Hazed Summer 2012

Page 46

Poke holes into the parts where you want to fix a cord/ loop/ bail to hang your item from once finished. For a larger leaf you can use a needle to cut inside the edge of a drawing tool, or cut it freehand with your knife.

Here is a collection of lavender, fern, boysenberry and fig leaves and a skeleton leaf (my favourite, it makes great textures!). I used a lid of a container to cut that halfround shape and fixed two loops at the top from offcuts. (Good connection is important!)

And now comes the next fun part: adding colour with metallic powder! With a small paint brush pick up a tiny amount of mica powder and apply to the clay. I like to have an offcut on the side to test what the metallic looks like. You can mix powder on a little piece of paper if you don’t like them straight. Just add a little at a time, you can always put on more. (A moist cotton bud can remove some mica...) The colours are amazing, the white one on the right looks almost like an opal now! The one on the left looked like the middle one but I added some “russet” to the sides and top. The big pendant received a good mica rub, but take heed, less is sometimes more!

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