Home Textile Exports September 2013

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H e said: “We are all very p leased to be here. I would like to thank you fo r yo ur p a rticip a tio n , o n be h a lf o f th e Turkish Exp o rte rs Assembly, Uludag Textile Exp orters Association and Turkish Textile sector. China, with its 1 billion 3 3 0 million p op ulation

Se p te m b e r 2013

and more than 1 1 ,3 trillion $ Gross Domestic Product according to p urch a sin g p o we r p a rity; is th e wo rld's se co n d la rge st economy. In 2 0 1 2 , China has realized ap p roximately 2 trillion 4 4 billio n do lla rs e xp o rts a n d 1 trillio n 7 4 8 billio n do lla rs imp orts.

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