........................................................................14 Shamanism THen And NOw: How Traditional Shamanism Impacts Modern Society..............14 African Witchcraft and its Influence on African Society............................................................14 Jediism: Religion or Not?...........................................................................................................15 The Goddess Within Us..............................................................................................................15 Finding Your Fairy......................................................................................................................15 The Future Cure Along WIth Medicine......................................................................................15



Paul Gibson ABSTRACT This project is an in-depth look into the structure of modern Asatru and its portrayal as a white supremacist religion. Asatru is the modern revitalization of the traditional religions of pre-Christian Germanic cultures in northern Europe. in recent years, it has become common for Asatru symbols and practices to be portrayed in media as being a faith practiced solely by white supremacist organizations. Unfortunately, this popular portrayal has led to a widespread lack of knowledge and understanding regarding the actual structure and membership of this fascinating faith. It is my hope that this project will help dispell some of the public misconceptions


A DEEPER LOOK INTO CATHOLOCISM Michelle Duran-Gonzalez ABSTRACT I am going to be researching and presenting on Christianity, specifically the Catholic sector of Christianity. Although it is a sector of christianity, catholicism has many differences, including I will be researching just how vast this religion has spread world wide throughout the years. It is a very important religion and popular among so I will be looking into just how much of an impact it was made throughout its history and throughout the world. What is interesting about catholicism is the amount of controversy that has surrounded it in the past as well as the amazing art and the history and stories behind that as well.

This presentation examines the religion of Ancient Egypt with an emphasis on the Book of the Dead. The Book of the Dead in this context is meant to be a guide for the dead to navigate the afterlife, the time between the deceased’s death and their judgement. The content of the book primarily consists of spells that were intended to be used by the deceased to help them through the afterlife, some even included illustrations to show how to perform certain spells and other pivotal moments of the afterlife. Examining this text has a lot of insight into the Ancient Egyptian religion, culture, and views on the afterlife.

HELLENISM AND ANCIENT GREECE Samantha Pew ABSTRACT This presentation examines different aspects of ancient Greek culture especially around the time of Hellenism. It gives an in depth explanation on what Hellenism is and where it originated. It also goes on to explain Greek Gods and how they work in Greek religion versus what is seen in popular culture today. This is interesting because so many people have assumptions on what Greek Culture is from popular culture outlets such as movies and books they do not know why these god or religion exist. We need to be able to go back and analyze the fiction and non fiction that has become Greek culture.



The Buddhist sect known in Japan as Zen is interesting because it seems to be practiced without dependence on writings or myths. The explanations of the practices consist of short stories or episodes about Masters and students. Zen seems to reach its goal through experiences and individual enlightenment. Much of the spiritual practices involve “contemplation and meditation.” Some of the meditation topics are absurd riddles that tend to focus thought then confuse the mind. It seems that Zen students after failing to understand over and over are suddenly hit with an inspiration and spontaneously understand the lesson. I will try to investigate some of these techniques as it seems that any meditation practice can prove useful and help center and calm the mind facing obstacles.


Photo by Topinambour SHINTOISM: AN ANCIENT RELIGION Brianna Addington ABSTRACT This presentation is on the Shinto religion, which is considered to be the traditional religion of Japan. This religion was created in Japan and was not brought over by another culture. It has a long history in Japan, helping to form Traditional Japanese culture. In the modern world it still plays a significant role in Japanese culture, although it has changed from its original form. This religion is not well known outside of Japan, and as such it is not well understood. This research project sought to better understand the history, the practices, and the role of Shintoism in modern Japanese culture. .

This project seeks to examine the beliefs and values of Daoism, with a special focus on how Daoist beliefs translate into attitudes towards the environment. Daoism places a large focus on the interconnection between humans and all other things in the natural world; they see our place in the universe as being very much related to, and dependent on, the rest of the ecosystem, rather than something separate from nature. Further, Daoist beliefs emphasize the principle of non-harming, and trying to minimize damage done to other beings. This sort of belief system leads to a strong sense of connection to the environment and, in turn, to a heightened interest in ecological conservation. Through a review of the literature on Daoism’s history and belief systems as well as on the link between Daoism and ecology, this project aims to foster a greater understanding of the interplay between religion and environmental attitudes.


ABSTRACT This presentation shows and talks about the beliefs and symbols of the Buddhist culture. The “Four Noble Truths,” which are suffering, the cause of suffering, the end of suffering and the path are considered the Four Noble Truths. This part of Buddhism is key because this is Buddha’s main teachings for the entire path of Buddhism. One of the main symbols within the Buddhist culture is The Lotus Flower, which is the representation of having ability of wisdom and purity in life above hard times which is key to the Buddhist culture. Both of these are such interesting concepts due to the fact that they are needed within the culture to succeed in their religion and lifestyle. While we understand all of these ideas it brings more attention to the importance of Buddhism in general.

Photo by Aleksander Dragnes BUDDHISM: THE AWAKENED ONE

Felicia Baxter-Michaeli ABSTRACT This presentation focuses on Buddhist religion and the components that make up the historical traditions. Buddhism flourishes mainly in Southeastern Asian countries such as Thailand, Cambodia, Burma (Myanmar), Laos and some areas of China and India. Buddhism first began in the seventh century B.C. when Buddha Shakyamuni became enlightened. Buddha Shakyamuni then took his personal experience and began teaching the four noble truths. Throughout extensive time, Buddhism has branched off into a number of different sects where teachings altered according to schools and regions. In touching on the different sects of Buddhism along with following the historical path, it will shed light on one of the most followed religions in the world.

BUDDHISM: THE MISUNDERSTOOD RELIGION CHRISTOPHER CHERMS ABSTRACT From all of my research I have really seen that, myself included, not a lot is known about buddhism. There seems to be a lot of mis homers out there. In this paper I really want to dive into those monomers and really bring to light the religion to my audience. I really want to specifically look at the three pillars of life and there real world applications. I still also have more research I want to do to wrap up my paper.


RELIGION OF THE SOUL Jacqui Light ABSTRACT This presentation will cover Buddhism and how this practice has influenced the lives of many people in part due to its desirable aspects and goals. I will focus on the importance of meditation and deepening one's spiritual experience through the practice of Buddhism. Having a grounded soul and mind let's one break free from the needs of everyday society and can release anger and resentment. Through Buddhism I would like to learn the ways people let go and become one with the religion and it's practices; because stress and worry is so prevalent in today's society.

CARETAKING OF THE DEAD Jason Longdon ABSTRACT This presentation examines the elements of the death of Buddhists in Tibet. Specifically, I will be focusing on the rituals, symbols and meaning after the death of the Tibetan Buddhist’s physical form and the methods utilized in treating that form. My research indicates that there are specific ceremonies that can be carried out in specific ways. Furthermore, post mortem treatment of the physical body, timing of ceremonies and their locations will be discussed. The purpose is to reveal the moments of the end of the physical form for Tibetan Buddhists. The afterlife may mystify us, the physical world should not.


ABSTRACT This presentation focuses on the practices and ideas of zen buddhism, also known as “chan” buddhism, specifically as followed the monks of the shaolin monastery. Though the specific forms of zen are slightly different as found in different parts of the world, they are all based on meditation and the process of self discovery. The original shaolin practices combined zen buddhism with the already established tao religion. This manifested as a belief in the connection between the mind and the body. Shaolin martial arts therefore came about as a means of strengthening the body in order to gain more powerful meditative abilities. Though the shaolin order has been reformed many times, with many important materials lost to time, we can observe their beliefs in modern monks through their demonstrations of magnificent physical feats and incredible meditative ability.



My presentation examines the various aspects of the Wicca religion, along with the significance of the divine forces/elements that represent all living things on Earth. These forces include: water, fire, air, earth, and spirit. Within the Wicca religion, there are annual rituals held to honor the sun’s yearly cycle; these rituals includes four major Sabbats and four minor Sabbats. My research for this presentation will include an in-depth look into the four major Sabbats that occur, along with the date specific events that are held to honor the land and all living organisms. By understanding and acknowledging the functioning forces around us, we can learn to appreciate the Wiccan’s principle. .


In this presentation the practices of the Wicca religion will be examined and focus will be upon the three important principles that these modern pagans follow. Although the religious following base are often seen as satan worshipers and practicers of witch craft through some eyes, wiccans are focused on the sacredness of nature, the process of interacting with subtle energies and processes of the universe, and the belief the immanence of divinity. The Wicca religion is often misunderstood, as mention before, is seen and satan worship and witchcraft. This is what makes this topic so interesting, learning about what the wiccan religion actually worships and practices.

FINNISH PAGANISM: AN IDENTITY CRISIS OR DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE Kelcey Hein ABSTRACT This presentation examines the political history of Finland; the resurgence of Finnish mythology and the Kalevala, Finland’s nationally recognized epic; and how this resurgence appears today regarding Finnish NeoPaganism and “Fakelore” in the hopes of understanding historic Finnish Paganism. Finland is known for its historical Scandinavian and Russian influences which caused a national crisis of identity. This crisis has resulted in a resurgence of Finnish interest for the mythology and practices however these emphases are argued to be historically inaccurate, referring to them as ‘Fakelore’. However, Finnish Neo-Paganism still gains ground in practice and through the protection of pagan holy sites in Finland.

being evil and Satanic, thus leading to the eradication of restricted practices, such as the Salem witch trials in the 1600s, where many people (mostly women) were imprisoned and even executed for practicing “magic”.

WICCA IN AMERICA Megan McDaniel ABSTRACT For my project I am working on finding out the basics and fundamentals of Wicca in America. I grew up in a Christian household and my mother did not let me know what Wicca or witchcraft was about because she thought it was an activity of the devil. Little did I know that in 2001 around the time I began my curiosity of this religion that it was becoming the country's fastest growing religion. A reason why most people aren't aware of its popularity is because it is basically a hidden religion. Which means people fear they will lose their jobs or social life if they share their faith. As my project continues I am learning a bunch of little facts about the religion that keep me asking why which leads to more follow up questions. .

THE ORIGINS OF WITCHCRAFT Chelsea Hernandez ABSTRACT The origins of witchcraft have lots of connections to the ancient tribes of Africa, Asia, and Europe. When the religion of Christianity began expanding and introducing practices and cultural differences to tribes around the conquering territories of the world, such earth and foreign rituals were seen as malefice, which refers to practices of blessings and cursing and healing and manipulating people and objects (Bowie 2006). These practices transformed into a practice called Paganism, coming from early Christianity practices, often known as the religion of the peasants. Witchcraft came from earthly practices and spiritualism tied to the energy of the body and of the earth. Unfortunately these Pagan practices were labeled as


Hinduism is a religion is discussed. Hinduism is so very ancient that its origins began with an oral tradition; so, the information scholars 'know' about its origins, is questionable. Hinduism has many elements of a religion: sacred texts with a cosmology myth including many, many other myths; it is polytheistic (allowing atheists to be full members); it has core beliefs and rituals; there is a belief in heaven and hell and a path to salvation. Although there are many different symbols to one god; that is a separate issue from the divine power within that god. Hinduism is so rich with ideas that are so foreign to me, this research has been a fascinating journey!


Photo by Graham Hills DIFERENT DIMENSIONAL ASPECTS OF HINDUISM Auxilia Josephina Clint Joseph ABSTRACT Hinduism is an Indian religion and dharma, or a way of life, widely practised in the Indian subcontinent. The research concentrated on three dimensional aspects of Traditional Hinduism. The rituals, practices, beliefs and the evolution of this religion will be one dimension and the second aspect about its culture which includes traditional dances like Barathanatyam, kuchipudi,Kathakali which also portrays Hindu Gods and religion.Third aspect is about the Hindu values in all the activities of a human such as the marriage system, child birth, ear boring, puberty function, house warming ceremony,death rituals and many more traditional aspects.

HINDUISM: BEYOND THE WESTERN MIND Barbara Reynolds ABSTRACT This presentation is an incomplete overview of what makes up Hinduism. The question whether or not

This presentation will cover Hinduism, specifically it will focus on the concept of god. Hinduism is unique in that there are no religious authorities, no governing bodies, and no binding holy book. Hindus can choose to be either polytheistic, monotheistic, agnostic, and even atheistic. From a western perspective this makes Hinduism hard to understand because we are used to categorizing religion as being a particular way. We can learn much from understanding the many ways that Hindus choose to define their religion.


DOES ISIS HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH ISLAM? Alyssa Buie ABSTRACT This presentation analyzes the religion of Islam, most specifically on what being a Muslim entails. I contrasted this with why Islamophobia is so present in the world currently, and whether ISIS, the cause of much Islamophobia, has any connection with people who practice Islam. This was a topic I felt compelled to examine after all the recent political circumstances centered on Muslims and their religion, and wanted to shed light on the realities of what the religion of Islam actually believes versus what the world at large thinks they believe. .

Photo by seier+seier WOMEN AND THE EXPECTATIONS OF GENDER IN ISLAM Madison Burgett-Feagin ABSTRACT This presentation will focus on women in Islam. Specifically it will be focused on women and their roles and the expectations places on this sex from society over time and the Quran, the Islamic Holy text. In effect I will also be talking a bit about Gender expectations of both men and women, and what is expected on both sides of the theoretical coin. This is an important topic because there is an idea that women in Islam are oppressed or have no power in their society or religion and that is not true, it is a myth that needs to be broken. This presentation will cite texts from Islamic women and women who have studied Islam as a religion and in society.


PROTESTANT: A BRANCH OF CHRISTIANITY Cody Evans ABSTRACT This presentation is going to examine the history of branch of Christianity called “ Protestant�. Seeing on how it is the second largest form of Christianity. How it was created during a movement in regards with the Roman Catholic Church. Believing on how there is a justification of true faith among others. Being a form of religion that originated in the country of Germany in 1517 and has spread among the world and being considered as a popular form of religion in Asia alone. It is an interesting topic all due to being a protestant than you must know the scriptures very well, and be a true believer in god. Buy understanding Protestantism than it can be seen on what they have seen as errors from the Roman Catholic Church and developing the beliefs that for much of my childhood I was forced to believe in.

Photo by Drew Zanki PEOPLE OF THE PLACE WHERE THE TRAILS RETURN: RUITUALS AND BELIEFS THAT ENDURE Grace Boren ABSTRACT In this presentation, we will be exploring the traditions and practices of the Hupa people, which make up a primal religion. People of the Hupa tribe have lived along the trinity river for thousands of years, and thrived in their rich culture previous to European invasion. Many of the Hupa traditional practices have been maintained through today, but many have been lost as a result of genocide. Typical practices of the Hupa people include ceremonial dances and rituals. This presentation will examine the traditions that have remained strong and central throughout the violent history, honor those that have diminished, and, possibly most importantly, explore the practices that are being revived today.

THE HOLEY FATHER AND THE HOLE MOTHER: AN ANTHROPOLOGICAL STUDY OF THE TYPICAL MORMAN FAMILY Kimberley Hill ABSTRACT This study is intended an anthropological analysis of the Mormon family structure. It focuses first and foremost on the family as a whole. The most important thing for a family is child-rearing. The father is seen as the head of the family based on the patriarchal rule of the Mormon religion. The Mother controls how the household is run, but her full time job is raising the children. The children are considered the closest thing to God and are unable to sin till the age of 8.

MORMONISM: EXPLORING THE GROWTH OF A NEW RELGION Nikko Mills ABSTRACT This presentation examines the beginnings of the Mormon religion and shines a light on some of the misunderstanding and confusion that swirls around the early inception of the first “American born world religion”. As it is one of the only major world religions that has been created within the last two centuries, there is ample documentation that provides first hand evidence on what are some of the trials and tribulations that arise when a group aims to create a new religious organization. Mormonism is a unique world religion, and by studying how it sprung up and grew so quickly we gain a better perspective of how it’s teachings fit into a specific cultural context and in turn have adapted and changed that preeminent culture.

Scientology in my hometown in southern California. My research is going to give a backround of the religion and a brief insight into its members and founder. Then I will go into detail about why it seems to be such a vibrant incentive for people to follow this religion.


CURANDISMO: HOW MEXICAN AMERICAN FOLK MEDICINE IS IMPORTANT FOR MODERN HEALTH CARE Sarah McHale ABSTRACT In this presentation I will examine the Mexican American religion and spiritual practice of Curanderismo. Curanderos/as are like physicians that treat both physical and spiritual ailments. There are a couple different reasons why it is important for modern healthcare. The first is because it is a type of folk healing that deals with emotional and spiritual ailments as well as physical, which modern western medicine completely overlooks. The second is that overall the Latino community has less representation in the health care community, especially when it comes to mental health. Curanderismo plays many interesting roles in addressing mental well being for unrepresented and low-income people. By applying more traditional healing practices to more modern health care, Curanderismo can highly the flaws of western medicine, which maybe we can learn from.

SCIENTOLOGY AND WHY CELEBRITIES SEEM TO FLOAK TO IT ALLEN BURGESS ABSTRACT My research is on why celebrities seem to be flocking towards this religion in recent years. This seemed to be an immediate interest to me because I had a church of

Photo by birdfarm SATANISM: SHAPED BY SOCIETY Savannah Blancarte ABSTRACT The main topics that are discussed in this presentation are the historical background for Satanism, the beliefs of the major branches of Satanism and how Satanism is defined by the views and beliefs held by mainstream society. Made evident through the research, Satanism is a highly diverse and misunderstood ideology that has been the subject of extreme intolerance and generalization. From this basis, it seemed necessary to provide a greater historical context for modern Satanism alongside explaining the characteristic beliefs of each Satanic branches. Only after establishing the origins and basic beliefs of Satanism, it is possible to address and debunk various stereotypes and misconceptions about Satanism.

This then can be further analyzed through the discussion of the interactions between Satanism and society and the results of extreme societal condemnation on its ideology. As a result of this presentation, it will be possible to begin separating Satanism’s true identity and beliefs from its stereotypes. It will also contribute to a broader understanding of society’s role in shaping ideologies and the importance of withholding superficial judgments towards the ideas of polarized groups and remaining tolerant of those with conflicting viewpoints.

TO HELL WITH IT: AN EXAMINATION OF ESCHATOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT IN ZOROASTRIANISM Geneva Collins ABSTRACT Zoroastrianism is an ancient monotheistic religion that came to prominence in the Persian empire. It bears similarities to other monotheistic religions such as Judaism, and later Christianity and Islam. Zoroastrianism has a collection of texts that comprise the scriptures but they are diverse in content and purpose. It is through these scriptures and later interpretations and writings that inform the cosmology, cosmogony, and eschatology of this religion. The focus of this project is on the development of eschatology within Zoroastrianism. I address the ambiguous origins of the eschatological ideas of the zoroastrian texts and compare them with the later interpretations, both the extant Avesta and later Pahlavi translations, to better understand how ideas of destiny, life, judgment, and hell are represented in this religion

THE HISTORY OF WITCHCRAFT AND THE PSYCHIC PHENOMENA Olivia Hanna My presentation is about the history and origin of witchcraft. As I have done more research, I have noticed there is a big confusion between concepts like paganism, wicca, witches, and witchcraft. The words are commonly intermingled and used in the wrong context, even though they have completely different meanings and don’t necessarily fall in the same categories. I am interested in the concept of the psychic phenomena in witchcraft and have spent a lot of my research on that aspect of witchcraft and how and why it plays a role in their religion

JAINISM: THE RELIGION AND ASCETICISM DEFINED Jack Killion ABSTRACT After taking world religions in high school, I became interested by Jainism and its principles. Jainism is a Dharmic religion of India, and Dharmic religions are native to India. There are principles in Jainism that will be discussed in the presentation, but I am mostly interested in the concept of asceticism and non-violence. To understand these two principles of Jainism, the audience will need to understand the religion as a whole, so I plan to inform my audience about the religion of Jainism as simply as possible. Informing the audience about Jainism will help the audience understand their devotion to world peace and their devotion to others.

SHAMANISM THEN AND NOW: HOW TRADITIONAL SHAMANISM IMPACTS MODERN SOCIETY Matthew Pedrotti ABSTRACT This presentation will look at the technique of shamanism from an ancient and modern perspective, how these two forms have aspects that are applied and shared universally, and how Westerners perceive shamanism and the impacts those views have. Shamanistic practices such as altered states of consciousness achieved through ecstatic singing, dancing, and drumming are shared among hunter-gatherer cultures and spirituality seekers around the globe. Neo-shamanism in the West differs from traditional shamanism in who they belief can become a shaman. Shamanism is important because its ancient roots paved the way for major religions and is an effective technique for self-improvement.

AFRICAN WITCHCRAFT AND ITS INFLUENCE ON AFRICAN SOCIETY Jamie Purvis ABSTRACT This presentation examines the history of African witchcraft and it’s belief structure. Differences between witches and sorcerers are also discussed. The presentation also focuses on how African societies identify witches or sorcerers within their communities. Witch hunting is still practiced in many African communities. The presentation also examines the introduction of Christianity to African societies and how Christianity was incorporated with

African belief in witchcraft. This presentation will also explain how belief and practice of witchcraft has negatively impacted the social, economic, political and spiritual development of African societies.

JEDIISM: RELIGION OR NOT? Spencer Seale ABSTRACT This presentation examines the Jedi religion, and more specifically focuses on the origin of the religion in addition to belief systems. Jediism gained international attention after the 2011 Australian census where a significant number of people declared themselves members of the Jedi Order. Influenced by the motion picture Star Wars, Jediism philosophy is based on the fundamental concept of the ‘force’, which connects all living things in the universe together. This topic is interesting to me because there is still debate as to whether Jediism is recognized as an official religion. By examining Jediism, we can better understand how religions are formed and what constitutes an official religion.

THE GODDESS WITHIN US Cristina Tussei ABSTRACT This presentation will discuss the concept of Goddess worship, the characteristics of it, and how it has made a comeback in recent years. Many cultures worshipped a goddess, or goddesses plural; they were held in great importance because they were considered to be givers of life and nutrition. Unfortunately, with the rise of Christianity and a more patriarchal society, the Goddess was turned into something to be feared and ridiculed. In recent years, her importance has once again risen with the advent of feminism and the women’s movement to grasp their autonomy and power. Today, Goddess worship and certain pagan religions are seen as a way to reconnect with the earth and internally recharge, and this is a littleknown but large part of today’s culture.

FINDING YOUR FAIRY Marissa Woolsey ABSTRACT This presentation examines the Fairy-Faith Folk-Lore, and in more depth regarding its significant importance in the Celtic beliefs and culture. The Fairy-Faith is filled with myths and folk-lore that have guided Celtic cultures into expanding religious points of views, and has provided mythological stories for future generations to

enjoy and interpret in their own way. The fairy religion is very much oriented with its surroudnings, highlighting the importance of the enivornment in which each culture is living. Many believe Fairy-Faith is just a ‘hippie’ way of interpreting old spirits, but in fact it is a very old believe and lore that has been around for hundreds of years and has brought an opurtunity for many to believe in mythical creators watching their steps through life either bringing blessings or curses. I chose to examine the Fairy-Faith because a small part of my family has explored the blessings and saying of ‘Fairies’; and have used them as symbols of hope and peace amongst chaotic thoughts. Another reason I chose to view this faith was because it has such a rich background and extensive research from many scholarly individuals.

THE FUTURE CURE ALONG WITH MEDICINE Felicia Yang ABSTRACT This practice examines the healing power of science and religion, and more specifically focuses on the religion Shamanism. There are thousands of methods developed from science to cure diseases and illnesses, but not all illnesses have a cure. Perhaps, medicine is not capable of curing these illnesses, because it is beyond its reach. This is where the importance of Shamanism comes into play. Shamanism is a religion popular for its traditions known for connecting to the spiritual world. True Shamans, or medicine men and women are born and awaken to their gifts which they hold the power to heal others. By understanding and accepting the talents of the Shamans, we can form connections and incorporate these traditional healing practices in hospitals. .

Photo by Belgian Chocolate

You are searching the world for treasure but the real treasure is yourself If you are tempted by bread you will find only bread. What you seek for you become. Rumi - Hidden Music

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