Intelligence Magazine June 2020

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June 2020

Lockdown in India Chennai and Tamil Churches We have been locked down since 25 March 2020 for the sake of Covid-19. Even though the confirmed cases and deaths are increasing day by day we are safe under the shadow of the Almighty. We find it very difficult to go out and we stay at home safely. We as a family have had the opportunity to have fellowship, medita�ng on God's word and in prayer. From 4 April 2020, onwards elders have held evening prayer mee�ngs online on alternate days. From Sunday 19 April, brother Cyrus Samuel has arranged for Sunday Worship with Pallavaram and Chennai Churches. We praise God for having this opportunity to worship and give ministry. We observed the Week of Prayer from 19-25 April at home daily, and elders observed through conference call on alterna�ve days as usual. Three Tamil Churches met on 2 May for two hours of special prayer. Brother Brian Tugwell joined us for that and encouraged with John 16:33. The three Assemblies met again on 3 May for a joint worship �me. Thursdays are planned for �mes of special study. Two Tamil Churches have received help from the Fellowship Relief Fund, but we are grateful also for brother Raja who has twice distributed to poor families from his own pocket. Titus Chandrasekaran Rajahmundry We have been conduc�ng Lord’s Day praise and prayers online through the Zoom app for six weeks now. We do not expect normality soon. We do not know when the Lord will open doors for gathering as a Church once again. Everyone here is so disappointed with the present situa�on, but 20 to 25 brothers and sisters are able to join online when we have PHSS singing, a small devo�on and prayers. Each Saturday a 20 minute recorded sermon is being sent to all saints by WhatsApp. The sermons are then published on YouTube for the benefit of Andhra saints in other Assemblies that understand Telegu. Dr G.S.Moses Podagatlapalli The Government gives a li�le help to poor families, giving rice and vegetables. One kind brother donated 15000 rupees and we bought a 1kg packet of oil and dhal and distributed to each family. Brother Prasad distributed these at every home and prayed for them. He encouraged them to meet the Lord in the air. Kiran Andhra Pradesh We have been in touch with audio, video and WhatsApp pla�orms with the saints as well as various Church leaders in Andhra Pradesh and other states. Audio messages are prepared and sent to each and everyone and the people are enjoying . The Church of God in Ravulapalem is praising and praying at home on Sundays. S.M. Edward Choppella Church in Andhra In the last two weeks I have visited house to house among the saints and they are all fine by the grace of God. Vijay Babu

Editorial To different degrees, every Church of God throughout the world is affected by the coronavirus. Saints are having to restrict ac�vity and, for many, Assembly mee�ng places are closed un�l governments say otherwise. Even when we do reopen, in the UK at least, we’ll be expected to maintain social distancing, which has a significant impact on the restora�on of outreach ac�vi�es. When will we be able to resume youth and adult outreach? Perhaps the Lord is giving us �me to review our approach to outreach, enabling us to follow the Lord’s command to go and make disciples, but in different ways. Though�ul considera�on, prayer and a reliance upon the Lord’s leading will tell us if that is so. Thankfully, God has gone before us and given a technology that allows con�nua�on of praise, prayer and study ac�vi�es. This edi�on of Intelligence has a number of ar�cles highligh�ng how Assemblies and Districts have adapted, and it’s encouraging to see all that’s happening. Thank you to all who responded to our request for a lockdown update. While we have opportunity, let us commit to our personal rela�onship with the Lord, so that when in His good �me we meet together again the Lord will have dedicated disciples giving their all to Him. Editors

Inside this issue

YFR Fellowship Day COG Archives on FaceBook Swindon Virtual Services

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Report from N. Ireland on the Week of Prayer, and other mee�ngs during this period of isola�on.

Like most saints across the Churches of God, we never thought we would see the day when we had to cancel all the mee�ngs in our halls! However, we all know the �mes in which we are living and are assured that the Lord is sovereign and in control.

We had the delight, as a District lately, of being together uniquely in our 2020 Week of Prayer, regular devo�onal ministry on Lord’s Days on the subject of the Messianic Psalms, and the Assembly prayer �mes linking up with Belfast as the host Assembly. The great advantage, of course, was the opportunity of some saints who have been unable to a�end our Church services through ill health for some �me, enjoying the fellowship of being together in prayer and ministry from their own homes. The interest and enthusiasm of the saints was very evident and we all found ourselves looking forward to the next mee�ng. It has been a real blessing to all in the District, and the ministry being recorded was available to anyone unable to link up at the allo�ed �mes.

Bible Study and Ministry In terms of our young disciples, Stephen McCabe has been leading a “Source Plus” Bible study. This exercise began in 2018 a�er our monthly Source mee�ng in the Hall. With the benefit of the Zoom app, this exercise has been able to be maintained, taking place on most Sunday evenings. Presently, the group are working through the le�er to the Hebrews. For all saints in N. Ireland, in addi�on to a weekly prayer mee�ng we have held a �me of ministry each Lord’s Day at 12 noon. It’s been great to “see” each other and of course to listen to a short word of ministry, all of which have been very encouraging.

Outreach We have all recently been encouraged by the experience of one of Heather McCabe’s carers called Angie, who had to go into hospital for heart surgery. Heather has got to know Angie very well over the years and Angie both asked for prayer and also was happy for Stephen to visit her in hospital, speak to her about the Lord, and bring some Scriptures to her a�en�on. Angie has made a profession, and in addi�on has been happy to join us for our �mes of ministry on a Lord’s Day. The remarkable point to note is that we would not have been able to maintain the same degree of contact with Angie had it not been for the COVID-19 crisis as she con�nues to recover from her opera�on with the ongoing restric�ons which help to prevent her having any exposure to infec�on. News from Armagh

We truly thank our great God who has enabled Belfast to provide this essen�al virtual fellowship, and are indebted to those who spend a lot of �me in their study planning and delivering these encouraging �mes, making sure all invita�ons are sent out and saints kept informed on a daily basis over the past number of weeks. We con�nue to look forward to our �mes together. There has been a special bond, having been confined to our homes, in seeing our brothers and sisters regularly in this way; and whilst we look forward to mee�ng up face to face in due course, especially to remember our Lord Jesus on Lord’s Day mornings, our experience has been a real tonic to all. John & Hazel Hutchinson, Cullybackey

“Hope in a Troubled World” In the weeks preceding the Coronavirus outbreak, we had the privilege of going door to door distribu�ng 3,000 copies of this 10 page booklet presen�ng the Gospel message. We focused mainly on Na�onalist housing areas in the city, as we felt that was where there was the greatest need. We also carried New Testaments for those we came in contact with, who were willing to receive them. The lockdown came just as we covered the final areas and that temporarily brought our efforts to an end. We pray that God will use these books to

save some of these needy souls and that our Lord Jesus will be fully revealed to them.

In a separate exercise, a banner bearing our Bible's best known text, John 3:16, has been erected at the front of the Armagh Hall facing the main road and making it easily visible to passers-by. Lewis & Julie Milligan - Armagh News from Knocknacloy In the Knocknacloy area, some of us felt a burden to dra� and distribute a le�er to our neighbours along with a suitable Gospel tract a�er having prayed for some �me for the Lord to open up a 'relevant situa�on', and suddenly we had one Covid-19, affec�ng every person on the planet just like sin! The tract we had chosen was "Hope Beyond Corona Virus" by Roger Carswell - excellent! There was a delay with the post but finally the Monday morning of the week the lockdown was announced, the tracts arrived and were quickly put into the envelopes with the le�er, and that a�ernoon we visited just over forty homes to post them, and another twelve were taken round to some established contacts with a slightly different format to the le�er. The le�er basically expressed our concern about the virus, but how it reminds us of our mortality and the fragility of life, the impact of its effects on our normal day to day living, how quickly things can change, and that events like this, which we believe are in the hands of an all Sovereign God, are intended to remind us all that we need Him. We stressed that we were not promo�ng a religion but rather we were commending a rela�onship with God through faith in Jesus Christ. The produc�on of the tract so quickly was providen�al! To date we have had a few encouraging responses to the le�er and tract expressing apprecia�on for the encouraging content. Praise God. John & Norah Wa�s, Knocknacloy

Liverpool Adap�ng to Isola�on

It all happened so suddenly! At first we had to implement more hygienic methods of handling the bread and drinking from the cup at the Remembrance. Then close our Mums and Toddlers’ groups, Li�le Fishes and Wednesday Youth Club. Within a week we were told to stay at home! Unthinkable not to meet together! Heart-breaking not to be able to take the bread and wine and enter collec�vely into the most holy place, and so sad not to be able to hold the Church prayer mee�ng and to listen to God from His word. But thanks to technology and those who are able to connect us, we have been able to meet together - virtually. Who would have thought that ‘Zoom’ would have been so much in our conversa�ons? On Sunday mornings we sit in quiet personal medita�on and reflec�on at our usual Church Remembrance �me. Then we try to connect up. Some on their PCs, some on their Smart Phones and some dialling in on their landline phones. Some not in Liverpool Church have joined us and enjoyed �mes with us. That first Sunday morning we tried singing together and found that it is so hard to keep together, so we just made ‘a joyful noise’!! Then Brian showed us a rainbow and read from Revela�on 4:1-3. He reminded us that God is faithful and remains in control. We have met each Sunday since, with someone to give us a short word from the Bible and others to pray, read verses or encourage us in some way. We had a talk on the sacrificial Lamb, Christ the Cornerstone, and ‘let them take’ and ‘let them bring’ from Exodus. By Thursday 2 April, we were up for trying a prayer �me together on Zoom. It worked! It was lovely to see faces and hear voices, especially the ‘Amens’. We felt the real need to pray together for our world, our na�on ourselves and our families. Since then, we have met each Thursday to pray – closing in �me to clap for our NHS and key workers at 8 o’clock. It was a strange Easter weekend and the Saturday was designated as a Fellowship Day of Prayer. We were encouraged to pray in the morning, a�ernoon and evening. The ladies met (on-line) to pray together in the a�ernoon and we all met up in the evening to pray together for our world in all its need. It has been good to see all the faces – up to 30 plus at �mes and to have a chance to chat together, wish happy birthdays and report on how people are doing. The Church also has a WhatsApp group that keeps us in touch with each other. From ‘Good morning all’ to specific prayer requests for family and friends; from lighthearted video clips to make us smile, make us think and make us laugh; to pictures of what we’ve been up to in isola�on - these have been a real tonic and a blessing. Overseers are sending out a weekly email to the Church under the �tle “From the Overseers’ Desk” as part of fulfilling our responsibility to teach God’s word and encourage everyone. For those not on email, printed copies are sent by post. An Easter card and encouraging verse was sent to our Mums and Toddlers regulars. We have kept in contact with our Li�le Fishes and Wednesday Club children by sending them (and their parents) colouring sheets and a wordsearch. We have sent encouraging words, verses and video clips to our adult contacts. Our Church magazine ‘Assembly News’ keeps a record of what we are up to, and people appreciate being sent a copy by post. It’s not as good as being able to meet together as a Church but be�er than nothing, and we thank God for being able to keep in touch during this difficult �me. David Webster; Graham Schleyer

Lockdown in Newcastle

For Prayer Ministering Brethren (June and onwards) Gbenga Fagbenle For the month of June, due to difficulty in travelling I would want to use my �me with the Alagbole Assembly and the Ikorodu group (members of Surulere Assembly). They meet on Lord's Days for praise and thanksgiving, on Wednesdays for prayers and Fridays for Bible studies. Ikorodu is a big city, about 45 km from Surulere. Alagbole is in Ogun state. These two areas need special a�en�on (teachings) and by the grace of God they will make progress.

Brian Johnston Finalisa�on of July Needed Truth. Hopefully, the recording of Search for Truth programmes (remotely, if necessary). Opportuni�es for deeper study and language development. Con�nua�on of daily communica�ons with overseas fields of service. We pray we'll be returning to resume something like more normal Church func�on (probably with some restric�ons remaining). Craig Jones I expect weekly ministry recordings for the Hamilton Growing Disciples Bible study group may con�nue; I’m star�ng a new ministry series in Toronto this month and that will likely extend into June; similarly, helping with the young people’s online Bible study group hosted in the UK from mid-May, going into June as well; early summer camps are s�ll doub�ul, so prepara�on for these is on hold at the moment. Geralde Mag-usara Our ECQ will end on 15 May (we hope and pray that it will not be extended!) and will proceed to GCQ (General Community Quaran�ne). Social distancing s�ll must be strictly observed and all religious gathering is prohibited. We don't know yet when it will be totally li�ed. So, I shall con�nue my personal evangelism with our neighbours, and systema�c Bible study with half of the District Churches through phone call.

Like many churches we are having to get used to mee�ngs online. Singing together works when everyone mutes their microphones except for our song leaders! Some can meet online when they would not be able to get to the mee�ngs at the hall, so our a�endances are up and we are enjoying the company of several visitors. David Woods "Stay Safe" scones were on offer on VE day to passers by at the front of the Newcastle hall. The hall is closed for mee�ngs due The focus has been shi�ed to providing to the COVID-19 restric�ons, but with our registra�on for food prepara�on we had one online teaching and Bible study sessions in socially isolated household team baking in the kitchen and another household team to various regions. I am thankful for the reach greet passers by. It proved to be a way of showing the hall open and mee�ng our of the Internet. neighbours, but we got closer than we had planned when a neighbour came running to say a lady had fallen in her garden, so masks to the ready we were able to assist and distribute more scones! We are in a �me of restric�ons and change, but maybe a �me of blessing too. Peter Stoner



Phone call conferencing in the Philippines Montevista The pandemic did not stop us from doing God’s things, even though some Church events were postponed, mostly Sunday services. Some brothers used another means of communica�on to connect with brothers and sisters of the Churches of God from different countries across the globe, which is a really good thing. Amidst the Government restric�on on mass gatherings, we con�nued the systema�c Bible study via conference phone call, with the help of our brother Geralde Mag-usara. We did it twice, the first one about bap�sm and the second one about the Church the Body of Christ and the Churches of God. During the Week of Prayer, we prayed with Churches of God in Banaybanay, Davao and Pantukan, via phone call again. With the given guidelines, there were seven specified points that needed to be part of our collec�ve and personal prayer. Before we began, some of our brothers from the four Churches gave encouraging words and then we prayed separately with the members of our local Churches. Let's pray for everyone, because we don't know when everything will come to its end; that's why it is important to be sure of where we are heading. Rosinnie Cariaga Targum (Macopa Company) We were overwhelmed to have memorable spiritual gatherings by phone call conferencing. Despite the present ECQ (Enhanced Community Quaran�ne) the family of our Lord remains the same. Their warm hearts, as well as their services to God, were very much appreciated. By the �me brother Geralde led the call, everyone had their own prepara�ons. Some�mes we were enjoying our thoughts so much that we laughed. In that way our conversa�on was very much enjoyable, as we later called up talents from different Churches: a person may sing or perform a chorale. Everyone who took part in this ac�vity was blessed. We cannot gather physically, but we were connected even if by phone call only. In spite of this situa�on we truly desire to do the work of our Lord as stated in 1 Cor. 15:58, “Therefore my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the works of the Lord for as much as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.“ Brother Manolito Chavez Lingig We were under total lockdown due to the covid-19 pandemic crisis. We are all weakened because we cannot worship the Lord, for the Government decreed that no more religious gatherings are to be held. On 10 April we received an announcement by text from brother Geralde that we will be having a phone call conference, as well as fas�ng and praying. On 11 April, with the help of God, we performed the prayer and fas�ng. There were 3 parts to the prayer. In the morning, we had personal prayer and medita�on. In the a�ernoon, we started the call conference with 3 Churches collabora�ng (Davao, Tagum (Macopa company), and Lingig). Brothers from every Church took turns praying about the crisis and so on. Lastly, in the evening, we prayed for our world and for all that it needs. In Lingig only a few were able to a�end because of ECQ, but we were s�ll delighted that the work of God con�nues to be done. Because of the pandemic crisis we are all weakened, not by hunger but by thirst to worship the Lord. And through the conference call we can s�ll hear the word of God from different preachers in Churches of God in Mindanao. By phone call conference, we s�ll had a sense of what was said in the book of Hebrews 10:25 "Let us not give up mee�ng together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another- and all the more as you see the Day approaching". Roland Sumipo; Judy Ann Barnaja Banaybanay Covid-19 is an invisible enemy that a�acks the country's economy, health and security. It makes us realise that money can't guarantee our security and happiness. Many of us lose hope and feel miserable. The situa�on weakens faith and consumes the fire of fellowship, but the Fellowship Week of Prayer is a good way to encourage us as it strengthens our fellowship and rela�onship as brothers and sisters as we share our compassion through prayers. It also strengthens our faith in our almighty God. Amidst the situa�on, we s�ll reach each other through other means of communica�on (via phone conference call) to encourage our brothers and sisters through prayers. It shows that we are united in Christ and demonstrates our compassion to our brothers and sisters, a proof that we don't leave our brothers and sisters behind. Lastly, it gives us the hope of a be�er tomorrow. We pray because we believe that God is in control of everything. We pray because we believe that He hears our prayers. We pray because we believe in His mercy, grace and love. We pray because we believe in Him. Brothers and sisters, keep the faith burning because be�er days are coming. Let's pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). To God be all the glory and honour. Amen! Gabriel Candia Pantukan On 21 April from 7pm – 8pm, we had a phone call conference among the four Churches of God. The speakers were brother Geralde Mag-usara in Davao, brother Juan de Real in Pantukan, brother Roberto Francisco in Banay-banay and brothers Ronald Lobreza and Rolando Cariaga of Montevista. This is our way of complying with the (Interna�onal) Fellowship Week of Prayer, because of the physical or social distancing law of the na�onal government, which was caused by Covid-19. At this point in �me, we cannot assemble physically due to a lockdown order and social distancing law. Under this law, we should wear a mask, maintain a distance of more than 1 metre from each other, and some other restric�ons. But according to doctors Sonjay Gupta & Anthony Fauci, 6 feet is the safest distance. It needs a strict compliance, and we are well aware of these things. During the observance of the Interna�onal Fellowship Week of Prayer by phone, perhaps there were 6-10 members accommodated from each house; to listen to the messages from different speakers. Jun De Real Davao It is sad to think about the crisis we are facing today, because not only our economy is affected but most of all our spiritual ac�vity also. This is a serious disease because it prevents our weekly Church ac�vity to func�on, but for us there is no reason that can hinder us from learning and listening to God’s words. We were very thankful when Geralde suggested having a local conference call and in this useful way we can call and check on one another (brothers and sisters in the Lord). Even if we haven’t seen the faces of our Church mates, s�ll we can hear and feel that the unity of our Churches of God never ceases. Through the recent conference call, we understood the importance of having in�mate connec�on to our brothers and sisters in Churches of God. Despite this crisis, we all know that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ (Rom. 8:35). Even if we are not given a chance to meet physically in Church because it is strongly prohibited, the conference call paved the way for us to s�ll unite in hearing God’s word. For us, listening to God’s word is vital for us as Chris�ans, for it serves as armour in our everyday endeavour in living - especially now that we are figh�ng an unseen foe - but through God’s hands we can gain security and safety. Even if we can just hear the voice of the preacher, not see his face, s�ll we are given hope through his words. Thank God for always supplying daily hope despite the on-going war on Covid-19. In God’s perfect �me, everything will be back to normal soon. Juliet Lerasan; Lelamme Payar

YFR Fellowship Day 2020 – Saturday 4 July “Be joyful in hope” Dear friends ‘Be joyful in hope, pa�ent in afflic�on, faithful in prayer’ (Rom. 12:12) On Saturday 4 July (DV) there will be a YFR Fellowship Day event. This will be a Fellowship wide event and will run virtually so everyone has the opportunity to ‘a�end’. We remain dependent on Him as a body of believers, not independent of each other, so join us online this 4 July. The event will aim to incorporate a li�le of everything that makes YFR so special. That means, alongside encouraging ministry sessions and praise �mes, there will be opportunity for some of the fellowship and catching up that happens at the usual event. The virtual nature of this event will enhance the interna�onal component as more from outside the UK will be able to join and contribute. And, of course, part of the appeal has always been reminiscing about previous events, so watch out for old pictures and videos making a comeback! So how will it work? Most, if not all, of us have embraced various on-line methods of joining local or regional Church mee�ngs, so ‘a�ending’ the YFR Fellowship Day will be along similar (and now-familiar) lines, via YouTube. The link to click on will be posted on YFR social media such as Facebook, Instagram and on the main Fellowship website. Keep an eye on this in the days leading up to the event as there may be some short taster sessions . YFR2020 will kick off at 2pm BST. Join us from 1.50 pm for pre-event praise .The 2 hour event will be broken down into sec�ons of ministry and praise interspersed throughout with updates from Churches around the world. There will also be an interval break with opportunity to feedback on what you’ve seen and heard.‘ Drop-in’ sessions will be available at the end for those all-important catch-up chats. It was with much sadness YFR 2020 at Cefn Lea had to be cancelled. This online day event is a great way to replace some of the Cefn Lea event and make YFR2020 available for all. We are grateful to the editors for making late amendments to previous Intelligence and to the Cefn Lea team for allowing us to defer the planned residen�al event to another year… but more of that over the coming months. In the mean�me, plans are busily underway to make Virtual YFR2020 happen. Please support us in prayer - we would love to see as many there as possible, so keep the date 4 July! The YFR Commi�ee

Church of God, Buckhaven - Online Support for Saints and Outreach during "Lockdown"

Since the shutdown, some of the saints have been able to meet via a Zoom video link for 40 minutes each Lord's Day from 11.30am - 12.10pm (around the �me when we would normally have had a break and a cup of tea between the Remembrance and our Gospel mee�ng). Others have not been able to meet with us either due to a lack of access to, or a lack of confidence with, the technology. Consequently, some have only been able to keep in touch by phone. Before the quaran�ne measures, two of our brothers had been mee�ng for a monthly Bible Study with Charles Fairgrieve, who a�ended Methil Sunday school as a boy and has fond memories of the Sco�sh Camp. We are sure he was saved in his earlier years. Since we could not meet physically, we agreed to have a weekly 'Google Hangouts' video mee�ng. This has proved to be very beneficial. We take turns to choose a Bible subject which we read up before our mid-week video call. So far, we've discussed the story of Ruth, Esther, the book of Philippians and are currently going through a three-part character study of Joseph. Charles lives with his partner Brenda. They have a daughter and grandchildren who we pray may also come to know the Lord Jesus as Saviour. A war�me veteran friend of Neville Coomer, a former Commando whom Neville has kept in touch with over the years, recently asked Neville to send him links to our online Church services, which he was glad to do. We have also taken the opportunity to share Kevin Jones' (Vancouver) excellent short 10-minute Gospel talks with other friends. We are glad to have received prayer requests and various reports by email which have been shared among us. However, we are all very conscious of the limita�ons of virtual technology and of the long weeks of enforced absence from the weekly Remembrance of the Lord Jesus and other gatherings of the Church. It is our fervent hope and prayer, if the Lord has not returned to call us home, that we will soon be able to meet each other again ‘in person’. Two of our brothers are in the 'shielded pa�ent' category and this may affect our ability to resume normal ac�vi�es for some �me to come. We look to the Lord for His help. Neville Coomer (Overseer); Jo Johnson (Deacon)



Churches of God Archives on Facebook We seem to live in �mes where certain ac�ons just catch the imagina�on and go far beyond the original scope – think of Captain Tom’s fund-raising walk for the NHS, for example. A month later? Over £30 million raised and the Captain is now an honarary colonel! The recent launch of the official Churches of God Archives group on Facebook (h�ps:// groups/Churchesofgodarchives) has a bit of that feel to it, to us as co-archivists. It was a bit of a spur of the moment decision to create such a thing, as our long-term goal has been, and s�ll is, to build an archive website. We thought a few people with some extra �me on their hands might like to par�cipate and comment on the old pictures we might post, and even be persuaded to post something themselves. Well, a�er just ten days, the stats are quite impressive: 288 members, 251 posts, 267 new photos, 1,605 comments and 4,078 reac�ons. And these stats will be well out of date by the �me you read this! We have some avid members and thank them for their contribu�ons. At a �me of isola�on from Church friends, the archive has been a really enjoyable vehicle to connect with each other and reminisce about the old days and the people we knew and loved. Importantly, it’s also allowed us to connect with those who were formerly associated with us in Churches of God that many of us have lost touch with, and we encourage all to pray that posi�ve things will come from this. There has been a strong interna�onal flavour to those joining and par�cipa�ng, including the UK, North America, Australia, India, Myanmar, The Philippines, Malawi and Nigeria, with surely more to follow? Our roles as joint archivists isn’t just about keeping the dust off a pile of old books. We also see our role is to enhance the content of the archive to ensure its relevance today. We want to encourage saints with the richness of our shared collec�ve heritage. It’s with these ambi�ous goals we are cataloguing and building tools to make the archive accessible and relevant. The Facebook page is just the start. What lies ahead for this archive, in large part, depends on the crea�vity and enthusiasm of its members. As you can see from our current topic list, there is a wide variety of subject ma�er, and we have not really begun to scratch the surface yet! From an old photo from 1939 with just surnames of Ontario Overseers we’ve enhanced it to show a rich history of the migra�on from Scotland to establish Assemblies across North America. We are also enhancing the content of the Facebook page with exis�ng archive material, and the reproduc�on of Muriel Stockwell’s (née Doble) obituary from a 1977 copy of Intelligence has reminded many that they too “climbed Everest”. Many of us carry a vast knowledge and powerful anecdotes of days gone by in our heads, and perhaps almost as many have boxes of photographs or other treasures in some neglected corner of the house – now is the perfect �me to make your contribu�on to preserving our heritage for future genera�ons. If you don’t wish to post things directly to Facebook, (or if you don’t “do” Facebook) then do please get in touch with one of us, and we would be delighted to capture what you have. Mar�n Jones; Chris Su�on

Zooming round the Fellowship The Covid-19 pandemic has meant that in many countries people have been prevented from mee�ng together, a restric�on which could be catastrophic for Churches because fellowship within and between Churches is an intrinsic part of the Chris�an faith; we are ‘all one in Christ Jesus’, and the Lord Jesus prayed that this spiritual union might be expressed in prac�ce - ‘that they may all be one’. But the virus hasn’t been allowed to divide. The Zoom app lets people in widely different places see and speak to each other, so that they can pray together, listen to ministry, and enjoy friendly chats. (There are other programs, but this one seems to be the most popular). Just to give a couple of examples, a number of people from the Church in Cromer, on the east coast of England, joined people from Churches in South Wales for Cardiff’s ‘Elevenses’ mee�ng, and during the Week of Prayer Birmingham hosted a Midlands District prayer mee�ng. Going further afield, Lord’s Servant Phil Brennan managed to speak to people in Myanmar (Burma). Obviously, there are many who can’t afford the equipment and have no wifi, but this technology offers the opportunity for some to see and speak to people whom they will never meet. What else can we do? Zoom isn't a broadcast medium, as par�cipants need to be invited, but it offers a discussion opportunity for people who are interested in Bible teaching. Furthermore, it’s free up to 40 minutes, so we can have short discussions without cost. Peter Hickling

Anniversary Celebra�ons Eric and Edith Willis (Liverpool) celebrated a notable milestone - their 70th Wedding Anniversary - recently. Sadly the social distancing restric�ons meant any plans for celebra�ng this milestone will have to be postponed. They did receive a card from the Queen and lots of cards and messages too. Eric Willis married Edith Johnston on 1 April 1950 at Normanton Road Gospel Hall, the place of mee�ng of the Church of God in Derby. Joe Lindsay, a ministering brother, conducted the service. David Webster

Lockdown in Mount Forest Mount Forest, Ontario, is a small town (popula�on less than 5,000) and the Church now comprises 20 saints, including 2 non-resident overseers and one family currently working in isola�on in Northern Canada. We have no Church building; we operate from the homes of the saints (there are six different households, and the bulk of local saints live in just two of them). This has meant that a good number of the Church have been able to con�nue to meet (in full regulatory compliance) where the largest number of saints already reside. The Remembrance con�nues there, but for all our other Assembly ac�vi�es we have had to use more opportuni�es to meet online. In this, we had another advantage in that we had begun using video recording of our Assembly teaching, and presence on social media, long before the virus lockdown problems arrived. No doubt many other Assemblies have, like us, used a Facebook page. For us, that has been the method we have used to provide Assembly announcements for a year or two. Each �me we began a new Assembly ac�vity we would launch a new Facebook page focusing on that, so we have maintained separate Private Group pages for: 1. Assembly announcements and prayer requests 2. Teen Devo�onals between our ‘Fast food for Youth’ gatherings 3. ‘Bible Explorers’, our weekly kid’s club for 5-10 year-olds 4. ‘Food for Thought’, a weekly adult Bible study 5. ‘Food and Friendship’, a monthly free lunch for the needy 6. ‘Food for Men’, a men’s Bible study Of course, at present visitors cannot be invited to such gatherings (many previously held in different saints’ homes), but we want to maintain regular contact with past a�endees. So, we now post cra� ideas on the Bible Explorers page every other day (avidly awaited by parents while the kids are at home from school!). We are recycling past study material for visitors to the Food for Men page. We are providing links to free Fellowship literature (h�ps:// ) to replace the physical books we would have made available at the monthly Food and Friendship lunches. We also maintain a Church website (www.moun� that provides a Bible text for each day and frequent blog updates on topics of poten�al interest. The website also has a huge library of teaching material that we can refer friends too. While many people are shut-in, we have suggested they devote �me to following the Bible reading plan we provide on our website. On the first day of the week we con�nue to have a live teaching session on Facebook Messenger video chat, which is also recorded and shared with those unable to join the chat (likewise for Fellowship videos we receive). “Visitors” from town are added to the chat group list. Based on download data, today’s talk (by Don Williamson) reached virtually every home in our Church. Each month we use the same live video link method to join together for a Bible study so we can provide a paper to Bible Studies magazine (good to have rou�ne and a deadline!). We have learned it is best to mute our mics when not speaking. The weekly prayer �me is also done using the video link, and we have found it best for brethren to pray in order, household by household, rather than try to overcome audio issues with more than one person poten�ally trying to speak at the same �me. We do not a�empt to sing hymns, as sadly the technological limita�ons are disheartening. But the biggest issues for us are that some saints are not permi�ed (by health regula�ons) to a�end the Remembrance, and also pastoral work is hard to do without being able to make home visits. And we greatly miss the usual frequent get-togethers, with snacks included! Geoff Hydon

Auchenfoyle Camp 2020 Regre�ully, we have had to take the difficult decision to cancel the three weeks of Sco�sh Camp this summer. Even if lockdown is li�ed by then, it is likely to be only a par�al easing of restric�ons and the camp environment would not be able to accommodate the social distancing rules s�ll likely to be in place. Please pray that the young people will con�nue their interest in God's things and/or a�ending the various youth clubs they go to when these are able to re-open. In the mean�me, we are trying to keep in contact with their parents and youth leaders and to make good material available to them to watch and read. We look to the Lord to allow us to start this vital work again as soon as it's safe to do so. Karl Smith; Graham Fotheringham

Outreach at Igbede Assembly, Lagos, Nigeria It was March again, our usual outreach month. We were happy to welcome our brother Theophilus Igbojinna from Ajegunle Assembly, Lagos. Theophilus spent four weeks with us from 1-29 March, preaching the Gospel in the community, applying "morning cry" using a megaphone in the early hours of the day. Accompanied by a brother or sister, he engaged in door to door evangelism during the day. The Lord prospered our efforts with 54 names for follow-up a�er the lockdown. On Lord's Day 1 March he spoke on the secret of enjoying God's blessings (Psa. 18:30; 2 Cor. 2:20; Isa. 55:8-11), and on Friday 27 March he exhorted us to put God and His Kingdom first (Ma�. 6:31-33; Ma�. 28:18-20). It was a refreshing �me with our brother. Thank you brother Theophilus for your visit. On 15 March he spoke about the Chris�an family (John 13:34-35; Eph. 4:3; Ma�. 22:3640).The best use of life is love. Love covers a mul�tude of sins.The best way to express love is �me. The best �me to do it is now (Ma�. 1:18-20; Col. 3:13; 1 Cor. 13:4-7). On Friday 26 March, he ministered on prac�sing the word of God (Jas. 1:22-25; Phil. 4:7). Be a doer of the word of God. Commitment to prayer is profitable. Fear is aroused by what you hear, similarly faith is enhanced by what you hear. Three of the contacts are Muslims. We solicit your prayers as we revisit for follow-up a�er the lockdown. Augus�ne Ahabue; Godwin Okwena Picture: Theophilus lgbojinna(le�) with a contact at door to door evangelism.



Swindon’s SMS (Sunday Morning Service) becomes a SVS (Sunday Virtual Service)! It’s certainly a strange �me. How we cope with lockdown and adapt to the restric�ons in place is a challenge everyone, and every Assembly, has had to face. Like most Churches, Swindon was able to hold a number of our regular services in various online ways – prayer mee�ngs via Google hangout, Bible Studies via Zoom etc. But in addi�on to missing out on the Remembrance, there was a worry we would lose the valuable �me we enjoyed weekly, with regular visitors, at our Sunday morning outreach service. Blessed with rela�vely healthy numbers, and the God-given technical ability of some, the strategy was to try and embrace the available technology and provide as best we could for the varied family audience who usually a�ended - only online rather than in the Piggery! The result is our series of Sunday Virtual Services. Here’s how it works: every Monday, the SVS group meet via Zoom or Google Hangout to discuss the plan for the week, the song line-up, the produc�on schedule, and how the various sec�ons of our service will run together. Then, throughout the week, constant contact is maintained between this group, with the various praise band members each recording their different parts, while our Sunday School Leaders video their message for the children, and that week’s speaker gets used to delivering their message to a laptop or iPad, rather than the usual congrega�on. Then, through the wonder of technology and the impressive skills of a few, everything is s�tched together for a YouTube LiveStream, hi�ng the airwaves at 11:30am each Sunday. Extra photo montages, video features and PHSS singalongs are added to the regular content to keep it as engaging and as encouraging as we can. There has been the odd technical issue and a lot of learning of new skills and processes –which has been a struggle for a few of us! – but we’re so very thankful for the help from our Father above to con�nue our work and our weekly tes�mony, and we are all feeling the blessing of seeing and interac�ng with each other in this new and exci�ng way. We’re also so very grateful for the vision and know-how of James Willis and Chris Gault for being able to broadcast these services, not only to our usual numbers and our regular visitors, but to a wider audience too. We love seeing the viewing figures stretch in both numbers and reach, so if you’re not doing anything this Sunday at 11.30, be sure to join in! Maurice Fullarton; Andy Seddon

Reports of Western District (Nigeria), LTP 2020 On Saturday 14 March, leaders of the various Assemblies in the District gathered together at Falolu Hall, Surulere to brainstorm on the way forward for the District. The leadership considered major areas of Church growth, such as goal-se�ng, catching and cas�ng vision, and ac�on plan a�er goal se�ng, among others. In a�endance were 45 brethren, both young and old, comprising deacons and overseers. A series of presenta�ons were made with sessions to evaluate the District in the a�ainment of the District vision and mission. It was a great opportunity for brethren to discuss and find solu�ons to some of the challenges limi�ng the growth of the Assemblies in our District, which can also be shared by sister Districts. We thank God for His leading through the Holy Spirit. We therefore wish to appreciate the District Capacity Building Commi�ee (CBC) for packaging such a rich study. We appreciate all our facilitators who led us in the various sessions, and also all the par�cipants, from far and near, who have been richly blessed by the study. It was indeed a refreshing �me as everyone departed with the challenge to adopt what has been learnt. Sule Shobowale; Gbenga Fagbenle

At home with the Lord – Joseph Robert Butler, Halifax, England

On 10 April 2020, our beloved brother Bob Butler was called home to be with Christ, which is very far be�er. He passed away peacefully in Calderdale Royal Hospital, having sadly succumbed to COVID-19. Born in Birkenhead on 19 June 1933, Bob was saved as a young lad and was bap�sed and added to the Church of God in Liverpool in February 1945. Then, at the age of 16 years, he followed his aunt by moving to live in Halifax, being transferred to the Assembly here. On 25 June 1955, Bob married Jeannie Brown at Waterloo Hall and they went on to have four children: Robert, Helen, Jane and Jessica. Bob was recognised as an overseer in 1974. A keen Gospel worker, he was for many years involved in summer outreach efforts at galas and agricultural shows. His love of the Bible directed him to write about suffering, to share in the study of salva�on, and to teach about the coming again of the Lord. His fine tenor voice so ably led the singing and his interest in music drew him to write the hymn tune ‘Halifax’ (Gospel Songs 74). It is rightly said that Bob was a man of the word and a man of song. A graveside service was held on 22 April 2020 at King Cross Cemetery, but only close family were allowed to a�end due to present social isola�on instruc�ons. Robert Butler, turning thoughts to the beau�ful panorama, pointed out some places important to his dad in the landscape. He then remarked that before the graveyard existed the fields were the loca�on of windmills. Things change over �me, he said, as we all change throughout our lives; however, although we change, our God changes not. Rob then read 2 Cor. 4:15-18, a�er which Lynne (Rob’s wife) read the poem ‘Crossing the Bar’. The family wish to record their sincere apprecia�on for the many cards and messages bringing words of condolence, consola�on, and comfort. R. J. Butler, D. M.King

North West District Apprecia�on of Bob Butler

An overseer for nearly 50 years, Bob was loved by his fellow elders in the North West England District, and earned their respect by his quiet, diligent commitment to shepherding the flock under his care. His whole �me in oversight was spent in care of the small Church in Halifax. We missed him over recent years when ill-health prevented his a�endance at our District mee�ngs. Bob was a ‘hands-on’ leader - aptly demonstrated by his work for many years on the District Outreach Commi�ee, where not only did he assist in the planning and coordina�on of various annual events across the region but would always be present himself, engaged in front-line Gospel ac�vi�es. Bob’s passion for singing was matched by his excellent technical understanding of music which resulted in an infec�ous enthusiasm for genuine heart-felt praise. He was also a student of the word - although not o�en at the forefront of public ministry, his contribu�ons to District discussions on challenging doctrinal ma�ers was significant and always appreciated. Bob’s declining health in recent years has meant that the District has had to operate without his valuable input; nevertheless, he is a brother who made a significant impact over the years and will be truly missed. We pay tribute to the memory of our brother by borrowing Paul’s commenda�on of Tychicus, “a dear brother and faithful servant of the Lord” (Eph. 6:21). Steve Seddon

Wanted - Fresh Talent! - Could You Write A Gospel Leaflet? The Tract Commi�ee, (Jo Johnson, Gilbert Grierson and Pauline Renfrew) are on the lookout for new material! We invite you to consider wri�ng a short Gospel leaflet message. Alterna�vely, if you know of a brother or sister who has an interes�ng story to tell, please encourage them to put pen to paper - or you could record it on a mobile phone, then email the audio file to us for later transcrip�on into print. Hayes Press has a good collec�on of leaflets - however, some are more a�rac�ve to customers than others. We would like to broaden our collec�on of Gospel leaflets by addressing subjects such as: • Personal Tes�monies • Recent events • Contemporary issues • Subjects with a par�cular appeal to specific groups of people - e.g. young folk; older people; single women; the unemployed; someone who is bereaved, and so forth. • Topics or true stories which illustrate and lead into the Gospel message ONLINE OUTREACH In our digital age, we are not limited to print. In view of the current ‘social distancing’ environment, in fellowship with the Media Sub-Commi�ee of FOC, we are planning to create an online collec�on of tes�monies, ar�cles of interest and true stories which lead into a Gospel message. These would be available on the ‘Search for Truth’ website, to read and download. They could then be linked to and shared via email and social media post etc. BUT! In order to be truly representa�ve of all the Churches of God, we need a Fellowship-wide pool of writers. It would be a poor show if all the material was wri�en by the commi�ee! We urge you to prayerfully consider contribu�ng to this method of sharing ‘this treasure hidden in jars of clay’ that we have: ’the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.’ (2 Cor 4:6,7). The ideal length is between 300 and 350 words. We can stretch to an absolute maximum of 400 words, but beyond that print becomes too small to read on the size of leaflet we currently produce. (This would also apply to ar�cles wri�en for online consump�on, since the average online reader has a short concentra�on span.) Even if you don't feel your command of English is great, if you have the kernel of an interes�ng anecdote or Gospel illustra�on, please do send it in. Editors can either work with you to improve it, or with your permission develop the idea further. Send your ideas to the following email address:



At home with the Lord – Sarah Gardner, Hayes, England

It is with a heavy heart that we report the home call of our dear and muchloved sister Sarah Gardner (aged 38). A�er a two-year ba�le with cancer, which she fought with great tenacity and characteris�c strength, the Lord graciously took her to be with Himself on Wednesday 11 March 2020. Sarah was born on 4 January 1982 and grew up in Hayes just a 10-minute walk from the Church. She regularly a�ended the youth clubs in Hayes as well as the YC’s in the District. A Chinese takeaway eaten in the minibus a�er most YC’s became a tradi�on and created an atmosphere for spiritual discussions to take place at which Sarah was o�en the centre. Sarah loved South East Youth Camp where she made and kept many lifelong friends. Her love of music led her to learn guitar and she then went on to play regularly at Church and Camp. On all these occasions Sarah con�nually asked ques�ons about faith and discipleship, and we praise God that there were youth workers on hand to answer these ques�ons and help Sarah come to her acceptance of the Lord Jesus as her Saviour and then to become His disciple. Sarah was bap�sed and added to the Church in Hayes in June 2004; the hall was packed with friends from far and wide – such was her influence. It was no surprise to anyone that once she had a dry set of clothes on she took her place in the praise band! She was an integral member of the youth work in Hayes, her enthusiasm for young people leading to plenty of energe�c games, silly ac�vi�es and interes�ng talks. She had the ability to relate to young people and they loved her because of that. Her skills were widely used in the District YC’s as well as at South East Youth Camp where Sarah played a pivotal role in Girls’ Camp before more recently becoming Co-Camp Leader of the mixed week of Camp. There will be a Sarah-shaped hole in our youth work locally and in the District that will be incredibly hard to fill. Sarah loved coming to Church and o�en brought others to outreach events such as quiz nights, carol services and coffee mornings. She was well known and loved in the community, spending many years on the Hayes Fair organising commi�ee where she helped plan and run our local community fair for the benefit of everyone who lives in Hayes. Due to the restric�ons in place, Sarah’s funeral was a small, family affair held on Wednesday 8 April. A more fi�ng tribute and celebra�on of Sarah’s life will take place as soon as is able – please pray that this will be possible and that those who want to reflect on the life of our dear friend will have opportunity to do so. At the funeral, the Lord’s words were read from John 14:1-4 "Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know, and the way you know." We thank God for the life of Sarah and praise Him that she is now in her heavenly Father’s house – free from pain and suffering – worshipping Him in a greater way than she loved to do here on earth. We would especially ask for prayer for Sarah’s husband Ben, Sarah’s parents Sue and Glyn, all the countless people who were friends with Sarah and the Church in Hayes. Jon Stanley; Stephen Oxley Sarah's colleagues on SE Camp Council acknowledge everything that Sarah did to make our District Camp so memorable for everyone who a�ended. She was always brimming full of ideas and energy, a great organiser loved by campers. She mo�vated and enthused those she led and was respected by her council colleagues for wise, measured and sound advice. We will miss her; we will con�nue to be mo�vated by her example and will never forget that she changed lives. Richard Swi�, chair of South East District Camp Council

At home with the Lord – Ruth Ida Irvine, Melbourne, Australia

On 11 April, our beloved sister Ruth Ida Irvine passed into the presence of the Master. She was 83 years of age. Ruth (who was sister to George Kennedy, himself called home a few years ago) spent her early years in Sydney, where she was saved early in life and bap�sed shortly a�er. Ini�ally in the “Vernal mee�ng”, the family then aligned themselves with the Churches of God to which Ruth remained devoted for the rest of her days. However, sadness was to follow when, having married and with 5 children, she was then le� to bring up the family alone as a single parent. She moved to Melbourne in 1979, and despite many struggles taught her children the way of salva�on and the teaching of the Lord concerning discipleship. A further sorrow occurred in 2011 when her younger son, Warwick, died leaving a widow and 3 children. Despite many difficul�es, our sister was faithful to the Lord’s people and upheld the doctrine of the Lord in convic�on and ac�on. In later years Ruth’s health deteriorated due to demen�a and she moved to be near one of her daughters, Roslyn, in a nursing home in Adelaide. Amazingly (and surely it is the Lord who provides these blessings) during her last few months her neighbour at the nursing home realised that Ruth was a believer in the Lord, and they became friends. Her friend, Beth, would read the Scriptures to her and they would sing hymns together. At the funeral, with Covid-19 restric�ons in place, close family members (including a beau�ful video message from Beth in the Adelaide nursing home) paid tribute to her character and love. Roy Dickson spoke of her godly walk, love for the Scriptures and her faithfulness to the Lord and His House. Then at the graveside Roy affirmed the believer’s certainty of resurrec�on unto eternal life to all who believe in the Lord Jesus, quo�ng from John 11:25,26 and the bliss of the believer in Christ’s presence, (Psa. 17:17). Please remember in prayer for comfort her 4 surviving children, Narelle, Greg, Roslyn and Leonie, daughter in law Linda, 12 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. Ron Busby; Roy Dickson

At home with the Lord – Edwin Stanley, Aberkenfig, Wales As we write to make a record of our dear brother Edwin’s home call, we acknowledge the good hand of our God overruling in such ma�ers. With his illness, Edwin’s quality of life was deteriora�ng quickly, and to con�nue to live at home was seen as very ques�onable. With very li�le outside world contact, Edwin contracted Covid-19 and it was evident that the only recovery we were asking the Lord for, as an alterna�ve to being taken home, was recovery from all illness. For some years, Edwin had expressed a view that the coming again of the Lord would be on Easter Lord’s Day. He was taken into hospital on the Wednesday night before and had deteriorated such that even ge�ng beyond Friday looked unlikely. However, our God always is at work, and wonderfully Edwin was taken into the arms of his Lord about the same �me on the Sunday that he would have le� the house to go to the Remembrance. God honoured that belief of our brother in a remarkable manner. Edwin’s early days were not easy ones. His father passed away 18 months a�er his birth, and before his sister was even born. Then at the age of 8, he was diagnosed with Perthes disease (a rare childhood condi�on affec�ng the hip), which resulted in 4 years hospitalisa�on, suffering various complica�ons. Travel for his mother to the remote hospital to visit was not easy. However, that �me was spent building his rela�onship with his God and, at the age of 13, he was bap�sed at the same �me as his sister Ruth and

added to Penygraig Assembly. He and Margaret were married in 1972, with James, Mark and Jon being born in 1974, 1975 and 1979. It was in 1975 that he first approached South Wales oversight expressing his desire to respond to a call from the Lord to full �me service. It was perceived to be not feasible given the small size of Penygraig Assembly, but when that closed in 1994 a�er years of faithfully keeping the Assembly running, the call to Edwin was answered with acceptance to the work he had never lost the desire for. The Lord gave Edwin Deut. 1:6 to show him it was �me to close the Assembly and move forward. One of Edwin’s great loves was working at Camp, and he spent a number of years leading the South Wales Girls Week and then taking on the role of spiritual leadership when the two weeks merged into a mixed week. It was notable, as the post of Edwin’s passing went out on social media, the number of ex-campers who expressed their sadness with heart-felt warmth. His health had not been good in recent years, with angina and then a more serious heart condi�on which curtailed his service. Over the last three years, despite the removal of a kidney with cancer on the adrenal gland, it spread to other parts of his body. He had rarely missed any Assembly �mes together un�l the la�er months though, and always expressed a strong trust that what God willed for him he would be content with. In God’s goodness He provided a very comfortable new home for them, which at one �me had not seemed possible. The Assembly will miss his contribu�ons greatly and his love for all, along with a good sense of humour. He loved singing and his extensive knowledge of the word of God was always a help in any gathering. He prepared fully for all Assembly mee�ngs, and kept the monthly ‘Coffee Corner’ group together over many years. Surely his offerings were like those of Abel (Heb. 11:4). His contribu�on in local oversight mee�ngs was always thought through and provoked others to think carefully. He sent his Valley Elder le�er out faithfully every month to a wide range of people. Please pray for Margaret and the family too, including the six grandchildren. Margaret is strengthened by the Easter Day experience and also by the Lord’s protec�on for her, given the proximity to Edwin a�er he picked up the virus himself. She expresses her thanks to all who have been in contact through a variety of ways, and feels upli�ed by the everlas�ng arms of God underneath her (Deut. 33:27). Pray also for Edwin’s sister, Ruth Collington, and her family in Scotland. The funeral a�endance was restricted to 9 people, with Mark not a�ending due to living in a locked down French city. Neither could Ruth a�end. The in�macy though allowed a word from the Lord to be given to each close member of the family present. A memorial service is to be arranged when restric�ons permit. Tony Jones; Steve Peers

South Wales District Apprecia�on of Edwin Stanley The South Wales District would like to place on record our apprecia�on of brother Edwin Stanley. Even though he had been ill for some years his home call, following a posi�ve Covid-19 test, was s�ll a shock to all. However, we were encouraged that to the end of his life his strong faith and certain hope in God never wavered. Edwin spent his en�re life in South Wales, mostly in Penygraig Assembly un�l it sadly closed, and then in Aberkenfig Assembly. His spiritual maturity and gi� were recognised at a young age and in February 1979, at the age of 31, he was recognised as an Overseer. He was faithful in fulfilling his oversight responsibili�es for the next 40 years un�l the Lord graciously took him home. Over these years the District benefited from his rich ministry. Like many others we looked forward to the monthly le�er from a beloved ‘Valley Elder’. These le�ers were short and succinct, packed full of truth and meaning, clear evidence of the �me that he spent studying the Bible. The word of God was everything to him and he devoted his life to reading it, studying it, medita�ng on it and speaking about it. He diligently protected it, always being careful to defend the truth. Jeff Butler; David Palmer

Notice Board We are aware that due to COVID-19, events are cancelled, however some may happen via online methods. June

Staying at Home and Staying Connected in the North West of England Government-mandated social distancing means we, like most Fellowship Districts, have adopted some new ways of enabling the Churches to remain connected. Zoom video conferencing sessions are held each week in Leigh, Liverpool, Manchester and Wigan. These allow for Bible teaching, reflec�on & discussion, �mes of prayer and some hymn singing (with a leader of song leading the gathered group – who sing along at home while on mute!). It’s been a joy to be able to include many brothers and sisters who, for various reasons, can’t physically a�end regular Church mee�ngs. Wigan has invited Ministering Brothers to give Bible teaching each Thursday. The �ming of this allows others across the District to connect too (and doesn’t impinge on the ‘Clap for Carers’). The weekly encouragement videos, being circulated across the Fellowship, are watched by Manchester saints each week via video-conference, allowing for reflec�on & discussion a�erwards. Using the same technology, a weekly Youth Bible Study draws in young people from the North West, the Midlands, South East and North East regions. These are guided studies centred in the book of Acts. The Fellowship Day of Prayer & Week of Prayer saw some large video-conference groups get together for sharing in the word and prayer. District overseers have also been able to meet for a very valuable session for Bible study, prayer and discussion about pastoral concerns. A ‘Li�le Fishes Live Singalong’ is broadcast each Tuesday via Facebook, connec�ng with Manchester’s parent & toddler group. The reach of this is much wider though; we have some from North America tuning in, or catching up later (some weeks there are nearly 400 views of the singalong). It’s great to have interac�ve comments from viewers, and ongoing conversa�ons with our contacts. Brothers with involvement in Myanmar and Belgium have also been guiding video-conferences (using Zoom & Skype) for live-interpreta�on ministry, discussion and prayer. Steve Seddon; David Woods

Editors: Steve Peers & Guy Elliott 40 The Spinney, Brackla, Bridgend, CF31 2JE Email:

06 Midlands District Overseers’ Mee�ng (Leicester) 06 North West District YPM 06 South Wales District Oversight 07 Midlands District Church in the Park (Birmingham) 09 South Wales District DySGu 10 Deadline for July Intelligence 13 North American District CULTIV8 (Mount Forest Camp) 14 Midlands District Church in the Park (Birmingham) 20 North West District SOH 20 South East District Event (Crowborough) 20 South Wales District DySGu Social Event 21 Midlands District Church in the Park (Birmingham) 22 Northern Ireland District Camp Prayer Mee�ng 27 South East District Overseers’ Mee�ng (op�onal) 28 Midlands District Church in the Park (Birmingham) KEY: DySGu - District Study Group, S. Wales SOH - Sisters’ Open House MFC - Mount Forest Camp YC - Young Chris�ans YPM - Young Peoples’ Mee�ng TTT - Ten to Thirteen

Text for the Month For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Ma�hew 20:28 (NLT)

Published by Hayes Press The Barn Flaxlands, Royal Wootton Bassett Wiltshire SN4 8DY Tel. 01793 850 598

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