Autumn 2013

Page 13


real danger that we can fool ourselves into thinking we are being productive, ticking item after item off that mental to do list – aren’t we impressive? But in reality we are merely busying ourselves with other tasks to avoid the most pressing task – like weeding your garden path, whilst abandoning your actual garden to the weeds – totally and literally guilty of this! Just think sometimes motivation simply comes in the doing. So “bite the bullet”. Just do that thing that you need to do and that fantastic feeling of satisfaction at a job well done will come – rather than that false feeling of productivity from doing the superfluous tasks to avoid the important ones - which is really you just kidding yourself.

to be somehow off kilter and totally lacking in motivation. For me, I often like to amuse myself with my children’s unique quirkiness – such as them asking permission to eat peapods from the garden like they’re some rare and sought after treat. How many children think like that? When I hear them ask something as simple as that it’s so encouraging, a definite bright point in my day, and I’m sure subconsciously the reason why it is such a highlight is that mentally I’m giving myself a little pat on the back – well done you! Your children rate peapods as treat foods – good job!

Sure these aren’t cure-all solutions, I know that. And I haven’t even begun to cover all that is entailed in finding Balance, but for Revel – revel in the high points of your day sure it’s a good starting point – activity and and exercise that fine memory of yours, being active make it pretty hard to be especially when you’re having a downer of unmotivated and down on oneself, and a day. Have a tickle fight with the littlies. dwelling on and running with those feelings Welcome their offers of help with dinner. that we get from the random highlights in Drink in their hugs and kisses. Take LOTS of our day will help us to smile later on in the pictures – pictures of their art work, pictures day and pick ourselves back up when our of them sleeping in random spots around enthusiasm starts to wane. That for me is the house tired out from playing, pictures of certainly the beginnings of finding Balance in them goofing off and you goofing off with our busy Indie designer, creative, passionate them. lives, the catalysts for contentment – I know that. These are the things that get you through those off-days, days where you just seem

x Ana

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