Home Textile Exports September 2013

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In the sp otlight this year are J ap an, Thailand, Taiwan, as well as Latvia and the UK, not to mention the new wave of French p ro ductio n h o use s a n d th e n o w e m ble m a tic de sign fro m Scandinavia. EXPO SITIO NS ET ANIMATIO NS O dile De cq, De sign e r o f th e ye a r MAISO N&O BJ ET 2 0 1 3 H all 7 Tribute is p aid to MAISO N&O BJ ET 2 0 1 3 Designer, architect Odile Decq, through a retrosp ective exhibition looking back on the highlights of her career. O dile Decq op ened her agency immediately after graduating in architecture and urban p lanning. International recognition came quickly with the Banque Populaire de l'O uest in Rennes in 1 9 9 0 and the Lion d'Or in Venise in 1 9 9 6 . For around 1 5 years, O dile De cq wo rke d o n de sign a n d a r c h it e c t u r a l p r o je c t s s id e b y side , in cludin g furn iture fo r U N ES C O

in Paris, armchairs for the restaurant at the Paris Opera House, lig h t s fo r MAC R O in R o m e a n d P a villo n 8 in Lyo n . MAISO N&O BJ ET De sign e r o f th e Ye a r, O dile De cq o ffe rs visitors a journey through her world, in which architecture and design p ush back their boundaries. Each session, MAISO N&O BJ ET offers seven up -and-coming designers an exp ression area, allowing them to p resent their work to p rofessionals from around the world. Th e n a m e s to disco ve r in Se p te m be r a re Ba rn a bé Fillio n , Ra p h a ë l & Ré je a n , Bie n de s C h o se s, Em m a n ue l Bo ssue t, Grégoire Delafforest and Evor. Mo to ko Ish ii & Aka ri-Lisa Ish ii Ligh t Esse n tia ls, h a ll 7 ... lighted up by J ap an Creation This exhibition offers a unique and enlightening exp erience, with various facets in each area. Light can be calm, encouraging contemp lation and relaxation, but also stimulating, revitalising and vibrant. It could be monotonous, mysterious, crazy, restful, warm, funny, amusing or exciting. J ust like a p erson. Light generates sp ace and character. Le lab materiO , hall 7 les 'Ze MO ST' by matériO For this new edition of the Maison&Objet trade show, matériO, th e libra ry o f in n o va tive m a te ria ls ba se d in P a ris, Brusse ls, Prague and Bratislava brings us a selection of materials which are sometimes amusing, often technical but always astonishing. The matériO team invites us to discover ultra-efficient materials in terms of a sp ecific criterion such as lightness, solidity, cost, aesthetics, artistic quality or rarity! "Ze most" therefore represents an insp iring collection, a much-needed offering of materials and technologies within the Projects area of Hall 7 , comp letely reinterp reted for this new session. Métiers d'art, hall 5 A A focus on arts and crafts Th e Ateliers d'Art de Fran ce tren ds fo rum p resen ts an area designed by Elizabeth Leriche to promote our leading craftsmen. Th e Ate lie rs d'Art de Fra n ce Yo un g De sign e rs co m p e titio n p re se n ts its Se p te m be r 2 0 1 3 win n e rs: Ma ria Frie se (te xtile cra ftswo m a n ), Flo rie Dup o n t (je we lle r a n d se tte r), C a ro le Dumont-Georges (ceramicist), Aurélie Abadie & Samuel Saugues (h a n d gla ssm a ke rs), Auré lie n Allie r & An to in e P uygre n ie r (jewellers), Lorris Pasquier (cabinet-amker).

Se p te m b e r 2013

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