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You quickly learn to take advantage of whatever time you have. You know you are a busy mum when your one goal for the morning is to be on the 8:30am train to work, after having dumped your kids at school or kindy. Once you collapse onto the seat, you know the hardest part of the day is done, and no matter what happens at work, you have succeeded. You are a success. You made the train. At home, you get caught up in all those things that you have to do: Laundry, dishes, bathroom. Remembering to feed the fish – but checking he’s still alive first. You get creative in cleaning the armpits of your hubby’s work shirts at midnight, so he has something clean to wear the next day. Lunches are made during your morning coffee when your eyes are hardly open. You let your kids wear tracksuit pants and a T-shirt to bed, and then decide the next morning that they look clean enough to wear for the school drop-off, after a stain check of course! Yes, these ARE signs of creativity, not laziness. I love Serendipity. I love the intricacies of life. Synchroncity. Fate. The Universe. It’s fascinating. It’s all maths. It’s all a balancing act. How can I lose? I have to admit I get cranky when I’m trying to read or write something, and someone needs a sandwich. Geeeez, didn’t I do that 10 minutes ago? Or was it yesterday? And in this rush to get things done, and do things I want to do - I forget my serendipitous little man on the couch. Warmer weather is coming - time to get outside and enjoy Spring :)

Nicole x

Want to hear more of Nicoles ramblings... Check out her blog: Confessions of Zenefertiti Serendipity The occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way: “a fortunate stroke of serendipity”. Pinterest

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