Home Textile Exports September 2013

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“With th e fa st e co n o m ic gro wth ra te a n d h uge p o p ula tio n , internal markets of China boost without doubt and increasingly require high p roduct quality in contract business areas. O ne of the leading luxury hotel brands around the world, is p lanning to op en over 1 0 0 hotels in the mainland of China in the near

Se p te m b e r 2013

4 years. It is quite the contrary if you know this comp any only o wn s 1 7 h o tels aro un d th is h uge lan d in th e Far East in th e p ast 2 5 years, demonstrating that the comp any has decided to change its slow penetration strategy to rapid expansion in China in o r d e r t o c a t c h o b vio u s b u s in e s s o p p o r t u n it ie s .

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